THE INFLUENCE OF IRRELEVANT INFORMATION ON PRICE JUDGMENT Penka Hristova ( Georgi Petkov ( Boicho Kokinov ( 1 Central and East European Center for Cognitive Science, Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology, New Bulgarian University, 21 Montevideo Street, Sofia 1635, Bulgaria 2 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, bl.8, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria ABSTRACT The paper presents an experiment that tests the influence of irrelevant to the task color of rents on price judgments. The rents were presented with green or red digits that stand for the price of equal in size apartments. Participants randomly judged the expensiveness of each rent that appeared on the screen. 3 possible hypotheses for explaining contextual effect of the irrelevant to the task dimension were discussed with respect to this experiment. It was argued that spreading activation (Kokinov et al., 2004, Petkov, 2005a, 2005b) is more appropriate mechanism for describing the reported results than the low-level perceptual “recalibration” (Marks, 1988, 1992, 1994, Marks and Warner, 1991, Arieh and Marks, 2002) or perceptual learning mechanisms (Goldstone, 1995,1998). INTRODUCTION Suppose that you have to rent an apartment. You have a list of offers for apartments and you have to decide, which one you would like to have. The decision seems to be not very difficult since the offers are presented just by the price of the apartments with equal size. Do you believe that the color of the prices in the list may matter? This was exactly the situation represented in the study. The main goal of the research was to explore the possibility for influence of the irrelevant information, like the color of the rents, on price judgments. Although irrelevant information could be considered as a context for judgment there is little work on whether and how it may influences human judgments. Moreover, the influence of the irrelevant to the task dimension was demonstrated mainly on judgments of simple stimuli, e.g. loudness of sounds (Marks, 1988), length of vertical and horizontal lines (Potts, 1991, Arieh and Marks, 2002), taste (Rankin and Marks, 1991, 1992), haptic touch (Marks and Armstrong, 1996), olfaction (Rankin and Marks, 2000), color of five-sided polygons and two-line branches (Goldstone, 1995) and line length (Kokinov, Hristova, Petkov, 2004). Usually the effect of the irrelevant stimulus dimension is connected to perception. For example, Arieh and Marks (2002) argued that irrelevant stimulus dimension “induce perceptual systems to recalibrate their relative suprathreshold responsiveness”. They demonstrated that visual length perception appeared to be specific to the eye and to the retinal region in which the context was induced. Thus, according to Arieh and Marks (2002) this confirm the hypothesis for early local changes in sensitivity due to the information conveyed by the irrelevant to the task stimulus dimension. Goldstone (1995,1998), also assumes that irrelevant information influences judgment process relatively early on information processing and discuses the possibility for this effect to be a form of perceptual learning phenomena. In general, this studies doubt the idea for evidences of high-level information processing sensitive to the context of irrelevant stimulus dimension, since they propose relatively low-level mechanisms like “perceptual recalibration” (Arieh and Marks, 2002) and perceptual learning (Goldstone, 1995, 1998). Moreover, it seems difficult, if possible, to account for the influence of irrelevant to the task dimension on judgment of complex stimuli by referring to the low-level mechanisms described above. It is possible, indeed probable, that context influences judgment on different levels of information processing. It could also be that contextually sensitive processes are run in parallel resulting in a particular shift in human judgments. This additionally impedes development of detailed and elaborate description of the judgment process. In addition, both contrast and assimilation effects were demonstrated due to the irrelevant to the task dimension. Marks and colleges (Marks, 1988, 1992, 1994, Marks and Warner, 1991, Arieh and Marks, 2002) reported always contrast effect from context induces by the irrelevant dimension, while Goldstone (1995) shown both assimilation and contrast effect with similar experimental design. Thus, it could be assumed that the influence of the irrelevant dimension is still quite controversial issue in the field of judgment. It seems that, irrelevant stimulus dimension influences judgment by different mechanisms but it is still quite doubtful whether this effect could be demonstrated with more complex stimuli, like the ones people usually judge in their everyday life. Unlike, the rest views on how irrelevant information may affect judgment; JUDGEMAP (judgment as mapping) proposes detailed mechanisms that may underlie judgment of both simple and complex stimuli (Kokinov et al, 2004, Petkov, 2005). JUDGEMAP is a computational model based on cognitive architecture DUAL (Kokinov, 1994b, 1994c). It uses mechanisms basic for analogymaking, like mapping and memory retrieval in modeling of contextual sensitive judgment. In this respect, JUDGEMAP is integrated with the AMBR model (Kokinov, 1994a, Kokinov and Petrov, 2001), which is based on the same cognitive architecture (i.e., DUAL). The main assumptions behind JUDGEMAP Model are that: 1) analogy-making is fundamental human capability and thus may be considered as a basic mechanism that underlie different cognitive phenomena, like reasoning, decision making, perception etc. and 2) the same processes may account for judgment of both simple and complex stimuli. The most important aspect of JUDGEMAP Model with respect to the current discussion is that the effect of irrelevant dimension actually is among the model’s predictions. JUDGEMAP states that judgment of any particular stimulus is made within a set of other stimuli that comprise the most recently judged ones, the most familiar exemplars of the target category and the most similar to both stimulus relevant and irrelevant to the task dimension(s). The mechanism underlying this process is the spreading activation mechanism. JUDGEMAP MODEL JUDGEMAP is a model for judgment, implemented on a computer program. It is based on the cognitive architecture DUAL (Kokinov, 1994b,c) and the AMBR model for analogy – making (Kokinov, 1998, Kokinov & Petrov, 2001). JUDGEMAP treats the judgment process as a process of mapping between two sets: on one hand the set of the target stimulus together with some memory traces, and on the other hand the set of available scale labels. The main assumptions behind the model are that human memory is associative and constructive, that the analogy – making is not a separate human ability but is in the core of the cognition, and that context is not just a source of a noise but is essential necessity for flexible and effective calculations. Associative memories work flexible and fast in a natural environment (Anderson, 2003). When a system, based on associative memory works on a certain item, it keeps the close associations of this item more active, e.g. ready for use, because it probably would face them soon. For example, if one sees a building, it is useful to keep ready in the memory concepts like buildings, windows, walls, etc. The buildings are usually concentrated closely to each other. Thus, the associative memories reflect the regularities in the distribution of the things in the world, or build these regularities in our mind. JUDGEMAP shares the assumption that analogy making (more precisely the ability to map consistent structures) is not an isolated human faculty but rather a fundamental cognition capability (Hofstater, 2001). Analogy making is one of the manifestations of the human ability to integrate the new information with the old one, manipulating and adjusting both of them until they fit consistently. In addition, JUDGEMAP treats context as a necessary condition for flexible and effective cognition. In order for one system to be flexible, the set of all possible alternatives should be as large, as possible. In order to be effective, the set of the actually considered alternatives should be quite small. The context determines the relevant paths for searching and solves this obvious contradiction. JUDGEMAP consists of huge number DUAL–agents. Each DUALagent has connectionists and symbolic part. From the connectionists point of view the system works like a neural network. Each agent receives activation, computes its current activation level and sends activation to its neighbors via associative links. It is also a decay that causes the activation level to decrease if there is not enough input. However, the activation level of the agents represents their relevance, not their meaning. The sources of activation in JUDGEMAP2 are two special nodes – INPUT and GOAL, representing respectively the perceptions and the goals of the system. The stimulus to be judged, together with the scale and possibly contextual elements are attached to INPUT node, whereas the relations, responsible for the target – the knowledge that stimuli with larger magnitude correspond to higher ratings – to the GOAL node. Thus, the pattern of activation represents the context and continuously changes in response to the tasks of the system and to the environment. The agents also have a symbolic part – each agent ‘stands’ for something – object, property, relation, hypothesis, etc. It also can perform very simple symbolic operations – can send or receive short messages to its neighbors, to modify its framework or to create new agents. The symbolic and the connectionist parts, however, interact in a very important way. The symbolic operations have a ‘price’, which is paid with activation. Consequently, the most active agents work faster; the less active ones work slower; and the inactive ones do not work at all. In the opposite, depending of the symbolic operations, new agents born and this changes the overall pattern of the activation too. The comparison set is formed due to the spreading activation. In the WM enter other similar stimuli; relevant concepts, together with their prototypes (if such exist); both relevant to the task and irrelevant features of the stimuli. Recently judged stimuli also stay in the WM. The activation spread through concepts that are more general and back to their specific exemplars. However, there are only a few links from the concepts to their instances. The links to the recently used ones are created when the instances enter in the WM and their weights slowly decrease. The other mechanisms, however, do not wait until the comparison set is formed. DUAL architecture assumes that cognition is continuous process. It is possible to work on several tasks simultaneously without any specified order. The same principles are used for the perceptions – each element can be attached to INPUT in any moment and can stay there unspecified time. Comparison-relations represent classes of specific type of relations that have two arguments and express some comparison between these arguments. Examples of comparison-relations are concepts like longer, cheaper, better, etc. They are equipped with a special routine that allows them to recognize manifestations of the relation for which they are responsible among the relevant items. For example, the comparison relation ‘cheaper’ can compare the magnitudes of two relevant prices and to create a new agent – for example ‘appartment-10-ischeaper-than- appartment-35’. The new agents are incorporated in the main network and have full rights with the other agents (the only exception is that they die when depart from WM). Thus, JUDGEMAP constructs temporal relations that represent addhoc, contextual dependent knowledge on the spot. Some other theories (Mussweiler, 2003; Manis & Paskewitz, 1984; Manis, Nelson, Shedler, 1988) assume that local comparisons between the target stimulus and memory traces are in the core of the judgment process. JUDGEMAP, however, proposes one special innovation. Having only comparisons in pairs, the model would be not theoretically able to order the stimuli on a scale that is more precise than an ordinal one. In order to combine the principle for local computations with a capability to use the properties of the interval scales, JUDGEMAP can compare comparisons. More precisely, some comparison relations can compare two relevant comparisons and to create a new instance that represent the knowledge of the type “the difference between the prices a and b is higher then the difference between the prices c and d”. Correspondence–relations represent specific tasks. They can be temporary agents that do not participate in the Long-Term Memory. When the model works on a certain judgment task, the knowledge that is explicit in the instruction, or is implicitly assumed by people, has to be represented somehow. For example, if the task is to judge lengths of lines, one correspondence relation represents the knowledge “longer lines has to correspond to higher ratings”. The correspondence relations trigger the mechanisms for the construction of hypotheses about correspondences. If the task is to judge how expensive are some rent prices on a numerical scale, such correspondrelation agent represents the information that more expensive rent have to be judged with higher ratings. Now suppose that this agent know that ‘price-1’ was judged with ‘rating-3’ and that ‘price-2’ is more expensive than ‘price-1’. This information makes a pressure ‘price-2’ to be judged with a higher rating. In such a case the correspond-relation agent chooses the most active one from the available ratings (for example ‘rating-4’) and creates a hypothesis that ‘price-2’ correspond to ‘rating-3’ (Fig1). receives activation from the two elements that connect, and from its justifications, i.e. the reason to be created. Some of these hypotheses duplicate each other and in this case, they combine their justifications; the controversial ones create inhibitory links between them. In this way, in parallel with the other processes, a constrain satisfaction network is formed. It is interconnected with the main one and their members participate in the global activation spreading process. The system gives response when a certain hypothesis about the target wins its competitors. Then it receives the next stimulus without any reloads and continues with its judgment. PREDICTION OF JUDGEMAP MODEL The model predicts that because of the spreading activation mechanism the irrelevant to the task stimulus price—Grade (correspond-relation) Grade-1 Grade-2 rent-1 ~ cheaper rent-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Fig.1. The work of the correspond-relations. Correspond-relations combine information from the active stimuli, ratings, and comparisons and create new hypotheses for correspondences (in gray). The speed of the creation of hypotheses depends on the activation levels, and only a few of them are created during the time before the response. For different reasons and in different moments, number of new hypotheses for correspondence between the target stimulus and the ratings emerge. Each hypothesis dimension may matter. Suppose we have multidimensional objects to be rated on a one-dimensional scale, e.g., “Rate on a 7-point-scale how appropriate this dress is for an official dinner”. The model would predict that similar dresses will be retrieved from memory and form the comparison set. These dresses may be similar on dimensions that are not important for the current judgment, but the very fact of similarity may bring them into WM and make them to participate in the comparison set. Let now take an extreme example. Suppose that we have to rate “how tall this person is”. Again, other persons that are similar to that one will tend to form the comparison set. This means that if the person is a lady, predominantly images of other ladies will be retrieved and thus the “tallness” of ladies will be computed based on a different set than for men. This sounds very intuitive. It has, however, further implications: if the lady is blond, predominantly blond ladies will be retrieved, if the person is a teacher, predominantly teachers will be retrieved, etc. Therefore, even irrelevant to the judgment features may take part and influence the final result based on their contribution to the content of WM. This prediction was tested in a number of experiments with simple stimuli, i.e., lines that differ in color (Kokinov et al, 2004, Hristova, 2005a, 2005b). The task was to judge the length of the lines, but the lines formed positively and negatively skewed distributions with respect to their irrelevant to the task color. The two sets of lines with different color were mixed and randomly presented for judgment to the participants. Judged rated the positively skewed lines higher than the negatively skewed ones although their equal length. These results were considered to be in favor of the JUDGEMAP Model confirming the model’s prediction about the influence of the irrelevant stimulus dimension. It could be however that the effect of the irrelevant dimension was a result from another mechanism not necessarily of the spreading activation mechanism. For example, it could be argued that the effect of overestimating of the positively skewed line with respect to their color and underestimated of the negatively skewed ones was a result from “recalibration of the perceptual system, like Marks and colleges claim (Marks, 1988, 1992, 1994, Marks and Warner, 1991, Arieh and Marks, 2002). In order to test this controversial issue and also the JUDGEMAP’s assumption that the same mechanisms underlie judgment independently of stimulus complexity was designed and conducted the following experiment. PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPERIMENT Participants were asked to rate the expensiveness of several rents for apartments with equal size. Their judgments were based on the prices in euro presented on a computer screen. The prices however differ in color, i.e., by analogy with the green and the red lines in the previous experiment (Kokinov et al, 2004, Hristova, 2005a, 2005b), part of the prices were green others-red. Since, it seems almost impossible to be argued for any “recalibration” of the “relative suprathreshold responsiveness” in judgment of prices (digits on the screen) this experiment was considered to be able to confirm JUDGEMAP’s prediction. The spreading activation mechanism may better describe the effect of the irrelevant information with such complex stimuli than the “early local changes in receptive sensitivity” proposed by Marks and colleges (Marks, 1988, 1992, 1994, Marks and Warner, 1991, Arieh and Marks, 2002). The expectations were that the same prices would be judged differently depending on their color: 1) relatively small positively skewed prices (lines with color P) would receive higher ratings then relatively short negatively skewed prices (prices with color N) and 2) this difference in judgment of the same prices would be higher for middle range prices. These expectations were based on the RangeFrequency Theory (Parducci, 1965, 1974, Parducci and Weddel, 1986), which describes judgment as a process that depends on the stimulus range (R) and frequency of stimulus distribution (Fr). R and Fr principles, however, were coded through the irrelevant to the task dimension, i.e. the color of the prices. Hence, the influence of both principles would be possible only if participants consider stimulus color in price judgments. The impact of the irrelevant dimension was measured on the eight common prices (from 140euro to 175 euro) , which belong to the range of both positively and negatively skewed lines. The middle range prices were expected to be more sensitive to the experimental manipulation than the rest common prices, because of the Fr principle. It states that shift in judgments due to the skew of the stimulus distribution is greater for the middle stimuli than for the end ones. METHOD Design The within-subjects factors color of the prices was varied on two levels: red and green. The group was a between subjects factor – the color of positively and negatively skewed stimuli depend on group. In first groups “green” prices were relatively small and positively skewed, while “red” prices were relatively high and negatively skewed. In second group, on the contrary, the “green” prices were relatively high negatively skewed ones; the “red” prices were relatively small positively skewed ones. The dependent variable was the mean rating of the eight overlapping prices for each color. Stimuli A set of 14 prices was designed. The smallest one was 125 euro, the highest one – 190 euro, and the increment was 5 euro. The prices were presented with uneven frequency depending on the digit’s color. The frequency of the stimulus distribution depending on stimulus color is presented in Table 1. Color P stands for the color of positively skewed and relatively small prices (i.e., “green” prices at group 1 and “red” prices at group 2), color N – for the color of the relatively high and negatively skewed prices (“red” prices at group 1 and “green” prices at group 2). Table 1. Frequency distribution and color of the prices used in the experiment. Price Prices prices prices category with with color P color N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 8 8 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 - 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 Procedure Stimuli were randomly presented for judgment one by one at the center of the computer screen on a gray background. Each price stays on a screen until the participant did not judge it on a 7-point scale. Then the experimenter registers respondents’ rating and changes the slide manually. The experiment was conducted in a sound attenuated room and lasts 15 minutes. Participants were asked to rate the expensiveness of each rent price presented on the screen on a 7-point scale: where, 1 –“ it is not expensive at all” and 7- “ it is very expensive”. ones from the second group) was recoded as color N. As in the previous experiment on length judgment with similar design (Hristova, 2005a) the effect of color on the eight overlapping prices was not significant tested with the repeated measurement analysis (F (1,22) = 0.045, p=0.835). The effect of color on the middle range prices was measured on the 4 middle prices, i.e., prices from 150 euro to 165 euro. The difference in the mean ratings of the middle range prices depending on their color was 0.09 (Table 2). Participants 27 (19 female and 8 male) participants took part in the experiment for payment (1lv.). The age of he participants varied from 20 to 50 years. 15 participants took part at group 1 and 12 at group 2. Data of 4 participants were thrown out from the data file because of low correlation between judgment and price. The data of the rest 23 participants (16 female and 7 male) were analyzed. 13 of them participated at group 1 and 10 – at group 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The data was averaged by the 8 overlapping prices (i.e., from 140 euro to 175 euro). Repeated Measurement ANOVA show a non-significant influence of the between-subject factor group: F (1, 22) = 0.489, p= 0.492. The original (red or green) color of the lines was recoded in color P and color N depending on the stimulus skew. The color of the positively skewed stimuli (the red color of the stimuli from the first group and the green ones from the second group) was recoded into color P. The color of the negatively skewed set of lines (the green color of the stimuli from the first group and the red Table 2. Mean ratings and Standard Error for each color Mean Standard rating Error Color P 5.05 0.184 Color N 4.96 0.187 This difference turns to be significant tested with the Repeated Measurement statistics: F (1, 22) = 5.175, p=0.035. As was expected, positively skewed middle range rents were rated higher than negatively skewed middle range rents although their equal price (Fig.2). 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 150 Euro 155 160 Euro Euro 165 Euro PRICE Fig.2 Mean ratings of middle range prices depending on its color Thus, the results could be considered as confirming the influence of the irrelevant dimension. Moreover, this result is comparable to the results reported in experiments with line length (Kokinov et al., 2004, Hristova, 2005a, 2005b), where the effect of the irrelevant to the task color of the lines was significant only for the middle length lines, but not for all line lengths. In this respect, the reported experiment once again confirms the stability of the effect of the irrelevant information and in the same time test it with complex stimuli. CONCLUSION The paper presents a model of judgment and an empirical test of the models prediction. The results of the experiment confirm JUDGEMAP’s prediction that irrelevant information influences judgment. Moreover, this prediction was tested with more or less complex stimuli, which judgments require involvement of additional mechanisms than the low-level perceptual recalibration (Marks, 1988, 1992, 1994, Marks and Warner, 1991, Arieh and Marks, 2002). It seems that the spreading activation mechanism proposed by JUDGEMAP Model better account for the presented experimental results. JUDGEMAP proposes mechanisms that may account for contextually sensitive judgment of both simple and complex stimuli. Moreover, unlike perceptual learning mechanisms (Goldstone, 1995, 1998) that also are argued to be able to account for contextual effects in judgment of complex stimuli, JUDGEMAP proposes mechanisms that are detailed enough to be tested experimentally. 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