437 IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO CATEGORY NUMBER OF BODIES A. Departmental Bodies 8 A1. Department of State 1 A2. Functions with Distinct Branding 0 A3. Ministerial Councils 1 A4. Joint Commonwealth-State Bodies 1 A5. International Bodies 0 A6. Advisory Bodies 5 B. Departmental Bodies Recognised in Legislation 1 B1. Statutory Authorities, Statutory Committees and Royal Commissions 1 B2. Statutory Office Holders 0 B3. Business Operations 0 C. Prescribed Agencies under the FMA Act 1 D. Commonwealth Authorities under the CAC Act 0 E. Statutory Corporations (that are neither Commonwealth Authorities nor encompassed in an FMA Act Agency) 0 F. Commonwealth Companies under the CAC Act 0 F1. Limited by Guarantee 0 F2. Limited by Shares 0 G. Other Companies 1 G1. Limited by Guarantee 1 G2. Limited by Shares 0 H. Other Entities 0 H1. Partnerships and Joint Ventures 0 H2. Incorporated Associations 0 H3. Trusts 0 TOTAL 11 List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO 438 A. A. DEPARTMENTAL BODIES A1. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the Department) Creation Date: 27 January 2006 Established By/Under: Australian Constitution, also Administrative Arrangements Order Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 63 of the Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act) GFS Classification: GGS Materiality: Material ABN: 33 380 054 835 Web Site: www.immi.gov.au Departments of State are recognised under section 64 of the Constitution, the Administrative Arrangements Order, the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and the PS Act. The Department develops policy and administers programs for the purpose of managing the entry and settlement of people into Australia. List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO 439 A. DEPARTMENTAL BODIES A3. MINISTERIAL COUNCILS Ministerial Council on Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Creation Date: August 1946 Constituted By: Minister for Immigration and Citizenship and State and Territory Ministers with direct responsibility for immigration and multicultural and ethnic affairs. Annual Report Tabled: No Web Site: No current web site available The Council is chaired by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship and meets annually to consider and resolve issues of mutual concern. List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO 440 A. DEPARTMENTAL BODIES A4. JOINT COMMONWEALTH-STATE BODIES Standing Committee on Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Creation Date: August 1946 Constituted By: Secretary of the Department and Heads of State and Territory agencies with portfolio responsibility for immigration and multicultural/ethnic affairs. Annual Report Tabled: No Web Site: No current web site available The Committee convenes to discuss and coordinate policy on matters relating to immigration, settlement, citizenship and multicultural affairs. The Committee also provides advice to the Ministerial Council on Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO 441 A. DEPARTMENTAL BODIES A6. ADVISORY BODIES Australian Multicultural Advisory Council Creation Date: 17 December 2008 Constituted By: 16 members Appointed By: Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Annual Report Tabled: No Web Site: www.immi.gov.au/about/stakeholder-engagement The Council advises the Minister and the Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services on social cohesion issues relating to Australia's cultural and religious diversity. Detention Health Advisory Group Creation Date: 27 March 2006 Constituted By: Chair and 10 members. Commonwealth Ombudsman is an observer. Appointed By: Secretary of the Department Annual Report Tabled: No Web Site: www.immi.gov.au/about/stakeholder-engagement The Group was established in response to recommendations detailed in the Report of the Palmer Inquiry into the Cornelia Rau Matter. The Group meets four times a year to advise the Department on the design, implementation and monitoring of improvements in detention health care policy and procedures. Council for Immigration Services and Status Resolution Creation Date: September 2009 Constituted By: 10 advisory group members Appointed By: Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Annual Report Tabled: No Web Site: www.immi.gov.au/managing-australias-borders The Council advises the Minister on the development of policies, processes, services and programs necessary to achieve the timely, fair and effective resolution of immigration status for people seeking asylum or other migration outcomes in Australia. List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO 442 A. DEPARTMENTAL BODIES Refugee Resettlement Advisory Council Creation Date: April 1997 Constituted By: 10 members Appointed By: Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (appointments approved by Cabinet) Annual Report Tabled: No Web Site: www.immi.gov.au/about/stakeholder-engagement The Council advises the Minister on matters relating to the settlement of entrants into the Humanitarian Program. Skilled Migration Consultative Panel Creation Date: 8 July 2008 Constituted By: 4 State governments (NSW, Qld, Vic, WA), 4 industry groups (Australian Industry Group, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Minerals Council of Australia, Business Council of Australia), and 4 representatives from the Australian Council of Trade Unions. Appointed By: Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Annual Report Tabled: No Web Site: www.immi.gov.au/about/plans/regulatory The Panel acts as a consultative body for the Skilled Migration Interdepartmental Committee. The Panel convenes as required to consider and advise the Australian Government on skilled migration matters referred to it by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO 443 B. B. DEPARTMENTAL BODIES RECOGNISED IN LEGISLATION B1. STATUTORY AUTHORITIES, STATUTORY COMMITTEES AND ROYAL COMMISSIONS Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) Creation Date: 23 March 1998 Established By/Under: Migration Act 1958, section 275 Constituted By: Chief Executive Officer of the MARA and an advisory board Appointed By: Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, who has delegated his powers to the Office of the MARA within the Department. Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 322 of the Migration Act 1958 ABN: 33 380 054 835 (the Department) Web Site: www.themara.com.au The MARA regulates the migration advice profession and protects its consumers. Since 1 July 2009, the MARA operates through the Office of the MARA, within the Department, following a decision by the Minister to revoke previous arrangements under the Act. From 23 March 1998 until 30 June 2009, the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) was appointed as the MARA, by legislative instrument under section 315 of the Act. The MIA is the peak professional association of migration agents in Australia. On 1 July 2009, the Minister revoked the appointment of the MIA. The Minister has delegated the powers of the MARA, under section 320 of the Act, to the Office of the MARA, a discrete office within the Department. The Office of the MARA is assisted by an advisory board, comprising representatives of the MIA, the Law Council of Australia, universities, the not-for-profit immigration assistance sector, consumer and community advocates, the Department and the Chief Executive Officer of the Office of the MARA. The Chair of the board is independent of the Department and the migration advice profession and reports directly to the Minister. List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO 444 C. C. PRESCRIBED AGENCIES UNDER THE FMA ACT Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal (MRT-RRT) Creation Date: Prescribed on 1 July 2006 as a single agency for the purposes of Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 (FMA Act). Established By/Under: Migration Act 1958, section 394 Constituted By: 95 members comprising 1 principal member, an MRT and an RRT deputy principal member, 5 senior members, 24 full-time members and 65 part-time members Appointed By: Governor-General Annual Report Tabled: Yes, an annual report is prepared in accordance with the Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies approved by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. GFS Classification: GGS Materiality: Small ABN: 50 760 799 564 Web Site: www.mrt-rrt.gov.au The Migration Review Tribunal (the MRT) and the Refugee Review Tribunal (the RRT) provide an independent and final merits review of decisions made in relation to visas to travel to, enter or stay in Australia. The MRT reviews decisions made in respect of general visas (e.g. visitor, student, partner, family, business, and skilled visas) and the RRT deals with decisions made in respect of protection (refugee) visas. The MRT and the RRT are separate agencies for the purposes of the Act, but a single agency for the purposes of the FMA Act and the Public Service Act 1999. List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP PORTFOLIO 445 G. G. OTHER COMPANIES G1. COMPANIES LIMITED BY GUARANTEE National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI) Creation Date: 3 October 1984 Governed By: 5 directors Appointed By: The members of the company nominate the directors, who are then formally appointed by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. Annual Report Tabled: No Auditor: Hardwicke’s Chartered Accountants ABN: 42 008 596 996 ACN: 008 596 996 Web Site: www.naati.com.au NAATI is a national standards body jointly owned by Commonwealth, State and Territory governments. It is also an advisory body for the Translation and Interpreting industry, providing advice and consultancy services on industry standards, accreditation, the role and conduct of translators. The company has 9 members, comprising Commonwealth, State and Territory ministers responsible for multicultural and ethnic affairs. List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009