TAQMAN ASSAY A.0779 1 - DNA PLATES PREPARATION : Dispense 10 ng DNA per well, in Taqman PCR plate (DRIED DNA) The reaction can either be done in 96 wells-plate or in 384 wells-plate format. Positive controls of known genotype (if available) as well as NTCs (no template controls) are added on plates along with the samples. 2 - PROBES and PRIMERS PREPARATION : Primers and Probes mother solutions must be kept frozen at -20°C 2.1 - Probes : Probes must be at 100µM. NB : Keep all probes in the dark. Quenchers are TET and FAM. 2.2 - Primers : Primers must be at 100µM 3 - PCR1 MIX : 3.1 - 96 wells-plate : Buffer (10X) dNTPS (2mM each) MgCl2 (50mM) Forward Primer (100M) Reverse Primer (100M) H2O Taq Platinum (5U/µL) Dried DNA (10ng) FINAL VOLUME 3.2 - 384 wells-plate : 80 80 32 3.2 3.2 593.6 8 µL µL µL µL µL µL µL Buffer (10X) dNTPS (2mM each) MgCl2 (50mM) Forward Primer (100M) Reverse Primer (100M) H2O Taq Platinum (5U/µL) Dried DNA (10ng) 8 µL FINAL VOLUME 200 200 80 8 8 1484 20 µL µL µL µL µL µL µL 5 µL 4 - THERMOCYCLING : 50ºC for 2 minutes (if using Master Mix with UNG) 95ºC for 10 minutes 95ºC for 30 seconds 20 cycles 58°C for 30 seconds 72ºC for 30 seconds 72ºC for 5 minutes 16°C forever 5 - PCR2 MIX : 3.1 - 96 wells-plate : 3.2 - 384 wells-plate : Master Mix (2X) Forward Primer (100M) Reverse Primer (100M) Probes VIC (100M) Probes FAM (100M) H2O 400 8 8 1.6 1.6 180.8 µL µL µL µL µL µL Master Mix (2X) Forward Primer (100M) Reverse Primer (100M) Probes VIC (100M) Probes FAM (100M) H2O 1000 20 20 4 4 152 µL µL µL µL µL µL MIX Half-diluted PCR product 6 2 µL µL MIX Half-diluted PCR product 3 2 µL µL FINAL VOLUME 8 µL FINAL VOLUME 5 µL 6 - THERMOCYCLING : 50ºC for 2 minutes (if using Master Mix with UNG) 95ºC for 10 minutes 40 cycles 95ºC for 15 seconds 62ºC for 1 minute 10°C forever 7 - RESULTS : The plate is then read on the ABI 7900HT sequence detection system. The SDS software graphs the results of allelic discrimination run on a scatter plot of Allele 1 Rn versus Allele 2 Rn. The software represents each well of the plate as a spot on the graph. The genotypic segregation is displayed in the allelic plot. The plot contains four distinct clusters, which represent the NTCs (no template controls) and three possible genotypes that cluster along the horizontal, vertical and diagonal axes and represent the Allele 1, Allele 2 and Allele 1/Allele 2 respectively. This variation is due to differences in the extent of PCR amplification. The data are then exported in text format for further analysis.