CBs-Clark College mtg - Washington State Board for Community

CBS Summer Meeting Minutes
Cascadia College
Bothell, WA
July 15, 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: Josh Baker, Tuan Dang, Rod Taylor, Kathy Biagi, Kelli Bloomstrom, Kathi Medcalf, Daphne
Larios, Lynn Christofersen, Raju Hegde, Sandi Diimmel, Karen Johnson, Katie Jensen, Catherine Cantrell, Kelli
Graham, Ann Rudnicki, Doug Emory, Lynn Livesley, Theresa Stalick, Curtis Bonney, Tania Vega, Elaine WilliamsBryant, Laura Brogden, Lori Griffin, Jenna Pollock, Laura DiZazzo, Reza Khastou, Brigitte Kidd, Ben Munsey, Jenny
Blumenstein, Kathy Hoover, John Bowers, Kim Ward, Amy Diehr, Darlene Snider, Aaron Parrott, Carla Gelwicks
and Bryce Humpherys
GUESTS PRESENT: Judi Wise and Kip Zwolenski, BTC – Jody Bortz, BBCC – Lyn Eisenhour, Cascadia – Sandi York,
CASC – Karen Snell, CC of Spokane – Davie Cordell and Barb Whalen, EDCC – Nina Benedetti and Omar Mustafa,
EVCC – Sarah Aiken, GHC – Aaron Leavitt, GRCC – Judy Faast, Hopelink – Cindy Medcalf, Olympic – Liz Bieler and
Lawrence Ford, TRM – Mohamed Mohamud, SCC – Bobbi Ashe, SVC – Carli Schiffner (IC Rep)
MEMBERS ABSENT: Monica Wilson, Clark – Steve Washburn, Highline – Clyde Brown, RRCA – Carla Gelwicks,
ABE STAFF PRESENT: Jon Kerr, Brian Walsh, Christy Lowder, Scott Toscano, Troy Goracke, Will Durden, Katherine
Mahoney and Nancy Dick
Kim Ward, CBS Chair, called the meeting to order at 830 a.m.
Kim Ward introduced Rosemary Sutton, VP for Student Learning Success, who welcomed CBS to their campus.
Review of agenda.
STUDENT SUCCESS HIGHLIGHT – the Innovations Committee will be coordinating with the host college to
highlight a student at each meeting.
 Recognition – CBS recognized Darlene Snider’s exemplary leadership as out-going Chair
New Executive Committee Members – The vote results were revealed: Treasurer/Secretary - Kathy Biagi
and College Member at Large – Bryce Humpherys
Treasurers Report - $221
Approval of Minutes – Winter and Spring meeting minutes – Motion made to approve as submitted /
seconded and approved
CBS Spring Meeting
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Preparing for Change - Katherine's PPT
North Star Worksheet
Katherine shared “Preparing for Change: Developing Your Team’s North Star”
So many theories and processes….Adkar Model; Lewin’s Model of Change; McKinsey 7-S Model; Kotter’s 8
Steps to Successful Change….create a climate for useful change, create urgency, create a coalition, build your
team, build a strategic vision. Seek out ways to engage and empower your people…communicate your vision –
empower people to achieve!
IC LIAISON REPORT – Carli Schiffner
 WIOA Implementation panel – What’s it mean now the challenges and opportunities, how does it intersect
getting students to college & career ready level? Had to emphasize the conversations for each campus for
what dev. ed and basic skills will look like on each campus – basic skills has to go to college level now.
There are literally 2 hallways / 2 points of entry for registration / 2 desks…regular and basic skills
The take away’s – suggesting that system meetings occur to meet and have these WIOA discussions;
suggest the VPI’s pay attention to WIOA and their CBS directors and know what’s going on at their
Smarter Balanced transitions – what’ next?
CIP codes are being double/triple checked for accuracy
SBCTC UPDATE – part 1 – SBCTC Staff
 Jon’s PPT Presentation – Highlights
The most significant change under the WIOA is the new definition of Adult Education – the act:
• Requires basic education to align with K-12 standards providing students with the skills to be
college ready
• Requires reading strategies, math, speaking and listening, employability, and technology skills be
taught at all levels in both English as a Second Language and Adult Basic Education courses
• Requires the development of accessible college and career pathways and supports integrated,
co-enrolled basic skills and workforce training programs or I-BEST
o Beginning July 1, 2017, EL Civics funding will only be able to be used in support of
integrated, co-enrolled programming like I-BEST
• The Act changes English as a Second Language (ESL) to English Language Acquisition (ELA) and
requires programming to lead to attainment of a high school diploma or its equivalent and
transition postsecondary education or training or lead to employment. : WIOA Major Guiding
Changes for Basic Education
Under the new plan, as of winter quarter both basic education and I-BEST experienced an increase
in enrollment even as enrollments are declining in most other areas.
The implementation of HS 21+ has been successful beyond our wildest dreams. In summer and fall
2013 the first seven colleges launched programming.
Collectively they: Enrolled 361 students; Awarded 52 diplomas; Transitioned 14 students to IBEST; Transitioned 13 students into other college programs; and had 20 students get jobs.
In summer 2015, we now have 21 programs up and running with 9 more scheduled for
implementation next year! AND Sound Learning in partnership with South Puget Sound Community
College will be offering HS 21+ in the fall!!
In addition, your programs continue to have some of the highest pass rates on the GED® in the
nation. As of July 10th:
o Washington State Pass Rate: 81%
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o National Pass Rate: 64%
The I-DEA initiative has shown great progress – this model provides students with a laptop
computer with 50% of the instruction online and 24/7 access to learning.
Results from the first two years are promising:
 2013-9 colleges & CBOs launched
o 408 students enrolled
o 50% made federal level gains (39% traditional ESL students-+11%)
o 60% made significant gains (51% for traditional ESL students + 9%)
o 2 Student Achievement Points made on average
 2014- Implement in 19 colleges & CBOs
o 694 students enrolled as of Winter 2015*
o *46% made federal level gains (37% for traditional ESL students +9%)
o *57% made significant gains (46% for traditional ESL students +11%)
I-BEST continues to expand. Over the past three years, I-BEST has enrolled over 8000 students. As
you have already heard, from winter last year to winter this year, we have seen a 10% increase in
enrollment while other areas have seen decreases. And it looks like spring 2015 will see a 15%
Furthermore, I-BEST students were awarded 3,952 certificates and degrees; generated 44,113
total SAI pts; earned on average 4.3 SAI pts. Per student, and with spring numbers this is
expected to increase to at least 4.6; and, finally, generated 2,542 federal level gains.
The BEdA office is working on two key initiatives:
1) Troy Goracke is working with a group of faculty experts to create rubrics that align with the
standards. These rubrics will then become the basis of training faculty across the system over
the next year on the standards.
2) And in support of this work, we are working with JFF to be part of the creation of ESL CCR
standards. The tasks are to: develop CCR standards for adult ELLs; review the alignment of
the standards and the NRS for ESL; rewrite the NRS EFL descriptors for ESL; and review the
draft descriptors.
At the AEAC summer retreat, the Workforce Board asked the Council to recommend some asks
to the WIOA Steering Committee on how to move the needle on: credential attainment;
earnings; and employment. The “Asks” you see listed are the results of that work ; WTECB's Top
Five Asks
The AEAC in collaboration with SBCTC have also worked together to offer draft guiding principles
in the form of a vision, mission and goals to the Steering Committee for consideration. WIOA
Guiding Principles
We also wanted to provide you with an updated WDC Listing: Workforce Development
We suggest that you might consider:
 Contacting regional WDC directors & introduce self
 Work with all BEdA providers in your region to recommend a BEdA Rep. to Local Board
 Work with all BEdA providers in your region to decide if you:
o Prefer an umbrella MOU or Program MOU
o Consider both 1.5% funds and in-Kind support
All BEdA providers are required to support one-stop centers with in-kind support/services (fairly
evaluated) or funding up to 1.5% of their total federal grant; WIOA Funding One Stops
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Here are a few significant WIOA Implementation dates:
 2015-2016 -Transition Year
 Implement all changes outlined in our transition plan (exceptions: funding for Onestops, EL Civics changes, and common performance measures.)
 2016-2017 – Full Implementation Year
 RFA Awardees begin full implementation of WIOA
 Joint funding for One-stops begins
 EL Civics changes are implemented
 Common Performance Measures kick in
WACTC Allocation Model recommended to the Board for consideration.
 Determines Minimum Operating Allocation(MOA) $2,85 million/campus or district
 Allocates 5% performance share for SAI
 Determines college/district base enrollment allocation
 Weights Priority enrollments (1.3%)
 All BEdA enrollments
 All Applied Baccalaureate programs
 STEM courses designed for STEM majors or transfers
 Workforce high demand courses identified as contributing to degrees needed to
meet skills gaps identified in the Joint Study on A Skilled and Educated Workforce
BEdA Priorities: 2014-15 BEdA Priorities
Performance Reports – were handed out individually to each provider and Scott Toscano reviewed how
to read it. This is a new tool that will be shared quarterly with providers.
I-BEST - I-BEST Update
College Transition Courses - Transition Courses and HS 21+ presentation
Transition Project diagram
Professional Development BEdA Professional Development Calendar
Technical Assistance Visit Schedule 2015-16 Technical Assistance Schedule
2014-15 BEdA Federal Reports Grant Questions – due 9/15/15 2014-15 BEdA Federal Reports Narrative
2015-16 BEdA WIOA Transition Grant Questions 2015-16 BEdA WIOA Transition Grant questions
; 2015-16 BEdA Priorities draft
; Bridges to College
High School 21+ Task Force – Karen Johnson
o Curriculum repository – ready to accept curriculum
o Set 9 goals for next year
o Grade for progress
o Job descriptions of faculty – might need to be revamped
o Guidance/rubric on multi-level class HS level
o CBO partnership documents
o Language with partners competency based vs. credits
Innovations Committee – Carla Gelwicks & Katie Jensen
o Professional Development for us and faculty
o Results of WIOA Grant
 North Star & Beyond conference this year
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Conversation around One-stops & who has one on their campus
Career exploration
Retention – Kim Ward
o Focus on Assessment – WIOA we’ll monitor our current process / practices to see how they impact
our outcomes EFL’s / Assessment Policy / Outcomes / State Outcome Indicator Scores / Retention
Transitions – Daphne Larios & Aaron Parrott
o Navigation job descriptions
o Monthly myth busters & strategies to bust’em
SYNTHESIS OF KEY POINTS: Kathy Biagi summarized the key action items.
 Contact your WDC Directors and introduce yourself!
 Look at the Adult Education Advisory Council’s “Top 5 Asks” and consider them when working with the
 Get together with your regional BEdA partners & recommend a BEdA Representative to the WDC board
(3 have this done)
 Decide with your region whether you’ll do a combined MOU with the WDC or individual MOU
 Remember you can attend the WDC meetings (they are open)
 Scott Toscano introduced the BEdA Program Quarterly Performance Report – give him feedback by 7/22
by email
 Will Durden would like to hear any I-BEST success stories – also contact him if you want to schedule an IBEST summit
 Contact Troy Goracke if you want to be in the pilot group for the Bridges to College Transitions course
 WIOA Transitions Grant is due in OGMS 8/6/15 – send any ideas you want to share to Kim Ward and
she’ll share them with all
 2014-15 Annual Federal Reports open in OGMS 8/3/15 and are due 9/15/15 – Cindy Wilson sent out the
questions and guidance in Word docs so you could begin working on them early
 Turn in your name tags so Christy doesn’t have to remake yours in October!
The meeting was adjourned at noon
Meeting schedule for 2015-16
Fall meeting – October 14-16, 2015 at Spokane Community College
Winter meeting – February 3-5, 2016 at Pierce College, Ft. Steilacoom
Spring meeting – April 20-22, 2016 at Columbia Basin College
Summer meeting – July 28-29, 2016 at Yakima Valley Community College
CBS Spring Meeting
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