CBS Winter Meeting Minutes - DRAFT Kent, WA January 15-16, 2015


CBS Winter Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

Green River Community College – Kent Station

Kent, WA

January 15-16, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Josh Baker, Kathy Kuba, Kip Zwolenski, Tyler Wallace, Kathy Biagi, Kelli Bloomstrom, Deena

Godwin, Kathi Medcalf, Daphne Larios, Lynn Christofersen, Brian Dudak, Kristyn Whisman, Karen Johnson, Katie

Jensen, Erin Dilley-Linton, Catherine Cantrell, Steve Washburn, Judy Faast, Ann Rudnicki, Mihaela Cosma, Lynn

Livesley, Theresa Stalick, Curtis Bonney, Tania Vega, Elaine Williams-Bryant, Laura Brogden, Lori Griffin, Jodi

Novotny, Nancy Olsten, Clyde Brown, Laura DiZazzo, Reza Khastou, Brigitte Kidd, Ben Munsey, Shannon Klasell,

Kathy Hoover, John Bowers, Kim Ward, Dana Boales, Darlene Snider, Aaron Parrott, Carli Schiffner (IC Rep), Carla

Gelwicks, and Bryce Humpherys

GUESTS PRESENT: Lyn Eisenhour, Cascadia – Monica Wilson, Clark College – Heather Stevens, CPTC – Nina

Beegle, Community Colleges of Spokane – David Cordell, EDCC – Nina Benedetti, EVCC – Cynthia Gaede, GRCC –

Doug Emory, LWIT – Maggie Stuart, LCC – Cindy Metcalf, OC – Sandi Stevens, Pierce – Kathie Foley and Jenna

Pollock, RTC – Jenny Blumenstein, Sound Learning – Annamary Fitzgerald, SPSCC and Courtney Kress Van Slyke,


ABE STAFF PRESENT: Jon Kerr, Beth Wheeler, Brian Walsh, Christy Lowder, Cindy Wilson, Kathy Cooper, Lou

Sager, Scott Toscano, Susan Kidd and Will Durden


Darlene Snider, CBS Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.


Darlene Snider introduced Derek Brandes, VP of Instruction, who welcomed CBS to their campus.

Review of agenda changes and informed of vote to be called on Friday.

STUDENT SUCCESS HIGHLIGHT – the Innovations Committee will be coordinating with the host college to highlight a student at each meeting.


CBS members introduced themselves.


Jodi Novotny reported that the current treasury balance is $5,963.59.


The Fall meeting minutes were approved as submitted.

Karen Johnson announced that there were HS 21+ handouts on each table “DRAFT Awarding Credit for Non-

Traditional Learning); the field had asked HS 21+ to look at competency based education. CBS met with

Registrars, coding & SBCTC. Please review the grayed areas in the document as those are the areas that we’ll vote on tomorrow.

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Jon thanked everyone for the work they do every day for our students – you are all amazing and are the reason we are envied across the nation!

BEdA Staffing Changes – Jon Kerr o o o o

Beth Wheeler announced her retirement at the end of February

Lou Sager has gotten a promotion and is moving to Data Services…still working on data for BEdA, but also gaining new duties….Scott is still your WABERS+ connection

Brian Walsh is our new Policy Associate for Corrections Education

Will Durden is our new Policy Associate for all things I-BEST

BEdA Organization Chart and BEdA Staff Responsibilities

I-BEST PresentationWill Durden

I-BEST Update - please contact Will with any questions about applications or if you are interested in getting some training

Employment & DemographicsJan Yoshiwara

Jan shared her Demographics Employment Projections o Unless we figure out how to get everyone into college, we are not going to be successful o Average age for basic skills students is 33 years old o We have to figure out how to make classes accessible to this population (24-44 yrs.) o Older students want credentials fast to support their families

WIOA UpdateJon Kerr

The purpose of the Act is to increase access to the services that all of us collectively provide (particularly to those individuals with barriers); in order to:

Support alignment of workforce investment, education, and economic development;

Improve labor market relevance;

Improve the structure of service delivery;

Increase prosperity; employment, retention, earnings, and the attainment of recognized postsecondary credentials.

It also has the goal of improving the workforce, reducing welfare dependency, increasing economic selfsufficiency, meeting the skill requirements of employers, and enhancing productivity and the competitiveness of the nation.

To accomplish this, it requires better alignment and collaboration between all vital workforce programs in our state. Key to this are the 4 Core Programs named in the bill:

Title I: Workforce Development Activities o Employment and Training programs

 Disadvantaged Youth Services

 Economically Disadvantaged Adult services

 Dislocated Worker Program

Title II: Basic Education for Adults

Title III: Wagner-Peyser Employment Services

Title IV: Vocational Rehabilitation Services

With these 4 core programs in mind, the 3 key principles of WIOA are:


Program Alignment: this involves unified strategic planning across all core programs.


Increased Accountability: establishes common performance measures across core programs

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Enhanced Service Delivery: Requires the engagement of employers and alignment of education and training activities through the establishment of career pathways.

The Workforce Training Education and Coordinating Board (WTECB) is the official state workforce development board under WIOA. They are setting up the structures for the 4 committees and have appointed co-chairs from Labor and Business for each committee.

The major guiding changes in the law for basic skills are that it first and foremost:

Requires the development and implementation of effective and accessible college and career pathways;

 Ability to Benefit

Requires that Basic Education aligns to the K12 standards and no longer gets students to 10 th grade competency levels but provides them with the skills to be college ready;

Requires employability skills be taught in every class at every level;

It supports—I-BEST-- or integrated, co-enrolled workforce and training programs that accelerate the transition to postsecondary certificates and degrees that ensure adults have the skills to secure family sustaining jobs and contribute to Washington’s 21 st Century workforce;

It requires math instruction and reading strategy instruction be taught at all levels for both ABE and ESL;

New Clarification on EL Civics, now Integrated English and Adult Literacy Civics Education. WIOA requires that co-enrolled integrated employment and training activities such as I-BEST is all that can be funded with Integrated English and Literacy Civics Education. EL Civics funds beginning July

1, 2016---can only be used for students in integrated, co-enrolled employment activities (I-BEST);

Includes speaking and listening for ABE;

Expands the provision for technology using federal leadership funding;

Supports One-stop centers. All core programs and a list of additional agencies will be required to support one-stop centers with in-kind support/services or funding (up to 1.5% of their total federal grant (ABE Master Grant and EL Civics grant); and

Workforce Development Councils - Jon suggests choosing a representative for basic skills to get on your local boards.

Increases accountability and demonstrated effectiveness in reaching federal targets.

WIOA provides us with new opportunities to form even deeper and more integrated partnerships with the next evolution of One-stops and our work-based initiatives. This intersects beautifully with all of our colleges and CBOs’ work on navigational support to basic skills students.

And of course you all know that there are no individual performance measures; only one set of performance measures for all core programs. This single set of metrics includes:

The percent of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during second quarter after exit.

The percent of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during fourth quarter after exit.

The median earnings of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during second quarter after exit.

The percent of participants who obtain a recognized postsecondary credential or a secondary diploma or its recognized equivalent during participation in or within 1 year of exit.

The percent of participants who during the program year are in education or training that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving measurable skill gains towards such a credential or employment.

The indicators of effectiveness in serving employers.

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Kathy Cooper is our lead and coordinator – creating an implementation guidance tool, which will be out soon.

WIOA Final Committee Structure

Committees are forming to help shape new act

WIOA Planning Timeframe

Update on Legislative funding askJon Kerr o

Operating Budget One-pager and Education Governor Budget Highlights 2015-17


Carli shared some of the items from the last IC meeting:

 HB5173 religiousness, acts of consciousness – faculty are aware of new policy

 Presentation about Student Voices by TCC – stop talking and start listening

 Elements of opinions – technology requests (Library technology) consortium of libraries

 College transitions

 Provided the IC with what CBS wanted to know of IC – help educate our CIOs about WIOA and what it means to our campuses. o Carli will be taking the Innovations Committees grid to the IC’s February meeting and has asked o o the Retention Committee to share preliminary CASAS data as well.

Ask IC for Student Services to be involved

Remind IC to see basic skills as the diversity hub, that basic skills is a relevant current program on campus

Professional Development – Grading Kim Ward

Kim shared the process TCC used to set up their grading system for basic education.

TCC - Grading Guidelines

TCC - Grading Guidelines

WDC StructureMarléna Sessions

How exciting – we’ve been waiting for this for 10 years!! Marlena likes to call the WIOA Act, the Opportunity Act, as it’s giving us the opportunity to innovate and find new ways to partner with each other!

Excerpt from her Prezi Presentation:

WIOA Overview – Adult Education and Literacy

Requires contribution to one-stop infrastructure and other shared costs

Mandates representation on State and Local WIBs

Authorizes WIOA funds to be used concurrently with integrated education and training and English

Literacy and Civics Education

Supports professional development opportunities

Funds educational and career advancement for incarcerated individuals

Important Dates

Spring 2015 – New deadline for proposed rules

July 2015 – Most WIOA provisions take effect

March 2016 – Deadline for State Unified Plan and new performance indicators

July 2016 – One-Stop cost-sharing implemented and WIOA performance indicators take effect

She encouraged the council to get in contact with their local WDC and make connections – WIOA cannot be successful without our agencies partnering, if you have any questions or need some assistance…contact her and she’ll be happy to help.

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CBO and Colleges: Building Strategic Partnerships - Ann Rudnicki CBO Presentation

Adult Education CBO’s are community-based organizations that through community partnerships and in collaboration with trained community volunteers offer accessible, high-quality, innovative adult basic education programs to diverse communities, leading to progression on Career and College Pathways.

CBO’s come in 2 primary formats: CBO’s housed as part of multi-service centers, and stand-alone nonprofits. All of us have to work hard to leverage resources in order to sustain programs.

Adult Education CBO’s collaborate with partners to provide services in a variety of community settings. Their schedules, structure, and ability to offer childcare and other supports make them strong ‘on-ramps’ for individuals who are ready to enter the BEdA Career and College Pathway.

Like Colleges, CBO’s have strong community partnerships and are working to further develop and strengthen partnerships to be well positioned for the new WIOA landscape. Among our most important partners are our

Community College partners in the BEdA System. Career and College Pathways are strengthened, and student success is accelerated through strong, active partnerships between colleges and Adult Education CBO’s.

Questions for reflection:

Q1) What are the current partnerships, agreements and arrangements between CBOs and colleges with respect to student progression and referrals along Career and College Pathways? Who do you refer to each other – what type of working relationships exist?

Q2) What partnerships are necessary in order to move into the new WIOA reality? What makes real partnership possible? What are the next steps?

Summary of flip chart activity…

The Current partnerships between colleges and CBOs--both within and outside the SBCTC system—vary according to local area. Some students are co-enrolled. CBOs refer to colleges those students who either function well in a regular college class environment, or as the next step for a student’s transition to postsecondary. In general, the role of CBOs seems to be to work with those students who need a higher level of individualized services.

Some of the needs or wants identified as part of the transition include working out funding & SAI so that both colleges & CBOs receive credit for students served in both or transition from CBOs to colleges; stronger curriculum & programmatic linkages (e.g. I-BEST, HS 21+) between CBOs & colleges, stronger institutional support for CBOs; possible use of or support by CBOs for students with higher or special needs; volunteer training & support by CBOs.


Transitions – Daphne Larios o Barrier tool from SkillUp o Job descriptions from colleges

Innovations Committee – Katie Jensen and Carla Gelwicks o Guided WIOA discussion – impacts at local and state level - Identification of innovations and resources already available to respond to the new WIOA requirements and outstanding needs. The committee created a document that summarized the above information. o Action:

Grid will be put on the CBS Canvas site - Katie/Beth will send out a link to the CANVAS site once the document has posted to remind CBS members that it is there and how to access the CANVAS site.

Katie will have the document to Carli Schiffner by 1-25-15 before the next IC meeting.

The committee will review the document during the summer meeting and use it to identify areas for professional development and training.

Kathleen Hoover (SPSCC) will share recently updated course forms from her college that include

CCRS. Kathleen will forward examples to Katie, Carla and Darlene by February 10 th . This could be a shareable item at the Spring CBS meeting.

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Retention – Kim Ward & Jodi Novotny o Conduct a national scan – tests states used & results – Top 12 states – looking at:

 Curriculum; assessment; hours for testing; state assessment policy

 TABE for ABE more of the top 12 states

 All but 2 use data match

We’ll continue to review other states and report back at Spring CBS; Council asked Jodi to post the results in the CBS Canvas Shell o OCTAE is working with vendors to have tests to the CCR Standards available within 3 years.

High School 21+ Task Force – Karen Johnson

High Quality Curriculum Development Standards

DRAFT Awarding Credit for Non-Traditional Learning – This document outlines the coding procedures for a systematic approach that will create clarity and standardization while complying with accreditation, national practices, and our existing student management systems. These procedures are based upon information taken from the CTC Articulation and Transfer Council, the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, existing legislation and the statewide

Prior Learning Assessment Workgroup to establish a set process for transcription.

MOTION was made and seconded to approve the language written in the “DRAFT Awarding

Credit for Non-Traditional Learning” document.

Vote called - in-favor, majority; opposed, none; abstained, none. The motion passed.

HS 21+ Roundtable Training - Reviewed draft agenda for a roundtable on HS 21. Committee discussed programs needed. Provided feedback to SBCTC staff about it. Reviewed the list of

Parking Lot Items and Index card questions from Rendezvous.

Action: Discussed the possibility of having shared curriculum and other resources via a subaccount in Canvas. An interest group formed.


CCR Standards updateCindy Wilson

Unfortunately , our state was not selected for the OCTAE grant to support states’ efforts to implement college and career readiness standards.

FY16 Grant Schedule – Cindy Wilson

BEdA Trainings Overview 2014-15 – Cindy Wilson

Innovations in ESL – Cindy Wilson

Dreamer update – Kathy Cooper

The USCIS is preparing to take action on the new immigration programs related to President’s Executive

Action on Immigration. Successful applicants for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and DAPA

(Deferred Action for Parents of Americans) programs, who are currently in U.S. as undocumented aliens, will receive from USCIS an approval letter and Employment Authorization Documents (EAD).

These initiatives are not implemented yet, but the USCIS is getting ready to roll them out and is working on extending the knowledge of what’s coming to reach those who might be eligible.

If you have questions about DACA or DAPA – please contact Kathy Cooper, 360-704-4322 or

Professional Development – Grading panel – Theresa Stalick-LCC; Kim Ward-TCC; and Katie Jensen & Nina


Are you grading all of your basic skills courses?

At LCC, we are grading all basic skills, except ed interview and I-BEST support (only transcripting for HS

21+….they are reviewed at week 6 and then enrolled)

At TCC, we are grading all basic skills, except ed interview, I-BEST support and portfolio

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At EVCC, all courses are transcripted and graded

How long have you been grading?

LCC, since Fall 2013

TCC, since Fall 2013

EVCC, since Fall 2013

How’d you get started?

LCC – handed out paper & asked them to do it; concerned over instructors issuing a student an F vs an incomplete, provided more instruction to faculty on how the grade impacts the rest of the structure

TCC – developed as lessons learned over 2-3 quarters; provided space to air concerns and deal (honor) with them; staff meeting training – developed guidelines

EVCC – series of faculty retreats – not against grading, but equality of grading depending on hours, trigger for report on students who are having trouble (faculty advisor); awareness of how faculty grade…consistency

Rationale for grading?

Because of HS 21+ development

College skill to understand

For DPI project, want an early academic warning system to retain & move students forward

Alignment – wanted to be able to have basic skills transition into college level (don’t have to take

Accuplacer) basic skills as a pre-requirement for college level

To award HS diploma/HS 21+, had to grade


Getting students to college level

Faculty credibility (pay equity) to give grades

Get grading on syllabus

What’s next?

LCC – incent to CASAS test – changed requirements HS 21+, need to meet or exceed prior CASAS testing to get HS 21+ certificate

TCC – new grade designation

EVCC – more training on how to assign grades – grading structure

SYNTHESIS OF KEY POINTS: Kim Ward summarized the key action items.

Keep an eye out for open WIOA meetings - SBCTC will notify us

Each region should identify a representative and an alternate to serve on the local WDC to represent basic skills - WIOA now requires that we are at the table.

Remember the I-BEST Admin Collaborate Sessions: Quarterly online meeting with I-BEST; Best practices Q and A forum - Feb. 10th at 2 pm

Consider I-BEST Summits: Will can come to campus to help bolster I-BEST on campuses. These summits are a great way to create awareness across disciplines, build support for I-BEST expansion.

Make sure you check the BEdA training calendar and sign up your folks for the sessions of interest as they fill very quickly. Lots of training opportunities coming up in the next couple of months.

Keep an eye out for DACA / DAPA messaging materials from SBCTC - distribute broadly beyond ESL.

SBCTC / BEdA will be asking for letters of support for caseload funding proposal - Please also think about any students who could come at a moment's notice to share their story with our legislature. These panels and presentations happen without much notice and our student stories are powerful.

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The meeting was adjourned at noon

Meeting schedule for 2014-15

Spring meeting – April 16-17, 2015 at Clark College

Summer meeting – July 15, 2015 at Cascadia College

Additional Resources – especially helpful during the Legislative Session

The One-pagers are at the bottom of this page

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