Petrov, Diyan and Sokolova, Ivelina

Unity of Braille and High Technology
Diyan Petrov
Ivelina Sokolova
School for visually impaired children “Louis Braille”- Sofia
177 Lomsko shose str.
1229 Sofia
This paper presents how we use high technology in the production of textbook and
educational materials for blind children and how we use technologies in Bulgaria, with a
minimum expenditure of resources. How do we achieve a high professional level?
Synchronizing the standards for individual disciplines with those of science one. How do
we revise scientific symbolism in the manufacture of books? Using braille and embossed
images in the presentation of scientific materials and art samples. How do we produce
accurate scientific symbolism and its scores in the textbooks? Using braille and embossed
designs-presentation of scientific symbols, materials and artistic pattern. Presentations of
materials made in printing at Louise Braille School in Sofia. Presentation of the tactile
library we have.
1 General View
The second half of the 20th century and early 21st century is the time of rapid
development of high technologies. This process has not passed on our little
country. Unlike developed countries, in Bulgaria these technologies have entered
with full force only after the democratic changes in the early 90’s.
In 1993, in our country the braille textbooks, journals and magazines were
printed mainly by mechanical presses. Fiction even was transcribed by hand with
a plate and an awl. Early electronic braille printing using braille printer is set in
1993 at the National Library for the Blind “Louis Braille”.
This allowed to issue more braille books and larger print artwork to meet the
needs of more blind people in Bulgaria. Hard work on the issue of literature in
braille is removed and replaced with modern computer printing.
On issue of braille books and periodicals that process started in 1995 when under
the braille printing house of the Union of the Blind in Bulgaria was equipped with
professional braille printers.
Each participant in Braille21 set their participation in the hope that it can
contribute its experience in braille for the worldwide distribution. I’ll meet with
our key activities and how the limited funds stimulate the development of
unconventional ideas.
How can a school perform many functions, with minimal resources and maximum
use of resources?
You could say that all the work which the institution of school children with
impaired vision “Louis Braille” Sofia has made itself an innovation.
Over the years, it has won recognition as a centre of its work to promote and
develop only children and future teachers, but does it using as an essential tool
that is braille.
2 Key Activities
The School for children with visual impairments in Sofia was founded more than
60 years ago. For this time period, we have earned significant accumulation of
knowledge of working with visually impaired children and teachers of blind and
visually impaired children.
Developed methods for teaching braille proved to be effective, everyone passed
the training course can read and write using braille, and in upper secondary
school in already established skills in reading braille they use electronic
Our experience has shown that the earlier you start learning braille, the better
developed is the sensation. This is especially important for children who have
progressive diseases and the prognosis is unfavourable. Convene a child to use
braille and this happens naturally as to a way of communication. In the upper
classes, the students are introduced to braille symbols in mathematics, physics,
chemistry, which is in accordance with approved rules for braille transcription in
the country.
We develop programmes to work with gifted children in various fields of science,
mathematics, physics and chemistry. The programme includes advanced training
in braille symbols in the relevant scientific discipline. In our school, there are
prepared in mathematics and physics and students who are integrated into elite
The school is a basis of the Sofia University St. University, prospective teachers
under the guidance of specialists trained in teaching students in braille. General
training in braille is one of the most important and priority tasks of the school.
3 Printing House
When printing of textbooks, and applications with relief images was achieved a
progress after the establishment of printing in the two schools for blind children
in Sofia and Varna in 2009.
These printing houses have been fully financed and equipped by the Ministry of
Education. The rationale for their creation was to achieve greater flexibility in the
choice of textbooks, each teacher is able to choose textbooks, teaching aids and
materials from various publishers. Another advantage is that during the learning
process braille tests and relief aids can be prepared and printed to illustrate and
build a more complete picture of the target material.
Another function of these printers is to supply the resource centres that support
the integrated education of visually impaired children in mainstream schools with
the necessary set of textbooks.
In this way it allows the children to receive better training in their chosen
schools. This can be considered as a new impetus for ensuring the conditions for
better integration and socialisation of blind people. For its part, any integration of
man with vision problems, allows a wider range of people to see the irreplaceable
today script of Louis Braille.
A common view is that high technology will replace the traditional book. Similar
views can be seen in terms of braille publications. Here is the place to celebrate
the unique role of braille as a tool for the formation of culture and language skills
in reading and writing. Our practice proves not only that high technology will not
displace braille, but can be a tool by which it can reach more users.
The process of preparation and printing of braille editions is a set of activities
that take place in a particular sequence. The algorithm in which we work is as
1. Scanning of the paper and processing using OCR-programmes.
2. Arrange the text and eliminate errors made by the Speech Recognition.
3. Substitution of specific braille characters with their computer codes so that
when printed in braille they meet the rules for braille transcription.
4. Formatting of braille pages.
Of particular importance is the development of clear, expressive and informationbearing relief images. We hope that the results we achieve in this direction will
be of interest to you.
Fast and accurate manufacture of the images from all areas of human activity is
made possible by the Zychem technology.
For two years, we have collected and classified important to our standards fund
of images related to mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history,
geography and art.
In our work, our modest team of 4 specialists seeks the most accurate and
correctly reported on braille flat printing editions planned in scientific and artistic
To no differences between the flat printing braille publications and products we
replace each symbol with its braille counterpart in accordance with the
requirements of the specific area of knowledge. To accomplish this, we use the
opportunities that give us the operating system DOS and the version of MS
Word. To facilitate our work and to save paper we use the braille display and
synthetic speech. Particularly important in making relief-graphics is to put
accurate and clear braille signs. The creation of these images and accompanying
explanations enable visually impaired to gain a richer picture of the environment
as a whole and for specific sites.
The team of the braille printing house for the period of its existence, has
produced over 25 textbooks and teaching materials for different classes of the
school from all areas of science that are included in the curriculum for schools in
Bulgaria. These braille editions are illustrated with over 1500 total relief images.
We prepared over 50 tests including materials for state graduation exams,
competitions. The team annually prepares materials for internal and national
rounds of the International Mathematical Competition “European Kangaroo”. All
these activities we perform in line with our current pedagogical activity. The
team responsible for the operation of the printer is composed of professors of
mathematics and computer science, IT specialist, a teacher in elementary school
and a resource teacher. For the promotion of braille and activities of the school
team of the printing house started to draw cards dual inscription – flat printing of
braille and on various festive occasions for government and NGOs. The main
driving force behind our work is our belief in the limitless possibilities of braille
and its future, our desire to be useful to more blind children for their formation
as independent, complete and independent personalities. As already mentioned,
in any scientific discipline there is a strictly defined symbolism. This is
particularly the case for natural and mathematical sciences. The great challenge
for us is the proper spelling of chemical, physical and mathematical formulas and
assignments. Specificity in their braille display is due to the fact that many of the
symbols are not set the standard keyboard layout. This requires the use of ASCII
codes that meet the necessary configurations of our braille dots. This process
takes considerable time, but was acquitted by the idea of complete and accurate
translation of content from print to braille flat printing without requiring semantic
and factual changes.
From what we have said here we can conclude that braille with advanced
technology allows a wider range of people with sight problems to find their place
in society. The technology and braille as a system for providing information
enables blind people around the world to experience the scientific and cultural
achievements of civilisation. The concept of six points, which in itself is one of
the major innovations of its time, allows for a series of subsequent innovations
that make the life of people with impaired vision full. Notwithstanding the
development of all areas of life the braille remains universal mechanism for
literacy and equal education of the visually impaired people around. Us - those
who use it daily falls the great responsibility to show others its importance, its
role in providing independent living for blind people.