NEXT GENERATION GENOMICS FACILITY Service Requisition Form Name of the PI: Date: Email: Phone: Institution Name: Type of Organization: Academic Non-academic/Industry Institution Address: Billing Address: The title of this project is ________________________________________________________ and is being funded by__________________________________________________________. C-CAMP will provide us with Operator assisted service for the above project and help in successful completion of the study. We will pay the user fee as per prevailing rates of CCAMP. We agree to acknowledge the Genomics Facility at C-CAMP in any publications arising out of the project. Raw sequencing data will be deleted after 90 days of shipment of data. Please refer to our data storage and access policy ( Signature of research supervisor Signature of service requestor Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platform NCBS-TIFR, GKVK Post, Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560065 Phone: 080-67185055 SAMPLE DETAILS TYPE OF SEQUENCING REQUIRED NUMBER OF SAMPLES NUMBER OF LANES Illumina Hiseq 1000 1 Lane number (Please fill in the lanes you would like each sample to be in) Lane # 2 Lane # 3 Lane # 4 Lane # 5 Lane # 6 Lane # 7 Lane # 8 Lane # 9 Lane # 10 Lane # 11 Lane # 12 Lane # 13 Lane # 14 Lane # 15 Lane # 16 Lane # S.No Sample Name Organism and Genome Size (Gb) Sample Type (DNA /RNA/small RNA) Method of extraction of DNA/RNA Concentration of the Sample ng/µl Volume (µl) 260/280 ratio Single Read 50 cycles/ Paired End 100 cycles Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platform NCBS-TIFR, GKVK Post, Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560065 Phone: 080-67185055 Library Required (Whole genome, Transcriptome, Exome, small RNA, Metagenomics,Mate-Pair, Chip-Seq, Amplicon Next Generation Sequencing Sample Submission Requirements Whole Genome Sequencing (DNA): 3 µg of DNA per sample (~50 ng/ul concentration as measured by Qubit Fluorometer) Transcriptome Sequencing (RNA): 3 µg of total RNA per sample (~100 ng/ul concentration as measured by Qubit Fluorometer) Small RNA: 3 µg of total RNA per sample (~300 ng/ul concentration as measured by Qubit Fluorometer) Mate Pair Library: 10 µg of DNA per sample (100 ng/ul concentration as measured by Qubit Fluorometer) Exome: 10 µg of DNA per sample (~100 ng/ul concentration as measured by Qubit Fluorometer) Chip-Seq: 30-50 ng of Chip DNA per sample (1 ng/ul concentration as measured by Qubit Fluorometer). The sample should be fragmented in the range of 200 to 800 bases. Shipment Details: DNA and RNA samples should be shipped on DRY ICE. Please ship to address below: Addressed to - Dr.Malali Gowda Special Instructions for DNA sample submission: 1. The DNA samples should be treated with RNAse A (eg: Invitrogen #12091-021) to get rid of RNA. The samples will not be processed if there is RNA contamination. 2. The gel picture should be provided for the DNA samples; the volume loaded on the gel (eg.1 or 2 µl) should also be mentioned. 3. The concentrations and the 260/280 ratio should be measured in the nanodrop and the samples should be submitted in 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube and should be suspended in nuclease free water or elution buffer. Special Instructions for RNA/small RNA sample submission: 1. The RNA samples should be treated with DNAse (we recommend DNA free TM from Ambion – #AM1906). The samples will not be processed if they have a low RNA Integrity value(RIN), i.e < 8 after quality check by the Bioanalyzer. There will be an additional charge for the Bioanalyzer incase the samples failed meeting the requirements. 2. The bioanalyzer profile should be provided for the RNA. 3. The concentrations and the 260/280 ratio should be measured in the nanodrop and the samples should be submitted in 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube and should be suspended in nuclease free water or elution buffer. Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platform NCBS-TIFR, GKVK Post, Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560065 Phone: 080-67185055