Board Meeting Agenda


CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapter

Board Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2010

Call to Order: 10:10 AM Region 4 Room 202

Attendance: President – George Purvis (GP) Secretary/Treasurer – Jeff Neal (JN)

Vice President – Michelle Dudley (MD) Programs –John Haskew (JH)

Historian – Lisa Lake (LL)

Membership - Allan Patrick (AP)

Past President – David Kaczynski (DK)

Approval of the previous Board Meeting Minutes

Nov. 12, 2009 Distributed with this meeting agenda.

Motion to approve the Oct. 16, 2009 GCC Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by: JN

Accepted X

Second by: AP

Rejected Abstained: 3

Gulf Coast Board Officers’ Reports

Past President – David Kaczynski

DK serves has Texas State Director this year. He will track Strategic plan. No Updates

President — George Purvis

2009 Golf Tournament, October 20, 2009 Closeout. Raised $4181.00

Early discussion regarding hosting a Gulf Coast Chapter Conference in 2010/2011. Further discussions to follow. Will review next year hosting a Gulf Coast Chapter Mini


Waiver of $ 15 charge for non-member school district representatives. Approved will charge no shows $15

Sponsorships for ISD folks for the Hi-Performance Symposium Conference in Austin Feb.

26-27. Registration $375 Hotel $160 night. Will offer five (5) $100 scholarships to district representatives. Lisa to send out notice to school district representatives

School Week April 26 th Discuss involvement. Michelle and George to contact Gloria

Barrera to find out status. Discussed the idea of presenting historic preservation awards to selected districts as a possible action.

Confirm amount of Foundation donation. Agreed on a $3000 donation

Motion by: MD

Accepted X

Second by:




Vice President – Michelle Dudley

Mentor Program – Monitoring CEFPI-Int. program developments, no action

Updates- No further updates


Membership – Allan Patrick

Membership Report- Gulf Coast Membership is 236 a net increase of 1 over last reporting period. AP will follow up with potential members

Membership Scholarships for district representatives- It was approved that the chapter would offer a membership to school district representatives that their districts do not provide a district membership and their willingness to be an active member in the chapter. The memberships will be determined on a case by case basis. The first scholarship will be awarded to Melissa Parrott with Spring ISD. AP will complete membership application and forward to Treasurer for payment

Motion by: MD

Accepted X

Second by:




Secretary/Treasurer – Jeff Neal

Financial Report – Handout/Attachment provided

Current balance – $ $7,382.65

2010 Golf Tournament Deposit – JN to execute contract and send $1000 deposit

Discuss any updates for new policy for bank accounts. Southern Region adopted Option 1 –

Gulf Coast Chapter adopted option 1

Action of changing the authorities over the checking account. Motion : Update access to the organization's checking account to align with the new leadership positions. Delete

John Haskew and David Kaczynski from the account, and replace with George Purvis

(President) and Jeff Neal (Secretary/Treasurer)

Motion by: JH

Accepted X

Second by:




Programs Coordinator – John Haskew

Calendar Discussions- February Chapter meeting will be a panel discussion on

BIM. Panel representatives to be finalized.

John is to research the QSCB program. Update. No update

Historian/Newsletter Director – Lisa Lake

Date of Next Newsletter – Next Newsletter to go out in March. GP to provide Presidents

Pen. To focus on the value of membership. Include a New members Section to welcome new members

Last meeting write up. Mark French with Bay has sent Lisa write up

Other Business

Next Board Meeting: February 19, 2010 @ 10:00

Adjournment: Motion by: DK

Accepted X Rejected

Second by: JH



2009/2010 CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapter Calendar

January 22, Lunch

January 24-27

CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapter – Best Practices – Region 4 Room 202 - Project Close-Out

TASA Mid - Winter Conference

Austin, TX

February 19, Lunch CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapter – Region 4 Room 100 B-C- Chapter Meeting BIM Panel


February 26-27 CEFPI High Performance Schools - Austin, Tx.

April 16, Lunch CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapter – Region 4 Room 202 - Best Practices

April 22-25

May 13, Evening

Southern Region Conference – Engage To Learn; Planning Bold Horizons

Fort Worth, TX

CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapter – Chapter Meeting

Facility Tour Houston ISD – Sugar Grove Academy

September 17, Lunch CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapter – Region 4 Room 202 - Best Practices

September 25-27 CEFPI International Conference

San Jose, CA

September 24-26 TASA/TASB Conference

Houston, TX

October 5 10 th Annual Golf Tournament

Northgate Country Club

October 15, Lunch CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapter – Region 4 Room 202 - Best Practices

November 11, Evening CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapter – Chapter Meeting

Facility Tour Clear Creek ISD – Education Village

