CHIJ ST. NICHOLAS GIRLS’ SCHOOL (SECONDARY) SECONDARY 1 HISTORY – JUNE HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK 2013 Source A: A plate and a pot excavated from the site of Harrapa. What does Source A tell you about the people who lived in Harappa? Source is a plate and pot excavated from the site of Harappa. The source tells me that the people who lived in Harappa were skilled craftsmen. This is evident from the well-carved pottery. The source also tells me that the people who lived in Harappa made things for their use. This is evident from the plate and pot which is used to store things. CHIJ ST. NICHOLAS GIRLS’ SCHOOL (SECONDARY) SECONDARY 1 HISTORY – JUNE HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK 2013 Source B: A historian’s account of the Shang civilization “The most striking picture of China in the Shang period is revealed by the big royal tombs discovered at Anyang between 1927 and 1936. They consist of a big rectangular grave on a northsouth axis, with a smaller, deeper central grave. The royal coffin, made of wood, lay above the central grave, in which a dog has been sacrificed. Surrounding this grave were the remains of armed men, doubtless the companions and servants of the king- his chariot with its horses and their drivers, pottery bronze vases, and other objects of value.” Study Source B. What does it tell you about the beliefs of the Shang people? Source is a historian’s account of the Shang civilisation. The source tells me that the Shang people believed in life after death. This is evident from “Surrounding this grave were the remains of armed men, doubtless the companions and servants of the king”. The source also tells me that the Shang people perceived death as a grand affair. This is evident from “the big royal tombs”. CHIJ ST. NICHOLAS GIRLS’ SCHOOL (SECONDARY) SECONDARY 1 HISTORY – JUNE HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK 2013 Source C: A description of Funan civilization taken from the Internet “Funan had increasing contact with India through the travels of merchants, diplomats and learned Brahmans (Hindus of the highest caste traditionally assigned to priesthood). Indian immigrants were believed to have arrived in the fourth and fifth centuries CE. By the fifth century CE, court ceremony and structure of political institutions were based on Indian models. The Sanskrit language was also widely used.” Study Source C. What can you infer from Source C about Funan’s relationship with India? The source is a description of Funan civilisation taken from the Internet. I can infer that Funan had a close relationship with India. This is evident from “court ceremony, and structure of political institutions were based on Indian modelss.” I can also infer that Funan had a trading relationship with India. This is evident from “Funan had increasing contact with India through travels of merchants”