THE UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION (Amendment to previous version.) 1 Definitions 1.1 For the purposes of this Constitution the following definitions will apply: 1.1.1 University /University of Hertfordshire: 1.1.2 Alumni Association /Association: University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation which for the purposes of determining membership of the Association includes all of its predecessor colleges and institutions The University of Hertfordshire Alumni Association 1.1.3 Board of Governors: the Board of Governors of the University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation 1.1.4 Development Committee: the Development Committee of the Board of Governors 1.1.5 Advisory Board of the Alumni Association: the Advisory Board 1.1.6 Virtual communications may be conducted by email, video conferencing and other electronic media 1.2 This document is the Constitution of The University of Hertfordshire Alumni Association. 1.3 The Constitution establishes the Association as an unincorporated voluntary organisation established under the auspices of the University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation and supersedes all previous versions. The Association agrees to abide by any bye-laws and regulations determined by the Board of Governors in respect of the governance and operation of the Association. Amendments to the Constitution or the dissolution of the Association shall be made only with the approval of an Annual or General Meeting of the Association, or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for this purpose, and with the prior approval of the Board of Governors. The Board or Governors may, at its absolute discretion, delegate some or all of its powers to its Development Committee. 1.4 This Constitution shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. 2 Name The name of the Association shall be ‘The University of Hertfordshire Alumni Association’. 3 Objectives The Association has the following objectives: 3.1 to promote, foster and maintain links between the Association’s members and the University of Hertfordshire; 3.2 to encourage members of the Alumni Association to take an active interest in the life of the University at local, national and international levels; 3.3 to promote the interests of the University and to aid its development; Alumni Association - Constitution Last amended: 2 April 2008 References: Board of Governors minute 24, 27 November 2007, refers. 1/4 © University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation (2008) 106739492 3.4 to facilitate and support meetings and associations between members of the Alumni Association. 4 Membership The following individuals and groups of individuals are deemed to be members of the Alumni Association: 4.1 any individual who has been registered as a student of the University of Hertfordshire and/or any of its predecessor institutions; 4.2 any individual on whom the University or its predecessor institutions has conferred an honorary award; 4.3 any individual who has enrolled on a short course provided by the University of Hertfordshire or its predecessor colleges or institutions; 4.4 any individual who has been employed by the University of Hertfordshire for a period of six (6) months or more; 4.5 Patrons of the University; 4.6 present and former members of the Board of Governors of the University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation or the Governing bodies of any of its predecessor institutions; 4.7 such other persons or classes of persons as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Governors. 5 Termination of membership 5.1 Any member may terminate his or her membership of the Association by written notice to the Secretary. Membership will deemed to terminate from the date on which the written notice is received by the Secretary. 5.2 The Vice-Chancellor of the University or the Board of Governors of the University or the Advisory Board of the Alumni Association shall have the authority to withdraw privileges of membership from any individual whose conduct is incompatible with the objectives of the University and/or the Alumni Association. The Secretary will so inform the member in writing and membership will be deemed to have terminated from the date of the Secretary’s letter. 6 Officers of the Association The Officers of the Alumni Association shall be the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary: 6.1 President and Vice-President 6.1.1 The President and Vice-President of the Alumni Association will normally be Alumni who have a prominent public profile and/or who have provided assistance to the University. 6.1.2 The President and the Vice-President shall normally hold office for a maximum initial term of three (3) years and may be re-appointed for a further three-year term of office. 6.1.3 The procedure for the appointment of the President and Vice-President will be determined by the Board of Governors and will be published to members by the Secretary. 6.2 Secretary The Head of Development and Alumni shall be Secretary (ex officio) to the Alumni Association. Alumni Association - Constitution Last amended: 2 April 2008 References: Board of Governors minute 24, 27 November 2007, refers. 2/4 © University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation (2008) 106739492 7 List of Members 7.1 The Secretary will maintain a Membership List which will include information concerning each member’s affiliations with the University. 7.2 The Membership List shall be made available to University staff and to officers and members of the Association in support of the work of the Alumni Association, within the terms and conditions of the Data Protection Act 1998. 8 Meetings of the Alumni Association 8.1 Annual General Meetings 8.1.1 There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Association which all members of the Association will be entitled to attend and at which Officers will present reports to the Association. 8.1.2 Annual General Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders approved by the University’s Board of Governors. The Standing Orders will be published to Members by the Secretary. 8.2 Extraordinary General Meetings 8.2.1 An Extraordinary General meeting may be called to deal with one item or items which are of such a special or urgent nature that such a meeting is justified. 8.2.2 Extraordinary General Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders approved by the University’s Board of Governors. The Standing Orders will be published to Members by the Secretary. 8.3 Other meetings Further meetings may be called at the discretion of the President or Vice-President of the Association or by the Advisory Board and will be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders approved by the University’s Board of Governors. The Standing Orders will be published to Members by the Secretary. 9 Advisory Board of the Alumni Association 9.1 There shall be an Advisory Board of the Alumni Association that will provide advice, support and guidance on the operation of the Association. 9.2 The Advisory Board shall be composed as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.3 President of the Alumni Association who shall be Chairman (ex officio) Vice-President of the Alumni Association who shall be Vice-Chairman (ex officio) Presidents of each international Alumni Association (ex officio) A Deputy Vice-Chancellor nominated by the Vice-Chancellor Secretary to the Alumni Association (ex officio) A number of Alumni Association members, each with a relevant interest in each of the University’s Faculties, equal to the number of Faculties, appointed by the Board of Governors President of the Students’ Union (ex officio) At least 5 co-opted members of the Alumni Association appointed by the Board of Governors Members of the Advisory Board in categories 5 and 7 shall be appointed by the Board of Governors for terms of office of up to three (3) years in the first instance. Members in this category may seek re-appointment for further terms of office of three (3) years. Alumni Association - Constitution Last amended: 2 April 2008 References: Board of Governors minute 24, 27 November 2007, refers. 3/4 © University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation (2008) 106739492 1 1 1 1 6 1 9.4 The Advisory Board shall hold at least one meeting per annum and may hold further meetings as required. 9.5 To ensure the relevance and effectiveness of the Alumni Association, the Advisory Board may establish ad hoc action groups to provide advice and otherwise facilitate the work of the Association. 9.6 Subject to any regulations applied by the University, the Advisory Board shall conduct its affairs and procedures within the law and in accordance with any regulations or restrictions determined from time to time by the Board of Governors. 10 Sections, Groups and Networks 10.1 The Association may establish Specialist Sections, Groups, Networks or Regional Boards to promote the Association’s objectives. 10.2 These Specialist Sections, Groups, Networks or Regional Boards are required to formulate an appropriate Constitution which will require the approval of the Board of Governors of the University. 10.3 Each Specialist Section, Group, Network or Regional Board will have a Chairman, appointed by the Board of Governors for one (1) year in the first instance. The term of office will be renewable for further periods, at the discretion of the Board of Governors. In appointing a Chairman, the Board of Governors shall seek recommendations for appointment from appropriately constituted local groups. 10.4 The title of Chairman may be varied at the discretion of the Board of Governors to reflect international cultural requirements and/or customs. Alumni Association - Constitution Last amended: 2 April 2008 References: Board of Governors minute 24, 27 November 2007, refers. 4/4 © University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation (2008) 106739492