CANTONMENT BOARD ST.THOMAS MOUNT CUM PALLAVARAM, CHENNAI ANNUAL ADMINISTRATION REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2006- 2007 The St. Thomas Mount cum Pallavaram is Class II Cantonment as per the revised Cantonment Act 2006. The Cantonment Board was established in the year 1774, Its total area is 3192.53 acres which includes Civil area of 119.40 acres at Pallavaram and 75.8 acres at St. Thomas Mount. As per 2001 census total population of the Cantonment is 42,439. 1. CONSTITUTION OF THE BOARD The Board has been varied w.e.f. 02-Mar-2003. It comprises of the President, and the member secretary. The post of one nominated civil member is fallen vacant due to death of the incumbent. During the year the following held the offices:- A. President Brig.G.Jai Kumar 01-04-2006 to 24-5-2006 Brig.V.N. Money 25-05-2006 to till date 01-04-2006 to till date B. Chief Executive. Officer Sh. Amol B. Jagtap 2. ELECTIONS No elections were held during the year 2006-2007. 3. MEASURES TAKEN TO AUGMENT REVENUE The Board has constructed a new Marriage Hall for augmentation of revenue. The Board fetched total income of Rs.15,00,000/- during the year on account of hiring this new hall. The efforts have been made to widen the base for trade and profession tax by expanding it to new and uncovered trades etc. 4. WATER SUPPLY The Board maintains an independent water supply system for the whole area of St. Thomas Mount cum Pallavaram Cantonment. The Board maintains 12 Open wells, 220 Bore wells and 180 No. Hand pumps in the Cantonment area. The Board receives bulk water supply from State Govt. agencies like TWAD Board and Metro Water Board. Recently the Board has purchased one water tanker of 12000 litres capacity for distribution of drinking water in scarcity areas. -2- RAIN WATER HARVESTING Cantonment Board, St. Thomas Mount cum Pallavaram has given due importance for Rain Water Harvesting. It has been implemented in all new Cantonment buildings. It is proposed to modify all old Cantonment properties rain water harvesting compatible. 5. SANITATION The standard of sanitation in the Cantonment has been satisfactory. 6. TAXES All taxes levied in the adjoining Municipality have been levied. The incidence of taxation in the Cantonment is Rs.359/- per capita while it is Rs.270/- per capita in the adjacent Alandur Municipality. 7. HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES The Board maintains two Dispensaries cum Maternity Hospitals. One 10 beded Dispensary cum Maternity is in St.Thomas Mount and another 20 beded Dispensary cum Maternity in Pallavaram. Total number of 267 persons were treated as inpatients and an amount of Rs.56,600/- was collected on account of various charges. Total number of 81,730 were treated as outpatients and an amount of Rs.76,533/- was collected during the period 2006-2007. The service of clinical laboratory are also available and maintained by a qualified Lab Assistant. The maternity hospital building in Pallavaram has been repaired and renovated with a new look during the year. 8. EDUCATION The Board maintains two Elementary Schools and two High Schools. The High Schools are aided by State Govt. of Tamil Nadu by way of teaching grants. A public library Officer, Government of Tamil Nadu is located in the Board’s building annexed to Cantonment Board Office. The mid-day meals Scheme is also functioning in the four schools run by the Board. -39. PUBLIC WORKS Following Public works were executed during the year :(a) Original Works:Construction of Kalyanamandapam at Pallavaram – Rs.2,99,907/( Carried over Work) (b)Maintenance Works :(a) Building - Rs.29,91,844/- (b) Roads - Rs.39,94,419/- (c) Drains - Rs.10,80,000/- (d) Water Supply - Rs.14,93,391/- (e) Stores - Rs. 9,81,929/- (f) Misc Public Improvements - Rs. 11,39,833/- 10. TREE PLANTATION Total Number of 105 saplings were planted during the period 2006-2007. A road traffic island with plantation has been created and maintained in St.Thomas Mount, with the help of privated agency. 11. MARKET The Board maintains 7 shops in St.Thomas Mount and 23 shops in Pallavaram and a weekly Cattle Shandy is also conducted where cattle sale /purchase transaction takes place. The Cattle Shandy is becoming very popular and now has taken a form a weekly general market. 12. FIRE FIGHTING No fire fighting facility exists with the Board. The State Govt. provides the facility whenever required. -4- 13. REGISTRATION OF BIRTH AND DEATH Total number of 765 Births and 379 deaths were registered during the year 20062007. 14. BOARD MEETINGS One Ordinary Meeting and six Special Board Meetings were held during the year 2006-2007. 15. GENERAL General Administration of the Cantonment was satisfactory. The Audit of Cantonment Accounts for the period 4/2006 to 9/2006 has been completed. The Audit for the further period upto 31-3-2007 is to be held. 16. COMPUTERISATION Further qualitative improvement in the existing Software of the Board administration is being done in-house by the Assistant Programmer. New applications like Inward and Outward register with allied reports, in view of type of correspondence received and the status of reply of letters received has been developed and deployed. The Birth and Death Register has been computerized and the data has been entered from the year 1990. The data is periodically submitted to State Govt. A project of computerization of GLR register (land record), digitization of GLR Map with the GPS has been completed and is deployed. New Computer Hardware has been procured and efforts are being made to migrate the present Cantonment Applications developed in Oracle 8 to Oracle 10G on Linux Operating System. Office of the Cantonment Board St.Thomas Mount Chennai-16 Dated the May 2007. ChiefExecutive Officer AMOL B. JAGTAP