Analyzing Perceptual Clues Using MC Escher Drawings

Analyzing Perceptual Clues Using MC Escher Drawings
Go to the official website of artist MC Escher. -
Click on Galleries.
Find the following drawings (located in the far right column) and look for each of the perceptual clues.
Go to Recognition and Success. Find the drawing named
Please describe:
1. Where does it occur in the drawing? (you may illustrate if
you wish)
Relative Size
If two figures are perceived as equal in size,
the one that casts the smaller image on the
retina is perceived as farther away.
Texture Gradient
Objects closest to the viewer are in more
detail. Objects far way from the viewer are not
as detailed.
If one figure appears to overlap or obscure
another figure, it is perceived as being in front
of that object.
Relative Height
Objects higher in our field of vision are seen
as being farther away than objects lower in
our vision field.
Relative Brightness
(light and shadow)
Brighter objects appear closer than dimmer
Go back to gallery menu, click on Italian Works, find Castrovalva
(1930) Answer the same questions as above.
Linear Perspective
Parallel lines appear to converge as they
move farther into the distance.
Relative Size
If two figures are perceived as equal in size,
the one that casts the smaller image on the
retina is perceived as farther away.
Texture Gradient
Objects closest to the viewer are in more
detail. Objects far way from the viewer are not
as detailed.
If one figure appears to overlap or obscure
another figure, it is perceived as being in front
of that object.
Relative Height
Objects higher in our field of vision are seen
as being farther away than objects lower in
our vision field.
Relative Brightness
(light and shadow)
Brighter objects appear closer than dimmer
Consider the following pictures on this sight to understand the Gestalt Principles.
(See page 237 for further explanation)
Find each specific drawing and answer the following questions.
Please describe
1. Where does it occur in the drawing? (you may illustrate if you wish)
Figure Ground
Perceptual process whereby
some objects seem prominent
while others recede to the
On the Escher website, Select Switzerland, Then find the drawing called Sky and
Grouping on the basis of similarity
of objects
On the Escher website, Select Switzerland, Then find the drawing called Entrance to
the Oude Kerk.
When objects are uniform and
linked, we perceive them as a
single unit.
Leave the Escher Website to see examples of other Gestalt Principles. Go to
Perceiving objects close to each
other as forming a group.
(cont . )
Find the two examples of the 9 squares. How do the examples vary? What role does
proximity play in the way you perceive the two pictures.
Find the example of the Tree. What are the individual parts of this drawing? What role
does proximity play in the perception of the tree?
Perceiving smooth flowing rather
than disrupted ones.
Use this example provided. Do you see three half circles or as two continuous lines?
How does this picture illustrate continuity?
Closing up or completing figures
that are not complete.
Find the Panda Example. Hoe does this image display closure?