Jesmond Community Leisure 2013 Annual Report and Accounts Presented 2014 Contents Page Chair’s Report 1 Building Development Group 4 Communications Group 6 Personnel Group 8 Looking Ahead Group 9 Finance and Fundraising Group 10 Finance Director’s Report 12 Financial Accounts 14 Chief Executive’s Report 16 Our Customers 19 Who’s Who 20 Jesmond Community Leisure is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with registered No. 2645699. It is also a registered charity, No.1010563, with registered office at St. George's Terrace Jesmond NE2 2DL. Telephone Number: 0191 281 2482 Chair's Report What an amazing 12 months for Jesmond Community Leisure. So much hard work has been done by our amazing team of Staff, Volunteers and Trustees. As you look around at the building, our activities, website and work with other community groups you will see the progress that we, working together, have made. The economic climate that we found ourselves in last year has not dramatically changed but the landscape in our city and industry is starting to change in big ways as you will see. I would like to formally thank all involved in the preparation of our annual accounts, especially Jane Gibbon, for their hard work during the year and their financial stewardship guiding us through a difficult few years. Financially this has been a good year for us, our accounts show a healthy operating profit with an increase in the number of subscribers and no opportunities missed to minimise costs where appropriate. Jala Therapies, based in our side extension, offer some fantastic services that really complement our own classes and facilities and it is fantastic to see them doing so well too. I have mentioned austerity and we can see throughout the region that this is now having notable effects. There are huge changes taking place in Northumberland and Newcastle and there are more to come with the final impact on local swimming pools and facilities yet to be determined. Following closures and re-organisations of Pools and Swimming Clubs around the city we are now seeing the arrival of new operators and the birth of Newcastle Swim Team which will bring us exciting new opportunities. The timetable of activities that we made available last year over the Summer holidays was hugely successful and we have the same and more planned for this Summer. Keep your eyes on reception and our website and book early for 1 opportunities to try Synchronised Swimming, Snorkelling, Diving classes and Crash Course Swimming Lessons. Jesmond Library will be celebrating their first birthday this year. Many of our customers, staff and trustees are also involved in some way with the library and they can be assured of our continuing support as we look forward to them going from strength to strength and supporting our community. I would like to thank Mike and Lorna Miller, the Building Group and Staff for the fantastic work this year throughout the building. Our ongoing investment in facilities shows that we are committed to providing the environment and equipment that our customers deserve. We now have new spinning bikes, a refurbished downstairs gym, improved changing areas, new gym equipment, vastly improved staff facilities and many other improvements. Come in and take a look, Phil’s Yoga class will allow you to see the Activity room from a totally new angle! Another hugely important piece of work this year has been the development of our new website. We had been aware that our old site was not showing the organisation in its best light and so the Communications Group started a piece of work to develop a new site. A tendering process was undertaken and we were delighted to appoint Jonny Fairfull and his company Bigbadrobot to build and publish the site. Jonny has worked with us before as a Volunteer Lifeguard and it is great to have him back on board. The new website is doing really well for us and I strongly encourage you to take a look at it if you haven’t already. Keep your eyes peeled for latest news on our Website, Twitter and Facebook. Julie and other staff are continually updating them with new classes and sessions. We have recently held our bi-annual Strategy day at the British Legion. This was an opportunity for trustees and staff to get together and discuss where we are and 2 where we want to be. It was great to see so many people there and some very exciting ideas have come out of it. Finally I would like to thank all of the trustees and staff for their hard work and support to me during this year. Special thanks must go to Glenn, Chris and Mike for their help and guidance and thanks to Paul Ryder for his general support as ViceChair who found himself at the mercies of my shift pattern at work and stepped into the chair at various points throughout the year. Paul, I wish you the very best for your year at the helm and I have no doubt that you will continue to enjoy everyone’s support. Fortunately you won’t face my hardest challenge this year which was not exacting revenge on Glenn for the merciless interview he gave me for my job at the Pool many moons ago! Simon Leach Chair of Trustees, Jesmond Community Leisure, 2013/14 3 Building Development Group Since my last report a huge amount of work has been carried out, as had been highlighted in the building survey of 2013. At long last the steam kettle has been moved from the basement to the first aid room adjacent to the steam room. At the same time the steam room has been refurbished and partially retiled. It is hoped that the white residue on the end of the building will gradually disappear. In December 2013 the downstairs gym was totally repainted and a new tiled floor put in. The latter still needs some correctional work that is in progress. We then installed new Precor Cardio equipment to the specification as the poolside gym. During the summer of 2013 the basement staff room was totally refurbished over a period of 3 weeks. It was a massive undertaking but the staff now have a room, fit for purpose, where they can relax. The upstairs activity room also required total refurbishment caused by wear and tear as well as dampness in the roof void. The work carried out included repainting of the walls and ceiling, the latter requiring a hydraulic hoist as the ceiling is about 20 foot high. The sprung beech floor was also re sanded and varnished and is now as good as new. This room has always been light and airy, however this was often a problem in daylight hours. Blinds have been fitted to the 6 velux windows and the large end window. The digital projector has been ceiling mounted and we are now in a position to offer the room for hire with the capability of Powerpoint presentations etc. 4 Many of the shower valves failed in 2013 and a total of 6 have been replaced to date. Hopefully by the time this report is published several more of the failing valves in the Ladies shower room will have been replaced. The lighting in both the shower areas has been upgraded. This work is never ending but we will keep going through the list. I would like to especially thank Dave Rushworth and my wife Lorna for all their hard work. I am always looking for volunteers so if you are interested, shout out loud! Mike Miller (Chair) 5 Communications Group Last year we announced that we would be undertaking a full review and revamp of our website during 2013/14. So, the main focus for the Communications Group over the past 12 months has been our website. In order to undertake this review, we formed a Website Development Sub Group. This enabled us to obtain the opinions and contributions from all our trustees and members of staff. This Group met on a regular basis in order to review our old website and make recommendations to the trustees as to how we should proceed with the revamp. Following this review, the decision was taken to engage with an external website/digital design company to assist us with the redesign. Specifically, the Group was tasked with: 1. 2. 3. 4. Writing a tender specification for the redesign of the website Researching potential supplier to invite to tender for the redesign Inviting suppliers to tender Coordinating and managing the presentations and tender process In total, five companies were approached and invited to tender. Of these, three companies expressed an interest in tendering for the work. Following presentations to the Website Development Sub Group, a recommendation was made by the Group to the Trustees to appoint the work to a Newcastle based company called Big Bad Robot (BBR). This recommendation was ratified by the trustees. Following this ratification, the Sub Group then worked with BBR on the redesign of the website which went live in the spring. Feedback from customers about the new site has been very positive and viewings have been exceptionally high, particularly those pages relating to class times and prices. We continue to monitor the viewing/visit levels of the site which are reported at the monthly trustees meetings. Julie Redshaw continues to perform sterling work with respect to managing our Facebook and Twitter accounts, which has involved her posting updates on classes and activities as well as general news items. Thanks to Julie who has yet again performed great work in coordinating this activity in addition to her other duties. Throughout the year, Paul Rea has been involved in the design and production of a variety of promotional materials including leaflets, posters, point of sale materials, etc for the Pool. Again, we are very grateful to Paul for his expertise and time. 6 As in previous years, the Communications Group had steady membership throughout the year with everyone contributing to the tasks in hand. May I take this opportunity to thank the Group members for their continued support and contributions throughout the year, namely Phil Drape, Russell Deane, Liz McAlpine, Gary Laverick, Jane Lowden, Jan Morris, Chris Clarke and Paul Rea. I would also like to thank those trustees from the other groups who supported and contributed to the work of the Website Development Sub Group. Moving forward, it is the Groups intention to concentrate its efforts on continuing to develop and build on the investment that has been made in the website whilst at the same time looking to better integrate this with our social media activity. Paul Ryder, Chair, Communications Group 7 Personnel Group This year has been a fairly quiet year for our committee. Apart from the usual movement of our part time and volunteering staff there has been very little significant change in our staff group. Those that have left us for university and other opportunities are Laura Young, Emily Hall, Rebecca Stones, Robyn Dickinson, We wish them very well for their futures. Those who have joined us this year are Emma Studholme, Zoe Hovells, Lucy Pages, Chelsea Barker, Richard Eke, Gerry Rowland We hope that you get a lot out of your time with us. We have also welcomed another baby to the Jesmond Pool family with the birth of Donna’s little girl Chloe. Many congratulations, and thank you to Terri for stepping up to Donna’s duties during her maternity leave. It is much appreciated. And we were pleased to give long service awards to Joan North…….. As well as day to day staffing matters our committee has discussed the chair’s rota for the next 3 years, sickness absence policy and, very pleasingly, a recommendation to pay bonuses and award salary increases. The latter decisions would not have been possible if the company was not in such a healthy position and that is largely down to the hard work and dedication of our staff. The recent strategy day will be a focus for future discussion around capacity for delivering on the marketing strategy and swimming development. This should make for an interesting year in securing the future of the business. Thank you again to the staff for their commitment and to other members of the committee. Joanne Kingsland Chair of Personnel Committee 8 Looking Ahead Group This last year has been something of a watershed with regard to the Group`s activities. The main thrust, as you will be aware was in respect of an agreement with the City on the Library. The Library, now being under Local control, has left a void, although our recent attempt to join with the Library Group to raise joint funds has been very successful. With this in mind, we hope to continue with this liaison to corporate financial advantage in the coming year with their agreement. The knowledge that competition from other leisure providers will intensify over the next year will be a big focus for the Group over this period. We have an excellent product which we need to `sell` as aggressively as possible and with confidence. I would hope that we can develop an information system, on which we can screen our activities to a larger audience , and which will complement our website. Les Hodgson 9 Finance & Fundraising Group Jesmond Community Leisure continues to survive in a difficult economic climate and in 2013 we managed to produce a small surplus. We depend on our customers and receive no subsidies or outside funding towards running costs, so it is important that the Finance Group monitors the day to day running of the Pool on a regular basis. We meet monthly to discuss the income and expenditure during the previous month and monitor income from our subscribers and investments. We have to balance investing in staff and new equipment to ensure the facility continues to attract a wide range of customers. In 2013 the new extension on the side of the building has increased numbers and made more people aware that we are not just a swimming pool. As well as increased gym usage there are many popular courses such as Yoga, Spinning and Zumba which take place in the upstairs activity room. During less popular periods such as school holidays we try to offer incentives to keep the building busy; although this may increase numbers it does not necessarily increase our income. At the end of the year we have invested substantially in new gym equipment to help us compete with other providers and respond to the demands of our customers. Investment in the steam room and new spinning bikes were also agreed this year. Mike Miller, one of the members of the Group, has been discussing parking around the pool with the City Council. At times when there are swimming lessons, at the end of school in particular, it is difficult for parents to find spaces due to the different regulations applying on St George’s Terrace and the side streets. These discussions are continuing. During the year we reluctantly agreed to increase admission prices as our energy costs continue to rise. The Trustees value the work of the staff who not only make the pool a welcoming and pleasant place for our customers but also contribute ideas to make the project run efficiently and generate income. In recognition of this commitment we were able to recommend a small pay rise for our staff in April. 10 The group also responds to the Auditors’ report and brings to the Trustees’ notice any action that may be required. Thanks especially to Chris Clarke and Glenn who produce the Report which accompanies the accounts. The Finance Group again wish to thank Glenn and the staff for all their efforts in providing a facility which is appreciated by the local community and also Jane Gibbon for her work and advice as Finance Director and her work on our Social Accounts. As a community pool we are always pleased to receive any help and support as well as ideas for attracting new customers. During the year David Ogilvie joined the group and if you feel able to contribute in any way please get in touch. Phil Moxon 11 Finance Director’s Report Finance Director’s Report The sales income for 2013 of £594,020 reflects another successful year for Jesmond Community Leisure. The increased subscriber income at £207,748 reflects how busy things have been with an increase in both wet and dry activities. The sales income overall has increased and this is across all categories of sales especially dry, lessons and subscriptions. Our strong links with our committed customers are reflected in these figures. The income for 2013 reflects a year when we did slightly increase prices for the first time in two years. Another income figure that should be noted is that for Jala, where we are seeing a steady increase in number of users. The balance sheet has changed during the year largely due to a change in our gym equipment in the basement. The tangible fixed assets now stand at £1,303,556. The current assets have not increased as much as might be expected during the year reflecting the use of our own funds to pay for the basement gym equipment rather than lease the equipment. The unrestricted funds have increased to £1,573,079 and there are no restricted funds. The increase in funds represents the operating surplus of £26,427 and additional funds from investment income of £4,445, donations received of £350 and two grants received during the year from the North Jesmond ward committee for building works and cycle racks of £5,490. Whilst much of the expenditure side of the project is fixed in nature, some has increased in across all activities whether wet or dry. There were yet again rises in both gas and electricity costs during 2013 even though we still work hard to reduce our consumption of energy. We continued to face high gas and electricity costs during 2013 but still receive some benefit from the discounts through the local authority purchasing scheme. There has been a reduction in the cost of chemicals during the year as a direct result of our changed systems. Another continuing expenditure item is depreciation, this being a direct result of our increased and improved tangible fixed assets notably the new extension and gym equipment. 12 As expected, given the increased activities during the year the income and expenditure account for the year ending 2013 reflects this and shows an operating surplus of £26,427. The Trustees have reviewed the results for 2013 and are pleased that the results reflect the hard work and effort that is put in by the staff. Other income received of £10,285 represents investment income from deposit accounts, donations and grants received during the year. The overall surplus transferred to funds for the year ending 31 December 2013 is £36,712; this amount is higher than previous years. The overall financial performance of the project during 2013 demonstrates another positive year with continued sustainable performance. The financial results for 2013 provide another demonstration of how the efforts of all the staff and volunteers go towards making the organisation a success. The continued effort, development of new activities and cost savings impact upon the bottom line and have helped create this solid set of accounts for 2013. The budgeted projections and actual figures for 2014 to date, indicate another year of steady performance, that includes increased sales from the both gyms and the pool having a positive impact upon the turnover. Jane Gibbon - Finance Director 13 Financial Accounts Income and Expenditure Accounts for 2010 to 2013 with Projected Figures for 2014 Projected Income Wet Activities Dry Activities Schools Private Lessons Group Lessons Subscriptions Coached activities Vending & Shop Jala 2014 Actual £117,000 £55,000 £17,500 £79,000 £70,000 £213,000 £17,500 £18,000 £24,000 Consultancy Insurance claim £611,000 Net value of stock calculation Cost of courses Direct Expenses Chemicals Gas Electricity Water Actual 2012 Actual £115,781 £53,953 £17,222 £74,079 £63,992 £207,748 £16,652 £17,316 £16,492 Insurance claim £1,784 Compensation £9,001 £594,020 £131,698 £41,078 £14,969 £68,430 £60,006 £181,238 £14,510 £17,749 £3,895 Consultancy £4,050 Compensation £0 £537,623 2011 Actual £142,699 £46,514 £12,143 £67,672 £60,930 £182,824 £13,963 £10,932 £850 Consultancy £0 Compensation £0 £538,527 £10,500 £2,100 £11,335 £11,126 £6,413 £8,357 £5,200 £18,500 £26,800 £6,200 £2,970 £22,452 £34,244 £5,991 £7,345 £21,123 £31,066 £5,060 £4,075 £18,994 £28,809 £6,130 £3,476 £17,601 £24,933 £6,323 Surplus Before Overheads Overheads Staff salaries Private lessons salaries Cost of courses and coached activities Other staff expenses Rent rates & insurance Direct management expenses: (travel, phone, post, stationery) Advertising Acctncy, legal, prof & audit Maintenance materials Maintenance Services (inc Gdng) Cleaning Minor Items of Equipment Bank charges Depreciation Profit / Loss on disposal of fixed assets Leasing, Hire purchase &Vending hire Music/TV Licence 2013 2010 £132,822 £54,740 £12,732 £66,587 £65,582 £180,646 £13,970 £10,932 £500 £1,000 £0 £539,511 (£69,300) (£76,992) (£75,720) (£64,421) (£60,690) £541,700 £517,028 £461,903 £474,106 £478,821 £324,000 £314,383 £322,114 £17,700 £3,100 £13,500 £31,244 £3,593 £14,525 £19,909 £5,331 £11,524 £6,400 £1,300 £8,000 £3,000 £16,000 £5,500 £3,000 £5,200 £85,000 £8,699 £1,085 £5,650 £2,311 £13,400 £4,930 £2,651 £5,079 £75,696 (£4,000) £10,155 £1,200 £12,222 £1,168 £5,925 £5,766 £20,018 £4,801 £914 £3,891 £81,719 £1,300 £1,200 £6,088 £1,200 £292,311 £28,987 £15,532 £3,945 £10,923 £299,971 £25,217 £15,386 £1,888 £11,888 £10,108 £2,569 £6,137 £2,319 £15,532 £5,371 £2,604 £3,418 £75,498 £0 £6,009 £0 £16,992 £1,886 £6,336 £2,986 £26,112 £4,335 £1,651 £2,466 £71,071 £895 £5,522 £0 (£494,200) £47,500 (£490,601) £26,427 (£502,590) (£40,687) (£481,263) (£7,157) (£494,602) (£15,781) £0 £4,500 £0 £0 £0 £52,000 £0 £4,445 £350 £5,490 £36,712 £0 £7,641 £5,000 (£5,500) £52,857 £19,311 £0 £8,762 £155 £0 £6,411 £8,171 £0 £4,310 £135 £0 £45,825 £34,489 Our professional advisers are - Accountants: Ryecroft Glenton Bankers: Co-operative Bank Solicitors: Dickinson Dees Operating Surplus Fundraising Investment income Donations received & receivable Development project fundraising costs Grants received Surplus Added to Capital 14 Jesmond Community Leisure Balance Sheet as at 31 December, 2013 £ Fixed Assets Tangible assets Investments £1,303,556 £0 £1,303,556 Current Assets Stock Debtors and Prepayments Bank deposits and current accounts £4,929 £21,120 £330,885 £356,934 Current Liabilities Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year £87,411 Net Current Assets £269,523 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities £1,573,079 Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year £0 £1,573,079 Capital and Reserves Unrestricted Restricted £1,573,079 £0 £1,573,079 Notes on Tangible Fixed Assets: Total Original Cost Current Value (net of depreciation) Buildings Pool & Sport Improvements Equipment £1,426,715 £309,374 £1,170,927 £126,977 Jane Gibbon - Finance Director 15 Furniture & Fittings £7,192 £0 Office Equipment £28,784 £5,652 Total £1,772,065 £1,303,556 Chief Executive's Report JUNE 2014. What a difference a year makes! Good weather, a mild winter and NO FLOODS!! I referred to flooding and weather in last years report, and with everything going as hoped, we have had a very good year, showing a surplus for a welcome change. During the year the staff kept a very close eye on all activities, and made slight adjustments and tweaks where we felt necessary. We acknowledged the problems students have in not being able to use their subscriptions towards term ends, by allowing interim payments. We also responded to requests for special summer holiday pricing for new subscribers, by offering a discounted 6 week special price. Although quite onerous on our part, we allowed people on Pilates courses to pay only for part courses, if going on planned breaks (dependent upon availability of course). We also offered sessions of 1 to 1 private lessons over the holidays, as well as the usual weekly crash courses. The crash courses in summer 2013 were our best ever. Another great success we have had in crash courses were our pool lifeguarding courses. Every one we offered was full, and we discovered the attraction was the fact that the course could be completed in just a few days, as opposed to weeks. We attracted candidates from all over the region, and we are proud to say we have a 100% record of passes. Only approved training centres can host these courses, and we have maintained this status for several years now. Our 2 trainer/assessors are Tim and Phil, who regularly examine staff in other pools all over the region. They also do a great job in keeping all of our lifeguards on their toes in regular training and CPD. Other notable staff issues were Donna’s maternity leave, which was for a great deal of 2013. She now has the very cute Chloe, to show for all her efforts. Terri has started her leisure industry management training, and has to travel to Glasgow University once a month, as well as producing work on a weekly basis. Tim requalified as a first aid trainer in 2013, and can now run full first aid courses. Julie and myself now operate the accounting systems, which required some training for us by our new part time accountant Margaret Terry. Thankfully she is very patient, and very good at her job, so Julie and I are now experts! (well, almost). 16 It was great to have Simon Leach as my chair of Trustees for this year. I remember Simon as a teenager, using the pool on a daily basis, and getting involved as a volunteer lifeguard, and many staff activities, Trustee, and now as chair. To see him grow into the man he has become, and all of this time unwavering in his support of the pool and its staff, gives me enormous satisfaction and pride. It proves to me that our culture and ethos is pretty much bang on, and I don’t know of any other leisure trust in the UK, with the community support we are so lucky to have. Well done, and thank you Simon!! We have helped the group working at the library where we can, and provide a small cleaning service for them, as well as equipment loans. As usual each year, we recruit new volunteers from our lifeguard courses, and you may have noticed new young faces throughout the year. We are still very proud that we are the only public swimming facility that offers new lifeguards the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge, that will help them in their futures, when applying for work or placements. Our usual French students from Marseilles did not happen in 2013, but instead we had 2 French placements who contacted us independently. Thibault came for a placement elsewhere in Newcastle, but when he arrived, the host changed their minds. Fortunately his girlfriend lived in Jesmond, and she suggested he call in and ask us. So we were able to help. The second placement Charline heard about us from an old customer of ours who now lives in France, and knew we hosted placements! it’s a small world !! As well as these under graduate placements, we also had our usual tranche of school work experience placements, and young people gaining work experience for Duke of Edinburgh awards. In general I am very happy with our performance in 2013. The staff did their bit in delivery and operations management, the Trustees continue to support the operational staff by providing advice, expertise and most importantly, their time and commitment (special thanks go to Mike Miller for all his work in painting, and repairing broken showers – all done voluntarily !). You, the customers have also helped greatly in your continued support, good nature, understanding and friendliness. Most of you are well aware of our status and background as a non supported charity, but a great number of users, just see us as another leisure facility, and in some ways, that is very good, as we strive to keep 17 standards as high as possible. We do not get it right all of the time, but who does? and we do try very hard.. So again, I am well pleased with 2013 and Jesmond Community Leisure. We achieved our budgetary targets, kept the service going, helped many people along the way, and probably strengthened our position in the community, of which we are a proud member. Glenn Armstrong Chief Executive 18 Our customers Breakdown of Activities Swimming 2013 Adult Swims 16991 Junior Swims 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 16637 15698 16490 18658 19440 4731 4758 5278 6138 7599 8930 Concession Swims 3845 4302 4749 5014 4322 4617 Student Swims 4144 5110 5822 6522 8051 9613 Sauna 2717 2629 3399 3914 4189 6823 Party Swims 1550 1950 1725 2225 2000 2300 Junior Private Lessons 4761 5163 4396 4456 4953 5682 Adult Private Lessons 146 93 210 109 133 96 Group Lessons 16916 12217 12383 13641 13151 13788 Subscribers 53907 45079 40119 39469 37919 27889 Selected Activities Masters 838 864 677 696 501 356 Dolphins 1139 832 837 924 1671 2200 Barracudas 647 825 Aquafit 412 901 1318 1491 1966 1683 Joggers 18888 Under 5's & Aqua Babes 800 1117 1098 1187 1523 Total Swimming 108837 102237 1600 877 98217 102773 107054 104940 Fitness Suite Subscribers 53907 45079 40119 39469 37919 27889 Fitness Suite (Casual) 1128 1572 6050 6117 6763 2646 GP Referal, 50+ & 60+ 593 630 709 548 547 905 Total Dry Activities 9732 12913 15023 21436 21838 18944 School Swimming 7919 8879 6545 5374 5786 5840 Total Attendances 126488 124029 119785 129583 134678 129724 19 Who’s Who in the Jesmond Community Leisure Staff and Volunteers Glenn Armstrong Chief Executive Phil Drape Duty Manager/Ashtanga Yoga Tim McGahey Duty Manager/Spinning Instructor Donna Morris Duty Manager/Spinning Instructor Wendy Mill Senior Leisure Attendant/Spinning Instructor Scott Armstrong Senior Leisure Attendant/ Jesmond Jogger's Coordinator Terri Sambrook Senior Leisure Attendant/Spinning Instructor Julie Redshaw Administration Manager/Private Lesson Coordinator Theo Little Weekend Reception/Part Time Leisure Attendant Alex Kingsland Part Time Leisure Attendant Dean Surtees Part Time Leisure Attendant Heidi Ratter Part Time Leisure Attendant/ Casual Swimming Teacher Leanne Short Part Time Leisure Attendant/ Cleaner Louis Wheeler Part Time Leisure Attendant Jennie Steele Part Time Leisure Attendant Femke Herema Part Time Leisure Attendant / Casual Swimming Teacher Renske Herema Part Time Leisure Attendant / Casual Swimming Teacher Emily Hall Part Time Leisure Attendant / Casual Swimming Teacher Alex Smith Part Time Leisure Attendant/Masters Coach Andrew Smith Part Time Leisure Attendant/Barracudas Toby Hovells Part Time Leisure Attendant/Casual Swimming Teacher Zoe Hovells Part Time Leisure Attendant/Casual Swimming Teacher Susanna Inglis Part Time Leisure Attendant Emily Cheshire Part Time Leisure Attendant/Weekend Reception Liz Debski Part Time Leisure Attendant Sally Hovells Casual Swimming Teacher/Barracudas Bron Aal Swimming Teacher Joan North Swimming Teacher/Group Lesson Coordinator Jennie Belton Casual Swimming Teacher Christopher Tibbs Casual Swimming Teacher Mel Stones Casual Swimming Teacher Nicole Doyle Casual Swimming Teacher Rochelle Martin Casual Swimming Teacher Robyn Dickinson Casual Swimming Teacher Laura Barrett Casual Swimming Teacher Laura Gawrylo Casual Swimming Teacher Ashleigh Rowland Casual Swimming Teacher Olivia Minaudo Casual Swimming Teacher Kate Thurlow Casual Swimming Teacher Laura Young Casual Swimming Teacher 20 Sarah Rhodes Casual Swimming Teacher Joseph Brayson Casual Swimming Teacher Lynne Pattinson Aqua - Fit Teacher Nicky Powell Aqua - Fit Teacher/Circuits/Bums, legs & Tums Natalka Kirkbride Zumba Yuvel Soria Zumba Tanya Velho Zumba/Personal Trainer Ethel Daley Volunteer Dolphin Coach Dave Hammond Volunteer Dolphin Coach Gary Armstrong Volunteer Dolphin Coach Gerry Rowland Volunteer Dolphin Coach/Casual Swimming Teacher/Volunteer Lifeguard Fay Farthing Little Dragons Katie Thompson Pilates Teacher Ruby Halford Pilates Teacher Anne Smiley Fitness Instructor/ GP Referrals and 50+ Michelle Blake Holistic Therapist Sarah Jackson Holistic Therapist Mike Miller Volunteer Gardener/Trustee Lorna Miller Volunteer Gardener Fiona Clarke Volunteer Gardener Andrew Barrett Volunteer Lifeguard Simon Leach Volunteer Lifeguard /Trustee Tom Smallwood Volunteer Lifeguard Donald Gaze Volunteer Lifeguard Kitty Halliday Volunteer Lifeguard Rosalind Field Volunteer Lifeguard Paul Eltringham Volunteer Lifeguard Martin Hunt Relief Duty Manager / Lifeguard Angus Miller Volunteer Lifeguard Leolie Telford-Cooke Volunteer Lifeguard Beth Carmen Volunteer Lifeguard Chris Dobson Volunteer Lifeguard Ellen Dickinson Volunteer Lifeguard Lauren Tawn Volunteer Lifeguard/Casual Swimming Teacher Ellen Last Volunteer Lifeguard Lucy Pages Volunteer Lifeguard Ollie Pages Volunteer Lifeguard Alex Brayson Volunteer Lifeguard Robbie Miller Volunteer Lifeguard Peter Round Volunteer maintenance Katy Barrett Volunteer Lifeguard Chris White Volunteer Lifeguard 21 Lucy Jenner Volunteer Lifeguard Jennifer Hitchcot Volunteer Lifeguard Mary Davison Volunteer Lifeguard Shona Farish Volunteer Lifeguard Anna Farr Volunteer Lifeguard Jess McQueen Volunteer Lifeguard Liz Bishop Volunteer Lifeguard Aine Singleton Volunteer Lifeguard Ben Holdsworth Volunteer Lifeguard James Welford Volunteer Lifeguard Adam Whitehead Volunteer Lifeguard Fraser Stewart Volunteer Lifeguard Khutso Bell Volunteer Lifeguard Max Morgan Volunteer Lifeguard Robert Pallistar Volunteer Lifeguard Kit Pollard Volunteer Lifeguard Rafael Bagott Volunteer Lifeguard Hannah Patterson Volunteer Lifeguard Jessica Meynell Volunteer Lifeguard Akshay Pabary Volunteer Lifeguard Ali Bennett Volunteer Lifeguard We would like to thank our staff and volunteer helpers for their special commitment to the project. Apologies to those left out of this list! There are in fact many more who have delivered leaflets and newsletters, put letters in envelopes, weeded the garden, taken photographs, typed minutes or helped in many other ways........thanks to them all!! Trustees during all or part of 2012/2013 Members of the Company Chris Clarke All the Trustees in the left hand Jane Gibbon column, plus: Russell Deane Bron Aal Les Hodgson Steve Aal Mike Miller Peter Breakey Liz McAlpine Bob Evans Phil Moxon Joanne Kingsland David Rushworth Peter Hall Barrie Thompson Chris May Richard Taylor Jan Morris Paul Rea Andrew Plasom-Scott Simon Leach Denis Scadeng Jane Lowdon Jill Winter Peter Slater Paul Ryder 22