Module specification 1. 1. Factual information Module title OUFP505 Moving with Fashion Module tutor Module type Taught Level 5 Credit value 30 Notional learning hours 300 2. Rationale for the module and its links with other modules This module will examine the role of the ‘moving image’ and the ‘fashion film’ within the fashion industry. The inclusion of ‘moving image’ within the fashion photographers practice has developed over recent years. ‘Fashion film’ has now become an established part of the fashion photographers’ output for self-promotion and to meet the requirements of client led briefs. This module will introduce and develop the skills and knowledge required to produce ‘moving image’ outcomes. ‘Moving image’ may be explored further in the Level 6 ‘Extended Practice’ module. 3. Aims of the module To facilitate the experience of producing ‘moving image’ outcomes through the application of knowledge and understanding of current fashion industry practices. To develop skills learnt in previous modules and apply knowledge and understanding for the production of ‘moving image’ outcomes. To develop practical skills using specialist photographic equipment and appropriate digital software. To ensure students are aware of the relationships and nuances of the ‘photographic still’ and ‘moving image’. To promote a range of professional practices for the production of fashion images through the use of different media. 4. Pre-requisite modules or specified entry requirements As those required for entry to Level 5. 5. Intended learning outcomes A. Knowledge and understanding Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: Lectures/Briefings: to introduce module content, principles/theories and explore their relationship to studio practice. 5A7: Demonstrate an understanding of fashion imagery through identifying contemporary and historical uses of ‘lens based media’ within a range of contexts for different audiences. B. Cognitive skills At the end of the module learners will be expected to: 5B5: Analyse and evaluate the possibilities and potential of the ‘moving image’ in relation to the ‘photographic still image’ within the context of the Fashion industry and the production of creative outcomes. Seminars/Workshops: Knowledge and understanding are acquired through seminars and directed independent learning activities. Independent Research & Study: to develop selfdirected areas of interest and methods of selfevaluation appropriate to module content and personal development. Learning and teaching strategy Workshops and Briefings: to introduce and support the development of practical and conceptual approaches to problem analysis, idea generation and design development. Seminars: to develop knowledge and understanding within a supportive framework. C. Practical and professional skills Critiques: to enable students to relate their work to a growing awareness of the link between theory and practice and how this supports the evaluative process. Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: Practical studio sessions: to develop skills specific to student needs. 5C5: Develop practical work in response to a defined brief that demonstrates professional working practices in research, planning and communications. Practical Workshops: to support the development of appropriate practical/technical skills appropriate to module content and outcomes. 5C6: Identify and use a range of techniques and technology for the production of fashion imagery. Producing work to a technically competent standard that realises concepts and creative intentions. Independent Studio Development / Drop in Access: to further develop increasingly selfdirected areas of interest, practical skills and studio practices appropriate to module content and personal development. D. Key transferable skills Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: Group Critique: to develop understanding and skills in the critical analysis and evaluation of individual progress and peer feedback. 5D5: Review and evaluate the experience of using a range of media for the production of Fashion imagery. Recognising the key nuances and subtleties of the different techniques and technologies used. Independent Research & Study: to develop individual areas of interest and methods of selfevaluation appropriate to module content and personal development documentation in support of personal performance. 6. Indicative content This module will explore the use of ‘moving image’ within the context of the fashion industry. The interrelationship between the moving and still image will be examined through a series of seminars and workshops. Specialist skills and knowledge will be acquired through the use of appropriate digital technology and techniques for the production of moving image outcomes. Workshops will ensure that technical skills are gained to meet the practical requirements of set briefs. The conceptual knowledge and practical skills gained in modules at Level 4 will be developed further to produce creative final outcomes. Organisation of workload and time management skills will be crucial to ensuring the requirements of briefs are completed to set deadlines. Opportunities to collaborate with others will be encouraged and the benefits of working as a production team highlighted. Analysis and critique of experiences and work produced will be essential for the future development of practice. Peer review and tutor guidance will help raise awareness of potential areas/pathways for future progression. 7. Assessment strategy, assessment methods and their relative weightings Formative assessment Workshops, tutorials and critiques. Summative assessment: 100% - Project 8. Mapping of assessment tasks to learning outcomes Learning outcomes Assessment tasks 5A7 5B5 5C5 5C6 5D5 Portfolio (100%) 9. Teaching staff associated with the module Name and contact details 10. Key reading list Author Year Rees-Roberts, N. 2015 Blanks, T. and Sloman, P. Jade, L. 2013 Mijovic, N. 2013 2012 Title Fashion Film: Art and Advertising in the Digital Age. New Fashion Photography. Publisher Bloomsbury Location London Prestel Munich Fashion Photography 101: A Complete Course for New Fashion Photographers. “Narrative Form and the Rhetoric of Fashion in the Promotional Fashion Film” in Film Fashion & Consumption, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 175-186. Ilex Lewes Intellect Bristol 10. Key reading list Author Year Green, D. and 2006 Lowry, J. (eds.) Beckman, K. and Ma, J. Campany, D. 2008 2008 Title Stillness and Time: Photography and the Moving Image. Stillness Moving: Between Cinema and Photography Photography and Cinema Publisher Photoworks Location Brighton Duke University Press Durham, NC. London Reaktion Books 11. Other indicative text (e.g. websites) Exhibition, Research and Education project: Fashion Photography Archive: Academic Fashion Book Publishers: The Dazed Guide to Fashion Film: Show Studios, The Home of the Fashion Film: Independent Online Media Fashion Channel: Berlin Fashion Film Festival: The Home of Fashion Film, Show Studio: Post-Production for the Digital Age, Yeah, It’s Magic: On-going Collection of Short Fashion Films: Clothes on Film, Costume and Identity: A Shaded View on Fashion: New York Fashion Film Festival: London Fashion Film Festival: Fashion Film Festival Milano: British Council, Dressing the Screen: The Rise of Fashion Film: Video Curation: Stories & Fashion Films: Tokyo and Asian Fashion Video: On-Line Photographic: Fashion/Lifestyle/Art/ Culture 125 Magazine VOLT Magazine Seesaw Oh Comely Lens Culture Used Magazine Flakphoto Visura Verve: Fashion & Art magazine Foam Magazine Slave Magazine Flux Magazine Another Magazine Hunger Magazine Dazed & Confused