suggested resource - Montgomery Development Education Centre

Climate Change resources available to borrow from the
Montgomery Development Education Centre
79 Queen St
AB10 1AN
Tel 01224 620111
Who Will Save Us? (story book)
Age 4-7
Curriculum area: Sciences, Social Studies
Theme: Climate Change
Flip and Flap, Waddle, Splash and Littlest are a group of young penguins discovering their
wonderful world only to find it is changing at the hands of the humans. However there is
hope in store. Their teacher Old Wise explains that humans are clever and care and –
when they all work together – they can make amazing things happen …
George Saves the World by Lunchtime (story book)
Age 5-7
Curriculum area: Sciences, Social Studies
Theme: Climate Change
George Saves the World by Lunchtime is a colourful and entertaining book that helps
educate children about the simple and strong message to recycle, re-use, reduce and
repair. As children follow George’s adventures they will learn more about the environment
at the same time.
PowerDown toolkit (teaching booklet, ‘learn and solution’ cards, DVD, colour photos and activities)
Age 4-12
Curriculum area: Sciences, Social Studies
Theme: Climate Change
A climate change toolkit for Primary Schools that enables learners to investigate energy
use at home and in their schools and how this is linked to extreme weather events
thousands of miles away. The toolkit includes: teachers’ booklet with lesson ideas, activity
sheets and curriculum links, 22 photo cards showing the causes and impact of climate
change, links to energy use and inspiring solutions, DVD-ROM featuring films, slideshows,
teacher’s guide and photos.
Upper Primary/ Lower Secondary
Stupid or Not: Education for a Smarter Planet (Activities, story cards, DVD ROM and photos)
Age 12
Curriculum area: Sciences, Social Studies
Theme: Climate Change
This multimedia resource pack for pupils explores the complexities of climate change –
from the science, to the possible impacts and solutions – through real, human stories from
around the world. Learners are encouraged to investigate, debate and to critically
evaluate key questions relating to climate change.
The MDEC is part of the Third World Centre which is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee and
registered as such in the UK (Company Number SC112265, registered office 79 Queen Street, Aberdeen,
AB10 1AN). The Third World Centre is registered as a Charity in Scotland (Scottish Charity Number
A Clean Sky – The Global Warming Story (factual book)
Age 12-17
Curriculum area: Sciences, Social Studies
Theme: Climate Change
This book tells the story of the global warming challenge and some of the things we can
do to meet it and how the challenge presents unique opportunities to create new
technology and new industries that can make large changes in the way we use the Earth's
resources. Since a large part of the greenhouse gases are emitted during electric power
generation, one exciting new solution focuses on using hydrogen fuel and storing the
carbon dioxide deep underground while generating the electricity.
Funny Weather – Everything you didn’t want to know about climate change but
probably should find out (comic book)
Age 12-17
Curriculum area: Sciences, Social Studies
Theme: Climate Change
This is a comic book and provides an amusing take on a deadly serious issue. The book
presents facts on Climate Change in an amusing and accessible way.
PowerDown toolkit (teaching booklet, ‘learn and solution’ cards, DVD, colour photos and activities)
Age 12-17
Curriculum area: Sciences, Social Studies
Theme: Climate Change
A climate change toolkit for Primary Schools that enables learners to investigate energy
use at home and in their schools and how this is linked to extreme weather events
thousands of miles away. The toolkit includes: teachers’ booklet with lesson ideas, activity
sheets and curriculum links, 22 photo cards showing the causes and impact of climate
change, links to energy use and inspiring solutions, DVD-ROM featuring films, slideshows,
teacher’s guide and photos.
The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming (factual guide for teachers)
A teacher’s guide that gives essential facts about global warming and the ways it impacts
upon our planet and offers a message of hope as to how we can prevent the full
consequences of global warming.
Climate Change – Local and Global (teaching book)
This resource has been developed by teacher groups in the West Midlands as a
framework which enables children’s enquiry into these complex questions.
The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change (factual guide for teachers)
A factual, reliable guide to some of the most important issues surrounding climate change.
The book explores the latest findings, explains why carbon emissions trading and nuclear
power are not the answer. It calls for measures to clean up our act, cut energy use and
improve energy efficiency.
Climate Change (factual guide for teachers)
This is a clear and simple account of action that needs to betaken in both rich and poor
countries. Packed with information, it’s an ideal resource for anyone who wants a clear
introduction to the story of climate change, and the choices we face to ensure the health
of ourselves and the health of the planet.
The MDEC is part of the Third World Centre which is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee and
registered as such in the UK (Company Number SC112265, registered office 79 Queen Street, Aberdeen,
AB10 1AN). The Third World Centre is registered as a Charity in Scotland (Scottish Charity Number