1 Lee et al: Supplementary Materials and Methods 2 Demography: A population of African elephants, ranging over 8000 km2 of the Amboseli basin 3 ecosystem in southern Kenya, has been observed continuously since 1972. Animals have individually 4 known life histories (n = 2652), documented through continuous censuses and sightings. Individuals 5 were recognised from distinctive ear veins, notches and holes [1]. Birth dates were known (±1 day to 6 ± 6 mo) from 1972 (76% of the current population). Older individuals were aged from rates of 7 maturation, historical photographs, and tooth ages at death [1]. Cause of death was coded as 8 human-related or natural / unknown and a death date determined from last known sighting or 9 carcase location. Mortality is age and sex-specific in this population, but the age profiles have not 10 11 changed enough over the 40 years considered here [1] to affect overall mortality rates. Environmental experience used monthly rainfall, which was highly seasonal and bimodal, in 12 an annual cycle of October to September to determine a drought index of the number of months 13 with < 20 mm rain relative to total annual rainfall *100 [2] (Dry Season Intensity, DSI). The Drought 14 Index was used rather than NDVI [3] since rainfall and demographic sequences start in 1968 well 15 before high-resolution satellite photographs. In this sample, years with a DSI > 2.5 were coded as 16 drought years, typically reflecting >5 months of no rain and less than 200 mm of total rain in the year 17 (mean annual rainfall = 322 mm). Based on calf birth dates, they were assigned to drought 18 experiences if they had one annual cycle with drought within their first two years of life, or for 19 gestation, if either the first or second year of gestation fell within an annual drought cycle. 20 Maternal quality: Elephant females have an age-based dominance hierarchy [4,5]; the oldest female 21 is the leader or matriarch of a family. Therefore a key feature of maternal quality is her age. Age is 22 also a proxy for size since elephant females continue to grow in height until ~30 years of age (see 23 Supplementary Fig. 1). Maternal age was determined for each calf birth, and coded by number of 24 previous births experienced (parity). The range of maternal ages overlapped considerably for each 1 25 category of maternal parity (parity First: 8.91-17.7 years; parity Second: 10.34-26.1 years; parity 3+: 26 13.0-66.0 years; n = 2202). 27 Age at first reproduction: 455 females with age known at <6mo accuracy commenced reproduction 28 during the study allowing determination of age at first-known parturition, since conceptions that did 29 not result in a live birth may have been missed. Sperm production commences at 10-12 when males 30 are half the size of an adult female, resident with their natal families [6], unable to mate effectively, 31 and unable to compete with other larger males [7]. Independent males under 25 are highly sexually 32 active [8], but have a lower probability of paternity than do full musth males where musth 33 represents the annual period of male hormonal and sexual activity [7,9]. First transitory signs of 34 musth can last from several hours to several days and could be easily missed, so first musth used 35 here represents males observed with clear musth signs in proximity to oestrous females and/or 36 engaging sexual activity (testing females, attempting to mount; e.g. [7]). 37 Measures of size: We have photogrametically assessed the shoulder height of individual elephants 38 since 1991 [10], and hindfoot length from footprints since 1976. There were 1495 measures on 431 39 individual males and 436 individual females. Males contributed 442 foot lengths and 387 shoulder 40 heights (with 101 simultaneous measures of both). Females contributed 283 foot lengths and 616 41 shoulder heights (130 simultaneous measures of both). There were 86 repeated measures of heights 42 for males and 226 for females (range 2-4), and 193 foot lengths for males and 90 for females (range 43 2-7). These repeated measures were at different ages, and samples sizes were unbalanced between 44 foot length and shoulder height, as well as for other factors. 45 We fit nonlinear curves (Supplementary Fig. 1) using SPSS v18 (IMB Corp, Chicago) to size 46 measures using asymptotic growth curves for foot length (Males, n = 442, r2 = 0.960: Foot length = 47 53.7 (52.9-54.5 95%CI) – 34.64 (33.88-35.40 95%CI) * e(-0.067 (-.071- -.063 95%CI)+age); Females, n = 270, r2 = 48 0.964: Foot length = 42.8 (42.1-43.4 95%CI) – 24.77 (23.92-26.91 95%CI) * e(-0.103 (-.112 - -.114 95% CI)+age)) 49 and von Bertalanffy curves for shoulder height (Males: n = 378, r2 = 0.918: Shoulder height = 301 2 50 (294-308 95%CI) * (1 – e–.07663 (.699-.0833 95% CI) *(age+5.13 (-5.71 - -4.54 95%CI))); Females: n = 617, r2 = 0.865: 51 Shoulder height = 235 (232 – 237 95%CI) * (1 – e–.12596 (.1170-.1349 95% CI) *(age+4.15 (-4.63 - -3.67 95%CI))). 52 Residuals from these sex-specific nonlinear curves (relative height or relative footlength) 53 were used to model the impact of covariates (maternal parity, drought experience, gestational 54 environment and sex) on growth. We visualized these effects (Figure 1 of the main paper) by fitting 55 new von Bertalanffy curves using nonlinear least squares in R nlme 4 package for R version 3.1-89 56 [11], using the parameters from separate-sex growth models (above) as starting values. We first 57 subdivided the data by sex, and then tested whether parameters differed across drought and birth 58 order by fitting a nonlinear mixed effects model with the factor of interest as a random effect. We 59 used the coefficients of these models to plot the curves in Figure 1. 60 We obtained qualitatively similar results for all modeling approaches: the inclusion or 61 exclusion of non-significant terms or random effects had little effect on the outcome of our analyses, 62 nor did varying the starting parameters of our nonlinear regressions. We included figures based on 63 the parameters of nonlinear regressions (0-30 years), but the residual values used for hypothesis 64 testing were based on a larger age range (0-70 years) that was more representative of growth over 65 the lifespan. 66 References: 67 1. 68 69 Amboseli, Kenya. J. Zool. 255, 145-156. 2. 70 71 Moss, C.J. 2001 The demography of an African elephant (Loxodonta africana) population in McKee, T.B., Doesken, N.J. & Kleist, J. 1993 Proc. 8th Conference Applied Climatology, 17-22 January, Anaheim, CA, pp. 179-184. Boston: American Meterological Society. 3. Pettorelli, N., Vik, J.O., Mysterud, A., Gaillard, J.M., Tucker, C.J. & Stenseth, N.C. 2005 Using the 72 satellite-derived NDVI to assess ecological responses to environmental change. Trends Ecol Evol 73 20, 503-10. 3 74 4. Archie, E.A., Morrison, T.A, Foley, C.A.H., Moss, C.J. & Alberts, S.C. 2006 Dominance 75 relationships among wild female African elephants, Loxodonta africana. Anim. Behav. 71, 117- 76 127. 77 5. 78 79 Wittemyer, G. & Getz, W.M. 2007 Hierarchical dominance structure and social organisation in African elephants, Loxodonta africana. Anim. Behav. 73, 671-681. 6. Lee, P.C. & Moss, C.J. 1999 The social context for learning and behavioural development among 80 wild African elephants. In Mammalian Social Evolution (eds. H.O. Box & K. Gibson), pp. 102-125. 81 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 82 7. 83 84 Poole, J.H. 1987 Rutting behaviour in African elephants: the phenomenon of musth. Behaviour 102, 283-316. 8. Rasmussen, H.B., Ganswindt, A., Douglas-Hamilton, I. & Vollrath, F. 2006 Endocrine and 85 behavioral changes in male African elephants: linking hormone changes to sexual state and 86 reproductive tactics. Horm. Behav. 54, 539-548. 87 9. Hollister-Smith, J., Poole, J.H., Archie, E.A., Vance, E.A., Georgiadis, N.J., Moss, C.J. & Alberts, 88 S.C. 2007 Age, musth and paternity success in wild male African elephants, Loxodonta africana. 89 Anim. Behav. 74, 287-296. 90 91 92 93 10. Lee, P.C. & Moss, C.J. 1995 Statural growth in known-age African elephants (Loxodonta africana). J. Zool. 236, 29-41. 11. Pinheiro, J., Bates, D., DebRoy, S., Sarkar, D. and the R Development Core Team. 2008 nlme: Linear and nonlinear mixed effects models. (R package version 3). 94 95 4 96 Supplementary Figures 97 Supplementary Figure 1: Growth curves for (A) Shoulder height (cm) and (B) foot length (cm) 98 with loess curve fit for males (triangles) and females (circles) shown. All data plotted. Analyses 99 used the relative-size-for-age derived from individual residuals from mean non-linear regression 100 curves fitted for age and sex. 101 102 Supplementary Figure 2: (A) Cumulative survival probability over 40 years for calves which 103 survived to 12 months of age, comparing between firstborn and not firstborn; (B) Comparing 104 drought and no drought survival. Calves under 12 months were excluded to remove the 105 majority of the effects of early mortality on life expectancy. 5