Kidney Biopsy Slides: Normal & Pathological Conditions

This slide shows a normal kidney biopsy. The glomeruli are normocellular, the
tubules are closely spaced and the interstitium and blood vessels are not prominent.
(Low power, H&E)
Normal biopsy: Note the number of mesangial cells per mesangial area within the
glomerulus not to exceed 3 nucleii. The glomerular capillary loops are open and
patent, some containing red blood cells. The tubules are lined by a single layer of
cells with well organized nucleii. (High power, H&E).
This slide shows a normal kidney biopsy. The glomeruli are normocellular, the
tubules are closely spaced and the interstitium and blood vessels are not prominent.
(Low power, PAS stain) Note: Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) is a special stain used to
highlight the basement membranes for the glomerular capillaries, the tubules and the
large blood vessels.
Three glomeruli are seen to illustrate the normal glomerular cellularity, the normal
thickness of the capillary basement membranes and the evenly spaced tubules. (High
power, PAS stain)
Section of normal kidney stained with trichrome stain to highlight the interstitial
collagen and the basement membranes. Collagen and fibrous tissue stain light green.
In this slide, notice the small amount of interstitial tissues seen between the tubular
structures. (Low power, Trichrome stain)
High power view of a glomerulus and surrounding tubules. Note the normocellular
glomerulus, the thin capillary basement membranes and the tubules that are closely
arranged with little interstitium seen. (High power, Trichrome).
Silver stain shows normal glomerular basement membrane with no thickening or
wrinkling. Silver stain stains black the basement membranes of glomerular
capillaries, tubules and larger vessels. (Low power, Jones Silver stain)
Silver stain shows normal glomerular basement membrane with no thickening or
wrinkling. (High Power, Jones Silver stain)
Silver stain shows normal glomerular basement membrane with no thickening or
wrinkling. [High power, Jones Silver stain]
Chronic Pyelonephritis: The glomeruli are mildly affected with focal glomerular
sclerosis. The tubules show atrophy and focal drop-out. The subcapsular interstitial
spaces are infiltrated with chronic inflammatory cells, mainly mononuclears,
lymphocytes and histiocytes. The blood vessels are minimally thickened. (low
power, H&E)
Chronic Pyelonephritis: The glomeruli are mildly affected with focal glomerular
concentric sclerosis and the tubules show atrophy and focal drop-out. Note the heavy
interstitial infiltrate of chronic inflammatory cells, mainly lymphocytes and
histiocytes. The blood vessels are minimally thickened. (High power, H&E)
Chronic Pyelonephritis: PAS shows the degree of tubular loss and wrinkling of
tubular basement membranes. Also sclerotic glomeruli are prominent (Low power,
Chronic Pyelonephritis: PAS shows the degree of tubular loss and wrinkling of
tubular basement membranes. Also sclerotic glomeruli are prominent (High power,
Chronic Pyelonephritis: Trichrome shows an increase in interstitial fibrosis and
prominent glomerular sclerosis, especially in the subcapsular inflamed areas (Low
Power, Trichrome).
Chronic Pyelonephritis: Trichrome shows an increase in interstitial fibrosis and
prominent glomerular sclerosis, especially in the subcapsular inflamed areas (High
Power, Trichrome).
Chronic Pyelonephritis: Silver stain enhances the basement membrane morphology
and shows large areas of tubular loss seen as the small wrinkled tubular basement
membranes, especially in the subcapsular areas. (Low power, Jones Silver stain).
Chronic Pyelonephritis: Silver stain enhances the basement membrane morphology
and shows large areas of glomerular capillary thickening and small wrinkled tubular
basement membranes (High power, Jones Silver stain).
Acute Tubular Necrosis: The glomeruli are slightly affected with mild hypertrophy
and mesangial matrix expansion. The tubules are the main site of injury with
coagulation necrosis of the tubular epithelial cells. The tubular lumina are filled with
cellular debris and pigmented casts. The interstitial shows minimal inflammatory
infiltrate. The blood vessels are within normal limits. (Low power, H&E)
Acute Tubular Necrosis: The glomeruli are slightly affected with mild hypertrophy
and mesangial matrix expansion. The tubules are the main site of injury with
coagulation necrosis of the tubular epithelial cells. The tubular lumina are filled with
cellular debris and pigmented casts. The interstitium show areas of edema (High
power, H&E)
Acute Tubular Necrosis: The PAS shows the degree of mesangial expansion and the
basement membranes outlining the "dead tubules" (High power PAS)
Acute Tubular Necrosis: The trichrome reveals the amount of interstitial fibrosis for
comparison to other cases. (High power, Trichrome)
Acute Tubular Necrosis:The silver stain shows mild glomerular capillary basement
membrane thickening and mesangial expansion. It also accentuates the tubular
basement membranes. (High power Jones Silver stain)
Atherosclerotic Embolic nephritis: One sclerosed glomerulus is seenThere is
increased interstitial fibrosis, both are signs of chronic hypertensive changes. (Low
power, H&E)
Atherosclerotic Embolic nephritis: The main pathologic finding is in the medium and
larger blood vessels. A large blood vessel contains an artherosclerotic thrombus
complete with cholesterol clefts and proliferating cells. At the edge of the section, a
cluster of sclerotic glomeruli are present suggestive of a long standing vascular
disease.( Low power H&E)
Atherosclerotic Embolic nephritis: A large blood vessel contains an artherosclerotic
thrombus complete with cholesterol clefts and proliferating cells (High power, H&E)
Atherosclerotic Embolic nephritis: Mildly increased glomerular mesangial matrix
and increased interstitial fibrosis as sign of chronic ischemic changes seen in
hypertension (Low power, H&E)
Atherosclerotic Embolic nephritis: PAS, Silver stains accentuate the blood vessels'
Atherosclerotic Embolic nephritis: The trichrome stain shows increased mesangial
matrix and interstitial fibrosis with spreading of the tubules as sign of chronic
hypertensive changes. (Low power, Trichrome)
Atherosclerotic Embolic nephritis: The trichrome stain shows increased mesangial
matrix and interstitial fibrosis with spreading of the tubules. (High power,
Atherosclerotic Embolic nephritis: Increased mesangial matrix and slightly thickened
capillary basement membranes correlate with the underlying chronic hypertension (
High power, Jones silver stain)
Silver stain, med power. An interlobular artery occluded by a cholesterol
atheroembolus within the renal cortex.
Hypertension: The blood vessles show great thickening of the media and intima.
There is duplication and interruption of the internal elastic lamina. This is best
demonstrated by the silver and PAS stain. The interstitium shows increased
interstitial fibrosis, as a sign of the chronicity of the disease. (Low power, H&E).
Hypertension: Areas of subcapsular fibrosis and glomerular sclerosis are signs of
chronic infarcts as seen in long-standing hypertension. (Low power, H&E)
Hypertension: One glomerulus shows expanded mesangial matrix. Mild tubular
atrophy and increased interstitial fibrosis are also noted. (High power, H&E)
Hypertension: Thickened medium-sized blood vessel with duplication of the elastic
lamina and surrounding glomerular sclerosis is seen. Also note the tubular drop-out
in the upper half of the slide (Low power, PAS)
Hypertension: Thickened medium-sized blood vessel with duplication of the elastic
lamina and surrounding glomerular sclerosis is seen. Also note the tubular drop-out
in the upper half of the slide (Low power, PAS)
Hypertension: One totally sclerosed glomerulus while the others show early ischemic
changes as demonstrated by mesangial matrix expansion and fibrosis of the
Bowman's capsule. Also seen is the extensive tubular atrophy (Low power, PAS).
Hypertension: Trichrome stain shows the increased interstitial fibrosis and large area
of old infarct. (Low power, Trichrome).
Hypertension: Triagular area fibrosis, with the base towards the capsule is a hallmark
of a healed, old infarct. (low power, Trichrome).
Hypertension: Triagular area fibrosis, with the base towards the capsule is a hallmark
of a healed, old infarct. (low power, Jones' Silver Stain).
Hypertension: Medium size artery showing concentric thickening of the wall. Also
note the duplication of the internal elastic lamina (Low power, Jones Silver stain)
Hypertension: H&E stain on left reveals that the endstage glomerulus is globally
sclerotic. Methenamine silver-trichrome stain on the right reveals ischemic collapse
of the glomerular tuft with fibrosis replacing the empty surrounding urinary space.