Quick Blue = Rapid Coomassie Post-Stain For complex mixtures: lysates, serum etc Real Time Blue = Coomassie Stain + Sample Loading Buffer + Pre-stained Protein Ladder Engineered for simpler samples: partially purified proteins, protein fragments, FPLC fractions etc This questionnaire allows us to determine which stain is best suited to your applications. Name: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organisation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Department --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postcode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 1) Are you currently running SDS-PAGE? ☐Yes ☐No 2) How do you currently stain your proteins? Eg Coomassie, Silver stain? -------------------------------------------------------------3) Who is your current supplier of stain eg PageBlue from Pierce? ----------------------------------------------------------------------4) What are the main drawbacks of your current method? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------5) How many SDS-PAGE do you perform in your lab? ☐ 1 gel/week ☐ 2 - 5 gels/week ☐ 6-10 gels/week ☐ 11-15 gels/week ☐ 15 -20 gels/week ☐ >20 gels/week EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS: Triple Red Tel: 01844 201142 Fax: 01844 203650 E-mail: info@triplered.com Web: www.triplered.com Sample: 1) Typical samples ☐Soluble Proteins ☐Membrane Proteins ☐Recombinant Protein ☐Antibody ☐Virus ☐Other --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) What is the composition of the buffer containing your sample? ----------------------------------------------------------------------Application: 1) Why do you perform SDS-PAGE? ☐ Soluble Expression ☐ Lysates ☐ Western Blot ☐ Protein Purity ☐ FPLC fractions ☐ Protein Yield ☐ Sizing Proteins ☐ Other, please specify 2) What % of SDS-PAGE is performed for expression as opposed to purification ? --------------------------------------------------APPRAISAL: 3) Would you replace your current method with Real time stain in entirety and, if not, what would stop you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) How would you rate the importance of the following performance parameters from a scale of 1 to 5? (1 = unimportant, 5 = critical) Speed Price No additional steps Ease of Use Sensitivity to 50-100 ng protein ☐1 ☐1 ☐1 ☐1 ☐1 ☐2 ☐2 ☐2 ☐2 ☐2 ☐3 ☐3 ☐3 ☐3 ☐3 ☐4 ☐4 ☐4 ☐4 ☐4 ☐5 ☐5 ☐5 ☐5 ☐5 Please let us know if you are interested in any of the following products: ☐ Safety Cabinet ☐ Centrifuge ☐CO2 Incubator ☐ Pure Water System ☐ Autoclave ☐ ULT Freezer Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. Please return all sample requests to info@triplered.com. Triple Red Tel: 01844 201142 Fax: 01844 203650 E-mail: info@triplered.com Web: www.triplered.com