Error Messages for WEB ADI - RIAS: Rutgers Integrated

User Guide
Error Messages
Error Messages Version 4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
Error Messages for WEB ADI .................................................................................................................................. 1
Context Area ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Macro settings in Excel ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Protection on Excel ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Pop-Up Blocker .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Upload Messages ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
No Date in the Accounting Date field ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Invalid Accounting Date ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Debits and Credits Not Equal ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Debits and Credits on the Same Line .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Wrong Account Information ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Wrong Account Number Length ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Invalid Reversal Date .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Invalid Indicator in Reverse Journal ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Error Messages for Creating an Online Journal ..................................................................................................... 7
Fund Source ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Organization................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Journal Lines ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Attachment .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Short and Long Text Attachment ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Error Messages for Posting ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Error 4 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Error 7 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Error Messages Version 4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
Error Messages for WEB ADI
Context Area
Outlined below are descriptions of common error messages that might occur when
you use Web ADI.
There are certain areas of the Web ADI template where information cannot be
changed, particularly in the Context area. Trying to change values in this area will
result in the error message shown below.
Macro settings in Excel
If you have not followed the steps in the Desktop Configuration Guide to change your
Excel Macro settings, the error below will appear.
Protection on Excel
Web ADI is a protected Excel spreadsheet. This error may appear when you are
working within the spreadsheet:
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
The sheet is protected, but not by password, so you can easily unprotect it by
selecting: Tools> Protection>Unprotect Sheet on the Excel toolbar.
Pop-Up Blocker
When you use the RIAS Application, you might receive a Pop-Up Blocker message from
your web browser, depending on your current settings. If you receive the message
below, click OK.
In order to work with the application, the Pop-Up Blocker settings must be changed.
There will be another message on the information bar about the Pop-Up being blocked.
If you click on the toolbar message below, a dialog box appears. Select Always Allow
Pop-Ups from this Site.
A dialog box will appear asking if you would like to allow pop ups from the site. Click
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
Upload Messages
When you upload a journal to the General Ledger and there is a problem with the
journal, a Journals Upload error message appears as well as a
Message field of the spreadsheet.
sad face in the
When uploading the Web ADI template with Internet Explorer 7.0 and the upload
processing screen remains with no indication that the template was uploaded
successfully or there is an error, the internet settings on your desktop have not been
configured properly. The Scripting and Download sections on your internet
settings must be enabled. See the Desktop Configuration guide for complete
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
No Date in the Accounting Date field
When you create a journal using Web ADI, you must start with the Accounting Date. If
you try to enter information in other fields on the spreadsheet and have the Accounting
Date blank, the message below appears.
Invalid Accounting Date
A valid Accounting Date must be entered in the header and in the correct format of
month/day/year i.e. (2/12/08). Otherwise this error message appears:
Debits and Credits Not Equal
The debits must equal the credits. If you try to upload a journal that does not have
debits and credits equal, you get these error messages. Check the debits and credits
and upload again.
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
Debits and Credits on the Same Line
If you try to upload a journal with debit and credit on the same journal line, this
error message is displayed.
Wrong Account Information
If you enter an invalid number in the Fund Source, Natural Account and
Organization on one of your journal lines, these type error messages appear.
Correct the Account information.
Wrong Account Number Length
Each of the six segments (Fund Group, Fund Source, Organization, Natural Account,
Project and Future Use) of the Chart of Accounts has certain lengths. If you enter a
segment with the incorrect length, these type error messages appear. Correct the length
of the segment number.
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
Invalid Reversal Date
When Reverse Journal is set to Yes, then a valid Reversal Period must be specified. If the
reversal period is invalid, select the correct reversal period.
Invalid Indicator in Reverse Journal
When Reverse Period is specified and nothing is indicated in the Reverse Journal field an
error message will appear. Set Reverse Journal to Yes to correct the error.
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
Error Messages for Creating an Online Journal
Fund Source
If you try to use a Fund Source of all zeros, the error message below will appear
If you enter an incorrect Fund Source, this message appears.
Change the fund source value to correct these errors.
If you selected an expired or invalid Fund Sources, the message below appears after
you click on Reserve Funds.
Check the validation of the Fund Sources.
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
If you select an Organization which does not belong to the Fund Source the following
error will appear.
Select another organization to fix the error.
Journal Lines
If you type fund source information on the journal without separating the segments
with dashes, the error below will appear.
To fix the error, retype the fund source with dashes or use the Combinations
Natural Accounts
If you enter an incorrect Natural Account or do not have access to that Natural
Account, the following message appears.
Select another Natural Account to fix the error.
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
If you try and add an attachment before you save your journal, you receive the
message below. Select yes and then add an attachment. To avoid this message
completely, save your journal before doing an attachment.
Short and Long Text Attachment
If you select Short or Long Text as your attachment type and do not type anything
in the attachment text box, the message below appears. Enter in your text before
you exit the attachment screen.
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
Error Messages for Posting
The following errors might display in the Status section of the journal after a
journal has been approved.
Error 4
If you obtain an Error4 status posting message, it is due to the control total not
being equal on the journal and batch screens.
To fix the error, select the Unapprove button, followed by the Unreserved Funds
button. Remove the amount displayed in the Control Total field box. Select the
icon to save the changes in the system.
Verify that the fiscal period selected on the journal is the current open period. If
you need to change the period, please follow the instructions in the Creating an
Online Journal User Guide.
After the corrections have been made, select Reserve Funds and then the Approve
button to resubmit the journal to your Approver.
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
Error 7
If you obtain an Error7 status posting message, it is due to the Fund Sources
selected either being expired or the organization being invalid after the journal was
approved. To correct the error, select a valid Fund Source combination and
resubmit the journal for approval.
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008
Error Messages Version4– Nov. 10, 2008
Posted on Site – Nov. 10, 2008