HW 3-4 Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphic Rocks
HW 3 - 4
1. How do metamorphic rocks form?
2. What page of the Earth Science Reference Tables describes how metamorphic rocks form?
3. What increases when a rock becomes metamorphic?
4. What rock type should you associate the word recrystallization with?
5. What page of the Earth Science Reference Tables lists the different metamorphic rocks?
6. What is banding?
7. Name the metamorphic rock that exhibits banding.
8. Is banding considered high grade or low grade metamorphism?
9. What mineral may or may not be in schist?
10. Name the parent rock of quartzite?
11. Which metamorphic rock formed from conglomerate?
12. What makes slate, phyllite and schist different?
13. Which rock comes from various rocks due to contact metamorphism.?
14. What does Anthracite coal and bituminous coal have in common?
15. Using the map key for sedimentary and metamorphic rock, label each rock layer in the diagram
below. (Basalt, Sandstone, Shale, Limestone) Also label the contact metamorphism
16. What type of rocks are sandstone, shale and limestone?
17. What type of rock is Basalt?
18. How does Basalt form?
19. Name the 2 rock types contact metamorphism is found?
20. Name the metamorphic rock that may bubble when HCl is placed on it.
Explain why