Officers Report

Ref No:
Case Officer:
Mrs B Kinnear
Proposal: Provision of a static caravan to be placed in the yard of the premises to
allow for renovations to be undertaken
Min Y Don, Llanerch-Y-Mor, Holywell, CH8 9DX
Mr Stephen Short
Date Valid: 20 July 2015
Expiry Date: 14 September 2015
Consultation & Responses
Local Member: Councillor D Roney No response received at time writing .
Mostyn Community Council: No objections Request time limit be put on caravan ,a s
concerns may become holiday home. As works started some time ago this has not
been required to date, has work been checked for compliance with building regs.
Public Protection: I can confirm I have no adverse comments to make regarding this
Highways (DC): No highways observations.
Welsh Government Trunk Roads : Advise that the Welsh Government does not
issue a direction in respect of this application.
Natural Resources Wales:
This application site lies within zone C1 as defined by the development advice map
referred to under TAN15 Development and Flood Risk (July 2004) . Our Flood Map
information , which is updated on a quarterly basis, confirms the site to be within the
extreme flood outline. No flood consequences assessment (FCA) has been received
to support the application.
Given the caravan is to be utilized for a temporary period only (whilst renovations on
the Min Y Don property are undertaken) we would NOT object to the proposal
subject to assurances from the authority that the planning process will ensure that
the caravan is removed on completion of the renovations.
It is recommended that the caravan is securely anchored and that the applicant
prepares and Emergency Plan and signs up to our flood warning service.
Further information and advice on protection from flooding is available on the
following websites
Neighbours and Site Notice: No response received at time of writing.
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
GEN1 General Requirements for Development
The proposal would comply with the above policies.
Planning Appraisal:
This application seeks consent for the provision of the siting of a static caravan on
the existing premises yard area, whilst renovation works are undertaken at the
The application form confirms that there is no change proposed to vehicular access
and the proposal will not affect the existing parking provision .Highways have
assessed the application and have raised no highway objection to the proposal.
The works proposed to the existing property are renovations works and internal
arrangement reconfiguration , with no change in footprint or property dimensions.
Having discussed this with James he confirmed that the property needs to work to
bring it to current habitable standard, the use of the building as a dwelling has not
been abandoned.
At time of site visit no caravan in situ , yard area and tin sheeted shed to rear
proposed siting of caravan in front of this whilst works undertaken , no adverse
impact upon neighbouring amenity.
Mostyn Community Council whilst raising no object have requested a time limit as
concern may become a holiday home , the application is proposed to conditioned
appropriately .
The ongoing nature of the development appears to be renovation , making the fabric
of the building weather proof before the winter and then moving on to the internal
works during the winter , hence the caravan on site.
Compliance with building regs would be checked by that department if required for
the works undertaken, not planning.
As the site is within a flood risk area Natural Resources wales have been consulted
and have assessed the application as above.
As a result of their response it is proposed to condition the removal of the caravan
from site once works completed .The applicant will be advised that the caravan
should be securely anchored and the applicant to prepare an Emergency Plan and
signs up to the NRW flood warning system .
Recommendation Code: /
Upon occupation of the property or within 12 months of the date of this permission ,
which ever is the sooner, the caravan hereby permitted shall be removed from the
site .
Reason In the interest of residential amenity and for the avoidance of doubt.
In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights
Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic
society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention.
Notes to Applicants
N13 Plans
Application form
Date received 17.06.15.
Location plan received 29 July 2015.
Block plan received 20 July 2015.
Note to Applicant
Due to the site being within a flood risk area the caravan must be securely anchored
, and the applicant will need to prepare an Emergency Plan and sign up to the
Natural Resources Wales flood warning service. Further information and advice on
protection from flooding is available at the following websites:
ODPM Publication “Preparing for Floods: Interim Guidance for Improving the Flood
Resistance of Domestic and Small Business Properties” on the planning portal
http:www.environment –
Date of Recommendation: 21.09.15