Annotated bibliography of key references in ICZM Fisheries Indicators from WP7 Topics: Indicators in general (1-2) Size-based indicators (3-5) Ecosystem indicators (6-7) Indicator systems or “scores” (8-10) Community involvement and small-scale fisheries (11-13) Reference points (14-21) On indicators in general: 1. Garcia, S.M. and D.J. Staples. 2000. Sustainability reference systems and indicators for responsible marine capture fisheries: a review of concepts and elements for a set of guidelines. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 51:385-426 A review on concepts and elements of indicator systems that could be helpful in developing responsible capture fisheries according to the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Sustainability frameworks are discussed for developing and grouping indicators, and criteria (e.g. Pressure-State-Response) that could be used to measure and monitor progress towards sustainability are presented. Tools for linking indicators to management actions and involving stakeholders are also given. 2. Raakjær Nielsen, J., P. Degnbol, H. Hovgaard, and S. Reeves. 2001. Indicators as a basis for robust and acceptable fisheries management. Regional Technical Consultation on Indicators for Sustainable Fisheries Management in ASEAN Region. Challenges to modern fisheries management (e.g. necessary knowledge-base, expense, lack of legitimacy among stakeholders, complexity of systems, etc.) are presented as impetuses for shifting fisheries management from predictive model-based to indicator based. Criteria for successful and valid indicators are presented and justifications for using indicators, especially in developing countries, are given. On size-based indicators: 3. Froese, R. 2004. Keep it simple: three indicators to deal with overfishing. Fish and Fisheries 5:86-91. Three sized-based fisheries indicators are presented: percentage of mature fish in catch, percentage of ‘optimum-length’ fish in catch, and percentage of ‘mega-spawners’ in catch. These indicators are proposed as simple means through which to involved stakeholders and the public directly into fisheries management, enabling them to put pressure on the fishing industry to stop destructive practices. These indicators have been applied to three fish stocks to show they are useful in indicating stock health and the corresponding sustainability of its fishery. 4. Myers, R. A., and G. Mertz. 1998. The Limits of Exploitation: A Precautionary Approach. Ecol. Appl. 8(Supplement):S165-S169. A model is used to demonstrate the safety benefits of prohibiting the harvesting of juvenile fish, demonstrating that it is important to control gear selectivity (traditionally, selectivity is regarded as fixed when the biological limit to harvesting is estimated). The model shows that allowing all fish to spawn at least once before they are captured will prevent a collapse of the fished stock, even if fishing mortality targets are exceeded. 5. Piet, G. J., and S. Jennings. 2005. Response of potential fish community indicators to fishing. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 62:214-255. The responsiveness of indicators such as fishing effort, slope of the biomass spectra, mean weight and mean maximum length and biomass indices to differences in fishing effort around the North Sea were studied. It was shown that many indicators didn’t show direct connections with changes in fishing effort, rather that differences observed between the fish communities may have been more from environmental conditions and historic fishing regimes. However, mean weight and mean maximum length did show consistent responses to differences in fishing effort. On “Ecosystem” indicators: 6. Christensen, V. 2000. Indicators for marine ecosystems affected by fisheries. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 51:447-450. The fishing-in-balance (FIB) and Odum’s 24 attributes for describing the state of an ecosystem based on its maturity are explored. The FIB describes the effect of ‘fishing down the food web’ by relating the tropic level of a catch to the biomass of the landings. Using the default that 10 of energy from one trophic level is transferred to the next, the fishery is ‘in balance’ when catch levels increase by a factor of 10 as the average TL of the fishery is reduced by one. The FIB index is applied to fisheries in the Gulf of Thailand and the North Atlantic to show different trends in relationship to different levels of ecosystem degradation resulting from overfishing. 7. Cury, P. M., L. J. Shannon, J.-P. Roux, G. M. Daskalov, A. Jarre, C. L. Moloney, and D. Pauly. 2005. Trophodynamic indicators for an ecosystem approach to fisheries. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 62:430-442. As part of research aimed at furthering the ecosystem approach to fisheries, six trophodynamic indicators (catch or biomass ratios, primary production required to support catch, production or consumption ratios and predation mortality, trophic level of the catch, fishing-in-balance, and mixed trophic impact) were selected for trial application to the northern and southern Benguela ecosystems. These indicators were selected because of their ability to reveal ecosystem-level patterns, and because they match published criteria. Results show that trends in indicators are sensitive to the choice of trophic level made for certain species and that trophodynamic indicators appear to be conservative because they respond slowly to large structural changes in an ecosystem. On indicator systems or “scores”: 8. Anonymous. 2005. Overfishing Scorecard. The Ocean Conservancy. The Ocean Conservancy, a non-profit group that works with regional and federal fishery councils in the US toward managing fisheries responsibly, produced a first 'scorecard' to compare the sustainability of different US fisheries. Sustainability is represented on a percentage scale called 'success scores' (100% being best). They evaluated the use of 'best management practices' (e.g. are stocks assessed, is there overcapacity, are catches below targets, is bycatch monitored, etc.), and whether there is current overfishing taking place and if the stock had been overfished in the past. They presented the scores of several coastal fisheries in the US by region and by individual fishery, showing that, overall, the North Pacific region is currently being managed best and the Caribbean worst. 9. Caddy, J. F. 2002. Limit reference points, traffic lights, and holistic approaches to fisheries managment with minimal stock assessment input. Fish. Res. 56:133-137. A 'traffic light' approach to assessing whether a fishery is within the acceptable boundaries of its biological reference points in order to apply 'holistic' management measures is discussed. Several indicators of fishery sustainability are assigned either red, yellow or green depending on whether they are inside, close to, or far outside acceptable limits. Then management measures, such as closing the fishery, are proposed based on how many red, yellow and green lights there are for said fishery. 10. Pitcher, T. J., and D. Preikshot. 2001. RAPFISH: a rapid appraisal technique to evaluate the sustainability status of fisheries. Fish. Res. 49:255-270. RAPFISH, a multi-disciplinary rapid appraisal technique for comparing the sustainability of fisheries, is presented. RAPFISH uses ordinations of ecological, sociological, economic and technical attributes (indicators) to a fishery in statistical analyses to arrive at an overall sustainability percentage (100% being best). This percentage can then be used to compare various fisheries or a single fishery at various points in history. It is also possible using this approach to disentangle the factors with the most influence on the sustainability score and which aspects of the fishery are better or worse. On community involvement and small-scale fisheries: 11. Martin-Smith, K. M., M. A. Samoilys, J. J. Meeuwig, and A. C. J. Vincent. 2004. Collaborative development of management options for an artisanal fishery for seahorses in the central Philippines. Ocean Coast. Manage. 47:165-193. Development of management options for a data-poor small-scale fishery for seahorses in the Philippines developed in collaboration with stakeholders is presented. Among many other findings, authors demonstrate that management by no-take zones and minimum size requirements are highly accepted among stakeholders, while TACs and restricting fishing effort are only moderately accepted. 12. Tawake, A., J. Parks, P. Radikedke, B. Aalbersberg, V. Vuki, and N. Salafsky. 2001. Harvesting Clams and Data. Conservation Biology in Practice 2(4):32-35. Example of community management and monitoring of an intertidal clam fishery which was previously overfished is shown. Authors demonstrate how enforcing a “tabu” (notake zone) dramatically increased the size and abundance of clams inside and outside the tabu area and how community members with little training were able to collect and analyze data reliably and accurately. 13. Wilson, J. A., J. M. Acheson, M. Metalfe, and P. Kleben. 1994. Chaos, complexity and community management of fisheries. Mar. Policy 18:291-305. Authors take the view that the lack of success of fisheries management based on stock recruitment models arises from the complex and likely chaotic nature of fisheries. They argue therefore, that feasible management must address the relatively stable parameters of fisheries systems — habitat and basic biological processes, and that this demands management attention to the fine as well as the broad scale attributes of the system. The need to minimize information costs also suggests an emphasis on decentralized, community-based approaches to management is most appropriate. On reference points: 14. Botsford, L. W., A. Campbell, and R. Miller. 2004. Biological reference points in the management of North American sea urchin fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:1325-1337. Review on sea urchin fisheries management with emphasis on North America. Authors assess various approaches to management in the context of biological reference points. They indicate that the implementation of a limit reference point based on lifetime egg production would be desirable for fishery management of this kind of invertebrates. 15. Caddy, J. F. 2004. Current usage of fisheries indicators and reference points, and their potential application to management of fisheries for marine invertebrates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:1307-1324. The author provides an overall review of the use and application of indicators and reference points in management of fisheries resources. He emphasizes the importance of monitoring a range of ecosystem and fishery characteristics, and the need for integrate multiple indicators and limit reference points into harvest rules and other decisional infrastructure. Two approaches are mentionated: the various driving forces-pressurestate-impact (DPSIR) frameworks and the traffic light approach (TL). 16. Fogarty, M. J., and L. Gendrom. 2004. Biological reference points for American lobster (Homarus americanus) populations: limits to exploitation and the precautionary approach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:1392-1403. A review on applications to date of biological reference points (BRPs) for American Lobster populations in the United States and Canada. They examine the underlying conceptual foundations of the BRPs applied to lobster, explore important sources of uncertainty in the determination of limit BRPs, and describe cases where risk analysis has been used to cope with uncertainty. 17. Hilborn, R. 2002. The dark side of reference points. Bull. Mar. Sci. 70(2):403408. Problems that have arisen in the practice of developing sets of standard reference points to be used to determine allowable harvests are discussed. The author shows that uncertainties in current stock biomass, the inappropriateness of reference points applied to species for which they were not derived, and the tendency of reference-point use to produce an environment in which stock-assessment scientists rarely evaluate alternative management practices are major reasons why management based on reference points is not working. He advocates using data-based approaches to management (e.g. simple indicators) instead of model-based approaches, and also presents a need for improving marine governance to provide incentives for stakeholders to encourage and participate in sustainable fishing. 18. Orenzans, J. M. (Lobo), C. M. Hand, A. M. Parma, J. Valero, and R. Hilborn. 2004. Precaution in the harvest of Methuselah´s clams – the difficulty of getting timely feedback from slow-paced dynamics. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:1355-1372. A retrospective analysis of age-frequency distributions of geoduck stocks that addresses the issue of slow-paced dynamics, through exploration of trends and patterns in recruitment. These authors recommend a management approach relying on stock monitoring and data-based feedback rather than on model-based reference points because of the magnitude of recruitment variability and the sedentary nature of adults. 19. Seijo, J. C., and J. F. Caddy. 2000. Uncertainty in bio-economic reference points and indicators of marine fisheries. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 51:477-483. Authors assert that in order to account for natural variability and other sources of uncertainty in fish populations, estimates of appropriate fishery bio-economic indicators are needed in order to re-evaluate fisheries periodically and establish new reference points and corresponding management strategies. This paper concentrates on this aspect of the management process. Authors present a classification of indicators in accordance with the’ level, change and structure’ framework. Alternative approaches to deal with risk and uncertainty in data-limited (e.g. developing countries’ fisheries) contexts are also discussed. 20. Smith, S. J., and B. Sainte-Maire. 2004. Biological reference Smith, S. J., and B. Sainte-Maire. 2004. Biological reference points for invertebrates fisheries: introduction. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:1303-1306. Review of seven papers published in the volume 61 of the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. These papers were presented in a workshop on biological reference points for invertebrate fisheries held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, from 2 to 5 December 2002. The papers show new methods and concepts to determining reference points for invertebrate species that are tied to specific aspects of their life history. 21. Smith, S.J., and P. Rago. 2004. Biological reference points for sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus): the benefits and costs of being nearly sessile. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 61:1338-1354. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:1325-1337. The authors show that “boom-and-bust” patterns of sea scallop abundance can be explained by the interaction of spatial patterns of habitat quality, distribution of fishing effort, and dispersal of larvae among patches. According to these authors, such spatial patterns are essentials for the development of appropriate biological reference points and management policies to prevent overfishing in sedentary, aggregated species. Their results suggest that incentives to concentrate fishing effort in lower productivity areas may be an effective tool for reducing recruitment variations and improving yields. Contact: webmaster ©, Alias for: Lotta Jarnmark[] and Crispina Binohlan []