AGENDA ITEM NO: REPORT OF: HEAD OF POLICY & COMMUNITY INITIATIVES AUTHOR: Julia Dawe TELEPHONE: 01737 276168 E-MAIL: TO: PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE: 22 February 2006 18 WARDS AFFECTED: ALL SUBJECT: DRAFT PLANNING POLICY STATEMENT 3: HOUSING PURPOSE OF THE REPORT: To inform Members about the draft policy statement note and to recommend a response to the ODPM’s consultation request RECOMMENDATION: 1. The Committee is requested to consider the changes proposed in the draft Planning Policy Statement 3 – Housing, and note the recommended response. Background 1 The Government is consulting local planning authorities on draft Planning Policy Statement 3 - Housing (PPS3), which would replace Planning Policy Guidance 3 Housing (PPG3), published in March 2000. 2 The statement seeks “to make planning more responsive to housing need and demand, ensuring everyone has the opportunity of a decent home, which they can afford, in a community where they want to live”. To this end the planning system is directed to be used to its maximum effect to ensure the delivery of a variety and choice of homes that are well designed, make the best use of land, are energy efficient, make the most of new building technologies and help to deliver sustainable development. This report summarises the new guidance and sets out this Council’s response to the consultations. 3 The document will replace both PPG3 and Circular 6/98 - Affordable Housing, and will be accompanied by detailed practice guidance. It is expected that PPS3 will be published in its final form in Summer 2006. A companion guide is intended to accompany it, for which there is no draft yet. As with all planning policy statements, it contains considerably less detail than its predecessor. 4 A substantial part of the document is aimed at directing policy formulation. However, as paragraph 41 states, in advance of the Council’s policies being reviewed in the light of this document, policies in the statement are a material consideration, and may carry greater weight than the relevant policies in the Development Plan. For this reason the document is significant as it may influence decision-making on individual planning applications in advance of new policies being formulated. Summary of Changes 5 Many features of the draft PPS3 are familiar, such as the better use of brownfield sites, achieving regional housing targets, and applying density standards. The key points of interest include: Housing Supply – The statement requires local planning authorities to identify a rolling supply of a minimum of five years’ worth of land for housing development. In future allocations must be developable within the 5-year period. This means that they must be available, suitable (i.e. the most sustainable option) and viable economically. The Local Development Framework should also allocate land for the following 10 years wherever possible. In terms of the housing supply in Reigate & Banstead, due to outstanding permissions and the large allocations in Horley, this rolling supply is already known. Therefore this methodology is considered to be acceptable. Housing Mix – The housing mix should be determined at the local level to ensure a balance of housing types across the area. The statement emphasises the importance of a broad mix of housing types on larger sites. For smaller sites, the mix of housing should contribute to the creation of mixed communities. For large sites it is for local authorities to define the character and mix which they envisage for the site. This enables design briefs, which have often been prepared for the larger development sites in the Borough, to be more prescriptive about housing types and tenures, which is welcomed. Site Density – The statement takes a more detailed approach to housing density than the previous guidance note. There would be four categories of density ranges: city centre; urban; suburban; and rural area. These areas all have indicative density range, with minimum and maximum indicative density targets. The density ranges can be used to guide planning decisions. In the long term however local planning authorities are encouraged to set appropriate density ranges for identified locations. Design – The statement closely follows the guidance in PPS1, which seeks high quality inclusive design and layout. Local planning authorities are encouraged to develop design codes to achieve better quality design guidance. Good quality design is considered to include not only the appearance of the development but also how it addresses matters such as public health, crime prevention and sustainability. Parking - The statement deletes the current guidance that car parking standards that result on average in development of more than 1.5 off-street parking spaces per dwelling would fail to secure sustainable residential environments. Local planning authorities are now encouraged to develop parking policies for their own areas having regard to expected car ownership for planned housing in different locations, the efficient use of land, and the importance of promoting good design. This may help redress the balance that often has to be struck in developments between supporting sustainability while recognising pressure for parking provision. It is suggested that local planning authorities should develop parking policies for their area, having regard to expected car ownership, efficient use of land and good design. This more flexible approach is welcomed. Affordable Housing- As the statement would cancel Circular 6/98 (Planning and Affordable Housing) it includes replacement advice, definitions and guidelines on affordable housing provision. It advises that the threshold above which affordable housing should be sought will be for local planning authorities to set, based on local circumstances. Currently the threshold in Circular 6/98 is to seek affordable housing on schemes of 25 units or more, or on sites of 1 hectare or more. The draft statement suggests an indicative national minimum threshold of 15 units, although lower level could be set where this can be justified. Given the need for affordable housing in the Borough the lower national minimum threshold is welcomed to enable affordable housing to be provided on smaller sites. The statement, unlike the previous guidance, emphasises the importance that the supply of intermediate housing for key workers plays in the housing market and encourages the provision of this type of housing. 6 The issues which the statement has enlarged upon are those which have become contentious planning issues since the publication of the first housing guidance note. The Local Development Framework (LDF) process, which has just started in this Borough with the identification of issues and options, has identified problems such as parking standards and the quality of design as matters that need to be addressed alongside housing provision. The Council has already been proactive in addressing some of these issues. Some work has already been started to examine density policies and design guides. Parking standards are identified to be reviewed in the future as part of the LDF process. This existing work plan is in accordance with the new requirements of the statement identified above. Resource Implications 7 The resource implications arising from the new statement will largely be as a result of additional policy formulation. This would undertaken and could be absorbed in the formulation of the LDF. Therefore the additional reporting is expected to be largely met by existing revenue budgets and staffing levels provided for the LDF. Conclusions 8 Although the policy guidance on housing is shortened in this document, more detail is provided in key areas such as parking and densities, which would be useful. It is recommended that Reigate & Banstead Borough Council support proposed Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing. A short letter will be written outlining the reasons for supporting the changes, as detailed in this report. Background Papers: Consultation Paper on draft Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3) – Housing, December 2005 (available in the Members’ room)