Relative effectiveness of pedigree and recurrent selection in cotton Abd El-Salam,M.E, B.M.Ramadan and Y.M.EL Mansy Cotton Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt ABSTRACT Effectiveness of the breeding procedures aiming to covlue new strains with better yield and other traits. Thus, hybridization followed by pedigree selection was and still breeding procedure that all Egyptian cotton varieties. But using recurrent breeding programs are useful for cotton breeding programs. Some best lines some unfavorable alleles field and new crosses necessary .On the other hand, intercrossing plays a very important role when variance is non additive. Therefore, the main objective of this study to compare pedigree selection and recurrent selection within the cotton population Giza 70 x Suvin. The hybrids and F4 families evaluated with original parents were planted in a randomized complete block design. The results reported that mean performance of hybrids increased compared with F 4 generation and base population (F2) for yield cotton. There are differences between the correlation for ( F2, hybrids and F4 families) of direction and significant due to different selection criteria and random intermating have created substantial amount of genetic variability . The observed gain for lint yield was high in recurrent selection compared with the F 4 families. Therefore, two hybrids which have high yield (higher than Giza 70 ) and similarity in fiber quality with it. Therefore, random intermating between F3 fore one or more cycle give the amount of variability help the breeder to improve the traits and would dissipate. Although, dominance effect in these hybrids, but it helps to increase of favorable alleles in the next generation by selection and crossed between the best plants and best hybrids. INTRODUCTION Effectiveness of the breeding procedures aiming to covlue new strains with better yield and fiber characters. Thus, hybridization followed by pedigree selection was and still the breeding procedure that yield all Egyptian cotton varieties grown commercially ( Salama et al., 1992) . Recurrent breeding programs have been started in self fertilizing crops and the best lines some unfavorable alleles are fixed and new crosses are necessary and intercrossing plays a very important role when variance is non-additive. Meredith and Bridge 1971, conducted a study to determine if the negative genetic associations frequently observed between yield and fiber strength in cotton be reduced by random intermating. Also, the negative genetic correlation between lint and fiber strength was decreased by intermating. Ali (1977) found that magnitudes of correlation coefficient in cycle1. Selection tended to be lower compared with estimates provided by the F5 families. El-Agamy and Yousef (1980) reported that the pedigree lint method was more effective easier for improving quantitative. Opondo and Patrak (1982) reported of using recurrent selection in each population to increase the frequency of favourable genes so that the populations and population crosses are improved with each selection cycle. Simith and Coyyle, 1997 additional generation of intermating would be necessary to rule out pleiotropic effects since the negative association were not totally broken but only reduced in degree when F1 population resulting from crossing contrasting parents were compared, El-Mahdy,2001 found that recurrent selection for seed cotton yield was better than pedigree selection in early and late sowing of two populations of Egyptian cotton. El-Lawendy 2003, found that the superiority of some hybrids in lint yield over better parent in two populations and some hybrids were higher than selected parents for lint percentage. No increase was found to be significant are better parents for lint percentage and seed index of the three populations. However, Abd El-Salam, (2005) found that some hybrid were superiority in lint yield, lint percentage and fiber length for the three populations except for in population III if lint percentage no increase for lint percentage compared with better parent (G.80 LP. 42%). El-Mahdy,2007 found that after two cycle of pedigree selection the observed gain in seed cotton yield in percentage from the better parent in early sowing data ranged from 16.9 to 56.%in population I and from 16.1 to 24%in population II Therefore, the main objective of this study was to compare with pedigree selection and recurrent selections within the cotton population (G.70 x Suvin) . MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study carried out at Sakha Agriculture Research Station during 2009, 2010 and 2011 seasons. The materials used in this study included one population of cotton belonging to Gossypium barbadense L (Giza 70 x Suvin). Breeding procedures and management of population . In the first season, The F2 of the population with original parent were grown in non-replicated ridges 7.5 meters long and 0.65 meter wide . All plants were self pollinated and all plants were chosen (selected) in the field and picked up separately and the total seed cotton yield / plant was ginned to estimate. Lint percentage, boll weight and seed index. The superior 20 plant for each trait were selected at 5 % selection intensity on trait level only. In the second year, selfed seeds of the selected progenies were evaluated. Each progeny was grown in one row (7.5 meter). In flowering phase, pollen grains of all flowers was collected ( two selfed flower for each family ) were mixed in Petri-dishes before and used for pollination of all F3 families to produce the first cycle of recurrent selection in (2010) and selfed seeds of the F3 families selected . The same system was reported by Ali, 1977 Third year, the hybrids, selected, F4 generation with original parents were planted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Statistical and genetic analysis: Estimation of phenotypic for F2, and F4 generation . Estimation the phenotypic coefficients. Phenotypic correlation ( rpij ) in F2 = σ pij √σ2 pi . σ2pj Where : σ pij = (F2) Covariance between characters I and j, σ2 pi = (F2) Variance of the characters I and σ2pj = (F2) Variance of the characters j. Observed direct = (Xf-Xbp/Xbp)*100 Where : xf = Mean of each family or hybrid Xbp = Mean of the better parent Recurrent selection Selfed seeds of the all F3 progenies were crossed by mixed grain pollen of all F3 progenies. The hybrids for the population with original parents were planted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in a similar manner of spacing as followed with pedigree selection . The studied traits were: 1. Seed cotton yield, g/plant. 2. Lint percentage, %. 3. Boll weight, g. 4. Seed index, g. 7. Micronaire reading 5. Lint index, g. 8. Fiber strength. 6. Fiber length, mm. 9. Uniformity ratio. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Mean, rang and variance The mean of F2, F4 and hybrids were cleared that in Table 1 and Figure 1,2,3. The results reported that mean performance in hybrids was higher than F2 and F4 for seed cotton yield, lint yield, seed index and lint index, while for lint percentage the mean performance for three populations were nearly. But, on the other hand rang for F2 (base population) was higher than other the two populations for all traits, these give variability in F2. High variability in base population helps the breeder to improvement of these traits by different selection methods. The increase of mean performance of recurrent selection hybrids for all traits due to recombination. Although, dominance effect in theses hybrids, but it help to increase of a favorable alleles in the next generations by selection and crossed between the best plants and best hybrids. Meredith and Bridge 1971, conducted a study to determine if the negative genetic association frequently observed between yield and fiber strength in cotton could be reduced by random intermating. Also, intermating would be necessary to rule out pleiotropic effects, Simith and Coyle, 1997. Table 1: Estimation of mean, phenotypic variance, rang and genetic coefficients of variation PCV to three segregating generation of the pedigree and one cycle of recurrent selection schemes for traits. Para meter s mean SD Var. Min. Max. Skne s Basic population F2 Recurrent selection C1 Pedigree selection F4 S.CY LY LP SI LI S.CY LY LP SI LI S.CY LY LP SI LI 48.9 18.1 37.0 9.73 5.72 54.0 19.9 36.9 10.2 6.0 44.7 16.6 37.2 9.77 5.78 21.4 7.92 2.24 0.883 0.711 16.0 6.06 2.0 0.651 0.509 11.2 4.3 1.96 0.529 0.416 459.4 62.8 5.02 0.779 0.507 257.4 36.1 4.01 0.424 0.259 125.6 18.5 3.83 0.279 0.173 7.4 2.8 28.8 6.8 3.89 15.9 5.5 31.9 8.9 4.67 26.1 10.4 32.0 8.87 4.51 180.5 65.5 43.9 12.2 7.68 97.2 36.8 43.2 11.8 7.14 68.9 26.1 40.1 10.8 6.33 1.24 1.18 -0.34 -0.04 -0.27 0.667 0.587 -.0189 0.010 -.386 0.735 0.831 -.688 0.199 -0.916 GCV 38.3 39.1 5.01 7.3 10.1 20.7 20.9 3.9 4.9 4.9 21.6 22.7 4.8 4.5 5.79 PCV 43.8 43.8 6.06 9.07 12.5 26.5 26.9 4.9 6.5 7.0 25.1 25.9 5.3 5.4 7.25 When skeweness value is positive indicated that increase of plants (families) which has low value comparing to the mean while negative clear that decrease of plants (families). Most the values of the skeweness were some trend for the three populations. The information a bout the degree of association among any traits of cotton under different breeding methods is of great importance in plant breeding programs and are of importance to response to selection. Therefore, estimated the correlation coefficients in F2 (base population), hybrids and pedigree selections are presented in Table (3) . The correlation between seed index and lint percentage was negative and significant for pedigree selection, but in recurrent selection was non significant. Also, the correlation coefficient between boll weight and seed index changed from nonsignificant for pedigree and recurrent selection, respectively. These difference in the correlation due to the changes the relationship by random intermating . The Correlation between the selected traits ( seed cotton yield, lint yield, boll weight, lint percentage and seed index) in base population (F2) was non-significant for all traits except for seed cotton with lint yield. But, this relation changed in the pedigree and recurrent selection of some traits. These differences between the correlation may be due to different selection criteria and random intermating have created substantial amount of genetic variability during generation of selection similar results were reported by Singh et al., 1985 and McCarthy et al., 1996 and Abd ElSalam, 2005 , Singh et al., 1985, found that correlation coefficients in C1 and C2 cycles changed insignificance values from 0.57 in C1 cycle to 0.59 in C2 cycle. The important of correlation for the breeder due to, if they are inversely associated if desirable and undesirable genes are linked together, intermating would dissipate the negative correlations as observed in our study and reported earlier by Meredith and Bridge (1971). Also the results reported decreased genetic correlation in a cotton population following several cycles of intercrossing suggesting that intercrossing trends to break up initial linkage block following across between inbred lines. TABLE 3.phenotypic correlation for all traits in F2,F4and C1. BW SCY LY LP% SI MIC UN F2 0.249 SCY F4 0.35 C1 0.014 F2 0.253* 0.99** LY F4 0.306 0.979** C1 -0.117 0.388** F2 0.05 0.035 0.097 LP% F4 -0.262 -0.017 0.184 C1 -0.136 -0.119 0.86** F2 0.214 0.045 0.031 -0.077 SI F4 0.248 0.015 -0.089 -0.49** C1 0.475** -0.002 -0.075 -0.076 F4 0.128 0.381* 0.317 -0.308 0.108 MIC C1 0.032 -0.005 -0.053 0.059 -0.223 F4 -0.104 0.071 0.084 0.077 0.01 0.089 UN C1 0.115 0.134 0.041 -0.02 0.11 -0.128 F4 0.154 0.082 0.044 -0.11 0.228 -0.219 -0.15 FL C1 0.149 -0.017 0.038 0.056 0.14 -0.412** 0.23* F4 0.007 -0.454** -0.468** -0.093 0.169 -0.587** -0.06 PL C1 0.015 -0.069 -0.083 -0.052 0.111 -0.291* 0.094 Observed direct and correlated response for seed cotton yield measured in percentage of the better parent after of pedigree and one cycle recurrent selection. The results in Table 4. Six families significantly out yield over better parent of recurrent selection, while two families were the higher than better parent for yield in pedigree selection . The observed gain in seed cotton yield of the best six families ranged from 81.1 to 51.2 , also ranged from 84.6% to 54.8 for lint yield, 1.16 to 9.41 for lint percentage, from seed index 9.90 to -1.98, and 13.5 to 9.3, for boll weight ( in recurrent selection) . While, all hybrids showed decrease compare with Giza 70 (better original parent). Therefore, there are two hybrids (20 and 66) which have high yield (higher than Giza 70) and similarity in fiber quality with it . In pedigree selection families, two families were high yield. Also, the results reported that the best five families ranged from 32.8 to 8.3, for lint yield, 38.7 to 17.2 for lint Table 3.Observed direct and correlated response for seed cotton yield measured in percentage of the better parent after of pedigree and one cycle recurrent selection. FAM LEIES BW SCY LY LP% SI LI MIC UN FL PL 3 -5.52 73.6** 72.1** -3.60 6.93 0.0 0.00 1.87 -0.42 -0.49 6 13.54 64.9** 66.5** -1.96 -1.98 6.82 6.82 -0.96 -1.55 -4.41 13 2.40 68.4** 72.6** -0.35 3.96 13.6 13.64 0.28 -4.93 -9.80 20 -12.19 49.0** 54.8** 1.16 0.99 6.82 6.82 1.19 1.27 -2.94 66 -9.38 81.1** 84.6** -1.23 9.90 6.82 6.82 -0.40 3.24 -2.94 Pedigree selection 3 13 19 25 -4.156 -2.778 -10.06 -4.156 32.8** 19.9 8.29 32.0** 38.7** 32.4 17.2 35.5** 29 -6.250 22.9 20.2 1.331 7.530 5.290 0.038 4.747 -6.267 -12.21 -6.267 2.970 6.931 9.09 11.4 15.9 9.09 15.9 9.091 11.36 15.90 9.09 1.81 -0.45 -3.39 -0.79 2.817 -10.70 -7.32 -0.563 0.00 -10. 8 -11. 5 -7.84 15.90 1.13 0.563 -4.902 yield, 7.53 to -4.75 for lint percentage and same trend for fiber traits for recurrent selection similar results reported by Shaheen et al., 2000 they found that a comparison between Giza 45 and some of the best F3 families revealed that the better yield ability in plants with similarity in fiber quality. The previous results cleared that pedigree selection for lint yield were 20 38.2% above the better parent, while one cycle recurrent the six best hybrids exceeded the better parent (81.1-49.1%). Pedigree selection method: The results), showed that a mean performance of seed cotton yield, three , eleven and thirteen families were high for lint yield, fiber length and fiber strength. The mean performance of the five high of inters for each selection procedures are presented for lint percentage, fiber length, fiber strength in Table5. Lint percentage for recurrent selection ranged from 43.2 to 40.0while,in pedigree selection was 40.0 to 39.2 .For fiber length, ranged from 38.5 to36.6 mm and 36.7 to 35.7for recurrent and pedigree selection respectively .But, the same trend founded of fiber strength . Therefore, using of recurrent and intercrossing in cotton for increased the lint percentage and fiber traits .Meredith and Bride 1973,came to a similar conclusion that using a modified from of recurrent selection for increased lint percentage . Therefore, random intermating between F3 for one or more cycle give the amount of variability help the breeder to improve the traits and would dissipate the negative correlation . Table6 .Means of the high five families and hybrids for lint percent, fiber length and fiber strength of F4 and C1. F 20 23 13 14 2 BW 2.64 2.69 3.11 0.91 2.91 SCY 44.67 40.40 62.27 26.07 36.07 21 8 55 52 24 2.88 3.12 3.18 3.42 3.23 62.9 51.8 61.1 37.8 37.5 4 17 3 27 24 2.76 2.96 3.07 3.04 3.38 42.50 49.43 68.93 42.43 42.87 61 45 41 66 4 2.81 2.99 3.32 3.16 2.96 70.9 47.4 60.1 94 62.5 6 26 4 2 17 3.02 2.78 2.76 2.91 2.96 34.17 33.57 42.50 36.07 49.43 56 48 4 30 62 G.70 Suvin bp LSD..05 LSD.01 LSD.05 R LSD.01 R 3.21 3.6 2.96 3.44 3.50 2.56 3.2 3.20 0.355 0.472 0.691 0.913 42.9 41.1 62.5 53.4 50.4 39.2 51.9 51.90 17.938 23.880 24.892 32.863 lint percent LY LP% 17.80 40.05 16.17 40.01 24.90 40.00 10.40 39.72 14.13 39.27 C1 27.2 43.215 20.9 40.373 24.9 40.246 15.1 40 15 39.962 Fiber length 15.43 36.40 18.20 37.02 26.07 37.70 15.47 36.57 16.33 38.10 C1 24.5 34.854 18.1 38.462 22.6 36.947 34.7 36.744 23.5 37.62 Fiber strength 12.07 35.51 12.40 37.12 15.43 36.40 14.13 39.27 18.20 37.02 16 13.6 23.5 20.2 18.6 14.5 18.8 18.80 6.574 8.752 9.415 12.430 37.213 32.908 37.62 38.555 36.991 37.20 36.2 37.20 0.822 1.094 3.056 4.034 F4 SI 9.00 9.40 8.87 9.60 9.73 LI 6.01 6.27 5.91 6.33 6.29 MIC 4.9 5.1 4.9 4.5 4.4 UN 89 87.1 87.9 89.7 88.6 FL 34.4 35.1 31.7 33.7 34.5 PL 9.5 9.3 9.1 10.1 11.3 9.05 9.4 10.6 10.3 9.5 F4 9.07 10.00 9.47 9.73 10.27 6.89 6.36 7.14 6.87 6.32 4.8 5 5.1 4.9 5.1 88.55 89.05 85.15 90.3 84.95 34.35 33.75 35.45 35.75 33.15 9.15 10.1 9.6 9.4 9.45 5.19 5.88 5.73 5.61 6.32 4.7 4.6 4.8 4.6 4.5 89.2 90.7 89.9 9 87.9 36.7 36.6 36.5 35.9 35.7 11.3 10.7 10.2 10.5 10.7 11.1 9.7 10 11.1 9.5 F4 10.50 9.60 9.07 9.73 10.00 C1 11.3 10.6 9.5 10.1 10.2 9.9 10.10 10.10 2.220 2.956 1.184 1.564 5.94 6.06 5.86 6.45 5.73 4.2 4.7 4.5 4.7 4.1 89.55 85.85 89.05 87.95 86.85 38.45 37.15 36.85 36.65 36.55 9.9 10.2 9.8 9.9 11.1 5.78 5.67 5.19 6.29 5.88 4.8 4.6 4.7 4.4 4.6 88.1 85.1 89.2 88.6 90.7 35.3 35.2 36.7 34.5 36.6 11.8 11.5 11.3 11.3 10.7 6.70 5.20 5.73 6.34 5.99 5.86 5.73 5.98 0.716 0.953 0.927 1.224 4.6 4.8 4.1 5.1 4.7 4.4 5.20 4.4 0.28 0.38 0.39 0.53 87.55 89.55 86.85 86.25 90.05 88.30 85.50 88.3 1.58 2.11 1.93 2.6 34.55 34.75 36.55 33.35 34.75 35.50 34.50 35.5 2.63 3.53 2.72 3.67 11.7 11.2 11.1 11.05 11 10.20 9.30 10.2 0.97 1.3 0.98 1.32 REFERENCES Abd El Salam.M.E. 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October 2,2001:61-79. الملخص العربي كفاء ة انتخاب النسب واالنتخاب المتكرر فى القطن ياسر محمد المنسى- بدير مصطفى رمضان-محمد عزت عبد السالم معهد بحوث القطن لرد جر. لذدلتب هحى.ردمج ا جربمر ددى إردا إسبدت تددز ب تبح دل رترحليدوص جر ددتر .د تهدف تمر دى جفذدبت. جرطميقدى جرحبع دى د.تزجرت جربهج ن لجتبخفجم طميقدى جسبخدتا جرب دي د جر دز ب ردمج ا جربمر دى ن ر د.لركن جتبخفجم ج سبختا جرحبكمر يكون ذجب تئدف د.يم .لأي ددت جربهجد ن ج دد. جددن لفيددف.حدد لددملر.تلبددوع دا أرد زب ر ددم مرورددى رتربددتر جفل تص ج س لجر ى ي دي لر جتتتدا د .ةتردى تلكدع جرل د .جري دم تهددف د ف د .جريدلتب .لرد جر جرفرجتددى إرددا قترس دى طميقددى جرب ددي لج سبخددتا جرحبكددمر ر ا د م ددن جرقطددن جرحيددم ( ت و ن)لتع تق ع جرهجن جربتتجى لجرج .جرمجرع ع جإلردت جفذد ى .لأللدلت جرببدتئا إن بوتد جرهجن كتست ج .ن جرج .جرمجرع ا جرحليوص .لجت ح دن جرببدتئا ج دبز ج رتعدتط د .كد .دن ج سبخددتا جرحب دي لجرحبكدمر تدوج د .جرح بويددى ألج تجدت دا حدى ت د. حدت يدفص ىددتن جربهج ن ج د .جر اد م يي دم دن جر ز دتب رد ن جريدلتب حدت ي دت ف جرحمردا دا ك دم ج رتعدتط جري م مروا ر ن جريدلتب .لأللدلت جرب بدتئا للدو ر يبف ل ل 70لذلتب لو جل جكلددم ي طددا جرحمرددا زيددت دتئ ب ن ذجب ليدوص دتر .رترحقترسدى اتره رى لرترب ا جلمج جربهج ن ر ن دتئزب جرج د .جرلتردر دم ددا ج بز ددتب جرورجي ددى ت ددت فو دد .تل د ن جرحليددوص لك ددم ج رتعددتط ر د ن جريددلتب 0ددا جرددمرع جن بددتر تدديي م ر د ت إ أسددى ي ددت ف دد .زيددت ج ر د زب جرحمرورى ا جفل تص جرقت ى ن طميق أ .جرهجن لأ .جربعتتتب