STEPHEN K. LEONARD WORK Gordon College Salem State University 01982 HOME 229 Lake Drive South Hamilton, MA 978.468.4033 EDUCATION B.A., Gordon College (English and Political Studies), 1994 M.Ed., Gordon College (Teaching and Curriculum), 15 hours coursework M.F.A, Goddard College (Creative Writing), 2004 Thesis: The Funerals (Long Fiction) AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Critical reading & writing Canon literature & writers Drama, fiction, nonfiction, poetry and screenwriting/teleplay First Year Studies/Seminars Peace studies Rhetoric Sport and recreation AREAS OF RESEARCH/STUDY INTEREST Christian faith in practice Classical rhetoric in contemporary settings Communication and social networking Language acquisition Philosophy and theory of education Social networking for the classroom Writing processes AREAS OF TEACHING COMPETENCE Christianity, character and culture studies Composition: basic and advanced Creative writing: drama, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting/teleplay Critical studies English language and literature: secondary (high school) education Literature: American and global Media writing Online and hybrid course presentation Peace studies Recreation and leisure activities Rhetoric TEACHING APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor, Adjunct, Department of English, Gordon College, 2000-continuing Instructor, Adjunct, Department of English, Salem State University, 2007–continuing ATHLETIC APPOINTMENTS Head Coach, Cross-country, Department of Athletics, Gordon College, 1998–2005 Head Coach, Track & Field, Department of Athletics, Gordon College, 1998–2006 Sports Information Director, Department of Athletics, Gordon College, 2000–2004 Sports Information Director, Men’s and Women’s Cross-country, Commonwealth Coast Conference, 2002–2004 COURSES TAUGHT COM 211 Writing for Media COR100/COR102 First Year Seminar: Christianity, Character and Culture ENG 100 Basic Writing ENG 101 Composition I ENG 102 Composition II ENG 110 Introduction to Writing & Rhetoric ENG 182 Western Literature: Homer to Shakespeare ENG 212 Introduction to Creative Writing ENG 294 World Literature I ENG 312 Advanced Composition & Rhetoric ENG 400 Advanced Writing PE 025 Badminton PE 067 Running PE 089 Strength Training CO-CURRICULAR SERVICE AND ACTIVITY Advisor, Marathon Club Advisor, Cricket Club Co-Coordinator, New Writers’ Night Co-Coordinator, Professional Writers’ Night Member, Convocation Committee Member, Title IX Committee NCAA Championships Institutional Representative, Cross-country and Men’s Lacrosse Reader, Struggling Writers’ Night PUBLICATIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND OTHER SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY Contributor, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference/Middlebury College (Fiction), August 2008 Nonfiction Web Article: “Father or Coach?,”, Jan. 2009 Nonfiction Web Article: “240 Seconds,”, Sept. 2008 Nonfiction Web Article: “Erratum,”, Mar. 2008 Nonfiction News Article: “Pilot or Passenger?,” Atlantic Flyer, June 2006. Poetry: Leeward; Wishing, SNReview online, Winter Volume, 2006. Poetry: Musique Concréte, First Prize Award, The Genesis Project, Dorothy Boorse, Director, Print/CD, 2005. Poetry: Law of Motion, Parking, The Jesus Year, SNReview online, Winter Volume, 2005. Nonfiction News Article: “Question posed, 'Why not Covington, Why not now?',” News Banner, Nov. 8, 2004. Nonfiction News Article: “Track coaches having to go the extra mile,” The NCAA News, Jun. 23, 2003. Nonfiction News Article: “Durham Delights,” Down East Magazine, Jan/Feb., 2003. Nonfiction News Article: “Former Lion sends a special tribute to Allie Smith,” News Banner, Jan. 14, 2002. Nonfiction News Article: “Decision silences small-school constituent,” The NCAA News, Oct. 22, 2001. Nonfiction Feature Article: Quarterly ‘Athlete Profiles,’ Stillpoint, The Magazine of Gordon College, regular feature. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Airline Owners and Pilots Association Association of Writers and Writing Programs Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance Massachusetts Teachers Association-Higher Education National Education Association-Higher Education RECOGNITION Coach of the Year in Commonwealth Coast Conference, 2000, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006 First Prize Award in Poetry, The Genesis Project,, “Musique Concrete”, 2005. INTERESTS Airplane Licensed Private Pilot Assistant Cubmaster, Pack 28 Cub Scouts H-W Recreation Soccer Coach, 2007–09, HWYSA H-W Recreation Basketball Coach, 2007, HWBBA H-W Library Five-Year Planning Committee, 2010 REFERENCES Provided separately upon request