Using WebStudy - Community College of Philadelphia

Version 5.1
Faculty Manual
Community College of Philadelphia
Mark Saks, Director of Distance Learning
Table of Contents
Planning & Preparing Courses in WebStudy ............................................................................... 6
Using WebStudy ............................................................................................................................. 7
Important Icons and Features ............................................................................................................... 7
Editing ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
WebStudy Screens .......................................................................................................................... 9
Portal Page............................................................................................................................................... 9
Log In....................................................................................................................................................................9
Event Summary Page ........................................................................................................................... 10
Course Notebook ................................................................................................................................... 11
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Action Icons.................................................................................................................................. 13
Shared Tools................................................................................................................................. 14
Webstorium................................................................................................................................... 15
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Adding Material .................................................................................................................................... 16
Editing Material .................................................................................................................................... 18
Removing Material ............................................................................................................................... 19
Mail ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Tabs ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
Reading Mail ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Sending Mail .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Mail Attachments .................................................................................................................................. 22
Sending Attachments .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Receiving Attachments ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Personal ........................................................................................................................................ 24
About You Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Adding and Editing Personal Information .......................................................................................................... 24
Adding a Photo to the Course Notebook............................................................................................................. 25
Homepage Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Preferences Tab..................................................................................................................................... 25
Calendar ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Administration.............................................................................................................................. 27
Course Setup.......................................................................................................................................... 27
Student Stats .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Section Stats........................................................................................................................................... 30
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Faculty Lounge ............................................................................................................................ 31
Community ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Forum ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Chat ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
News ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Links ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Library ................................................................................................................................................... 31
Notebook Tabs .............................................................................................................................. 32
About Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Excluding Tabs and Editing Descriptions .......................................................................................... 33
Timeline Tab ................................................................................................................................ 35
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Timeline Icons ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Creating and Editing Timeline Sessions, method 1............................................................................ 36
Creating and Editing Timeline Sessions, method 2............................................................................ 37
Materials Tab ............................................................................................................................... 39
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Opening Materials ................................................................................................................................ 39
Printing materials, four methods ......................................................................................................... 39
Saving Materials.................................................................................................................................... 40
Linking Materials to Sessions .............................................................................................................. 40
Work2Do Tab ............................................................................................................................... 41
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Creating and Editing Work2Do .......................................................................................................... 42
Grading and Returning Assignments .................................................................................................. 42
Tests Tab....................................................................................................................................... 44
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Creating and Editing Exams and Quizzes .......................................................................................... 45
Questions ............................................................................................................................................................ 45
Adding and Editing Questions ............................................................................................................. 46
Viewing and Scoring Results................................................................................................................ 47
Resetting Exams .................................................................................................................................... 48
Forum Tab.................................................................................................................................... 50
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
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Creating and Editing Forums .............................................................................................................. 51
Entering a Forum and Reading Messages .......................................................................................... 51
Saving Forum Messages ....................................................................................................................... 52
Internet Explorer, method 1 ................................................................................................................................ 52
Internet Explorer, method 2 ................................................................................................................................ 52
Netscape Navigator, method 1 ............................................................................................................................ 52
Netscape Navigator, method 2 ............................................................................................................................ 53
Live Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 54
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 54
Chat Screen and Commands................................................................................................................ 55
Conducting Moderated Chat Sessions with Your Class .................................................................... 56
News Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 57
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 57
Creating and Editing News Messages ................................................................................................. 57
Links Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 58
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Adding Links ......................................................................................................................................... 58
Adding Comments ................................................................................................................................ 59
Editing Links ......................................................................................................................................... 59
Students Tab ................................................................................................................................. 60
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Paging a Student or a Class.................................................................................................................. 60
Teams Tab .................................................................................................................................... 61
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Creating Teams ..................................................................................................................................... 61
Grades Tab ................................................................................................................................... 62
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Voice Messaging .......................................................................................................................... 64
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 64
Page Codes.......................................................................................................................................................... 64
Messaging ID and PIN .......................................................................................................................... 65
Sending Voice Messages ....................................................................................................................... 66
Experienced Users................................................................................................................................. 67
Toll Free Dialing ................................................................................................................................... 67
Deleting Messages ................................................................................................................................. 68
Saving a Voice Message ........................................................................................................................ 68
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
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Internet Explorer Users ....................................................................................................................................... 68
Netscape Users .................................................................................................................................................... 68
Sending Voice Messages – Quick Reference ....................................................................................... 69
Experienced Users Quick Reference ................................................................................................... 69
Faxing........................................................................................................................................... 70
Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Page Codes.......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Messaging ID and PIN .......................................................................................................................... 70
Sending Faxes ........................................................................................................................................ 71
Deleting Messages ................................................................................................................................. 72
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Planning & Preparing Courses in WebStudy
Plan most of the course before adding content to WebStudy. Planning forms are
available from the Distance Learning Department.
Anticipate giving students very explicit instructions for working in the course,
completing and submitting assignments, and taking exams.
It may be helpful to use a naming convention for material used in your course.
Consider options before uploading your files. More tips are provided in the
Webstorium section of the manual.
Materials, assignments, and assessments must be placed into categories.
Consider their organization before uploading content.
Before going online, plan each lesson and determine what materials and
activities will be included.
Keep material that students will read online brief; for longer materials, include a
printable version of the information.
When creating lessons, make a template that can be copied and pasted into
each new lesson. This helps maintain a consistent style and saves time.
Include an introductory lesson with a traditional syllabus and an icebreaker
activity that requires students to interact with WebStudy (e.g., send mail, post to
a forum, or complete an assignment).
Distance learning students often feel isolated and miss the discussions that take
place in most campus courses. Consider including discussions and group work in
your courses.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Using WebStudy
WebStudy is based on a notebook analogy. Different course components are
placed into appropriate sections of the notebook called Tabs.
The Timeline tab is the central component of the course. If contains lessons,
activities, and assignments.
Most tabs can be excluded from the course notebook and the individual
components linked from the Timeline. This may make navigating WebStudy
easier for students.
The contents of the tabs are course-specific and contain only items from the
selected course.
Shared tools, located at the top of the screen, are available within WebStudy at
any time. The function of each will be explained in a separate section of the
Some shared tools are course specific and once a course has been entered, the
functions relate only to that course.
Course items can usually be accessed from more than one location. For
example, assignments can be available from as many as three different locations
in WebStudy.
Some WebStudy links, such as supplemental materials and assessments, open
in a new browser window. It may take time for students to get accustomed to this
Important Icons and Features
Post It –
– saves work to WebStudy server. Leaving a screen without
clicking POST IT will result in lost work.
Edit –
Webstorium –
– a library of all supplemental materials (word processor
files, PowerPoint presentations, audio/video files) added to WebStudy. Items
must be placed into Webstorium before they can be used in a course.
Timeline – the interactive syllabus for a course. Most course components can be
linked directly from the Timeline.
Session – unit of the Timeline that divides the course into segments. Sessions
can be equated to topics, text chapters, semester weeks, or class meetings.
– allows instructors to add and/or change items in their WebStudy
To add or edit items, click the Edit feather
in the upper right corner of the
screen (circled in the illustration). Although the Timeline is shown, the edit feather
is always in the same location.
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
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After clicking the edit feather, the notebook area of the screen will split into an
upper and a lower frame.
 The upper frame displays the item as it currently appears with the addition
of "edit feathers".
 The lower frame is used for entering or changing information. Text boxes
and menus are provided for that purpose.
To add new items, click the green “add new” feather
To edit specific items, click the blue “edit” feather
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
associated with that
WebStudy Screens
Portal Page
WebStudy is accessed through a portal page, (, shown in the
illustration as an example) . The system works best with Netscape Communicator 6.0 or
higher or Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.
Log In
1. Access the Internet.
2. Open a web browser such as Netscape Communicator 6.x or Internet Explorer 5.5
or higher (recommended)..
3. Go to
4. Check the System Status (in the illustration, the system is AVAILABLE).
5. Locate the Registered User Login (shown in the illustration)
6. Type your user name in the User Name: text box (1) and your password in the
Password: text box (2).
7. Click the Login button (3).
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
A new window will open to your Event Summary Page. From there, access your
course(s) and begin working.
Event Summary Page
The Event Summary page (shown in the illustration) has several important features.
 The upper frame (A) contains the Shared Tools (1) and the Course Selection
Box/Go flag (2).
The main frame (B) contains announcements about upcoming assignments and
new items such as mail and news.
The lower frame (C) contains the several tabs to quickly change modes or
access files and assistance.
 Log out of WebStudy (3).
 Toggle between Student and Instructor view.
 Toggle between full-time edit mode and edit-on-demand mode.
 Access Help (4): Technical Support, Instructor Manual and other
The upper and lower frames generally remain the same throughout WebStudy.
Click the drop-down menu in the upper right corner and select your class
For technical support, click the Help tab of the screen.
To end a WebStudy session, click the Logout tab center of the screen.
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
- in the lower right portion
- at the bottom
To return to this page from anywhere in a course, click the WebStudy icon - in the upper left corner of the screen.
Course Notebook
Each course has its own Notebook (shown in the illustration) that is accessed from the
Event Summary page.
The upper frame (A) is the same as on the Event Summary Page and contains
the Shared Tools (1) and the Course Selection Box/Go flag (2).
The right frame (B) contains the Notebook Tabs.
The main frame (C) displays the notebook cover and will change as you access
different WebStudy tools and tabs.
The lower frame (D) is the same as on the Event Summary Page and displays
your user name and length of session, and contains the Logout (3) and Help (4)
Select a course from the Course Selection Box (shown) by clicking the down
arrow next to the words --Select a Course Here -- and clicking the title of the
desired course. The course notebook will open and work in the course can begin.
In some cases, it may be necessary to click the Go flag - to access a class.
If the notebook does not open automatically, simply click Go.
The notebook cover (shown in the previous section) displays the name and
number of the course, the school offering the course, the name of the instructor,
and any introductory message from the instructor. A photo of the instructor may
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
be shown. In the illustration shown, a student has entered Distance Learning
Orientation (DE 101) instructed by Tina Shaffer.
When working in the notebook, the top, lower, and right frames will usually
remain unchanged while the center frame is updated as different tabs and tool
icons are clicked.
Some areas of the course will open in the notebook's main frame. To return to
the previous page, click the browser's Back button or the appropriate tab or icon.
Other areas will open in a new browser window. Close the new window to return
to the course notebook.
Tabs that appear along the right side of the notebook organize course
components. Clicking a tab will open that component. Not every tab must be
The Timeline tab contains links to course assignments, related materials,
quizzes, and exams. It is the tab used most frequently by students and
Each course has its own notebook. Once a course has been accessed, items
relating to other courses are not available.
To enter a different course, select the course title from the course selection box
and the new course notebook will open automatically.
To return to the course notebook after using one of the Shared Tools, click Go
flag .
Clicking the Go flag - without selecting a different course returns you to the
notebook page for the current course.
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Action Icons
ACTION ICONS perform certain tasks within WebStudy. They are available as appropriate.
Each is described below.
Click the GO flag to access a course after using one of the Shared
Tools or to quickly return to the Course Notebook page
Help, located next to some WebStudy features, provides a brief
description of how a particular feature works.
A red exclamation point often appears between the HELP icon and a
text box. It indicates that the requested information must be entered.
Post It
Click this icon to save (post) data to the WebStudy database. The
data will be saved and a confirmation screen will display. Depending
on the data saved, subsequently editing may or may not be
available. Leaving a screen before posting will result in lost data!
Clicking this icon displays a preview of new or changed material. It is
recommended that material be saved (posted) before previewing. To
return to the edit screen, click the browser’s Back button.
No Action
Clicking this icon leaves the screen without changing or adding
material. A screen that confirms that nothing has been changed will
Click this icon to delete the selected material or record from
WebStudy. This action must be confirmed. Deleted data cannot be
undeleted or recovered.
Click this icon to confirm a previous choice. A screen that confirms
that the action has been performed will display.
Click this icon to reject a previous action. A screen that confirms that
nothing has been changed will display.
Click this icon to begin editing a WebStudy page.
Click the blue feather icon to edit data previously posted on a page.
An edit frame will open. Only data you are permitted to edit will have
an EDIT EXISTING MATERIAL icon displayed. Be sure to click POST IT to
save any changes.
Add New
Click the green feather icon to add new material to a page. Be sure
to click POST IT to save any changes.
Delete a message posted to a Forum.
Web Page
Clicking this icon will display a web page created by a student or a
page added listed in LINKS.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Shared Tools
SHARED TOOLS are available from the upper frame in every class. They include EVENT
SUMMARY, W EBSTORIUM, PERSONAL, CALENDAR, and MAIL. Each is briefly described
below. Details about each are provided in separate manual entries.
Event Summary
Link to the WebStudy Event Summary page
Area for shared resources and instructor created
Internal email for communication among
students and instructor
Instructor information and WebStudy
Online calendar that tracks assignments, exams,
and quizzes
Course set up and student activity reports
Faculty Lounge
Virtual meeting place for instructors
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
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is similar to a library; files stored on the WebStudy server are
organized here. Digital material, such as web pages, word processor files, and
streaming media, is added to Webstorium and can be included in instructors' courses. A
drop-down menu at the top of the screen provides quick access to stored material.
The Webstorium has 4 sections Bookshelf, Authoring, Library, and Search.
 Bookshelf - files added by individual instructors. This is the "private" are of
Webstorium; files are available only to the instructor and his/her students.
 Authoring - create or upload files to include in courses.
 Library - files available to DCCC faculty and students using WebStudy. This is
the "public" area of Webstorium.
 Search - locate files saved in Webstorium or use the Electric Library (feebased service with free 7-day trial)
Currently, the Library contains links, user IDs, and passwords to DCCC licensed
periodical databases.
If desired, instructors can add their files to the Library. Please see the Distance
Learning Department to discuss this option.
Material should be in digital format. Off-line material can be referenced, but a
better method is to include the reference in the Session description.
If any material requires special software or plug-ins (such as Word, Acrobat
Reader, or Real Player), be sure to inform students. Please note that WebStudy
Support is not able to help users with specific applications, beyond how they
would work with WebStudy.
The Permit Public Access option must be set to “yes” to allow students to access
To include material in a course, select or create a category in the Include in
Courses area. Material must be placed into a category to be included in a course.
Categories can be determined by type of material, topic, chapter/unit, or any
other method preferred.
WebStudy sorts material alphabetically within categories. Items can be
numbered so that they appear in a particular order. However, numbers are
interpreted as binary digits meaning that material numbered 1-10 will be sorted 1,
10, 2, 3,… To sort material in standard order, number items 01, 02, 03. (Note:
Work2Do assignments and Forums are sorted this way also.)
It may be helpful to create a naming convention for material.
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
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 One possibility is to include the course prefix and number in the material title
so that content is organized by course. For example, materials could be
titled "PSY 101: Syllabus" and "PSY 201: Syllabus" to distinguish items from
different courses. Items applicable to all courses could be titled simply
"PSY: Course Policies."
 Another option is to number the material by session and order number. For
example, material for session one would be 01.01: First Title, 01.02: Second
Title and material for session two would be 02.01: First Title, 02.02: Second
Title. This type of method is useful if you want your material to appear in a
specific order.
Upload one file, then check its appearance in WebStudy before uploading
multiple files. Some file types, such as Word documents, look quite different in
Short Word documents, intended to be viewed online, look best when the text is
placed in a 1x1 table that is 6.5" wide and indented 1/2" from the left. This will
prevent text from running to the edges of the screen.
Large Word files, intended for printing, should be formatted with normal indents
and margins.
Adding Material
1. Log in to WebStudy and click the W EBSTORIUM icon.
2. Click the AUTHORING tab. The screen will look similar to the illustration shown.
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
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3. On the CREATE NEW MATERIAL screen enter the necessary information in the
appropriate text boxes as described and shown below.
Material Title: Name the material here. Material title is a required field as
indicated by the red exclamation point !.
Author: The user's name is automatically entered here.
Material Type: A drop down list selection of one of the following types:
SIMPLE TEXT: Text entered directly into a provided text box, or copied and
pasted from another document.
WEB PAGE FILES: HTML files and associated content files not available on
the Internet (e.g. created by the instructor). Remember also to move all
associated files to the WebStudy server, including .jpg and .gif files and
sublinked HTML files. The index or home page file must be renamed
"default.htm" within WebStudy.
EXTERNAL W EB PAGE: A link to any site on the Internet. The complete Web
address, or URL (example: must be entered.
AUDIO/VIDEO MEDIA: Multimedia files readable by web browsers, including
.ram (Real Audio/Video), .mov (Quicktime movies), graphic files in .jpg
and .gif, .mpg (MPEG movie files), and .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) files.
Students must have the appropriate software or plug-in installed on their
computer to view these files.
POWERPOINT FILE: Presentations created in PowerPoint. Students must
have PowerPoint or the free PowerPoint Viewer installed on their
computer to view these files.
OTHER: File types that do not fit into any other category such as
OFFLINE-NOT ON THE WEB: Use of this material type is not recommended.
Material Description: A description of the material can be added in this text box.
Material description is a not required field as indicated by the absence of red
exclamation point !. The description will appear on the Materials tab in a course.
Permit Public Access: Select “yes” to allow student access. Select “no” to
restrict access to material, but retains links.
Include in Courses: To have Webstorium material available in a course, it must
be included in that course. The user's courses are listed here with options for
placing the material into an existing category or creating a new category. Material
will be listed by category on the Materials tab in the selected course(s).
Applicable Subjects: Material can be made available to other DCCC instructors
and students using WebStudy. Please contact the Distance Learning Department
to use this option.
4. Click POST IT to save this information.
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
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5. A message indicating successful input will appear. Click on the EDIT CONTENTS
link to advance to the next screen.
6. Depending on the MATERIAL TYPE selected, this page will contain
a text entry box, where text can be entered directly or copied and pasted
from a word processor
a browse button to locate the appropriate file. The browse dialog box works
the same way as the open file dialog box in other programs. Select the file,
then click the "Open" button.
Some material types, such as Audio/Video require that explanatory text be
included with the entry. This text will appear when students follow a link to the
material from the Timeline or Material tabs.
Web page files must have the index, main, or home page file renamed
"default.htm". After uploading the file, it will appear under Manage Existing
Files. In the text box, delete the file name and type "default.htm". Click POST
7. Once the text is entered or the file found, click POST IT to save the information.
8. The Material is now included in the course specified in the Include in Courses
section. The Timeline section of the manual explains how to include Material in a
Editing Material
Materials such as Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and web page
files must be changed in the original application then re-uploaded to WebStudy.
1. Log in to Webstudy and edit material by clicking the Webstorium icon and
selecting the material from the drop-down menu.
2. The EDIT THIS MATERIAL page will open. This page is similar to the ADD NEW
MATERIAL page but the fields are completed. On this page you can
change the description of the material
add the material to additional courses
remover the material from courses
delete the material from the WebStudy server
edit the contents by clicking the SKIP THIS FORM AND EDIT CONTENTS button at
the top of the screen.
3. Changing the content of material and is very similar to adding new material as
described above in step 4.
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Simple Text and External Web Page entries can be changed directly in the
text box.
Other entries, such as Word Processor files, Web Page files, and PowerPoint
files, must be changed in the original application (e.g., Word, an html editor,
or PowerPoint). Once the original file has been changed and saved, save it to
the WebStudy server again.
Removing Material
Material can be removed from
one course
To remove material from one course
1. Log in to Webstudy and edit material by clicking the Webstorium icon and
selecting the appropriate material from the drop-down menu.
2. The EDIT THIS MATERIAL page will open. This page is similar to the ADD NEW
MATERIAL page but the fields are completed.
3. Locate desired course under Already Included in Courses.
4. Select “remove from course” in the “Put in to an existing category” drop down
5. The material and all links to the material are removed from the course.
6. To return the material to the course, follow the above steps, but select the
appropriate category in the “Put in to an existing category” drop down menu.
The material will need to be added to Sessions, if appropriate.
To remove material from WebStudy
1. Log in to Webstudy and edit material by clicking the Webstorium icon and
selecting the appropriate material from the drop-down menu.
2. The EDIT THIS MATERIAL page will open. This page is similar to the ADD NEW
MATERIAL page but the fields are completed.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Delete Record.
4. Click Yes to confirm you wish to remove material.
5. The material will be removed from the WebStudy server.
This action cannot be undone.
The material is removed only from the WebStudy server. Make sure the
original files are saved to another location before deleting materials from
the WebStudy server.
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
is the WebStudy internal email system that allows instructors and students to
contact each other. It does not allow users to send messages outside the WebStudy
INCOMING displays a list of all unread mail. WebStudy notifies users of new mail
with a message on Event Summary page and by illuminating the MAIL icon.
ARCHIVED lists all read messages that have not been deleted. Messages can be
displayed and deleted as in the Incoming tab. Folders can be created to
organized archived messages.
SENT MAIL lists all messages that have been sent but not deleted, and will show
whether the recipient has read the message. Messages can be displayed and
deleted messages as in the Incoming tab. Deleting the message does not delete
it from the recipient’s mail folder.
COMPOSE is an area to create a new mail message.
DRAFTS is a storage area for partially completed messages. Messages can be
saved to the drafts folder to allow further editing before sending.
TRASH CAN is a holding area for deleted messages. To permanently remove mail
from the WebStudy server it must be deleted from the trash can.
Reading Mail
1. Click the MAIL icon, then click the INCOMING tab to display new messages or on
the ARCHIVED tab to display old messages.
2. Click a message’s SUBJECT to display the message. The message will be
displayed, followed by a list of all new messages.
3. To print, click the PRINT button. A new window will open with the message in a
printer-friendly format; click File, then Print.
4. To reply to a message, type a response in the text box that appears under the
original message. Click POST IT.
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created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
5. To delete or move a message to a different folder, click in the box in the far right
column. In the MOVE CHECKED MAIL TO FOLDER: drop-down menu, select the
appropriate folder name and click the MOVE button.
6. To read another message, click its SUBJECT link.
Sending Mail
The list of possible addressees is course-context sensitive. From the Event Summary
page, all students in all courses are listed. Once a course has been entered, the list will
contain only students in that course.
1. Click the COMPOSE tab. The screen will look similar to the illustration.
2. Select the message recipient(s):
Send to one student by scrolling through the ADDRESSEE(S): list and clicking
the name.
Send to multiple students by scrolling through the list and clicking their names
while holding down the [Ctrl] key.
Send the message to members of a specific team by clicking the appropriate
team name.
Send a message to a specific class by clicking the appropriate course name.
3. Click in the SUBJECT: box to type a title for the message.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
4. Click in the BODY OF THE MESSAGE: box to type or paste the message.
5. Select the option to send the message immediately (default option) or save the
message as a draft to complete and send later. (If the message is saved, the
recipient(s) must be reselected when the message is retrieved.)
6. Click POST IT to send or save the message. Sent messages are automatically
copied to the Sent Mail folder. Recipients will be notified of new mail on their next
log in. Saved messages are moved to the Drafts folder.
Click PREVIEW the view the message as the recipient will see it.
Click NO ACTION to neither send nor save the message.
Be sure to post your message before clicking another tab. The message contents
are cleared once you leave the COMPOSE tab.
Mail Attachments
Sending Attachments
Send attachments by following these steps before or after composing a message. The
recipient will need an application that can read the attached file type.
1. Click the ATTACHMENTS button in the COMPOSE window. The screen will change to
look similar to the illustration shown.
2. Click the BROWSE button to open a dialog box to choose
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
the file to send.
3. Locate the appropriate file [change FILES OF TYPE to ALL FILES (*.*) if necessary].
Click on the file name, then the OPEN button. The file's path and name will
appear in the ATTACH FILE: field.
4. Click the ATTACH TO MESSAGE button to send the file to the WebStudy server.
When the transfer is complete, the display will be updated to show the file name
5. Repeat steps 1-4 to send more than one file, otherwise click the DONE button to
return to the COMPOSE screen.
Files can be removed from messages by selecting the file name from the
MESSAGE ATTACHMENTS box and clicking the REMOVE button.
Total size for all attachments cannot exceed 1000K (approx. 1 megabyte).
Be sure to post messages before clicking another tab. The message contents are
cleared once you leave the COMPOSE tab.
Receiving Attachments
 The paperclip icon
before the date in the message list identifies messages with
To read the attachment, follow these steps:
1. Open the message by clicking the subject.
2. Right click the DOWNLOAD link. A menu will appear.
3. Click SAVE LINK AS… and a dialog box will open (see illustration).
4. Select the appropriate drive and folder to save the file. It may be easiest to save
the file to the desktop and move to the appropriate folder later.
5. Click SAVE.
6. Open the file in the appropriate application. Note — To open a file, an application
capable of read that file type must be installed.
Scanning files with an antivirus program is recommended.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Clicking the PERSONAL icon
allows users to share information about themselves and
to customize some of the functions of WebStudy. Some basic personal information has
been entered already; users can include additional information to share with others, if
It is important that users include additional contact information such as a phone number
or outside email address. This is the only way WebStudy tech support can reach users if
they encounter problems. Instructors work from home regularly, may want to include a
home phone number. This number will not be available to anyone other than the Distance
Learning Director and WebStudy Tech Support.
About You Tab
The ABOUT YOU tab allows instructors to enter information and add a photo. Some
information will be displayed for students to see and other data will be available to the
Director of Distance Learning and WebStudy Tech Support only.
1. LOGIN CREDENTIALS are the User Name and Password. Only WebStudy
administrators can change User Names; to change your User Name, please
contact the Distance Learning Department. We recommend users change their
Password and Password Reminder after accessing WebStudy for the first time.
Contact WebStudy Tech Support at 1-877-444-4932 or DCCC's Distance
Learning department at 610-359-5152 for forgotten passwords.
2. NAME is the name displayed on the Course Notebook and in the Instructor
Information section of the About tab. To change the name that appears, please
contact the Distance Learning Department.
3. ADDRESS can be your DCCC address. It will not appear in WebStudy unless
“Yes, make it public” is selected.
4. OTHER CONTACT INFORMATION includes information such as office room and
phone number, an outside email address, and an outside web page. It is
important that additional contact information such as a phone number or outside
email address is given. This is the only way WebStudy tech support can reach
users if they encounter problems. Instructors who work from home regularly may
want to include a home phone number. This number will not be available to
anyone other than the Director of Distance Learning and WebStudy Tech Support.
Adding and Editing Personal Information
1. Log in to WebStudy and click the PERSONAL icon.
2. Click the appropriate tab.
3. Enter or change the desired information.
4. Click POST IT to save changes.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Adding a Photo to the Course Notebook
1. A digital photo is needed. If you do not have one, contact the Distance Learning
2. Log in to WebStudy and click the Personal icon.
3. Click the About You tab and then click the "Upload Instructor Picture (optional)"
link. The Upload New Picture screen will open.
4. Click the "Browse" button and locate the appropriate file. The browse dialog box
works the same way as the open file dialog box in other programs. Select the file,
then click the "Open" button.
5. Select the course(s) the photo should appear in. To select more than one course,
hold the control (CTRL) key while clicking the course titles.
6. Click POST IT to upload the photo.
Homepage Tab
The HOMEPAGE tab allows users to share a personal web page with others. HTML code
and related files are added on this screen.
Preferences Tab
The PREFERENCES tab allows users to make two customizations to WebStudy: General
Preferences and Technical & Security Preferences.
GENERAL PREFERENCES contains two options.
Show the edit screen:
 “after clicking the feather” is the default setting that displays pages in normal
view and instructors must click the edit feather to activate edit mode.
 “wherever applicable” sets WebStudy to display pages in edit mode
eliminating the need to click the pink Edit feather before making changes.
Display warning message when leaving forms:
 “yes” is the default setting that will display a warning message when leaving
a page that requires user input. For example, if you access the Personal
page and leave without posting, a message will appear to alert you that you
have not saved your work.
 “no” turns off the warning message. We recommend that this setting remain
on until becoming comfortable with WebStudy.
TECHNICAL & SECURITY PREFERENCES sets the session time out. The default setting is 20
minutes. Users who have not connected to the WebStudy server (by clicking on a tab,
posting material, or accessing a shared tool) within the time out limit, will be logged out
of WebStudy. Once the session has timed out, users must log in again. Any unposted
data will be lost. We recommend setting this to a higher level. Internet Service Providers
may also set a connect time or timeout limit. This is different from the WebStudy
Session Time Out.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
allows users to access an online display of assignments, exams
and quizzes due, in a month-by-month calendar format.
The CALENDAR can be set to display only assignments related to a specific
The calendar screen displays assignments, materials, assessments, and other
items using icons. The icons are links to the appropriate work or assignment.
Items must have a session or due to appear on the CALENDAR.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
is available to instructors and institutional administrators,
but not students. Clicking this icon opens a screen where instructors can edit basic
information about their courses and view course activity by student or section. The
ADMINISTRATION function has 3 tabs: Course Setup, Student Stats, and Section Stats.
Course Setup
The Course Setup option allows instructors to enter or edit information such as
course name and number, prerequisites, description, and department.
The Distance Learning Department has entered much of this information, such
as course name, number, and description.
The Distance Learning Department will enroll students in courses.
Instructor photos uploaded here will appear at the bottom of the course
notebook, under the DCCC logo. Using the option in PERSONAL to upload photos
is the recommended method.
The Activate On and Deactivate On are the dates the course will be available to
students. Be sure the Deactivate On date does not occur in the middle of the
Your Messaging ID and Your Messaging PIN (circled in the illustration) are the
numbers needed to send voice messages and faxes through WebStudy.
Instructions are provided in the Voice Messaging and Fax sections of the
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Optional Frontpage Text is the message students see when they first access a
Information entered in the Course Description section (Course Summary,
Prerequisites Description, Any Other Information) will appear on the Expanded
Grading requirements along with assignments and the percentage of final grade
each is worth can be explained in the Evaluation section. This information will
display on the Expanded Syllabus. The Expanded Syllabus is linked from the
WebStudy does not calculate final grades or enter grades into Banner.
It is best to keep information students will read online (Frontpage Text, Course
Description, Evaluation Description) brief and provide a printable syllabus as
course material.
Student Stats
Students enrolled in an instructor's course(s) and who have accessed WebStudy
are listed here.
The list is courses specific. Accessing Student Stats without entering a course
displays all students in all classes. Entering a course limits the display to only
students in that course.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Clicking a student’s name will display the dates he/she has been active. Click a
date to view a record of the student's activities on that date.
The record will show which sections and subsections the student accessed and
the length of time the page was displayed.
Top-level sections are the Event Summary and each tab (Timeline, Work2Do,
etc). Second-Level or subsections are the actual assignments and materials.
The Detailed Session History shows the course, section, and subsection the
student accessed on a particular date.
Sections are individual tabs. Subsections are the items within the tab such as an
assignment or quiz.
The illustration above shows Tina Shaffer's activity for January 4, 2002.
She logged in at 3:04 p.m. and was active for approximately 21 seconds.
She accessed Top-Level Sections five times: the Event Summary once and
Work2Do four times.
Additional information in the Detailed Session History indicates that she visited
two Assignment Detail subsections. Assignment details are the actual
assignment instructions where students can submit their work.
The duration of visit does not necessarily mean that the student viewed a
particular page exclusively for that length of time.
The data can be exported as an Excel file by right-clicking the Output into
Microsoft Excel link and selecting Save Target As.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Section Stats
Displays the number of times specific WebStudy top-level and second-level
sections have been accessed.
This data is useful for determining how students use a course.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Faculty Lounge
provides a means for WebStudy instructors and
administrators from an institution to communicate and share resources with each other.
The Faculty Lounge has six tabs: Community, Forum, Chat, Library, News, and Links.
All instructors, details about them, and their courses are listed.
Outside email addresses are readily visible "mailto" links.
Available Details lists office phone number and address if made public under
Instructors can send instant messages to each other.
Course Previews, if permitted by the instructor, are available here.
Allows asynchronous conversations among instructors and administrators. The
faculty forum works in the same manner as course forums.
Allows synchronous communication among instructors and administrators. Chat
rooms work in the same manner as course chat rooms.
Announcements of interest to faculty.
Outside web resources posted by other faculty members.
Webstorium for faculty.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Notebook Tabs
NOTEBOOK TABS organize courses into segments. All but ABOUT can be excluded from
courses and ordered as desired.
General information about the course and instructor
Course material presented in sequential lessons and links to other course
Links to course related items arranged in categories determined by the
Links to course assignments arranged in categories determined by the
Links to asynchronous discussions related to course topics
Access to real-time chats
Announcements posted by instructor
Access to and comments on web sites posted by the instructor and class
List of all students in class and any information they choose to share with
Collaborative study groups with private forums and chat rooms
Quick access to exams and quizzes
Online grade book
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
About Tab
The information contained in the ABOUT tab provides students a brief overview of a
course, contact information for the instructor, and a description of the WebStudy
Notebook tabs.
This is a good place for students to visit when first entering a class as it contains
such vital data as the instructor's name, office location and phone number, and
email address.
Much of the information on this page is taken from the data entered into the
Course Setup page under ADMINISTRATION and the About You page under
A list of WebStudy tabs used in the course and descriptions of each are
Tabs, other than ABOUT, can be excluded from a course.
All tab descriptions can be modified to meet the needs of an instructor or course.
Excluded tabs do not appear in the tab description area, but are accessible when
editing tabs.
Excluding Tabs and Editing Descriptions
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the appropriate course, and click the ABOUT tab.
2. Click the Edit feather in the upper right corner of the frame.
3. Scroll to the Tab section and click “Exclude/Include Course Tabs”. The screen will
look similar to the illustration shown.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
4. Change the Tab brief or long descriptions in the text boxes as desired.
5. Select either “Visible” or “Hidden” in the Action drop-down menu to include or
exclude a tab.
6. Select the desired Tab Order from the drop-down menu.
7. Click POST IT.
Excluded tabs appear at the bottom of the lower frame after clicking
“Exclude/Include Course Tabs”.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Timeline Tab
The TIMELINE tab is the heart of a WebStudy course. Students will access most of their
work from this tab in the COURSE NOTEBOOK. Courses are broken into segments called
SESSIONS. Each SESSION will have an entry on the TIMELINE. SESSIONS can contain
general information, forum assignments, supplemental material, homework, a quiz, or
an exam.
The Timeline and Sessions can be created before or after creating Materials,
Work2Do, Forums, Quizzes, and Exams. All items except Materials can be linked
to Timeline Sessions as they are created.
Course materials must be placed into a category under the heading "Include in
Courses" (located directly below the Material Description text box). If this step is
skipped, they cannot be placed on the Timeline.
A course can be divided into Sessions in a number of ways. Sessions can
parallel traditional class meetings (e.g., 2 or 3 per week), textbook chapters,
course units or topics, or semester weeks. Use an option that best fits the course
Including a date in the Session date field will allow students to plan study time
and WebStudy to alert them to upcoming assignments when they access their
Avoid including dates in Session descriptions, most Materials, and Work2Do
assignment instructions. Dates in these areas will need to be changed every
Include a traditional syllabus or course outline with contact information, course
policies, and dates in your Materials. This file is easily updated every semester.
Meeting Times can be added if students will meet in person or in a chat room at
specified times.
Sessions can be hidden from students to limit how far they can work ahead in the
One Session can be a prerequisite for the following Session. If so, students must
access all Materials, Forums, Work2Do, Quizzes, and/or Exams from the first
Session before they can access those items in the subsequent Session.
Some instructors have found an initial introductory Session to be helpful. This
Session can include information about course prerequisites; Materials such as a
traditional syllabus, course policies and guidelines; and assignments or
discussions that allow students to become acquainted with each other.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Timeline Icons
Icons used on the TIMELINE are described below.
Clicking a link under this icon opens an item related to the session
topic. MATERIALS can be word processor files, web pages, or other
media (e.g., streaming video or audio) related to the course.
Materials are added through the Webstorium then included in the
Listed under W ORK2DO are one or more assignment links.
Clicking on the link will take students to directly to an assignment.
Instructors will see the assignment directions and a list of
students and the status of their work (e.g., not submitted,
submitted but not graded, or submitted and graded). Assignments
are also linked from the W ORK2DO tab and CALENDAR.
Related discussions are linked here. FORUMS allow students and
their instructor to discuss course material with each other on their
own schedule. Forums are also listed under the FORUMS tab.
Links under this icon are untimed, ungraded assessments.
Clicking the link will take students to the quiz instructions.
Instructors will see the assignment directions and a list of
students who have and have not taken the quiz. Quizzes will not
appear in the grade book and no report of students' scores is
displayed. Quizzes can also be found under the TESTS tab and on
EXAMS are timed, graded assessment. Students link to the exam
instructions and instructors to a list of students and their exam
status e.g., not submitted, submitted but not graded, or submitted
and graded). Exams appear in the grade book. They can also be
found under the TESTS tab and on the CALENDAR.
Creating and Editing Timeline Sessions, method 1
1. Log in to WebStudy and click the Timeline tab. Click the Edit feather in the upper
right corner of the frame (circled in the illustration).
2. The screen will split into two frames.
Sessions and "edit feathers" display in the upper frame.
The lower frame is available to edit individual sessions.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
3. Click "Add New Session" or "Edit this Session" associated with the Session to be
changed as appropriate.
4. Enter the requested information using the drop-down menus or text boxes.
Required fields are identified by a red exclamation point. A sample is shown
below. See Tips (above) for explanations of fields.
5. Include related course items (Materials, Work2Do, etc). To select multiple items,
hold down the control (CTRL) key while clicking the items.
Note: Materials will be available only if the have been placed into a category
under the heading "Include in Courses" (located directly below the Material
Description text box) in WebStorium.
6. Click POST IT to save the Session.
Creating and Editing Timeline Sessions, method 2
1. Log in to WebStudy and click the Timeline tab. Click the “Edit Timeline” link at the
top of the screen (circled below).
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
2. The screen will split into two frames similar to the illustration shown.
A list of sessions and dates displays in the upper frame.
The lower frame is available to edit individual sessions.
3. Make the required changes
A. Change the session order, title, and/or date in the upper frame. Click POST IT.
B. Add new sessions by selecting the appropriate NUMBER from the drop-down
menu and clicking “Add # new session(s).” Click POST IT.
 New sessions are added to the bottom of the list.
 New sessions can be edited by clicking the blue edit feather and completing
the fields as describe above. See Tips (above) for explanations of fields.
C. Edit sessions (new or existing) by clicking the appropriate blue edit feather.
Make the appropriate changes/entries in the lower frame. See Tips (above)
for explanations of fields. Click POST IT.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Materials Tab
Materials are course-related items that have been uploaded to the Webstorium and
included in to specific course(s). Materials can be included in specific Timeline Sessions
or accessed from the MATERIALS tab. Materials linked from the Timeline are identified by
this icon -
Materials can be accessed from the Materials tab or from Timeline Sessions.
The Materials tab displays items in a categorized list created by the course
The Timeline displays Materials that have been added to specific Sessions.
There is no difference between accessing items from the Materials tab and the
Materials can be any of the following formats
 text
 streaming audio and/or video
 outside or instructor created web page
 presentations (e.g. PowerPoint file)
 graphics
Opening Materials
Click the material link (blue, underlined text) to open the material. The material will
open in a new window. Maximize the window by double clicking the title bar or by
clicking the maximize button
in the upper right corner of the window (middle button).
Return to the Timeline by clicking the close window button
in the upper right corner
of the Material window.
Printing materials, four methods
Only text- and graphic-type materials (e.g., word processing files, web pages,
PowerPoint presentations) can be printed. Audio and video files will not print.
 Click the mouse cursor on the material, click the printer icon on the browser
tool bar, and then click OK in the dialog box.
 Click the mouse cursor on the material, press the control [CTRL] key and
the [P] key at the same time, when the print dialog box opens click OK.
 Click the mouse cursor on the material, go to File, then Print. Click OK in the
print dialog box.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
 Internet Explorer only: Click the mouse cursor on the material, then rightclick. Click Print from the options. Click OK in the print dialog box.
Saving Materials
1. Click the link to open the material.
2. Right click the file name link at the top of the screen. A menu will open.
3. Internet Explorer select "Save Target As".
Netscape select "Save Link As".
4. A "Save As" dialog box will open. Select a location and enter a file name.
5. Click Save.
Linking Materials to Sessions
1. Log in to WebStudy, place files into Webstorium, and include in appropriate
course(s). (See Webstorium sections for instructions on uploading files.)
2. Access the appropriate course and click the TIMELINE tab.
3. Click the Edit feather in the upper right corner of the frame.
4. Click "Add a Session" or "Edit this Session” as appropriate.
5. Complete the requested information, if necessary. (See Timeline for instructions
on creating sessions.)
6. From the “Coursework due” area, select the desired items in the Readings: list.
Select more than one item by holding the control [CTRL] key while clicking.
7. Click POST IT.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Work2Do Tab
Students can complete and submit assignments directly through WebStudy.
Assignments are created and edited from the W ORK2DO tab in the Course Notebook.
They can be included in specific Timeline Sessions or accessed from the W ORK2DO tab.
Assignments linked from the Timeline are identified by this icon -
Assignments are arranged into categories. Categories are created by the
Assignments can be included in a Session as they are created..
An assignment can be given a due date that is different from the Session date by
entering a date in the "due on date" text box.
If separate due dates are not used, be sure the students know exactly when
assignments must be submitted. It may not be clear to students if assignments in
a particular Session are due on the date of the Session or before the date of the
next Session.
Avoid including dates in assignment descriptions and attached files as these
must be changed every semester.
Assignments can include a text box for students to submit work by selecting
"Yes, the students need to submit a text to me". The text box can be omitted by
selecting "No, the students don't send a text to me".
Files can be attached to assignments to provide lengthy instructions or a file
students must view before completing the assignment. Attach a file by clicking
the Browse button next to the New File: text box.
 Only one file can be attached to each assignment.
 New files automatically replace existing files.
 To remove the existing file, type delete in the text box.
 Students can attach one file to submitted assignments.
Grades recorded through WebStudy are NOT entered into the Banner system.
Other items available at the bottom of the page are
a link to a list of materials in order by due date. The content of the readings must
be added through Webstorium and accessed through the TIMELINE or MATERIALS
a link to the exams and quizzes page.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Creating and Editing Work2Do
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the appropriate course, and click the Work2Do tab.
Click the Edit feather in the upper right corner of the frame.
2. Click "Add New Assignment" or "Modify Assignment" as appropriate. Category
titles and descriptions can be changed by clicking "Edit the Category". The
screen will look similar to the illustration shown.
3. Enter or edit the requested information using the drop-down menus and text
boxes. Required fields are identified by a red exclamation point. See Tips
(above) for explanations of fields.
4. Click POST IT to save the assignment.
Grading and Returning Assignments
1. Check for newly submitted assignments clicking the Work2Do tab. A red "new"
tag followed by the student name(s) indicate newly submitted assignments. If you
have hidden the Work2Do tab, click the assignment title on the Timeline.
2. After clicking the assignment title, a list of all students in the course along with
the status of the their work will display. A student who has submitted work will
have an entry similar to the illustration shown.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
3. View submissions by clicking "Open Original Assignment".
4. Comment directly in the assignment text by clicking "Open Commented
5. Enter a grade or points awarded and any additional comments for the student or
your private records.
6. Select the Assignment Status: "Keep it, don't release or return it yet," "Release to
[student's name]" or "Release for reworking to [student's name]."
7. Click POST IT to save the information.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Tests Tab
Exams and quizzes are two methods to assess online students. They can be included in
specific Timeline Sessions or accessed from the TESTS tab. Assessments linked from
the Timeline are identified by one of these icons -
. They are quite similar with two important differences:
1. Exams are timed and graded. Instructors can view students' scores and answers.
2. Quizzes are neither timed nor graded. Instructors can tell which students have taken
a quiz, but not the score or answers.
Please instruct your students NOT to use a mouse scroll wheel when taking
exams and quizzes. Their selected answers may change if they use the scroll
Assessments are created in two parts. General information about the
assessment is entered, then questions are added individually.
Assessments can be linked to a Timeline Session when created or edited.
Activation and expiration dates can be assigned to assessments to limit student
Assessments are arranged into categories created by the instructor.
Default point values for questions are assigned in the general information
section. Point values for existing questions must be changed individually.
Time limits for exams are assigned in the general information section.
Instructors can specify the number of times an assessment can be taken by each
Instructors have the option to display results and correct answers to students
after submitting an assessment by selecting "Yes" to "Display feedback page".
Instructors can permit students to retake an exam by resetting the student’s
exam record. Reasons for allowing a retest include loss of Internet connection,
computer errors, or WebStudy errors.
Quizzes can be useful for review and practice.
Tests can be generated by the random selection of a set number of questions
from each category. Each time the test is taken, a different combination of
questions will be given to students.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Creating and Editing Exams and Quizzes
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the appropriate course.
2. Click the Tests tab, then click the Edit feather in the upper right corner of the frame.
3. Click "Add A New Exam or Quiz" or "Modify exam/quiz" as appropriate. Category
titles and descriptions can be changed by clicking "Edit the Category".
4. Enter or edit the requested information using the drop-down menus and text boxes.
Required fields are identified by a red exclamation point. See Tips (above) for
explanations of fields.
5. Click POST IT to save the general information.
 Questions are added and edited individually.
Default point values are assigned when general information is entered. This
value can be changed for individual questions, if necessary.
Files containing graphics can be included with questions.
Questions are organized by category. Questions can be categorized by question
type, unit or chapter, or all can appear in a single category.
Tests can be generated by the random selection of a set number of questions
from each category. Each time the test is taken, a different combination of
questions will be given to students.
Questions can be re-ordered from the question edit screen using the
Questions can be one of four types: True/False, Multiple Choices, Short Answer,
or Essay.
True/False – do not use – scroll wheel on mouse may modify students’ answers!
Multiple Choices
Questions can have one or multiple correct answers.
Questions are displayed with a check box (square).
Students can change their answers anytime before submitting the assessment.
Questions are automatically graded.
If more than one answer is correct, students must select all correct choices to
receive automatic credit.
The instructor can change the automatic score.
Exact Text Match
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Questions require a specific word or phrase answer.
A text box is available for student responses.
Students can change their answers anytime before submitting the assessment.
Capitalization is not considered, but spelling and word order are.
Questions are automatically graded.
The instructor can change the automatic score.
Open-ended Text
Questions require a written response that is generally longer than a single word
or phrase.
Students enter their answers into a text box.
Students can change answers anytime before submitting the assessment.
The instructor grades these questions.
Adding and Editing Questions
1. Once general information about an assessment has be entered, click "Edit
exam/quiz questions" to add or change questions.
2. Click “Add a Question” at the top of the screen or “Edit Question” under a
question as appropriate. The screen will look similar to the illustration.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
3. Enter or edit question category, type, and/or point value.
4. Enter the question and correct answers for Multiple Choices and exact Text
Match questions.
 For Multiple Choices questions, enter options on separate lines. Identify the
correct answer with an asterisk, leaving a space between the asterisk and
answer (e.g., * B. this is the correct answer) as shown in the illustration.
 For Exact Text Match questions enter the correct response.
5. If appropriate, attach an associated file using the Browse button.
6. Click POST IT to save the question.
Viewing and Scoring Results
Objective questions are graded automatically; the instructor must grade
subjective questions.
Students receive results for objective questions immediately. Results include
correct answers.
Instructors can change an automatically generated score.
A Grade Report showing scores for objective and subjective questions and a final
score is available to students after the instructor has entered the information.
Instructors grade any short answer and essay questions.
Instructors assign a final grade to the assessment.
The objective portions of assessments are scored automatically and student
selections displayed as follows
 bold green text indicates students' correct responses
 bold red text indicates students' incorrect responses
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
The graphic above shows a sample grade report. Correct answers are not displayed to
The student answered question #1.1 incorrectly: red text for Answered; the
correct answer is shown in the text box.
The student answered #1.2 incorrectly: the correct answers are B and C,
(indicated by check marks); however, the student chose options B, C, and D
(indicated by bold green and red text).
The student answered #1.3 correctly: the correct answer is D (indicated by check
mark) and the student chose option D (indicated by bold green text).
The student answered question #1.4 incorrectly: the correct answers are A, B, C,
and D (indicated by in check marks); however the student chose options B and C
only (indicated by bold green text).
Resetting Exams
Resetting an exam removes all record of the student's exam – be sure to print or
record the student’s first results for later reference, if desired.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
The exam’s Expiration Date may need to be changed to allow the student(s) to
retake the exam.
1. Log in to WebStudy and access the desired course.
2. Access the appropriate exam from either the Timeline or Work2Do tabs. The exam
report listing all students in the course will appear.
3. Locate the appropriate student and click the Edit feather to the left of the student’s
4. Scroll to the bottom of the student’s exam results and click Delete Record. Click
"Yes" to confirm.
5. The student will be able to retake the exam.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Forum Tab
The FORUM tab provides access to asynchronous discussion areas. Here you and your
students can post messages, read messages posted by others and comment on those
messages. They can be linked to specific Timeline Sessions or accessed from the
FORUM tab. Forums linked to the Timeline are identified by this icon -
Forums can be used to generate discussion among students or have students
work collaboratively in a distance learning course.
A forum can be one of two types:
1. FORUMS OF THIS COURSE ONLY are forums created by instructors and open
only to participants in a specific course.
2. TEAM FORUMS are forums open only to team members as assigned by the
Only instructors can create FORUMS OF THIS COURSE ONLY.
TEAM FORUMS are automatically created when Teams are created using the
TEAMS tab. Team forums can be edited at any time.
Forums can be activated on a specific date so that discussion does not begin
Forums can be attached to a specific Timeline Session.
The forum description appears on the Forum tab page and on the specific forum
page listing posted messages.
Students are unlikely to use a forum unless it is a specific course requirement
and messages are factored into their final grades.
It may be helpful to post an initial message to spur conversation.
By requiring that students post questions to a general questions forum before
asking you, forums can be used to reduce the number of questions you must
In every forum, messages are listed as follows:
 by date – newest to oldest,
 new since your last log in – large green text,
 new in the past 24 hours but available at your last log in – large blue text,
 on-going discussions are threaded, meaning that each entry is followed by
any replies.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Creating and Editing Forums
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the appropriate course, and click the FORUM tab.
2. Click the Edit feather in the upper right corner of the frame.
3. Click "Add Another Forum" or "Edit this Forum" as appropriate. Category titles
and descriptions can be changed by clicking "Edit the Category".
4. Enter or edit the requested information using the drop-down menus and text
boxes. Required fields are identified by a red exclamation point. See Tips
(above) for explanations of fields.
5. Click POST IT to save the forum.
Entering a Forum and Reading Messages
Clicking the FORUM tab displays a list of all available forum titles. Each title is a link;
clicking a link will open that discussion.
Each forum has these common features and will look similar to the illustration shown:
The forum title is displayed in the upper right corner next to the word “forum.”
The forum description is shown at the top of the screen above any messages.
Message titles, authors, and dates appear in the upper frame. The instructor
screen has the DELETE option next to each message.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
The lower frame will display the text of a message after clicking the message’s
title or an empty text box after clicking “Start New Thread”.
A thread is a message followed by related replies. Threads are generally limited
to a single topic.
Clicking the EXPAND button next to a message title displays messages with any
replies (threads). Clicking the CONTRACT button next to a message title
displays only the first message of a thread.
START NEW THREAD opens a blank text box in the lower frame to begin a
discussion on a new topic.
SHOW TEXT OF MESSAGES displays message titles and text in one frame.
Instructors can delete individual messages by clicking DELETE next to the
message title. Deleting a message also deletes all replies to that message.
All messages in a forum can be deleted using the option at the bottom of the
When reading messages, clicking the authors’ names will display any information
they have chosen to share with classmates.
Saving Forum Messages
Internet Explorer, method 1
1. Log in to WebStudy and click the FORUM tab.
2. Access the forum to save.
3. Click the "Save to File" link at the top of the frame. A message providing further
instructions will appear. Click OK and the text of the messages will appear in the
upper frame.
4. Select the text, then copy and paste it into a word processor document.
5. Save the document to the desired location.
Internet Explorer, method 2
1. Log in to WebStudy and click the FORUM tab.
2. Access the forum to save.
3. Right click the "Save to File" link at the top of the frame.
4. Click the "Save Target As" option.
5. A Save As dialog box will appear. Save the file to the desired location.
Netscape Navigator, method 1
1. Log in to WebStudy and click the FORUM tab.
2. Access the forum to save.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
3. Click the "Save to File" link at the top of the frame. A message providing further
instructions will appear. Click OK and the text of the messages will appear in the
upper frame.
4. Click in the upper frame where the text of the messages is displayed.
5. Click File, the Save Frame.
6. A Save As dialog box will appear. Save the file to the desired location.
Netscape Navigator, method 2
1. Log in to WebStudy and click the FORUM tab.
2. Access the forum to save.
3. Right click the "Save to File" link at the top of the frame.
4. Click the "Save Link As" option.
5. A Save As dialog box will appear. Save the file to the desired location.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Live Tab
LIVE is a synchronous communications tool that is accessible from the LIVE tab on the
course notebook. LIVE facilitates real time, live discussion between participants from a
class, team, or institution.
Chat sessions can simulate real-time classroom discussions.
Chat sessions can be one of two types:
1. MODERATED DISCUSSIONS are initiated and controlled by an instructor. They
are usually set up in advance and may be included in a class participation
2. UNMODERATED DISCUSSIONS do not require an instructor to initiate or control.
They can occur spontaneously or be scheduled in advance by the instructor
or groups of students.
In a moderated session, the instructor previews comments and determines which
are displayed on screen. The instructor may grant a student permission to
display messages without instructor previewing.
In an unmoderated session, messages are displayed without prior review or
The CAMPUS AUDITORIUM is a moderated discussion open to all WebStudy
students at an institution.
YOUR CLASSROOM is a moderated discussion open only to students in a selected
THE QUAD is an unmoderated discussion open to students in all courses at an
YOUR CLASS is an unmoderated discussion for members of a specific class.
TEAM-ONLY CHATROOMS are unmoderated discussions open only to members of a
specific team.
A student who has the floor in a moderated chat session can post messages
without prior approval from the instructor.
Transcripts of chat sessions can be saved for instructor review and grading or to
place into Webstorium for all students to read. Transcripts must be generated
before leaving the session. After the session has ended, all text is deleted.
Chat sessions are sometimes used to hold real-time office hours.
Students can use chat sessions to discuss course material or collaborate on
group projects.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Chat Screen and Commands
After starting a Live session, the screen will look similar to the illustration. Features are
described below.
Upper frame (1) – message text box and command buttons
Center frame (2) – message display area
Right frame (3) – “Participant(s)” list of current participants
Lower frame [instructor only] (4) – “NO PENDING QUESTIONS/REQUESTS”
instructor preview area in moderated session
Leave (A) – exit chat session and return to the Event Summary page
Transcript (B) – opens transcript of session that can be printed or saved (opens
in new window)
Whisper to: (C) – send private message to another participant by selecting name
in drop down menu; students’ messages must be accepted by the instructor in a
moderated session
Floor [instructor] (D) – regain control of a moderated session after granting the
floor to a student
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Floor [student] (D) – request permission to post messages without prior
acceptance in a moderated session
Talk! [instructor] (E) – display message in text box in center frame
Talk! [student] (E) – send message in text box to instructor for approval in a
moderated session or post message in text box to center frame in an
unmoderated session
Accept [instructor only] – allow a student’s message to display in center frame or
grant student the floor. A link displays in lower frame when messages are sent to
instructor. The student's message or request and the link replaces “NO
Conducting Moderated Chat Sessions with Your Class
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the appropriate course, and click the LIVE tab.
2. Click the YOUR CLASSROOM link to begin a session for students in your class.
3. As students enter the chatroom, their names will be listed in the Participants
frame on the right side of the screen.
4. Type messages in the upper frame and click Talk! to post them in the center
frame for all participants to view.
5. Student messages and requests for the Floor appear in the lower frame. Click
Accept to display a message or grant access to the Floor.
6. If desired, click Transcript to open a new window with a text display of the chat
session. Print or save the transcript as needed. Transcripts must be saved or
printed before leaving the chat session.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
News Tab
The NEWS tab contains announcements and current information for your students. News
is sorted by date so that the most recent updates appear at the top of the page. The
WebStudy Event Summary page alerts students to any new messages.
Today's Date automatically displays the current date. The default Expiration Date
can be changed.
News designated Urgent will be displayed with this icon
Like other items posted to WebStudy, News messages must be categorized.
Creating and Editing News Messages
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the desired course, and click the NEWS tab.
2. Click the Edit feather in the upper right corner of the frame.
3. Click "Add New Post" or "Edit News" as appropriate.
4. Complete the required fields.
5. Click POST IT to save the message.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Links Tab
LINKS is a collection of Web sites that relate to your course. The LINKS screen is
composed of two frames. Web links, accompanied by brief descriptions, appear in the
top frame. The lower frame contains text boxes for entering new links.
Links can be posted by an instructor or students in the text box displayed in the
lower frame.
To enter a new link accurately, copy the URL from your browser's address bar to
paste into the WebStudy text box.
Comments can be made by instructors or students.
Following a link from the LINKS tab opens a new screen that displays
 a link to the site (click this link to open the site in a new window)
 any comments that have made about the link
 a text box to enter additional comments.
Go directly to a site by clicking the web page icon -
Instructors have the option of editing links or deleting all links and any associated
New links are announced on the Event Summary page.
Posting Web sites under the LINKS tab can be a method of generating discussion
among class members.
- to the left of the link.
 The instructor can create links to relevant web sites, then have students visit
and comment on the sites.
 Students can find web sites relating to a topic in the course. They can then
comment on the sites' content, design, accuracy or other topic as assigned by
the instructor.
 Links activities can build an extensive set of Web resources along with
associated comments and ratings of those resources.
Adding Links
1. Copy the web address of the desired site from the browser's address box.
2. Log in to WebStudy, access the appropriate course, and click the LINKS tab.
3. Complete the required information in the lower frame:
 enter a Link Title
 paste the URL into the Link URL text box
 enter a short description
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
4. Click POST IT.
Adding Comments
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the appropriate course, and click the LINKS tab.
2. Click the link to comment on.
3. Enter the comment in the Comments text box.
4. Click POST IT.
Editing Links
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the appropriate course, and click the LINKS tab.
2. Click the Edit feather in the upper right corner of frame.
3. Click the Modify Link under the link to change. The screen will look similar to the
4. Edit the link title, address, or description.
5. Click POST IT.
6. Delete the link by clicking Delete Record.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Students Tab
A class list is available to instructors and students by clicking the STUDENTS tab in the
course notebook. Students can provide information about themselves to share with their
The class list includes links to
 address, phone number, external email, and any other information made
public in the ABOUT YOU tab of the PERSONAL function
 individual home pages (if created)
 individual presentations (if created)
A PAGE function is available to quickly send messages to students.
 Students can page other students individually.
 Instructors can page individual students or an entire class.
 If the recipients are working in WebStudy, the message will display in a red
banner on a screen that accepts user input when that screen is opened or
 If the recipients are not working in WebStudy when the message is sent, the
message will display in a red banner on a screen that accepts user input the
next time they log in.
 The sender will be sent a return receipt message when the recipients
display the message.
Paging a Student or a Class
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the desired course, and click the STUDENTS tab.
 Under each student's name is a text box with a Page! button next to it. Use
this box to page a single student.
 At the bottom of the page is a "Page the Whole Class" text box with a Page!
button next to it. Use this box to page the entire class.
2. Enter a message in the text box, then click Page!
3. The student(s) will see the message the next time they log in or access a new
WebStudy screen.
4. The instructor is notified when each student sees the page.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Teams Tab
Classes can be divided into teams to work on small group projects.
The TEAMS tab displays course teams, lists members, and gives brief
descriptions of their assignments.
 Students will see only their team members and assignment under the TEAMS
 Instructors will see all teams and have access to presentations, forums, and
chats from all teams.
Each Team is identified by a unique color.
Use the Team Description field to provide assignments and instructions.
Team members have access to private forums and chat areas.
Teams can post information to share with their instructor and classmates from
the TEAMS tab.
Team members may be chosen by the instructor or students; however, the
instructor must create teams within WebStudy for students to use this feature.
Creating Teams
1. Log in to WebStudy, access the desired course, and click the TEAMS tab.
2. Click the Edit feather in the upper right corner of the frame.
3. Click "Create a new team" or "Edit description/enrollment" as appropriate.
4. Complete the required fields. See Tips (above) for explanations of fields.
5. To select multiple team members, hold down the control [Ctrl] key while clicking
desired names.
6. Click POST IT to save the team.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Grades Tab
The Grades tab functions as an online grade book providing easy accessibility to
records for both instructors and students. The Grades tab displays the final grades of all
students in a course along with the instructor's private comments and comments posted
to the student. Instructors can view and edit the grade report, showing details for all
assignments, exams and quizzes, of a particular student by clicking the corresponding
icon. Reports for all grades are displayed in a seven-column table.
The first column item indicates the type (e.g., assignment, exam) and
title of the item. An "Open" button provides access to the item itself in a
new window. Click the "Open" button to access the assignment or test
page. From there, the instructor can review and grade the item.
The second column provides a link to the timeline session containing
the item. The session will open in a new window.
The pts+ column specifies how many points the student earned for the
item, if submitted and graded. Points can be entered or changed by
clicking in the text box. After clicking in the box, private notes and
comments to the student can be entered. If a grade has not been
released to the student (specified by an orange text box), select "don't
release" or "send to student". If a score has been sent to the student
(indicated by a gray text box), the change will be sent. Click the
"Change" button when finished.
The pts- column specifies how many points the student lost for the item
submitted. Points can be entered or changed by clicking in the text box.
After clicking in the box, private notes and comments to the student can
be entered. If a grade has not been released to the student (specified
by an orange text box), select "don't release" or "send to student". If a
score has been sent to the student (indicated by a gray text box), the
change will be sent. Click the "Change" button when finished.
This column, pts/max, specifies how many total points the user earned
and the maximum points assigned to the item.
Graded On
Column graded on shows the date on which the instructor has graded
the users submission.
Final Grade
The final grade column displays the final grade (letter or number) for
the corresponding item.
Students are listed alphabetically with a link to details of their scores.
Comments to students, private notes, and final grades are displayed.
Click the Edit Grade Book feather to access details for a specific student.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
 All graded items (assignments, assessments, etc) follow each student's name
whether or not the work has been submitted.
 Graded items are identified by type (assignments, quiz, exam, etc.)
 Submitted and graded work is shown with the points earned, points lost, and
total points out of maximum points.
Each assignment and assessment can be opened in a new window.
The Timeline can be opened in a new window to the Session that contains the
assignment or assessment.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Voice Messaging
Instructors can leave voice messages on specific WebStudy pages or for individual
students. Access to a computer or the Internet is not necessary to place messages into
Messages can be left using any touch-tone phone, entering the codes found in
Each instructor has a unique Messaging ID and each course has a unique
Messaging PIN.
Each WebStudy page has a unique Page Code and each student has a unique
Message ID number.
Messages can be sent to specific pages using the Page Code located in the
upper right portion of each WebStudy page and listed in the chart below.
Page Codes
The codes are the same in each WebStudy course and follow the pattern: zero-3
The voice message icon for all students.
Only one message can appear on an individual page. New messages
automatically replace (delete) previous messages.
Messages sent to pages can be saved to Webstorium.
Messages can be sent to individual students using the 4-digit ID number located
next to the student's name on the STUDENTS tab in WebStudy.
Messages for individual students are delivered to their mailboxes.
Messages play using the computer's default audio player, such as Windows
Media Player.
Many students like to hear the instructor's voice as it creates a connection
between the instructor and students.
- on a WebStudy page indicates a general message
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Each message is limited to 5 minutes. To use voice messages longer than 5
minutes, record messages in 5-minute segments and save each segment to
Webstorium. Each segment can become Session Material.
Use a one-on-one conversational style when speaking, rather than a more formal
“lecture” style, and use a loud, clear voice. Voice messaging, like working
interactively on your computer, tends to be a more personal experience.
Use the News tab to send a message to the entire class rather than sending a
batch of individual Mail messages with Messaging attachments – this will save
storage space on the Mail server.
Pre-program your Messaging ID and Messaging PIN into an auto-dialer
telephone to speed your access to your messaging boxes.
Speak clearly and distinctly into your telephone mouthpiece. Keep extraneous
noises down while you are recording.
Several shareware applications allow you to assemble several Messaging files
into a single, larger file. If creating an assembled file, save the files in the .wav
file DSP audio file format to keep the files small and the download time minimal.
For more information, contact the Distance Learning Department.
Messaging ID and PIN
Log in to WebStudy.
Click the Administration shared icon
Click the Course Setup tab and select the desired course from the drop down
Scroll down the page to the Course Name section (circled in illustration shown).
In this section you will find
a. Your Messaging ID:
b. Your Messaging PIN:
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Make a note of both of these numbers – print out a copy of the page for
reference. Each course has a different Messaging ID; however, each instructor
has the same Messaging PIN for all courses.
Sending Voice Messages
Back up to the previous menu by pressing the  (star) key.
It will take about 30 seconds for messages to be placed in WebStudy after
“sending” the message.
Determine where (i.e., which page or which student's mailbox) to place the voice
message and locate the appropriate Page Code or Student ID. (Log in to
WebStudy to find student ID numbers, if necessary.)
Dial in to the Messaging Server, 215-351-9602.
After the welcome, press 1 to identify yourself as a Firstgate subscriber.
Enter your Messaging ID followed by the # (pound) key. Press # twice, if needed.
Enter your Messaging PIN followed by the # (pound) key. Press # twice, if
Press 1 to create a new message.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Enter the destination code (Page Code or Student ID) followed by the # (pound)
Press 1 to record the message and speak after the tone.
Press the # (pound) key when finished. At this point the message can be
accepted, reviewed, or rerecorded.
10. Follow prompts to create another message, press 9 to log out, or the  (star) key
to return to the Welcome message.
Experienced Users
Instructors who are confident using the system can use the express option to
avoid navigating the menus.
1. Dial into the server as detailed above in Sending Voice Messages above.
2. After the Welcome message, press 3.
3. In succession, enter Messaging ID  Messaging PIN  Destination Code #
for example 565558870007344873690COV000#
4. Start speaking at the tone. Press the # (pound) key to stop recording, then follow
the prompts to save and send or to redo the message.
5. Continue to send messages with this login, press 9 to log out and hang up, or
press the  (star) key to return to the initial menu. Note there may be more than
one possible choice at each point in the menu prompts.
Toll Free Dialing
The voice messaging system can be accessed using a toll-free number;
however, a few additional steps are required.
1. Determine where (i.e., which page or which student's mailbox) to place the voice
message and locate the appropriate Page Code or Student ID. (Log in to
WebStudy to find student ID numbers, if necessary.)
2. Dial 1-888-372-9499 (1-888-372-WHYY).
3. After the welcome message, press 1 to log in.
4. Enter the passcode 091602#. (This number changes periodically. Call 215-3511244 for assistance if necessary.)
5. Press 3 – note there is no prompt for this last number.
6. The system will forward you to the Messaging server and you can proceed as in
Sending Voice Messages above.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Deleting Messages
Messages placed in a course will immediately replace any current message
in the same Destination. No user intervention is necessary.
Once deleted, messages cannot be recovered (undelete).
1. Login to WebStudy and go to the page with the message to delete.
2. Click the DELETE button below the message icon.
3. Respond Yes to the confirmation message, and the message will be deleted.
Saving a Voice Message
After saving a voice message, it can be added to Webstorium.
Internet Explorer Users
1. Select a course page with a message. Right-click the Microphone icon for the
2. Select Save Target As and save the file to your computer. You may want to
create a special folder for messaging files and be sure to rename the file to
identify it later.
Netscape Users
1. Select a course page with a message. Click the Microphone icon to play the
message in the Netscape Player.
2. Right-click the Player and select Save As. Save the file to your computer. You
may want to create a special folder for messaging files and be sure to rename the
file to identify it later.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Sending Voice Messages – Quick Reference
1. Dial 215-351-9602.
2. Press 1 after welcome message.
3. Enter your Messaging ID (___________________________) followed by the # key
(twice if needed).
4. Enter your Messaging PIN (__________________________) followed by the # key
(twice if needed).
5. Press 1 to create a new message.
6. Enter the destination code (Page Code or Student ID)
Syllabus 0-SYL-000
Readings 0-RDG-000
…followed by the # key.
7. Press 1 to record the message and speak after the tone.
8. Press # key when finished. At this point the message can be accepted, reviewed, or
9. Follow prompts to create another message, press 9 to log out, or  key to return to
the Welcome message.
Experienced Users Quick Reference
1. Dial into the server as detailed above in Sending Voice Messages above.
2. After the Welcome message, press 3.
3. In succession, enter Messaging ID (_______________________)  Messaging PIN
(_________________________)  Destination Code # (see codes above)
for example 565558870007344873690COV000#
4. Start speaking at the tone. Press the # (pound) key to stop recording, then follow the
prompts to save and send or to redo the message.
5. Continue to send messages with this login, press 9 to log out and hang up, or press
the  (star) key to return to the initial menu. Note there may be more than one
possible choice at each point in the menu prompts.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Instructors can send faxes to specific WebStudy pages or for individual students.
Access to a computer or the Internet is not necessary to place messages into
Faxes can be sent using any fax machine with a handset.
Each instructor has a unique Messaging ID and each course has a unique
Messaging PIN.
Each WebStudy page has a unique Page Code and each student has a unique
Message ID number.
Messages can be sent to specific pages using the Page Code located in the
upper right portion of each WebStudy page and listed in the chart below.
Page Codes
The codes are the same in each WebStudy course and follow the pattern: zero-3
A fax icon on a WebStudy page indicates a general message for all students.
Faxes can be sent to individual students using the 4-digit ID number located next
to the student's name on the Students tab in WebStudy.
Faxes for individual students are delivered to their mailboxes.
Currently, students must have a program capable of displaying tiff files. Word,
Photoshop, and Quicktime all display tiff files. Quicktime is available as a free
plug-in from Apple (
Pre-program your Messaging ID and Messaging PIN into an auto-dialer
telephone to speed your access to messaging boxes.
Messaging ID and PIN
Log in to WebStudy.
Click the Administration shared icon
Click the Course Setup tab and select the desired course from the drop down
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Scroll down the page to the Course Name section (see illustration). In this
section you will find
a. Your Messaging ID:
b. Your Messaging PIN:
Make a note of both of these numbers – print the page for reference. Each
course has a different Messaging ID; however, each instructor has the same
Messaging PIN for all courses.
Sending Faxes
Back up to the previous menu by pressing the  (star) key.
It will take about 30 seconds for faxes to be placed in WebStudy once the
document is “sent”.
1. Determine where (i.e., which page or which student's mailbox) to place the voice
message and locate the appropriate Page Code or Student ID. (Log in to
WebStudy to find student ID numbers, if necessary.)
Dial in to the Messaging Server, 215-351-9602 using a fax machine.
After the welcome message, press 1 to identify yourself as a Firstgate
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia
Enter your Messaging ID followed by the # (pound) key. Press # twice, if needed.
Enter your Messaging PIN followed by the # (pound) key. Press # twice, if
Press 1 to create a message.
Enter the destination code (Page Code or Student ID) followed by the # (pound)
Press 7 to send a fax. At the prompt, press the fax machine's send button.
Follow the prompts to send the fax.
10. Follow prompts to create another message, press 9 to log out, or the  (star) key
to return to the Welcome message.
Deleting Messages
Messages placed in a course will immediately replace any current message
in the same Destination. No user intervention is necessary.
Once deleted, messages cannot be recovered (undelete).
1. Login to WebStudy and go to the page with the message to delete.
2. Click the DELETE button below the fax icon.
3. Respond Yes to the confirmation message, and the message will be deleted.
prepared by Delaware County Community College
created January 2002; updated April 2002 –
Adapted with permission by Community College of Philadelphia