Stratigraphy 2(1-1) (GLO 2203) Course Level: 2 Course Credit: 2 CU Description: This course deals with the science of rock strata; the age relationships of strata, succession of beds, correlation of strata, stratigraphic order and chronologic arrangement of beds in the geologic column as well as applications of stratigraphy. Course Objectives The objectives of the course are to enable students: 1. Describe the deposition processes of geologic resources in stratified rocks. 2. Explain the history and evolution of the earth using the different rock units. 3. Describe the use of seismic reflection to study lithology, geometry and the depositional history of sedimentary formations. 4. Describe the dating of ores associated with igneous and metamorphic rocks that are in contact with layered rocks. 5. Apply concepts in interactions of tectonics, sea level and sediment supply to generate models for sedimentary basin fill. 6. Use pollen stratigraphy and its application in petroleum exploration. Course Outline Content Hours Measurement of geologic time: methods, geologic time scale, geologic time 7 units and global chronostratigraphic units, seismic events and biocorrelations. Breaks and gaps: concepts of missing sections in a geologic section, types of unconformities. Basic concepts and terminology of sequence 8 stratigraphy. Rock sequences Stratigraphy and depositional environments: types of depositional environment and their relation to stratigraphy. Identification of 10 depositional sequences. Stratigraphic building blocks of depositional sequences. Applications: In petroleum and water exploration, solid waste 20 management. Stratigraphic column: construction of stratigraphic columns, geologic symbols. Geologic map interpretation and cross–section reconstruction. Mode of Delivery The course will be taught by using lectures, tutorials and assignments, practicals Assessment Assignments, practicals and tests 40% Final examination 60% Reading List AAPG, (1981). Contributions to the geologic time scale. BOGG, S. (2006). Principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy, 4th Ed., Pearson, Prentice Hall, 662p. Brookfield, M.E., 2004. Principles of Stratigraphy; Blackwell Publishing Limited, Oxford, U.K, 340p. DUNBAR, C. O., R., (1957). Principles of stratigraphy, John Wiley & Sons Inc., London, 356p. AISSAOUI, D. M. et al. (1993). Applications of paleomagnetism to sedimentary geology. KING, R., (1992). Stratigraphic oil and gas fields: classification, exploration methods and care histories. Matthews, R.K., (1984). Dynamic stratigraphy. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 489p NIMMAGADDA, S. L., (2003). Reservoir description and depositional environmental studies. WEIMER, P., POSAMENTIER, H. W., (1993). Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphic. PAYTON E. CHARLES (Ed.) 1977, Seismic Stratigraphy: Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration (AAPG Memoir 26). American Association of Petroleum Geologists. CATUNEANU OCTAVIAN (2006): Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy (Developments in Sedimentology). Elsevier Science; 1 edition.