How Do the GE Programs Align - California State University, Fullerton

How Do the GE Programs Align?
California State University General Education Breadth Requirements (EO 1033),
California State University, Fullerton’s Current General Education Program, and the
Proposed California State University, Fullerton’s General Education Program
CSU General Education – EO 1033
Area A: English Language
Communication and Critical Thinking
A1 Oral Communication (3 units)
A2 Written Communication (3 units)
A3 Critical Thinking (3 units)
Current CSUF’s GE Program
I. Core Competencies
I.A. Oral Communication (3 units)
I.B. Written Communication (3 units)
I.C. Critical Thinking (3 units)
[9 semester units minimum]
Area B: Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative
B1 Physical Science (3 units)
B2 Life Science (3 units)
B3 Laboratory Activity (associated with a
course taken to satisfy either B1 or B2
B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
[9 semester units minimum]
[12 semester units minimum]
Area C: Arts and Humanities
C1 Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater
(at least one course)
C2 Humanities: Literature, Philosophy,
Languages Other than English (at least one
[12 semester units minimum]
[12 semester units minimum]
[12 semester units minimum]
III.A.2.a or III.A.2.b Physical Science or
Earth and Astronomical Sciences (3 units min)
III.A.2.c Life Science (3 units min)
III.A.2 Natural Sciences laboratory (0-1)
III.A.1 Mathematics (3 units min)
III.A.3 Implications and Explorations in
Natural Sciences and Mathematics (0-3)
III.B.1 Introduction to the Arts (3)
III.B.2 Introduction to the Humanities (3)
III.B.3 Implications and Explorations in the
Arts and Humanities (3)
II.A. World Civilization HIST 110A (3)
Proposed CSUF’s GE Program
Area A: English Language
Communication and Critical Thinking –
Core Competencies
A1 Oral Communication (3 units)
A2 Written Communication (3 units)
A3 Critical Thinking (3 units)
[9 semester units minimum]
Area B: Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative
B1 Physical Science (3 units)
B2 Life Science (3 units)
B3 Laboratory Experience (associated with
B1 or B2 course, 0-3 units)
B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (3
B5 – Implications and Explorations in
Mathematics and the Natural Sciences (0-3
[12 semester units minimum]
Area C: Arts and Humanities
C1 Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater
(at least one course)
C2 Humanities: Literature, Philosophy,
Languages Other than English (at least one
C3 Exploration in Arts or Humanities (at least
one course)
C4 Origins of Global Civilization (3 units –
HIST 110A)
[12 semester units minimum]
Area D: Social Sciences
Disciplines that deal with how human social,
political and economic institutions and
behavior are inextricably interwoven.
II.A World Civilization – HIST 110B (3 units)
II.B.1 American History (3 units)+
II.B.2 Government (3 units)+
III.C.1 Introduction to Social Sciences (3
III.C.2 Implications and Explorations in
Social Sciences (3 units)
Area D: Social Sciences
Disciplines that deal with how human social,
political and economic institutions and
behavior are inextricably interwoven.
D1 World Civilization and Culture (3 units –
HIST 110B)
D2 Intro to the Social Sciences (3 units)
D3 US History, Politics, and Culture + (6
units – American History; Government)
D4 Explorations in Social Sciences (3 units)
[15 semester units minimum]
[15 semester units minimum]
IV Lifelong Learning (3)
Area E: Lifelong Understanding and Self –
[3 semester units minimum]
[3 semester units minimum]
+ These courses meet the U.S. History,
Constitution and American Ideals
+These courses meet the U.S. History,
++ The three Implications and Explorations
categories (III.A.3., III.B.3., III.C.2), and
Lifelong Learning (IV) contain upper division
GE courses. CSUF students must take one
three-unit course identified as a Cultural
Diversity course in III.B.3, III.C.2, or IV
Upon transfer, students must complete 9 units
of upper division GE in residence. Transfer
students with full certification or area
certification may not be held to any additional
lower division GE coursework in the subject
areas certified. Three areas (B5, C3, and D4)
contain upper division GE courses. CSUF
students must take one three-unit course
identified as a Cultural Diversity course in C3,
D4, or E.
[9 semester units minimum, upper division]
[9 semester units minimum, upper division]
[9 semester units minimum, upper division]
Total: 48 semester units
Total: 51 semester units
Total: 51 semester units
[12 semester units minimum]
Area E: Lifelong Understanding and Self –
Designed to equip learners for lifelong
understanding and development of themselves
as integrated physiological, social, and
psychological beings.
[3 semester units minimum]
CSU U.S. History, Constitution, and
American Ideals Statutory Requirements
CSU campuses may permit up to six semester
units taken to meet the United States History,
Constitution, and American Ideals
Upon transfer, students must complete 9 units
of upper division GE in residence. Transfer
students with full certification or area
certification may not be held to any additional
lower division GE coursework in the subject
areas certified.
Constitution and American Ideals