FLYbrarian Information

Flybrarian Information
Get your library organized with ideas adapted from the FlyLady©!
(permission for use granted 6/28/2006)
Clutter is not caused by sloppiness, laziness or incompetence. It can be caused by lack of
time, lack of space, or lack of effective routines. By removing the clutter in our libraries
and organizing the materials that are left we can create an environment to reflect who we
are and what we want to accomplish in our work space. Organizing is a skill for the 21st
century! (from Organizing From the Inside Out by Morgenstern
So read on to find out how to analyze your “hot spots”, strategize a way to get each work
zone organized and attack the problems in small increments (15 min) each day.
FlyLady Background | Why Fly? - Testimonial | What is a Flybrarian? | What to Expect | Monthly Habits |
Weekly Work | Flybrary Zones
FlyLady Background
If you are not familiar with the FlyLady and her practical approach to life with” housecleaning and
organizing tips with homespun humor, daily musings about life and love, the Sidetracked Home Executives
(SHE™) system, and anything else that is on her mind”…visit her website .
The main ideas from the FlyLady© that worked for me are:
 You aren’t behind in your work, just jump in where you are,
 Work in 15 minute increments – set your timer so you don’t get overwhelmed,
 Develop routine(s) to help you keep up,
 Work in one zone each week, and
 Take care of yourself!
Why Fly? – Ms. Hacker’s Flybrarian Resolution
WHEREAS I have been at the same library for 10 years and have been a better
collector & keeper of stuff than organizer, and
WHEREAS all the shelves, drawers and files in the library are now full of stuff I
haven’t looked at for awhile , and
WHEREAS the library has a constant collection of “clutter”, detracting from the
quality library materials, and
WHEREAS a clean and organized work space will free up time and energy that
can be used for the “real work” of the library and
WHEREAS I have discovered the wisdom of the FlyLady©, practiced some of
her ideas at home and have received permission to modify and share
her ideas for the library,
THEREFORE be it resolved to apply the spirit of the FlyLady© to my library,
become a Flybrarian and have an organized, clutter-free library!
What is a Flybrarian?
FLY – Finally Loving Yourself as a Librarian
What to Expect
You will receive 3 email reminders daily to help you develop useful routines:
 Habit of the Month : repeats daily for the entire month (begins August 21)
 Daily Work : repeats weekly on same day of the week (begins in Sept.)
 Zone Work : A different daily task each day for this week’s zone. (begins in Oct.)
Monthly Habits
It takes time to develop new habits. We are going to focus on one new habit each month from August –
December and then repeat these habits during January - May.
 August : Practice positive thinking.
 September : Shine your circulation desk.
 October : Prep all your teaching materials for tomorrow.
 November : Do something healthy for yourself each day.
 December : Go home at a reasonable time.
 January : Practice positive thinking.
 February : Shine your circulation desk.
 March : Prep all your teaching materials for tomorrow.
 April : Do something healthy for yourself each day.
 May : Go home at a reasonable hour.
Weekly Work – set your timer for 15 minutes and work as fast as you can! Stop after 15 minutes and
remember that you will have an opportunity to continue this work next week!
 Monday : Beautification Day
o dust tops of bookshelves, straighten visible books on tops of shelves, push in chairs,
clear visible clutter, wash tape marks off windows, retape signs that are falling down,
tighten shelf dividers, remove detritus from shelves and floor, etc.
 Tuesday : Public Relations day – do at least one of the following ideas today!
o Talk to your principal about your library schedule/program/needs
o Talk to other teachers about curriculum and the library collection
o Write a newsletter article
o Talk to non-teaching members of the staff about the library
o Talk to parents – in the hallway – make a phone call.
o Present information at your staff meeting
 Wednesday : Anti-procrastination day
o Do something you have been avoiding or putting off!
 Thursday : Collection Development day
o Work on your shelf list
o Weed a crowded shelf
o Add to your ongoing book order
 Friday : Electronic Files & Folders day
o Log on as Admin to patron machines.
o Delete files saved on the patron station desktop.
o Set homepage of patron stations to your library home page.
o Remove unnecessary bookmarks or favorites.
o Add interesting and useful bookmarks to the bookmark toolbar.
Flybrary Zones You can't organize clutter; you can only get rid of it! - FlyLady
When you work in the library zones remember that you don’t have to finish the zone – you are taking
babysteps toward reaching your goal of having a clean, organized library in order to do our “real library
work”! Zone work consists of decluttering, cleaning and completing “missions” for each zone. Read How
to Declutter
Ms. Hacker’s Missions
Librarian Work Area
Work Room
Student Work Area
Supply Shelves
Variable Collections:
Permanent Collections:
Everybody Stacks
Fiction Stacks
Nonfiction Stacks