FROM THE PSG PCS Newsletter, Friday, March 1, 2013. ____________________________________ THOUGHT FOR THE DAY We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the one who holds the future. ____________________________________ SKATING FOR K - 12 The last skating day is on Friday, March 8, 1:30 – 2:30pm. Skate rentals are available for $2.00. As per the City of Penticton’s policy, helmets are mandatory. NO SCHOOL To start the Spring Break, there will be no school on Monday, March 18 and then school will reopen on Wednesday, April 3, 2013. The break also includes Good Friday and Easter Monday. Purdy's Chocolate Fundraiser Chocolates will arrive Monday, March 11. Kim Martins is the Coordinator and will be distributing the cases per the forms that were returned to her. If you do not want the chocolates sent home with your child, please email Kim at before March 11. PCS Parents/Guardians Are you wondering how you can fill those volunteer hours? Please contact Denise Chudyk at, call cell # 250-486-4861 or join us at the next PSG meeting on March 14th. God Bless. PSG President, Denise Chudyk MEETINGS Board meeting – Monday, March 11, at 5:30pm, at the school. PSG meeting - Thursday, March 14, at 6:45pm, at the school. Education Committee meeting – Monday, April 8, 5:00pm, at the school. Finance Committee meeting – Monday, April 8, 10:30am, at the school. Facilities Committee meeting- Tuesday, April 23, 6:30pm, at the school. FYI The Kelowna & District Safety Council is putting on some Babysitter Training Courses in Penticton during spring break and summer holidays. These courses are for Ages 10 and up. For more information you can email:, call toll free: 888-580-7233, or register online at Hello, I'm back to give you an update. It's amazing how fast things can change. Last Friday I went into the outpatient leukemia unit for my normal blood work routine. I was expecting my numbers to be high enough to be able to get back to Penticton for a few days, and they were!!! The doctor gave her very excited approval that we could go home for four days!! I hadn't been in Penticton since November 26. We had the most wonderful time at home. It almost felt like we were getting back to our normal routine, Rich went to work for a few days, Jillian went and spent the day in her old class, and I got to have coffee, go for walks and visit with friends. It was also such a joy to see all of our extended family at Penticton Alliance Church on the Sunday morning. Ah, the four days went very quickly, but it was good for all four of us. While I was sitting in my chair at the outpatient leukemia unit waiting for my blood results on the same Friday that I got confirmation that we could go home to Penticton, I got a call from my transplant coordinator. She informed me that due to paper work issues, my stem cell transplant date was being changed to April 5th from March 7 :-( I get to be admitted into the hospital on March 30, my birthday. I was not extremely impressed by this piece of new information. This means that I'll need more chemo to keep the leukemia from coming back in the next month and my blood counts will go down again and have to work hard to come back up yet again. The dose of chemo will only be 5 days worth and won't be nearly as strong as the last batch I had. We were all disappointed with this information. On the brighter side of things, my doctors have already said that we'll be able to get back to Penticton again for a week in March. We're planning on going back the first week of Spring Break. During this whole process, and life in general, there are always two ways of looking at everything which is in the positive or the negative. I choose to go the positive. That certainly doesn’t mean I don't have terrible crumby crying days where I just want to give up, but I have been given this icky diagnosis of leukemia and there is nothing that I can do about it. So, I take each day as it comes and ride the wave of life. I've been doing a lot of reading and the best author that I know says "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself, for there are enough worries in today." There is a reason I've been given this path and journey, I see little glimpses of why, but certainly not the big picture. I know for a fact that this whole process for Rich, Caleb, Jillian and I would not be going as well if we didn't have your support through prayers, phone calls, emails, notes, meals, gift cards etc. It is truly amazing the support that we have had from those of you in the Okanagan, the Lower Mainland and so many other locations. Thank you from all of us. With much love, Rich, Christie Caleb & Jillian xoxoxox