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Last weekend at the park …

Manon Gwen Hughes Luc

List of clues

1. (drop) dropped a telephone in the pond.

2. (drink) drank a soft drink.

3. (shoot) shot a duck.

4. (whistle) whistled at a policeman.

5. (eat) ate a hotdog.

6. (speak) spoke in German.

7. (tell) told a joke.

8. (see) saw an unidentified flying object.

9. (find) found a ten dollar bill.

10. (read) read a newspaper.

11. (sit) sat on a bench.

12. (met) met the mayor.


Did the Manon tell a joke? Yes, she did. No, s he didn’t.

Did the Gwen read a newspaper? Yes, she did. No, s he didn’t.

Did the Hughes eat a hotdog? Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.

Did the Luc …. Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.


This is an activity that was created to promote the value of good note

taking, directed attention and taking risks.

1. The teacher makes one copy of the game for each student and one for himself/herself.

2. At random, the teacher writes three numbers from 1 – 12 in each rectangle on his/her copy of the game, making sure not to repeat the same number twice and making sure not to show the students.

Last weekend at the park …














Manon Gwen Hughes Luc

3. Students take turns asking a question. For example, a student might ask, “Did Manon read a newspaper?”.

4. … read a newspaper , is number 5 in the list of clues, so everyone must write the number 5 in Manon’s rectangle.

5. The teacher answers all questions truthfully.

6. If the teacher answers affirmatively, the students know that they have found one thing that happened last weekend. If the teacher answers negatively, the students put a line through the number 5 in order to remember that one of the other people read a newspaper.

7. The game continues in this way until all of the students have recorded about ¾ of the correct answers. At that point, one of the students should try to guess the final answers. If the student is successful (tells the teacher the 3 things that each person – Manon, Gwen, Hughes and Luc

- did on the weekend in the park) he/she wins the game. If, however, the student is unsuccessful, he/she is eliminated. Only one student can win.

8. Although the students have been taking turns to ask a question, when they are ready to try to give all the correct answers, they may raise their hand to indicate that they are ready and we stop everything and let them try.

9. When a student is checking his/her answers, he/she reads out full sentences. For example, the student might say …

Manon shot a duck. (The teacher confirms that the answer is correct.)

Manon found a ten dollar bill. (The teacher confirms that the answer is correct.)

Manon read a newspaper. (The teacher confirms that the answer is correct.)

Gwen whistled at a policeman. (The teacher tells the class that the answer is incorrect.)

10. The other students continue taking notes while one student is trying to win, because they might learn something that will help them win.

11. The eventual winner has the pleasure of knowing that they beat everyone else in the class. Good note taking, directed attention and risk taking can help weaker students out perform students who are more comfortable with the language.

12. Teachers may want to provide winners with a certificate confirming their superiority on that given day.


You are the best detective !

Name: ____________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________

Teacher’s signature: _________________________________

Patrick Kinch’s desk
