Spring 2007
I. Development and Enforcement
Campus Rules and Regulations have been developed with input from representatives of the
various constituencies of our community with the goal of creating a safe, comfortable and
harmonious environment for all members of our community.
Security Officers are empowered to enforce all University rules and regulations. They are to
issue tickets when, in their judgment, one or more of the University rules or regulations has
been violated. Parking violations may result in a vehicle being clamped. More serious
conduct violations may result in an individual being referred to the Judicial Panel or called for
a Disciplinary Hearing.
Once an Officer begins writing a ticket, he/she must complete that ticket; he/she is not
allowed to void, erase, or destroy this document. The Officer is under specific instructions to
say nothing while writing the ticket. Security Officers are empowered to take possession of
the keys of a vehicle if, in their judgment, the continued operation of the vehicle threatens the
safety of the individual or others.
Insulting language or behavior is not allowed to be directed towards a Security Officer
performing his/her duty and will result in further charges being filed against the University
community member involved. For students, all charges of insubordinate behavior will result
automatically in referral to the Student Judicial Panel. For faculty and staff, such a case is
referred to the Faculty and Staff Judicial Panel.
II. Process for Appeal or Complaint
1. Process for Appealing a Ticket
Within 10 days of the ticket date, you may appeal a ticket. You need to submit a letter to
the Dean of Students Office in which you describe the conditions under which ticket was
received and the reasons you feel the ticket was not deserved. The letter should indicate
the ticket number you are referencing and your contact information. Once the letter has
been received it will be forwarded to the Business Administrator and a date for a Judicial
Panel meeting will be set. You will be invited but are not compelled to attend.
a. Student Judicial Panel for Campus Rule and Regulation Violations
The Student Judicial Panel (SJP) is composed of two student representatives elected
from the School of Medicine, one student representative each from the School of
Veterinary Medicine, and the School of Arts & Sciences. A faculty member is also
appointed each by the Dean of Students; and by the Dean of the School of Veterinary
Medicine. The Business Administrator chairs the SJP meeting. The SJP has authority
to revoke on-campus motor vehicle driving or parking privileges, use of classrooms or
libraries for studying, and to recommend additional sanctions such as referral of the
case to the Dean of Students or his/her designate for further action. Any student has
the right to a hearing before the SJP. The student can appeal the Panel’s decision, in
writing, to an over-seeing administrative board consisting of the President of the
Senate, an academic Dean appointed by the Chancellor, President of the Student
Government Association, and the Business Administrator or his/her designate.
1. Process for filing a complaint against a Security Officer
If you have a complaint against a Security Officer please submit it in writing to the Dean
of Students. Please provide details regarding the time and location of the event if you do
not have the Security Officer’s name. Do not forget to provide your contact information.
III. Rules Regarding Comportment
1. Rules Regarding University ID
All members of the SGU community are required to carry their SGU ID at all times and to
show their ID to security and administration personnel whenever requested to do so. It is
strongly recommended that ID cards be worn visibly at all times. If a student cannot
present an ID card and the security cannot verify student status, the student will be
escorted to the Registrar’s Office for identification and verification of status. In the event
that the Registrar’s Office is closed, the student may be escorted to the Business Office.
After business hours the security personnel will contact the University Administrator on
call. Repeated failures to produce ID will result in further action from the administration
which may include disciplinary action.
2. Rules Regarding Eating, Drinking and Smoking On Campus
Eating, drinking (beverages other than water) and smoking is strictly prohibited in the
library, lecture halls, study rooms, buses, or where designated as prohibited by a sign.
3. Rules Regarding Proper Use of the SGU Fitness Center
The use of the fitness center is guided by a set of rules that is posted on the SGU Athletics
and Activities ANGEL.
4. Rules Regarding Proper Conduct in the Library and in University Study Spaces
The rules regarding proper conduct in the Library and in University Study Spaces are
detailed in the student manual.
5. Rules Regarding Animals on University Property
The rules regarding service and non-service animals on University property are detailed in
the student manual.
IV Motor Vehicle Rules and Regulations
The operation of a motor vehicle on campus is a revocable privilege that may be
suspended or otherwise restricted.
1. Anyone operating a motor vehicle must have a valid driver’s license on his or her
person in accordance with local law.
2. All motor vehicles must have a valid inspection sticker, registration and insurance
certificate in accordance with local law.
3. All motor vehicles must be in a safe operating condition. Automobiles must have at
least two (one on each side) operational headlights, two operational taillights, turn
signals, brake lights, and intact muffler and exhaust system, and tires with adequate
tread on them. Motorcycles must have at least one operational headlight and all other
operational components as listed above.
4. Safety helmets must be worn when riding a motorcycle on campus.
5. University community members are to obey all posted signs and instructions of
Security Officers acting in performance of their duty. Verbal instructions of Security
Officers supersede posted signs. Failure to recognize the authority vested in a Security
Officer is an offence.
V. SGU Vehicle Registration
Only vehicles with a registered parking decal permanently affixed to the front
window of the vehicle or a Temporary Permit can park on campus. Any vehicles,
including rentals, that are parked without a current decal or temporary permit will
be ticketed, and may be clamped.
1. Parking Decal: To obtain Parking Decal, the following documents must be brought to
the Front Desk, Chancellery:
- Valid Driver's license for Grenada
- Valid Vehicle insurance policy
- Make, model, registration and license (disk) number of vehicle
a. Each member of the University Community is entitled to only one decal; People
driving a registered SGU vehicle will not be given a decal for a personal vehicle..
b. Three types of Parking Decals are available: STUDENT, STAFF, and FACULTY
c. Four types of parking are available: STUDENT, STAFF, FACULTY
The locations of the different parking areas are indicated on the True Blue
Campus Car Parks map.
o FACULTY: Several parking areas around campus designated for Faculty
o STAFF: Two parking areas designated for Staff; one on Upper and one on
Lower Campus
o STUDENTS: Two parking areas designated for students; at the back of SD3 ,
and the Marine Biology parking area
o VISITORS: Several parking areas around campus designated for visitors
d. The parking privileges associated with a type of parking decal may not be transferred
to friends or family of the person to whom the decal was issued; that is, if a family
member of a faculty member is using the faculty member’s car, they are not allowed to
park in faculty parking, but should request a temporary permit or park in student
e. Any violations issued against a vehicle will be the responsibility of the person to whom
the decal was issued. If a vehicle is sold or no longer used, the student must remove
the University decal and advise the receptionist in the Chancellery Building. If an
individual would like to register a new vehicle the old decal must be rendered.
2. Temporary Permit: To obtain a Temporary Permit, visitors and community members
should apply to the Security Department by filling out a form at the True Blue Security
Booth. Visitors must have a Temporary Permit to use VISITOR Car Parks. Students
may request a Temporary Permit to park for thirty minutes in front of their dormitory
or storage area for the purpose of unloading luggage or heavy items from their vehicle.
The Temporary Permit must always be visible.
3. Temporary Permit for Medical Condition: A Temporary Permit to park on
FACULTY ONLY car parks can be delivered to STAFF MEMBERS or STUDENTS
with a medical condition. To obtain such a permit the individual will need a medical
document from the clinic stating that the concession is warranted.
VI. Parking Regulations
All parking areas on campus are specifically identified by signs and are indicated on
the parking map. The following parking rules and regulations on the Grenada Campus
are to be strictly enforced:
a. Between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., student and staff vehicles may only be parked in
their designated parking lots.
b. Between 6:01 p.m. and 5:59 a.m., student or staff vehicles may be parked in
student-, staff- or faculty-designated parking. Parking will also be permitted in
these areas on weekends and Grenada National holidays.
c. For security and safety reasons, AT NO TIME is parking allowed in areas which
are not boxed or sign-posted for parking
c. Long Term Parking: The key of the vehicle must be left with at the Security
Booth. In the event the Security Dept does not have the key, the vehicle will be
removed at the owner’s cost and risk.
VII. Parking and Driving Violations
1. Failure to comply with the traffic signs and parking policy will lead to tickets. The
fines are paid to the Business Administrator's Office. Anybody guilty of four parking
and/or traffic offences within a semester will forfeit their vehicle privileges and must
surrender their decal until the end of the semester.
2. Parking violations may result in a vehicle being clamped. If a vehicle is clamped, it
will also be ticketed. The fine must be paid to the Business Office before the clamp
will be removed. Once the fine is paid, the business office will issue a receipt that can
be taken to security who will then remove the clamp.
VIII. Fine Policy and Fine Schedule on the Grenada Campus
1. Fine Policy
Fines are to be paid to officials within the Office of the Business Administrator. Monies
collected through fines will be deposited into an interest-bearing account, which is called
the ‘Personal Disaster Fund’ for students and staff. Nominations for persons needing
assistance from this fund come from peer counselors and from the Office of the Business
Administrator. The final decision as to the merit of the case and authorization to withdraw
money for personal assistance is made by a committee consisting of the Business
Administrator, the Dean of Basic Science or Designate, Dean of the School of Graduate
Studies or Designate, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences or Designate, a Peer
Counselor, and the President of the Student Government Association.
2. Fine Schedule
Following is the schedule for first offences. Fines double for each repeated offence, or
repeated offence of the same nature (violations a-d and violations h-n would represent
groupings of offences of the same nature). For example, if the first offence =
$50.00, the second offence = $100.00, and the third offence = $200.00, etc.
Any egregious offence, and/or three or more violations of the same offence in a semester
may result in automatic referral to either the Student Judicial Panel or the Faculty and
Staff Judicial Panel. If someone is ticketed a fourth time for a parking violation
(violations h-n), in addition to being fined (EC$400) they will have to turn in their decal
and will forfeit the right to park or drive on campus for the rest of the semester.
Fines are payable within 10 days of receipt of ticket; failure to pay fine within 10 days will
result in doubling of the fine. In the case of students, fines must be paid by the end of the
current term in order for grades to be released and for the student to register for the next
ensuing semester. In the case of faculty or staff, fines unpaid at the end of the semester
will be deducted from that month’s paycheck.
3. Detailed Base Fine Schedule
Registration Penalties
a. Driving without a valid Grenadian driver’s license...........................EC$100
b. Driving vehicle on campus without valid inspection
sticker affixed, registration, and insurance certificate........................EC$100
c. Driving/ parking any vehicle on campus without displayed
valid University registration sticker on windscreen ..........................EC$50
d. Driving an unsafe vehicle on campus – no lights, defective
muffler, tires without tread, etc……………………...........................EC$50
Driving Penalties
e. Speeding..............................................................................................EC$100
f. Riding a motorcycle on University property without a helmet……...EC$50
Parking Penalties
g. Bicycles parked outside of designated areas …………………..........EC$50
h. Parking in ‘No Parking’ or wheelchair-designated parking...............EC$50
i. Parking in reserved Faculty parking area............................................EC$50
j. Parking in a space designated for named faculty member,
department head or administrative officer...........................................EC$50
k. Parking in areas not assigned for parking e.g. grass, on corners,
l. Parking in a manner that obstructs the movement of .........................EC$50
a legally-parked vehicle
m. Fine associated with loss of decal for fourth parking/traffic offence EC$100
n. Fine associated with removal of a clamp............................................EC$120
Other Violations
o. Insubordinate behavior / obscene language…………………………..EC$100
(referral for disciplinary action)
p. Failure to produce SGU ID when requested by Security Officer……EC$20
q. Breach of Fitness Center rules ………………………………………EC$20
r. Eating, drinking, or smoking in the Library, Lecture Halls,
other designated buildings, places with posted signs e.g. buses..........EC$50