Service Type - Family and Community Services

Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
ACC Accredited
Warren Parker (Physical Injury and Mental Trauma) Counsellor, Family Therapist
Areas of interest
 Relationships
 Depression
 Family therapy
 Teenagers at risk
 Sexual abuse
 Post traumatic stress
 Obsessive compulsive disorders
GP referral, open
Morrinsville Medical Centre
17 Canada Street
Ph 07 889 5126 Mobile 027 239 6957
Sexual AbuseCounsellor
Areas of interest
 Adults
 Women
 Young Adults
Morrinsville Community House
43 Canada Street
Ph 07 889 5355
Aroha Midwifery
Care, Morrinsville
Midwifery Services
Total midwifery care which includes:
 Safe pregnancy, labour and "home-based" post natal care
 Free pregnancy tests
 Births at home, Rhoda Read Maternity Unit, Waikato Women’s Hospital, Waterford Birth
Centre, River Ridge East Birth Centre and Pohlen Hospital
 Health and dietary advice
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open access
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Support and advice when feeding your baby
Access/referral to support agencies
Contraceptive advice
Baby feeding facility
All services are free to eligible women within New Zealand
Selina Berry Ph: 07 889 6192 Mobile: 0275 686 963
Hilary Hoover .Ph: 07 887 6803 Mobile: 0274 745 123
Sue Van Dam Ph: 07 884 6871 Mobile: 021 895 340
Julie Mayall Ph: 027 316 4399
Ruth Deverell Ph: 027 292 5364
Jennifer Hubbard Ph: 027 320 7640
41 Moorhouse St,
Morrinsville: 1st Tuesday each month 11-11.30
Ph: 07 889 1095
11 Kenrick St,
Te Aroha: 3rd Wednesday each month 11-11.30
Ph: 07 889 5009
AB FAB Midwives
Margaret Spencer Ph 07 889 0900 Mobile 027 435 5481
Angela Hindman Ph 0800 291 291 Mobile 027 316 1241
Daily Clinic, Based at Morrinsville Community House, full service as above
43 Canada St, Morrinsville
Reception hours Mon-Fri 9am – 4.30pm
Asthma and
Foundation of New
The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand (Inc.) is a national non-government, nonprofit organisation which aims to help people with asthma and respiratory conditions.
Core activities include:
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open access
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
- Advocacy on issues affecting people with respiratory conditions
- Liaison with, and providing support for, local affiliated Asthma Societies
- Development and distribution of educational resources such as booklets, pamphlets, asthma
management plans, asthma first aid kits and other material
- Funding research into asthma and respiratory conditions.
- Working to raise awareness and understanding of asthma and respiratory conditions in the
Asthma Management Plans and Child Asthma Plans are free. There is a minimal charge for other
booklets, but they can be downloaded free from our website.
Judy Hamilton
Ph 07 888 6286
Barnardos provide a range of care, education and support services developed specifically for New
Zealand children and their families. The services we provide reflect our commitment to ensuring
that all children are able to receive the very best start to life.
Home based and centre based early childhood education and care for children under five
- Family support for families under stress
- Family counselling for families coping with grief or crisis
- Services for children who are distressed or disadvantaged, including Child Advocate service
- Social Work in Schools (SWIS)
- Rural Social Work
- Foster Care
- Specialist Family Group Homes
- Residential Treatment Unit
- Education Project
- Information services.
Parenting Through Separation: Ministry of Justice programme offered in Cambridge, Hamilton,
Matamata, Morrinsville, and Te Awamutu & Te Kuiti.
Contact Ph: 07 839 1800
Availability: 5 days a week. Parent Helpline: call between 9am and 5pm weekdays or leave a
message and we will get back to you.
52 Lake Road
Also at Railside by the Green
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open access
Some charges
may apply
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Ph 07 847 1088
07 888 4852
CADS (Community
Drug and Alcohol
Cancer Support
Health Waikato funded Counsellor available once weekly at
Morrinsville Community House
43 Canada St, Morrinsville
Ph 07 889 5355
There is a coffee morning on the 3rd Wed every month at Morrinsville Community House.
Volunteer drivers are available for transport to hospital appointments, and for assistance & support
at all times.
Open access
Open access
Co-ordinator: Ruth
43 Canada St, Morrinsville
Ph 07 889 5355
CAPS Hauraki
Work in partnership with families to overcome problems, and service the wider Hauraki area.
Services include:
 Home visits, support and advocacy for families
 Counselling and support for children and their families
 Individual and family counselling / therapy
 Parenting support and education groups
 Telephone support and information service
 Parents As First Teachers programme provider
 Groups for children and adults who have witnessed or experienced domestic violence in Te
732B Queen Street, Thames
Ph 07 868 8644
Open access
1A Corbett Street, Paeroa
Phone / Fax: 07 862 6134
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Care NZ works with people, their partner or family affected by alcoholism or drug abuse and
We support and guide through drug and alcohol counselling, education and treatment. All alcohol
and drug abuse services are confidential.
Care NZ can help you with
Open access
individual, group and family alcohol and drug counselling
comprehensive assessment for alcohol and drug use, abuse or addiction
alcohol and drug counselling in support of continuing care
referral to residential care treatment programmes
school alcohol and drug intervention programmes
alcohol and drug use, abuse and addiction education and awareness programmes and
anger management
PO Box 9173, Pohlen Hospital
Free phone 0800 499 469
CCS Disability Action
The organisation focuses on providing support and services for children and adults with disabilities
and their families / whanau. Services are available to People with disabilities and their family /
whanau; Individuals who support people with disabilities; and Voluntary and government agencies
who support people with disabilities
Services include:
Information – on a range of issues including disabilities, community services available,
entitlements, funding, policy (links to BOP )
"Home to Home" rural respite service
Supported living explores independent living/accommodation options
Vocational Support employment planning (access via Work & Income)
Driver Assessment modified vehicle available for assessments and driver training
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open access
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Toy Library caters for the developmental/play needs of children with disabilities or learning delays
Access on access to community facilities and adapting existing buildings or building new ones
Social Work supports children and adults with disabilities; and their families
Services for Maori provides support for Maori with disabilities, staff and whanau
Total Mobility enabling people to retain their access to their community by providing financial
assistance on taxi fares
Mobility Parking allowing people with mobility difficulties to access their local amenities more
Waikato Branch
17 Claudelands Road, Hamilton East
PO Box 272, Hamilton 3240
Ph 07 853 9761
Call free 0800 227 2255
Fax 07 853 9765
Child, Youth and
CYF social workers work with families to: protect children and young people up to the age of 17
years; manage young offenders up to the age of 17 years; ensure that children in need are cared for;
help families maintain and strengthen their child-rearing role.
- Care and Protection, investigate referrals where a child or young person is believed to be 'at risk
of' or have experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect or violence and conflict
between their parents or caregivers
- Youth Justice, working with children (10-13 years) and young people (14-16 years) who offend
- Adoption Services, including counselling for birth parents and those considering adoption
- Contracting Group, considers and administers applications for funding from groups providing
community and welfare services
- Community Liaison Social Workers, educate and liaise with professionals and community
Geographic Coverage Area: Waikato: Hauraki, Matamata-Piako
Cnr Te Aroha and Rotokohu Roads
Ph 07 902 7778
Free phone 0508 326 459 or 0508 FAMILY
Last updated 23.08.2010
Police usually
make referrals
for Youth Justice
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Community Health
Family Health Teams consist of a range of staff groups that provide care in the community.
 School Dental Service The School Dental Service provides free basic care for children, from 2 13 years of age, from selected school sites and/or mobile dental clinics.
Phone 0800 487 3733 for dentists who can provide care for 13 – 18 year olds.
 Dieticians Community dieticians provide dietary advice to referred clients and their carers who
require specialist dietetic interventions in either district hospitals, outpatients clinics or in their own
homes. Matamata Ph 07 888 6901; Morrinsville Ph 07 888 6901
 District nursing Expert assessment, management, support and education for:
 wound care
 IV management
 palliative/end of life care
 ostomy care
 continence assessment/catheter management
 assessment for acute personal care and home help assessment (non-ACC)
 support with home oxygen
 health education
 liaison with other health professionals
All referrals must be through your GP or hospital service.
 Ear nurses The ear nurse provides treatment services to children in the school, preschool age
group following referral from the Hearing & Vision Screening Service, public health nurses,
general practitioners and specialist consultants. Morrinsville Ph 07 889 5335
 Occupational therapists Expert assessment, advice and education for:
 equipment, short term or long term
 housing modifications
 life style adjustments
All referrals must come through the Regional Referral Centre - Fax 0800 867 333. There must be
physical impairment that is impacting upon everyday function.
Matamata Ph 07 888 6208 Morrinsville Ph 07 888 6901
 Physiotherapists Assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for a wide range of conditions such as:
 neurological conditions e.g. strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease
 respiratory disorders e.g. chronic obstructive airways disease, bronchiectasis
Last updated 23.08.2010
As stated for
specific services
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
unsafe mobility / falls
mobility equipment prescription as appropriate
orthopaedic and muscular skeletal conditions e.g. fractures, joint replacements, soft tissue
 women’s health
Clients referred must be unable to access appropriate hospital based physiotherapy. Self referrals
are not accepted.
 Public health nurses Public health nurses can help children, their families, whanau and teachers
 heath assessments as requested by parent/care giver
 health information
 assistance with health concerns
 delivery of immunisation programmes in schools
 links/referrals to other health professionals
 access to specialist child health services
 self referral clinics in some schools
 child advocacy and protection.
The public health nurse can help if you have any concerns about your child’s health and
development such as: allergies; asthma; mental illness; wetting; soiling; head lice; scabies; school
sores; nutrition; speech; hygiene; skin rashes; turns or fits; puberty; hearing; eyesight.
 Social workers Free service to individuals, families/whanau and communities who require
assistance when dealing with health and disability issues which affect the normal functioning of
daily life. Matamata Ph 07 888 6901 Morrinsville Ph 07 888 6901
 Vision and hearing technicians Community based audiometry, tympanometry and vision tests for
Screening tests in:
 audiometry (hearing)
 tympanometry (middle ear function test)
 vision (distance visual acuity)
 colour vision.
Screening programmes are carried out with specific targeted age groups in pre school and school
settings. Requests for testing outside of these age groups are available to all parents / caregivers /
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
education or health professionals. Hamilton Ph 07 838 3565
District Nurses
Ezekiel Trust
Budgeting Service
District nurses provide nursing care to people in their homes. They assess the needs of the patient
and liaise with the patient and the people who support the patient.
Wound healing, assessment, Doppler testing, palliative care nursing.
Medical and post-surgical nursing.
Hospital discharge referral required.
Free service, although some charges apply to non-NZ residents.
c/o Rhoda Read Hospital
222 Studholme St, Morrinsville
Ph 07 889 6676
Provision of budgeting advice and assistance, and financial education, to individuals and
families/whanau in need of such support, including:
 client contacts that focus on an agreed client plan and goals
 specialist interventions e.g. Total Money Management or insolvency advice
 budget education programmes, seminars or workshops
Referral required
- General
Practitioner (GP)
or other health
Open access
Ph 07 889 7451
Family Court
The Family Court aims to help people sort out their own problems as much as possible. The Family
Courts Act 1980 places emphasis on counselling, conciliation and mediation and provides for the
appointment of specialist Judges and Family Court coordinators.
Family Court Counselling: For issues concerning your relationship, the care of your children or
maintenance you can request counselling through the Family Court. If referrals are made by the
family court then there are no costs incurred, unless directed.
Domestic Violence Programmes: Domestic Violence programmes are available for victims,
children and perpetrators where there is a protection order in force. Anyone can access this
service/programme One-on-one , Group session
31 Moorhouse Street
Ph 07 889 8300
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open access
Some charges
may apply
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Free to Fly
HAIP - Hamilton
Abuse Intervention
A women’s education and support programme promoting safety, healing and positive change.
Group programme for self referred adult women.
2 hr sessions, every Thursday during school terms, 9.45 a.m – 12.00
Facilitator: Kerry Sams
Morrinsville Community House
43 Canada St, Morrinsville
Ph 07 889 5355
Provides a crisis line and runs programmes for victims and offenders of domestic violence:
 Group programmes for self referred youth perpetrators of family violence
 Abuse prevention programmes
 Group programmes for non-protected adult victims of family violence
 Group programmes for Self Referred Adult perpetrators of family violence
 One Step at a Time - separate for women and men
Open access,
free to
Open access
(Note: No Morrinsville-based programmes)
Office is open 9.00am - 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Thornton Court
135 London Street
Ph 07 834 3148
24 Hour Crisis Line 07 834 3452
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Hearing Association
New Zealand
To advance the interests and general welfare of all persons with a hearing loss, their family,
whanau and all who support them, to improve their quality of life.
The National Body supports 34 fully autonomous and separate Associations which are dedicated
- Raising the profile of hearing issues
- Ensuring the rights, facilities and services are available for all people with a hearing loss
- Facilitating the dispersal of information, including advances in technology.
Bridget Gill
8 Meura Street
Ph 07 888 6414
Open access
Grace Brown
C/- Morrinsville Community House,
43 Canada St, Morrinsville
Ph 07 889 5355
1614 Te Aroha-Gordon Rd
RD 1 Te Aroha
Ph 07 888 0848
Information Centre,
General Information about a wide range of help and services.
Open access
Ph 07 889 5575
Kiwisense Ltd
Services include:
 Relationship counselling
 Marriage counselling
 Personal counselling
 Exclusive retreats
 Counselling for sexual problems
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open access,
charges may
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
 Christian counselling
Operates from 2 locations –
Railside by the Green, 41 Hetana St, Matamata
Retreat facilities in rural Matamata
Telephone counselling is also available as well as referrals to counsellors in other locations
throughout New Zealand.
Allen Baker
Phone / Fax: 07 888 2722 Mobile: 021 712 115
Matamata Household
Budget Service
Provision of budgeting advice and assistance, and financial education, to individuals and
families/whanau in need of such support, including:
 client contacts that focus on an agreed client plan and goals
 specialist interventions eg Total Money Management or insolvency advice
 budget education programmes, seminars or workshops
Open access
Ph 07 888 5692
As a Strengthening Families Lead Agent, work is done with the family to lead and coordinate
service delivery. They ensure completion of plans, and informed consent, act as key contact for
family and agencies, facilitate meetings, record progress, act as mentor and monitor completion of
tasks and outcomes.
District Council
The Corporate and Legal Services department seeks to promote community development and
community wellbeing, including:
 Community grants and funding
 Ensuring the community has input into strategies and planning
 Preparing the Long-Term Council Community Plan, Annual Plan & Annual Reports
 Facilitates the “community outcomes” and the reporting on them
 Developing bylaws and policies – such as Gambling Venue Policy
 Co-coordinating the Te Manawhenua Mo Matamata-Piako Forum – a standing committee
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open access
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
of Council allowing Iwi representatives to have input into decision making.
Undertaking special community consultation projects
Corporate and Legal Services
Matamata-Piako District Council
Telephone 07 884 0060.
PO BOX 266 Te Aroha 3342
Maternal Mental
Health Service
Provides services for women who are experiencing biopsychosocial difficulties during the perinatal
period at the earliest opportunity. Includes:
 Assessment, short-term intervention and service co-ordination
 Consultation and liaison for all aspects relating to maternal mental health
 Provision of education and training
 Individual and group interventions
 Information and Resource centre
Referrals are
welcome from
all health care
providers. Self
referrals are
accepted too.
Community mental health nurses focus on assessment, short term intervention, service coordination and development of various groups in both urban and rural areas. Social worker s are
involved with assessment and in addressing social needs of women, babies and families/whānau.
Assessments and visits are held in clients’ homes, at our base, at Plunket rooms and other
negotiated venues.
The Maternal Mental Health Service is based in 193 London Street, Hamilton.
Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm
Ph 07 834 6902
All urgent calls/requests for service need to go to Crisis, Assessment and Treatment Service on
0800 50 50 50
Community House
 Family support related information and advisory services, available to the general public,
through drop in centres, to clients of specialised agencies, and to specific target audiences
 Counselling services that restore the wellbeing of families who have experienced abuse, to
enable the family to minimise the risk of CYF involvement in the future
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open access
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Family Violence Education that supports families/whanau to provide safe and nurturing
environments for children. It gives communities the opportunity to develop their own responses
to preventing family violence, and can include whanau and Pacific-based parenting,
relationship building and mentoring programmes; community education initiatives to reduce
family violence and child abuse; programmes to promote attitudinal and behavioural change
towards violence
Drug and alcohol services and 1-1 counselling through CADS and Pai Ake Solutions
Group programmes for men and women (Pai Ake Solutions)
Sexual Abuse Counselling
Some funding available, fees negotiable
Access to food banks
Budgeting and legal referrals
Educational/parenting courses
School holiday programmes
Adult literacy and ESOL programmes
Hearing Association Therapist, education, support and hearing aid repairs; hearing aid batteries
and aids for sale
43 Canada St,
Ph 07 889 5355
Medical Services
Morrinsville Training
Ngaa Ringa Awhina
Morrinsville Medical Centre Ph 07 889 5126
Dallas Clinic Ph 07 889 3809
Diabetes Nurse Ph 07 889 5126 or 889 3809
Hamilton Radiology Ph 0800 426 723 or 07 889 0022
Path Lab Ph 07 889 5126 or 889 3809
Education and training for employment.
Ph 07 889 7712
Needs assessment & service co-ordination for mental health services.
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open to all
Referral by
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
 A needs assessment is completed for all referrals, by one of 2 service co-ordinators
 Assessments will be completed with 7 to 10 days, but are often done much more quickly than
 All referrals are allocated a nurse assessor and service co-ordinator to enable easy contact points
for whanau
 A crisis (post triage) response is also provided
 Ngaa Ringa Awhina always offer the choice to visit at home or locally
providers and
self referrals
105 Rostrevor St
Ph 0800 999 903 or 07 839 9916
NZ Police – Youth
Nga Wairere O Te
Ora Clinic
Our mission is to serve the community by reducing the incidence and effects of crime; detecting
and apprehending offenders; maintaining law and order and enhancing public safety.
Youth Education Service incorporating: Crime Prevention and Social Responsibility, Drug Abuse
Resistance Education (DARE), School Road Safety Education and Violence Prevention
- Family Violence Co-ordination
- Youth Aid
- Care and Protection Co-ordination
- Youth Justice
- Referral to appropriate agencies.
Tui Street
Moorhouse St
Ph 07 888 7117
Ph 07 889 5071
Traditional Maori Healing Service. Vaccinations, counselling, advice, support.
GP clinic every Thursday morning
Open access
Open access
Ph 07 889 3459
Text 027 662 44 96
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Provides a holistic approach which empowers people with gambling and other addiction problems
to make positive choices for a healthy lifestyle
Main programmes offered:
 Professional counselling for gamblers, their partners, family members and others affected by
gambling problems.
 Professional assessment, ongoing support, follow-up and referral services.
All services are free and confidential.
Oasis Centre, 2nd floor Cecil House, Garden Place, Hamilton.
(Enter through the glass doors between the Urge Coffee Shop and Netcafix Internet Cafe)
Ph 07 839 7053 Mobile 027 436 2399
Open access
Pai Ake Solutions Ltd
Pai Ake Solutions Limited is a service delivering one on one and whanau support to reduce impact
of Mental Health and/or Alcohol and Drug issues on individuals and families through education,
training, and counselling.
Services provided:
Counselling / Therapy for Addiction
Mental Health education
Family/Whanau counselling
Open access
We also deliver Mental Health - Alcohol & Drug recovery training from a mainstream and Maori
perspective. Our services include Male Issues/Education, Te Hikoi O Nga Tane/Whanake,
Rangatahi Health Education and Social Support. Women’s programme.
1-1 counselling and group programmes at Morrinsville Community House.
84 High St, Frankton
Ph 07 847 2351
0800 724 253
Provides a caring, professional well child and family/whānau service. We are committed to
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
providing universal access to services for all children and families regardless of ethnicity, location
or ability to pay. These services are available free to New Zealand families with children from birth
to 5 years old.
Plunket nurses provide support through home and clinic visits, mobile clinics and Plunket Line, a
free telephone advice service for parents. Plunket also organises car seat rental schemes, parent
groups, parenting education and toy libraries – most of which are available nationwide and free of
Open access
Plunket clinics: Broadway Ph 07 888 7247 Mon - Weds 8am - 4pm
Car seat rentals: Broadway Ph 07 888 7247
Parenting education: Ph 07 888 7247
Parent groups: Ante-natal classes held at Matamata Plunket Rooms on a regular basis. Broadway
Ph 07 888 7247 (Patricia)
Plunket clinics: 125 Anderson St Ph 07 889 7702 Tues & Weds 8am - 4pm
Car seat rentals: 125 Anderson St Ph 07 889 7702 (Philippa)
Parenting education Ph 07 889 7703
Te Aroha
Plunket clinics: 39 Rewi St, Ph 07 884 8019 Tues 8am - 4pm
Car seat rentals: 39 Rewi St, Ph 07 884 8019 (Dallas)
Parenting education: Ph 07 884 8019
Plunket Line: 0800 933 922, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Pohlen Hospital
Pohlen Hospital is a 26 bed facility which provides residential care for people in aged care,
maternity, medical and surgical.
The hospital has a wide range of visiting specialists with whom appointments can be made via your
GP. These include general surgery, gynaecology, eyes, hearing, counselling, ear nose and throat,
Last updated 23.08.2010
Either referral
from health
providers, or
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
orthopaedics, urology, plastic surgery and paediatrics.
Maternity care is free to mums. We provide all aspects of care for mums having their babies here.
We also provide antenatal and postnatal care to mums who have their babies elsewhere. Do
contact our experienced team of midwives - Audrey, Eileen and Val.
We have an X-ray unit which is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30am to
Rawhiti Avenue, Matamata
Ph 07 881 9099
Railside on the Green
Railside on the Green is Matamata's Community House, providing and supporting a wide range of
services to Matamata. These include being a home for
 Citizens Advice
 Barnardos
 Matamata Youth Worker
open access
Open access
They also provide a base for visiting agencies, including
 Probation Service
 Rape Crisis Centre
They have counselling services available and provide ongoing support to organisations in
Matamata. They also have board rooms and office space available for hire.
Railside on the Green have copies of the Matamata social service directory available.
Red Cross Society
Ph 07 888 8876
 Volunteer drivers available to take patients to medical appointments in Hamilton. A donation is
asked for.
 Deliver Meals on Wheels 7 days a week
 Wheelchairs for hire
Pam Hurley
Ph 07 889 7706
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Relationship Services
Salvation Army
Based in Hamilton, deliver MOJ funded Family Violence perpetrator (male and female) and victim
(male and female) individual programmes, including same sex couples and flatmates (general).
Male and Female counsellors available at Morrinsville Community House.
1-1 counselling, couples, family groups, adults and children.
Funding available.
Full service available at
41A Hetana St
Morrinsville Community House,
43 Canada St, Morrinsville.
Refer people to appropriate local and regional services as required, including:
- food banks
- drug treatment programmes
- counselling services
- Men’s fellowship meeting once a month
- Church Services at Matamata
Open to all
Open access
There is no charge for services provided though costs may apply on referrals.
25 Arawa Street
Ph 07 880 9078 07 839 6871
Sport Waikato
Sport Waikato is a charitable trust with a vision of getting ‘everyone inspired to be active and
healthy for life’. Their mission is to promote and foster participation in sport and active living
across the greater Waikato and this is done through working to the needs of each individual
The coverage area is from Coromandel to Turangi and Waihi to Kawhia, with a population of
approximately 382,000, each person is potentially a client of Sport Waikato. Programmes and
services are available for all communities with a particular focus on young people.
There is a commitment to:
 Facilitating high quality and successful sport
 Active and healthy communities
 Providing quality physical activity and sport programmes and services
Last updated 23.08.2010
Open access
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Sport Waikato District Coordinator – Matamata-Piako
Ruth Stanley
Ph 07 880 9088
Fax 07 888 5049
Cell 027 478 3077
Supporting Families
in Mental Illness
Provide education, advocacy and support for family/ whānau of people experiencing a major
mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, depression etc.
Open access
Monthly clinic at Morrinsville Community House, 43 Canada St, Morrinsville. By appointment. Ph
07 839 7069
Maureen Mildon, Rina Reti, Les Robinson
Ground Floor, YWCA Building
28 Pembroke Street
Ph 07 839 7069
Te Aroha and District
Riding for Disabled RDA
The basic core values of our service lies in getting people with disabilities on horses in order to
fulfil their therapeutic, sporting, educational or recreational needs.
Te Aroha and District Riding for Disabled - RDA : - Assist people with physical and/or mental
disabilities to realise their full potential by improving their mobility and heightening their
confidence through interaction and participation in equestrian events.
Exercise, sport, games.
The cost to the rider is $20.00 per year.
Day Co-Ordinator
Ph 07 884 4359
Ngutununga Road
Te Aroha
Last updated 23.08.2010
Referral needed
from teacher or
physician and a
certificate is
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Te Aroha Family
Budget Service
Te Hauora o Ngati
Provision of budgeting advice and assistance, and financial education, to individuals and
families/whanau in need of such support, including:
 client contacts that focus on an agreed client plan and goals where clients are extensively
involved in identifying and resolving their own financial problems
 Help for families/whanau and individuals to competently manage their domestic and personal
 specialist interventions eg Total Money Management or insolvency advice
 budget education programmes, seminars or workshops
195 Whitaker St
Te Aroha
Ph 07 884 7490
Services include:
Family support services for whanau who need support with their rangatahi and come from the
Matamata Piako area. This will enable the whanau to minimise the risk of CYF and Police
Open access
Open access
Provision of family violence intervention programmes and services including:
 Family violence related information, advice and referrals
 Support and counselling services for families/whanau and individuals affected by family
violence or sexual abuse
 Family violence related education programmes and initiatives
As a Strengthening Families Lead Agent, work is done with the family to lead and coordinate
service delivery. They ensure completion of plans, and informed consent, act as key contact for
family and agencies, facilitate meetings, record progress, act as mentor and monitor completion of
tasks and outcomes.
State Highway 27
Ph 07 888 4447
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
Victim Support
Helping fellow New Zealanders cope with the immediate crisis or trauma and the events that
follow are at the heart of Victim Support’s community role.
Services include:
 Advocacy - Personalised or general support on the rights and needs of victims This includes
advice on your rights under the Victim Rights Act.
 Assistance to attend Court Trials - the ability for serious crime victims to have the opportunity
to attend the various court processes.
 Government funded Travel Assistance Scheme - It provides serious crime victims, or those on
the Victim Notification Register, with financial help to cover travel, accommodation and
childcare costs associated with attending a High Court trial.
 Assistance to attend Parole Boards - Financial help is available to cover travel, accommodation
and childcare costs associated with attending a Parole Hearing.
 Counselling for Families of Homicide Victims - For the family and friends of a homicide
victim. A specifically trained team of workers is available. Counselling referrals are available
for families of homicide victims and for witnesses first on the scene.
 Court Support - Victim Support Workers understand how the courts work and can help victims
cope throughout the process.
 Crisis Support - 24 hour personalised support for all victims of crime and trauma, and assist you
in identifying your own support networks or further community support if needed.
 Family Group Conferencing - Victim Support workers can provide information on the process
as well as offer support to the victim by attending. If a victim is unable to attend, a worker can
be requested to present information on a victim’s behalf.
 Referral to Specialist Organisations - Victim Support workers will refer you to other agencies
within your local community for further support if and when appropriate.
 Restorative Justice – a solution that promotes repair, reconciliation and restoration. Victim
Support workers can provide information on the process as well as attending with a victim for
 Victim Impact Statements - Victims to give information about how a crime has affected them
and impacted on their lives and is taken into account by the Judge at sentencing. Victim Support
workers are trained to assist clients in preparing these.
Open access
Jean Lamoose
C/- Matamata Police Station
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
16-18 Tui St
Ph 07 888 7117
Free Phone 0800 VICTIM (0800 842846)
Morrinsville Group Co-ordinator: Jean Kerr, C/- Morrinsville Police Station.
Ph 07 889 6454 or 027 251 0069
Women’s Refuge
Provides support and information women need when they are dealing with violence in their life.
Women's Refuge is available 24 hours a day via their crisis phone line. They offer 24-hour access
to emergency accommodation, community support, and advocacy services. Services are
confidential and free (although rent is usually charged in the safe house, safety is our main concern:
You won't be turned away if you can't pay).
Open access to
all women
Hamilton Refuge & Support Services
PO Box 4355 HAMILTON 3247
Ph 07 855-1569
Te Whakaruruhau
PO Box 4062 Hamilton East HAMILTON 3247
Ph 07 855-1569 or 07 855-1705
Work and Income
Work and Income is a service of the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and delivers income
support and employment services to working age people.
Open access
78 Arawa Street
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm. Wednesday 9:30am - 5:00pm.
Ph 0800 559 009
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
239 Thames Street
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm. Wednesday 9:30am - 5:00pm.
Ph 0800 559 009
Drop in Centre
Te Aroha
Tuesday and Thursday Mornings, 8:30am - 1:00pm (Part time service)
Ph 0800 559 009
Young New
Young New Zealanders' Foundation supports a number of strategies and systems to try and prevent
any young person "slipping through the net" without the specialised help they need. This is
achieved through: Information Technology, Community Education and Specialist Support.
Information Technology:
-establishing safe places to explore the ever-expanding web of the Internet
-promoting connectedness among and between young people and major sources of information,
skills and quality resources
-providing parents and caregivers access to information and advice relating to parenting as well as
general health and safety matters.
Open access
Community Education:
-sponsoring research which will benefit youth health
-funding health and safety projects in association with other organisations
-developing educational resources for young people and their families. Examples: Amazing Me, No
Excuse for Abuse, Journey to Wellbeing, Keeping Kids Safer, Family Focus, Gemstones, All
About Me.
Specialist Services:
Professional Training
-offering professional training for teachers, guidance counsellors, RTLBs and psychologists in
Therapeutic Storytelling Intervention (TSI) TM. TSI is a teaching methodology using the age-old
art of storytelling as a very effective means of bringing about positive behavioural change in the
lives of children and also adults
Last updated 23.08.2010
Social Service Stocktake for Morrinsville
(as part of the Matamata Piako District)
-courses, seminars and training for school counsellors, teachers, family therapists and various
community organisations are held regularly.
Educational Resources
-developing, publishing and distributing specialised educational resources used in various forms of
risk-focussed intervention.
Youth Empowerment
Youth Empower Line
-maintaining the Youth Empower Line of pre-recorded messages to encourage young people during
difficult times and give them confidence to contact health professionals.
-Educational programmes and resources for children, schools, parents and community
-Professional training in Therapeutic Storytelling Intervention (TSI) TM.
1st Floor 193 Vivian Street
Ph 04 801 5120
Offers support, encouragement, advocacy for young people.
Services of a GP and counsellor are available as required.
Opening hours Monday to Thursday 11am to 4pm excluding school holidays.
Appointments are encouraged.
Leith Vickers
132 Whitaker St, Te Aroha
Ph 07 884 9177
Last updated 23.08.2010