UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Proposal Form for New or Revised Modules (MA1- version 4) Approval information Approval Type Date of Introduction/Change New module Discontinue module Revised module October 2011 If new, does this module replace another? If so, enter module code and title: If revised/discontinued, Year 4 F108 Industrial Training Placement students will now take please outline the rationale this module in their fourth year. for the changes: Confirmation that affected departments have been consulted: None Module Summary 1. Module Code (if known) CH3A3 2. Module Title Bio-Inorganic Chemistry 3. Lead department: Chemistry 4. Name of module leader Dr Claudia Blindauer 5. Level UG: PG: Level 4 (Certificate) Level 6 (Honours) Level 7 (Masters) Level 5 (Intermediate) Level 8 (Doctoral) See Guidance Notes for relationship to years of study 6. Credit value(s) (CATS) 7. Principal Module Aims 7.5 CATS This module will examine the ways in which biological systems use the specific chemical properties offered by the full range of elements in the periodic table to perform a wide variety of functions, with a particular focus on biologically relevant metal ions. The module will introduce the chemical principles that govern the use of essential metal ions in biological systems, and selected examples will be discussed, to illustrate these principles. 1 Module Summary The impact of bio-inorganic chemistry on human health will be discussed in both the context of the consequences of aberrations in metal ion housekeeping and the use of metallo-based drugs 8. Contact Hours (summary) 15 hrs Total Lectures 2 hrs Total Examples Classes 9. Assessment methods (summary) 100% Examined 2 Module Context 10. Please list all departments involved in the teaching of this module. If taught by more than one department, please indicate percentage split. Chemistry 11. Availability of module Degree Code F100 F101 F102 F105 F106 F107 F108 F121 F122 F125 F126 F127 F1N1 F1N2 BF91 B9F1 FC11 F1C1 Title Study Year C/OC/ A/B/C Chemistry BSc Chemistry BSc with Intercalated Year General Chemistry BSc Chemistry MChem Chemistry MChem with Professional Experience Chemistry MChem with Intercalated Year Chemistry MChem with Industrial Training MChem Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry BSc Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry with Intercalated Year BSc Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry with Professional Experience MChem Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem with Intercalated Year Chemistry with Management BSc Chemistry with Management BSc with Intercalated Year Biomedical Chemistry BSc Biomedical Chemistry BSc with Intercalated Year Chemical Biology MChem Chemical Biology MChem with Intercalated Year Visiting Students 3 4 3 3 3 Core Core Option Core Core 3 or 4 4 Core Core 7.5 7.5 3 4 Core Core 7.5 7.5 3 Core 7.5 3 Core 7.5 3 or 4 Core 7.5 3 4 Option Option 3 4 Core Core 7.5 7.5 3 3 or 4 Core Core 7.5 7.5 Credits 7.5 7.5 B 7.5 7.5 7.5 A A 7.5 7.5 7.5 12. Minimum number of registered students required for module to run 10 13. Pre- and Post-Requisite Modules Pre-requisites CH267 Post-requisites None 3 Module Content and Teaching 14. Teaching and Learning Activities Lectures Examples Classes Tutorials Laboratory sessions Total contact hours Module duration (weeks) Other activity 15hrs total 2hrs total 17hrs total 5 weeks 58hrs self study, revision etc. (please describe): e.g. distance-learning, intensive weekend teaching etc. 15. Assessment Method (Standard) Type of assessment Examinations Assessed essays/coursework Other formal assessment Visiting Students Length 1.5 Hours Words % weighting 100% VA AO 100% 16. Methods for providing feedback on assessment. Marks for Examination to be provided via Personal Tutor. 17. Outline Syllabus INTRODUCTION The importance of metal ions in biology and their relative abundances in the body. Natural selection of the elements, chemical limitation imposed by biological systems. Relevant coordination chemistry principles (hard and soft acids and bases, stability constants, ligand exchange rates). Biological Ligands: Proteins, Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides, Porphyrins, related ligands, antibiotics. ION TRANSPORT AND SIGNALLING Importance of balanced distribution of elements, composition of cell membranes. Mechanisms of ion transport: Ionophores, Channels, Pumps. UPTAKE AND STORAGE Why regulation of metal ion concentration is crucial in a biological system. Examples for metalloregulation; the iron cycle, siderophores, transferrin, ferritin. CONTROL OF PROTEIN STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS BY METAL IONS Calmodulin: tuning of protein structure by metal binding. Cooperativity. Zinc fingers: structural role of zinc, composition of binding sites, roles of zinc fingers, sequence-specific DNA-recognition and artificial zinc fingers. 4 Module Content and Teaching METALLOPROTEINS AND METALLOENZYMES: HYDROLYTIC ENZYMES Zinc. Properties and relevance to biology. Examples: carbonic anhydrase and carboxypeptidase A. The importance of coordination number, electrostatics, and the enzymatic cavity. Model complexes. METALLOPROTEINS AND METALLOENZYMES: OXYGEN CARRIERS Dioxygen binding. Iron and copper. Haemoglobin and myoglobin: Structure, Physiological role, Oxygenation Equilibria, Oxygen Coordination, MO Interpretation, Model Systems. Haemerythrin and Haemocyanin. METALLOPROTEINS AND METALLOENZYMES: REDOX CHEMISTRY Biological electron transfer: Redox active metal centres. Iron and copper. Importance and overview of range of standard potentials. Redox potentials and how to tune them. Iron-Sulfur Proteins: Rubredoxins, 2Fe Ferredoxins, Polynuclear Clusters. Heme proteins; Cytochromes, Cytochrome P-450. Non-heme Febinding enzymes: Methane monooxygenase and other oxygenases. ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE Introduction to medicinal inorganic chemistry. Metal-based anticancer drugs, including first, second and third generation platinum complexes. Interaction of anticancer drugs with DNA. Gold Complexes in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Further examples of metal-based drugs, diagnostic agents, radionuclides in diagnosis and therapy. 18. Illustrative Bibliography Shriver/Atkins, 5th Edn., Chapter 27. J J R Frausto da Silva and R J P Williams, The Biological Chemistry of the Elements, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991. QD 2400.S4 W Kaim and B Schwederski, Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry of Life, Wiley, 1994. QD 2400.K2 Lippard, S J, Berg J: ‘Principles of bioinorganic chemistry’, QD 2400.L4 Biological Inorganic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity by I. Bertini, H.B. Gray, E.I. Stiefel, J.S. Valentine (Editors), University Science Books, U.S. (2006). Metals in Medicine by James C Dabrowiak, Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2009 19. Learning outcomes Successful completion of the module leads to the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes identify the knowledge, skills and attributes developed by the module. Learning Outcomes should be presented in the format ”By the end of the module students should be able to...” using the table at the end of the module approval form: 5 Resources 20. List any additional requirements and indicate the outcome of any discussions about these. Approval 21. Module leader’s signature Dr Claudia Blindauer 22. Date of approval 23. Name of Approving Committee (include minute reference if applicable) LTC 24. Chair of Committee’s signature 25. Head of Department(s) Signature Prof Mike Shipman 6 Examination Information A1. Name of examiner (if different from module leader) Dr Claudia Blindauer A2. Indicate all available methods of assessment in the table below % Examined % Assessed by other methods 100% Length of examination paper 1.5hrs A3. Will this module be examined together with any other module (sectioned paper)? If so, please give details below. No A4. How many papers will the module be examined by? A5. When would you wish the exam take place (e.g. Jan, April, Summer)? 1 paper 2 papers March A6. Is reading time required? Yes No A7. Please specify any special exam timetable arrangements. A8. Stationery requirements No. of Answer books? Graph paper? Calculator? Any other special stationery requirements (e.g. Data books, tables etc)? A9. Type of examination paper Seen? Yes No Open Book? Yes No Restricted? Yes No If restricted, please provide a list of permitted texts: 7 LEARNING OUTCOMES (By the end of the module the student should be able to....) Which teaching and learning methods enable students to achieve this learning outcome? (reference activities in section 15) Which summative assessment method(s) will measure the achievement of this learning outcome? (reference activities in section 16) Understand and rationalise roles that essential metal ions play in biological systems: Control of protein structure and dynamics, enzymatic catalysis, signalling. Lectures, study problems and directed reading. Study problems to be prepared by students and discussed in examples classes Examination Understand the rationale for the selection of metal ions to perform biological functions Lectures, study problems and directed reading. Study problems to be prepared by students and discussed in examples classes Examination Identify metal-binding portions of biomolecules, recognise and describe the differences between metal sites in small molecule complexes and proteins. Lectures, study problems and directed reading. Study problems to be prepared by students and discussed in examples classes Understand the principles of metal ion homeostasis: metalloregulation of gene expression and translation, metal ion transport through membranes and cytosols Lectures, study problems and directed reading. Study problems to be prepared by students and discussed in examples classes Examination Understand and rationalise the effects that the binding of metal ions to proteins and nucleic acids has on the structure and dynamics of biomolecular structures. Lectures, study problems and directed reading. Study problems to be prepared by students and discussed in examples classes Examination Understand and rationalise the mode of actions of metal ions in hydrolytic and redox metalloenzymes. Lectures, study problems and directed reading. Study problems to be prepared by students and discussed in examples classes Examination 8 LEARNING OUTCOMES (By the end of the module the student should be able to....) Which teaching and learning methods enable students to achieve this learning outcome? (reference activities in section 15) Which summative assessment method(s) will measure the achievement of this learning outcome? (reference activities in section 16) Understand and rationalise the impact of metal binding residues and protein environment (coordination numbers and geometry, hydrophobic and electrostatic effects) on reactivity of metal ions Lectures, study problems and directed reading. Study problems to be prepared by students and discussed in examples classes Examination Understand and rationalise the mode of action and design features of selected metallodrugs Lectures, study problems and directed reading. Study problems to be prepared by students and discussed in examples classes Examination 9