University Studies Chem. 412 Math

Chem. 412 - Fall Semester 200X
Physical Chemistry I - 3 S.H.
Dr. C.B. W. Ng (PA312G, 457-5293)
M W F 9:00 - 9:50 a.m. PA332
Required Text:
J. H. Noggle, Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed., Harper Collins.
Recommended Reference:
R. G. Mortimer, Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed., Harcourt
Academic Press (1999).
Course Purpose:
Chemistry is the science of matter and the changes matter can undergo. Physical chemistry deals
with the physical principles underlying chemistry and seeks to account for the properties of matter
(such as atoms, electrons, and energy) in terms of fundamental concepts. It provides the basic
framework for branches of chemistry such as inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry,
geochemistry, and chemical engineering. It also provides the basis for modern methods of analysis,
the determination of structure, and the elucidation of the manner in which chemical reactions occur.
Physical chemistry is divided into four majors areas: thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, kinetics,
and statistical mechanics. This course provides an in-depth study of thermodynamics, which is the
study of heat, work, energy, and the changes they produce in the states of systems. In a broad sense,
thermodynamics studies the relationships between the macroscopic properties of a system (which
include such properties as temperature, pressure, volume, and amount of substance) and the
correlation of these macroscopic observables to the microscopic nature of the chemical universe.
Mathematics is one the most important tools of physical chemistry. Much of physical chemistry
involves casting physical problems into mathematical language. This involves development of
mathematical models starting with microscopic predictions and correlating derived equations with
macroscopic observations. Mathematical approaches include applications such as multi-variable
functions, differential and integral calculus, differential equations, power series, and operator
algebra. Computational data analysis via graphical and statistical treatments involves the use of
software packages such as Mathcad, Excel, and HyperChem. The latter software also enables
molecular visualization and enhances students’ abilities to correlate molecular structure to
macroscopic behavior. As such, this course emphasizes a significant practice in the application of
mathematical/statistical approaches to physical chemistry principles, thereby empowering the
intellectual/critical thinking development of students in physical chemistry and enhancing their
understanding of the chemical universe.
Course Description:
States of Matter and Equation of States. Thermodynamics of single component and
multi-component systems. Equilibria. Computer applications. An introduction to
quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. Meets University Studies
Mathematics/Statistics Flag requirement. Prerequisites: one year each of college
chemistry and physics, and one semester of Calculus. Offered yearly.
Completion of this course will include requirements and learning activities that promote students’
abilities to achieve the following Outcomes:
practice the correct application of mathematical or statistical models that are appropriate to prerequisite
knowledge of physical chemistry; and
make proper use of modern mathematical or statistical methods appropriate to students’ level of
prerequisite knowledge, to include, if statistics is used in a substantive way, the use of a statistical
package with graphics capability when appropriate;
Completion of this course will satisfy the Mathematics/Statistics Flag Requirement in the University Studies
Course Details/Requirements/Activities:
In order to pass the course, students are expected to:
attend and participate in lecture-discussion-problem solving sessions, [Outcomes a, b]
complete and turn in assigned problem sets, [Outcomes a, b]
read assigned chapters and attempt text problems, [Outcomes a, b]
use Mathcad and HyperChem in visualizations, calculations, and interpretations of system properties,
[Outcome b]
utilize Excel in data, graphical, and statistical analysis of sample and real-world examples, [Outcome b]
collaborate/discuss in problem solving and model analysis sessions, [Outcome a, b] and
pass, in general, quizzes, tests, and final examination. [Outcomes a, b].
The two-hour final examination will cover the whole course, the two one-hour tests will cover only
certain chapters, and the problem sets will cover certain selected topic(s). There will be points
deducted for late problem sets.
Marking Distribution
Problem Sets (7)
due ~every 2 weeks
Tests (2)
TBA (25% each)
Final Examination
Dec. X (Tue) 8 a.m.
These assessments will give your level of achievement relative to Outcomes a and b.
Grading Scale: A ( 85%) , B (70-85%), C (55-70%), D (45-55%), F (<45%).
1. Introduction
Scopes and Methods of Physical Chemistry
Review of Mathematical Principles
2. States of Matter
Ideal Gas Properties & Empirical Relations
Real Gases: Van der Waals & Virial Equations
Properties of Liquids & Solids
Computer Applications
3. Energies of Molecules
Classical Equipartition of Energy: trans, rot, vib
Experimental Measures of Average Molecular Energies
4. Energy and the First Law (Thermochemistry)
Concepts of Heat and Work
Applications: Enthalpy, Calorimetry, Heat Capacities, Chem. Rxns.
5. Entropy - Second and Third Laws
Entropy Changes for Different State Changes and State Variables
Reversible versus Irreversible Processes
Heat Engines, Carnot Cycles, Spontaneous Processes
Perpetual Motion, Fate of the Universe
6. Equilibrium and Spontaneity
Gibbs & Helmholtz Energy Functions
Applications to Reactions under Different Constraints
7. Quantum Chemistry (an Introduction) ...(optional)
Wave-Particle Duality
Bohr’s Atomic Model
...Operator Algebra
...Postulates of Quantum Theory
...Particle in a Box (Translational)
...Harmonic Oscillator (Vibrational)
...Angular Momentum (Rotational)
...Spectroscopic Applications
12 , 13 , 14
The study of these physical chemistry concepts requires purposeful readings of your textbook, attendance and
participation in lecture-discussion sessions, and completion of problem set assignments. The lecture material
is complemented by in-class chemical demonstrations/simulations, video media, computer visualizations
(molecular modeling and graphical interpretations), web/internet supplements, active participation using
laptops in and outside the classroom, and the correct application and proper use of mathematical methods
appropriate to physical chemistry. Furthermore, these chemistry concepts are supplemented with hands-on
laboratory experiments in Chemistry 413. Successful completion of studies of these lecture topics will
promote your ability to achieve Outcomes a and b for the Mathematics/Statistics Flag Requirement in
the University Studies Program.
Completion of this course will satisfy the Mathematics/Statistics Flag Requirement in the University Studies
Additional course information can be accessed via the webpage: