Test 2 Review Sheet – Organismal Biology

Test 2 Review Sheet – Organismal Biology
Test # 2 on 4 March 2005
This is your study guide for Test # 2 which is on Chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33.
Make sure you take the practice quizzes at the end of each chapter.
Chapter 28: Protista
Characteristics of a protist
For Euglena, Paramecium:
know main structures (and their function) and how they perform functions to stay alive
(like respiration, water/waste control, how they get their food, how they move,
reproduction, etc)
Apicomplexa – characteristics and examples
life cycle of Plasmodium (organism that causes malaria) – Fig. 28.13, page 557
flagellum vs cilia
algae – basically what it is, but you don’t have to know all the different kinds
purpose of conjugation (don’t have to know all the details on Fig. 28.15)
Amoebas – know basic structures/functions, how they move, how they get food
Foraminifera – know basic structures
Chapter 29: Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land
Know differences between Bryophyte, Vascular plant, seed plants, angiosperm,
gymnosperm – also check out Table 29.1 and Fig. 29.1
Apical meristem
Placental transfer cells
Alternation of generations
Sporophyte vs gametophye
Spore vs seed
Archegonia vs antheridia
Adaptations to conserve water – cuticle, type of stomata
Xylem vs phloem – what they do, what kind of plants have them
Importance of secondary compounds to terrestrial adaptations – page 582
Land plants evolved from charophycean algae
Know life cycle of moss (page 586) and fern (page 592) including names of the main
parts and the process involved
Sporophyte – seta, foot, sporangium (capsule)
Peat – what it is, how formed, ecological importance
Pteridophytes = seedless vascular plants ( ferns, horsetails, club “moss) – know basic
“coal forests) – page 594
Chapter 30: Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants
Page 598 – Fig. 30.1 – know how to compare gametophyte/sporophyte relationships
between bryophytes, ferns, and seed plants)
Fig. 30.2 – from ovule to seed – know the basic pattern of what happens
Seed parts – integuments, ovule, embryo (new sporophyte), seed coat, food supply
Understand how pollination occurs and what structures are involved
Gymnosperms – know what groups go here – ginko, cycads, gnetophytes, conifers
Life cycle of pine – page 605
Phylum Anthophyta – angiosperms: monocots, dicots (characteristics)
Page 608 – parts of flower and their functions
Simple fruit, aggregate fruit, multiple fruit – characteristics of each and an example
Seed dispersal
Life cycle of an angiosperm – page 611
Plant and animal coevolution – and its significance
Clear cutting, “slash and burn” – why harmful to ecosytem
Page 613- drugs from plants
Chapter 31: Fungi
Hypha, mycelium – what they are, what they do, how they make up the fungi
Septate hypha vs coenocytic hypha
Parasitic hypha and haustoria
Page 619 – know the 4 main kinds of fungi and basic characteristics of each
You DO NOT have to know life cycles on pages 621, 623, 625
Know parts and ecological importance of lichens – page 627-628
Ecological impacts of fungi – pages 629-631
Chapter 32: Introduction to Animal Evolution
What is an animal – page 633-634 – know 5 characteristics
KNOW WELL Fig. 32.1, page 634 – early embryonic development – all the stages and
all the parts
Know major GRADES – Fig 32.4, page 636 – and what each one means
Kinds of symmetry
Germ layers – endoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm
Diploblastic vs triloblastic
Aceolomate, pseudocoelomate, coelomate, body cavity – know Fig. 32.6
Parazoans vs eumetazoa
Know and understand process and parts comparing protostomes vs deuterostomes – Fig.
32.7, page 639 – KNOW THIS WELL – go over the text in detail
Trochophore larva – which animals have this and what it looks like
Chapter 33: Invertebrates
Parazoa, Porifora, sponges
Know sponge parts and how they are used – Fig. 33.3, page 648 (how they eat, how they
get oxygen, etc)
Phylum Cnidaria – characteristics; know differences between polyp and medusa – Fig.
33.4, page 649
Cnidocytes – how they work – Fig. 33.5, page 649
Life cycle of Obelia – page 651
Know Phylum Platyhelminthes characteristics
Know basic characteristics and how they perform body functions: planarians, flukes,
Complete vs incomplete digestive tracts – who has what
Phylum Mollusca – characteristics
Basic body plan – page 656 – know parts and functions of each
Radula – what it is and what it is used for
Know basic differences between major classes in Table 33.3, page 656; also examples of
each class
Know basic anatomy of the clam – Fig. 33.21 – how it feeds, gets oxygen, reproduces
Know basic anatomy of earthworm – Fig. 33.23 – how it feeds, gets oxygen, reproduces,
gets rid of nitrogenous wastes
Know differences between earthworms (Oligochaeta), Polychaeta (many setae) and
Roundworms – Phylum Nematoda – know phylum characteristics
Segmentation = metamerism
Phylum Arthropoda – phylum characteristics
Molting (ecdysis)
Know parts of crayfish and what they are for – page 663
Class Arachnida – know spider parts and what they are used for Fig. 33.3, page 665
Book lungs (as opposed to book gills in horseshoe crab)
Grasshopper anatomy – inside and out – main features we cover in lecture – page 667
Incomplete/complete metamorphosis
Phylum Echinodermata – spiny skin – know phylum characteristics
Water vascular system in seastar – know how it works and the parts involved
Know different echinoderms listed on page 674 and an example of each
Table 33.7, page 673, is great – it sums up all the phyla we have had so far – use it to
help you study – be able to compare characteristics between phyla – how some are
similar and how others are different