Agenda Item 7 BOARD SHARED INTELLIGENCE Thursday, 9 December 2010 1 Purpose 1.1 This paper updates the Board on progress with the shared intelligence project agreed at its last meeting. 2 Recommendations 2.1 The Board is recommended to: i. note the report; ii. indicate the extent to which it would like to see the transfer of the Public Health function to the council linked to the shared intelligence project based on information presented verbally to the meeting. 3 Background and Progress 3.1 At its meeting on 4 November 2010 the Board agreed to undertake a project that would establish parameters for sharing intelligence between partners and make recommendations to develop ways through which intelligence can be shared more effectively. 3.2 Since that meeting progress can be summarised as follows: The council’s Executive Director for Resources has been briefed and linkages with the council’s Working Smarter programme have been made; The draft Project Initiation Document (PID) has been prepared which sets out the key stages and milestones within the project – an overview is contained in appendix 1 with a full version of the PID available on a hidden webpage at:; The Partnership Executive Group at its meeting on 26 November 2010 reaffirmed that shared intelligence is its highest priority for partnership working over the coming months; Agenda Item 7 3.3 At the same meeting the group asked the Partnership support team to consider linkages with the transfer of Public Health from the Primary Care Trust to the council. The team will be exploring this between the despatch of papers and the board meeting itself and will report verbally at the meeting; Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands, who had previously granted Walsall Partnership £41000 under its Local and Community Intelligence (LACI) programme, have recognised the changing national context for using intelligence in local decision making and have agreed for Walsall to use the funding to support the Shared Intelligence project. Between now and the next Board meeting it is likely that considerable progress will have been made. Weekly email progress reports will be circulated to members of the Executive Group acting in their capacity as Project Board. Contact Officer: Tim Ferguson Head of Partnership & Performance (01922) 652481 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 7 Appendix 1 PROJECT PLAN OVERVIEW Stage Plan i) Stage 1 - Project Initiation: (top-level activities included in this stage) Sign-up by Walsall Partnership Board (completed) Rory Borealis briefed (completed) Further guidance received from Walsall Partnership Executive Group (26 November) to consider the possibility of dovetailing this project with the transfer of Public Health to the Council. The implications of this will be scoped out by 6 December 2010 and a conclusion reported to the Partnership Board on 9 December. Discussion at Walsall Council CMT (TBA through Jamie Morris/ Rory Borealis) ii) Stage 2 (top-level activities included in this stage) Review the new and existing demands for intelligence which are placed on the Council and its Partners by the changing operating context. This will involve an analysis of the model and an assessment of its information needs through desk based analysis, interviews with those responsible for driving forward activity at each stage of the model and workshops involving analysts. Initially officers involved in developing the four-level operating model will brainstorm an aunt sally of the intelligence needs at each level. They will also identify practitioners from within Partner organisations who will be able to test this against existing needs in respect of organisational management, strategic policy making and service delivery (including commissioning and area management). Analysts will be asked to detail the intelligence they provide and the purpose to which it is put to ensure that the picture of intelligence needs obtained from users is in fact comprehensive. This stage will be completed within the next six weeks. iii) Stage 3 Review resources – people, skills and tools – currently deployed in the Council and Partner organisations for developing intelligence about public service demand in Walsall. Agenda Item 7 Appendix 1 This will be carried out through consultation with managers and analysts from Partner organisations through interviews, workshop sessions or a combination of both. It is possible that some of this information will be collected concurrently with stage 2 of the project. This stage of the project will be completed by 7 January 2011. iv) Stage 4 Review practice elsewhere to identify ways where we could be operating more efficiently, gaps in our knowledge, systems or the tools available to us. This will involve talking to other areas about their approach. Telephone interviews and site visits will be used to collect the information. A specific gap analysis of existing capacity and capability (in respect of skills and tools) will be undertaken using the knowledge gained from this review and the output of stage 3 of the project – this will also focus on under-used resources. Currently it is envisaged that gaps will include future demand modelling, GIS, LLPG, ‘Referral Hub (links to high cost chaotic families)’, social marketing, capturing demand indicators through customer contact, etc. The first part of this stage of the project will be undertaken by consultancy funded through IEWM with conclusions drawn by consultants working with the Project Team in a workshop session. Consultants will appointed by 10 December with background research required to be completed for a workshop during the week commencing 24 January 2011. v) Stage 5 Make recommendations about how resources can be structured in a way that most effectively and efficiently meet current demand. This will be completed by 18 February 2011. vi) Stage 6 – Project Closure (top-level activities included in this stage including lessons learnt and post project review) To meet requirements of Walsall Council PM approach plus initiation of implementation project.