Mrs. Clark’s Lesson Plans-EC Lon Po Po, pp. 94 - 117 Week of: Feb 14-18 Grade 3 Work AM Monday Tuesday AR Testing/ Success Maker/Handwriting Tt AR Testing/ Success Maker/handwriting TLW answer question of the day , p. 94H TLW: A Lesson Well Learned, p 94G – 94H TLW answer question of the day, p. 94H TLW think and respond, p. 112 Obj. 2.02e interact with text/connect text/connect text to own experiences 2.04c identify main idea/details 2.02b interact with txt to make predictions TLW classify likenesses and differences across text, p. 94i Tran 172 TLW understand that summarizing while reading can help a reader recall and keep track of story events, p. 94J Obj. 2.02b interact with text, make predictions 2.03d read a variety of text (drama) 3.05 use graphs charts, or maps to expand understanding Complete Compare and Contrast Chart while reading selection, pp. 94- 113 Obj. 1.04 b increase vocabulary through word study TLW: Become familiar with vocabulary words, p. 94L Practice Book (ELL) p, 16 Obj. 1.03/1.04b increase vocabulary through word relationships/ use word study to increase vocabulary TLW: Vocabulary power, pp. 94 - 95 Practice Book, p. 16 Obj. 2.02b interact with text/make predictions, 2.03a read a variety of text, 2.04a identify plot, 3.05 use graphs/charts/maps to expand understanding Read “Lon Po Po” pp. 96-113 Read Selection (guided) Obj. 2.02b interact with text, make predictions 2.03a read a variety of text (fiction) 3.05 use graphs charts, or maps to expand understanding Complete Compare and Contrast Chart while reading selection, pp. 94- 113 Obj. 5.05 proofread for spelling use strategies for correct spelling. TLW: Sort spelling words and take pre-test, p. 117G Trans. 177 and Practice Book, 19 Obj. 3.05 use graphs/charts/maps, to expand understanding. 5.05 use strategies for correct spelling Word sort, p 117G Spelling Sheet 70 Wednesday AR Testing/ Success Maker/Handwriting Oral Language TLW answer question of the day, p. 472H TLW Making Conn. p. 114 8:30-10:30 Reading Block Comprehension Obj. 3.02 compare events/characters/concepts across text, Test prep – Compare and contrast, pp. 116117 Practice Book p. 17 Vocabulary Obj. 1.02 use roots/prefixes/suffixes to decode/infer meanings TLW decode and understand words with prefixes, p. 117A Reading Obj. 2.04d identify sequence TLW: follow simple multi-step directions, p. 117B Write a summary guided Spelling /Phonics Obj. 5.05 use strategies for correct spelling, 5.06 Proofread for spelling Spelling Strategies, p. 117H Spelling Sheet 71 Cut spelling word cards and sort 10:30-11:00 Writing & Grammar 10:45-11:00 Recess/ Snack 1st and 2nd grade Obj. 5.02 use correct grammar in speaking and writing Tran 176 Introduce the concept (Articles), p. 117E Obj. 2.04 identify main ideas /details 4.02 us writing to communicate with others 4.05 use planning strategies to organize ideas Writing process Expository Writing, p. 117C Tran 174 Obj. 5.02 use correct grammar in speaking and writing Practice Book, p. 18, p. 117F Obj. 4.05 use planning strategies to organize ideas, 5.03 vary sentence structure and word use Analyze and pre-write, p. 117C Teaching Tran 175 Obj. 1.01 Observe and describe how all living and nonliving things affect the life of a particular animal including other animals, plants, weather, climate TLW: explore ecosystems A38 – A51 3 days Obj. 1.01 Observe and describe how all living and nonliving things affect the life of a particular animal including other animals, plants, weather, climate TLW: explore ecosystems A38 – A51 Obj. 1.05 Develop fluency with multiplication facts for 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 0’s, and strategies for 3’s, 4’s, 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, 9’s and related division facts 5-6 2 and 5 as Factors, pp. 122 - 125 Practice Book p. 36 Obj. 1.04a demonstrate conceptual u Obj. 5.01 Analyze numeric and nonnumeric growing patterns to explore functional relationships. 5-7 10 as a Factor, pp. 126 – 127 Practice Book p. 37 Obj. 4.03 share written or oral products Oral Review and Practice p. 117F Language Sheet, 133 Obj. 4.06 compose a draft TLW: Draft, p. 117D Social Studies, Science/ Health 11:00- 11:30 Science Obj. 1.01 Observe and describe how all living and nonliving things affect the life of a particular animal including other animals, plants, weather, climate TLW: explore ecosystems A38 – A51 3 days Math 11:30 – 12:00 Math Obj. 1.05 Develop fluency with multiplication facts for 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 0’s and strategies for 3’s, 4’s, 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, 9’s, and related division facts 5-8 9 as a Factor, pp. 128 - 129 Practice Book p. 38 (same) PE 12:00 – 12:30 Lunch 12:30_ 12:50 Success Maker Music Art Recess Recess Recess 2:15-2:30 Read Aloud & Reflection 2:15-2:30 Read Aloud & Reflection 2:15-2:30 Read Aloud & Reflection Mrs. Clark’s Lesson Plans-EC Lon Po Po, pp. 94 - 117 Week of: Feb 14-18 Grade 3 Thursday Friday AM Work AR Testing/ Success Maker/handwriting Oral Language TLW answer question of the day, p. 94H TLW make connections to text p. 114 #2 Intervention Skill Focus: TLW answer question of the day, p. 94H TLW make connections to text p. 114 # 4 Comprehension 8:15-10:15 Reading Block - See individualized education plan Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Obj. 1.04b increase vocabulary/use word study, 1.05 use reference materials to increase word knowledge TLW: to recognize and find words that are synonyms p. 117I Review ai and ea Intervention Small Group Obj. 3.02 compare events, characters, concepts across text, Complete Venn diagram and double bubble of characters in story and Lesson Well Learned Obj.1.04d increase vocabulary/use word study Vocabulary post test Delighted, dusk, embraced, latch, tender, brittle, cunning Reading Obj. 1.04c increase vocabulary/use synonyms TLW: use knowledge of word relationships to identify synonyms Worksheets Obj. 3.01 b interpret,/evaluate text, examine characters Assessment of comprehension of text, Practice Book, pp. A13—A16 Spelling/Phonics Obj. 1.04f increase vocabulary 3.05 compare information in printed vs. visual format Spelling Strategies: Sounds and Letters, p. 117H Spelling Sheet 72 10:30-11:00 Obj. 2.01a reread to aid comprehension TLW: Apply concept to writing, p. 117F Language Sheet, p. 134 Obj. 4.08 edit, 5.06 proofread, 5.07 edit for language conventions/format Edit, p. 117D Obj. 5.02 use correct grammar in speaking and writing TLW: Cumulative review, p. 117F Language Sheet 135 Obj. 4.02a use writing to communicate with others TLW: publish, p. 117D Assess Vocabulary skills and concept skills of animal classification and needs Math Obj. 1.05 Develop fluency with multiplication Obj. 5.01 Analyze numeric and nonnumeric facts for 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 0’s, and strategies for growing patterns to explore functional 3’s, 4’s, 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, 9’s and related division relationships. facts 5-7 10 as a Factor, pp. 126 – 127 5-9 Multiplying with 0 and 1, pp. 130 - 132 Practice Book p. 35 Practice Book p. 39 12:00 – 12:30 Lunch 12:30_ 12:50 Success Maker Media/Guidance Computer Math 11:3 0– 12:0 0 Social Studies, Science/ Health 11:0011:30 Science Obj. 1.01 Observe and describe how all living and nonliving things affect the life of a particular animal including other animals, plants, weather, climate p. A54 – A 61 TLW: explore changes in the ecosystem Recess 2:15-2:30 Read Aloud & Reflection Weekly Independent Centers: - Fluency Vocabulary Math Listening ( buddy reading) Computer ( Earobics, Waterford) Spelling List words with double consonants Obj. 5.05 use strategies for correct spelling. 5.09 use legible handwriting Posttest, p. 117H 10:45-11:00 Recess/ Snack 1st and 2nd grade Writing & Grammar Notes/Extras AR Testing/ Success Maker/handwriting Recess 2:15-2:30 Read Aloud & Reflection pulled, bagged, hugged, silly, correct, latter, matter, supper, common, lesson, collect, setting, bottles, different, jelly