Objective Sheet: Galveston Bay Ecology Name _______________________________ Date _________________ Period _________ Answer the following questions on your own paper. This will be turned in on the day of the test for a double daily grade! Keep up with your work and get those stamps! 1. 2. 3. Be familiar with the geography of Galveston Bay. On a map, be able to find the following: Buffalo Bayou, Galveston Island, the Ship channel, San Jacinto River, Trinity River, Bolivar peninsula, Armand Bayou. Explain which parts of our watershed have fresh, salt and brackish water. What is an estuary? What abiotic factors influence life in an estuary? 4. 5. 6. 7. How do oceans become salty? Why do fresh water inflows lie on top of salty water in an estuary? Describe natural and human factors which increase or decrease salinity. Explain the idea “range of tolerance”. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. What is an adaptation? How do organisms get their adaptations? Why can’t an organism change its adaptations in its lifetime? Describe the life cycle of the brown shrimp and its habitat requirements during its development. Explain the difference between a niche and a habitat. Explain why brown shrimp are important to the Houston area and its residents. What human actions in our watershed affect the shrimp? What are three things that identify a wetland? What roles does a wetland play in a watershed? Identify the ecosystem services provided by wetlands. 17. Explain the difference between food webs and food chains. 18. Describe typical organisms in Galveston Bay food webs. Include yourself! 19. Correctly fill in an energy pyramid for any Bay food chain. Explain the rule of 10% and why energy doesn’t disappear. 20. Explain biomagnification. Give examples of pollutants that can biomagnify and identify their sources. 21. Describe the Tragedy of the Commons. 22. Explain the difference between point and nonpoint sources of pollution. Explain why nonpoint pollution is so much more difficult to control. 23. Describe the process of eutrophication and how it can affect shrimp harvests. 24. 25. 26. 27. What is the main threat to our wetlands? Which water pollutants can wetlands remove and how can they remove each one? Describe current wetland restoration projects in our area. How do sewage treatment plants work? Compare traditional treatment to newer wetlands-modeled systems. Mon March 24 Tuesday March 25 Wed March 26/Thur Mar 27 Fri March 28 Intro to Bay Geography Notes: Salinity Stamp Obj #1-7 Quiz – Obj #1-7 Stamp Obj #8-13 HW – Obj #1-7 Notes: Wetlands Activity – Shrimp exploration and life cycle Complete Map HW – Study for quiz Monday HW – Obj #8-13 Mon Mar 31 Tues April 1 Wed April 2/Thursday April 3 Friday April 4 Quiz – Obj #8-16 Stamp Obj #17-19 Activity – Tragedy of the Commons Stamp Obj #20-23 Notes and practice: Food webs and energy pyramids in the Bay Notes: Biomagnification Review concept: Eutrophication Notes: Threats to wetlands HW – Obj #20-23 End of 2nd six weeks STAAR TESTING! English 2 HW – Obj #17-19 STAAR TESTING! English 1 Monday April 7 Tuesday April 8 Wednesday April 9/Thurs April 10 Prairie day! Come dressed to go outside! Stamp Obj #24-27 TEST day – All Galveston Objectives due! HW – Obj #24-27 Review Day