Safety Notice to all competing clubs and crews

Notes for all Competitors
It is highly recommended that a representative from each crew – preferably the cox or
steersperson – attends the coxing/safety briefings before each division starts. These
briefings may contain important information regarding the course/conditions that apply.
Penalties may be awarded to crews not complying with information supplied in those
The Docks, although surrounded by large buildings in places, can be exposed to the
elements. Clubs are advised to ensure that all competitors have sufficient warm clothing
with them should there be any unexpected delays whilst on the water. This applies in
particular to juniors.
Practicing is NOT ALLOWED anywhere on the course or marshalling areas before the
start or after the finish. Crews ignoring this advice will be disqualified.
Marshals will be positioned along the course. All instructions given by marshals must be
adhered to, especially when warning of obstacles. Crews ignoring direction/instructions
may be subject to penalties.
All competitors are reminded that no valuables should be left unattended at any time.
Where possible, valuables should be locked in their owners/club’s vehicles, particularly
during racing.
1. Crews should ensure that they are ready to boat at the times supplied with the
draw. These times will be assigned to minimise the amount of waiting at the
boating areas and the start as much as possible. So that crews arrive in order, and
to minimise the time that the slower crews are on the water, the lowest numbered
crews in each division shall boat first.
2. Boating shall take place from the boat club pontoon and the “boats off” area on
the south side of the harbour. These are marked 1 and 2 on the attached map of
the boathouse area.
3. Once boated, competing crews should proceed along the right-hand (southern)
side of the docks up to the start marshalling area. The following points must be
adhered to:
a. All traffic must keep to the right of the docks.
b. Whilst proceeding to the start, all other (non-rowing/sculling) traffic has
right of way at bridges. Where possible, crews must give way to this
c. Overtaking is not permitted through bridges.
d. At Bristol Bridge (the third bridge), crews must proceed through the centre
e. At Temple Bridge (the fourth bridge), crews must use the right-hand
(larger) arch.
4. Arriving at the start marshalling area, crews will arrange themselves in numerical
order, with the lowest number closest to the tunnels (see next page). No crews
must enter either of the tunnels unless instructed to by the start marshals.
5. Once all crews are in the start marshalling area, crews will be advised of the time
until the start.
1. When ready to start, the first crews will be called through the right-hand tunnel.
They will then spin and, once cleared, will proceed through the other (northern)
tunnel. The start is approximately 30m after clearing this tunnel. Crews will be
advised of the position of the start line whilst marshalling. It is also shown on the
picture below.
Start Line
High Crew
Low Crew
2. There should be no other traffic on the docks whilst the race is in progress,
therefore there will be no restrictions on boats in terms of which arch crews
should take through bridges.
During racing
1. Crews must observe normal navigation rules and keep to the right, especially at
the first bend Brewery Bend.
2. Overtaking. It is intended that the intervals between crews starting shall be
sufficient to not require any overtaking until onto the main part of the docks (after
Prince’s St bridge). Overtaking should not be performed whilst going through
bridges. Any crew intending to overtake must only do so when the manoeuvre
can be completed before the next bridge and with no danger from on-coming
vessels. Approaching a bridge, the crew behind must give way to the crew ahead.
3. Approaching the Matthew and SS Great Britain, crews must keep to the right.
There will be a large buoy positioned on this bend. This corner is considered to
be highly hazardous to rowing boats, so any crews observed to cut the corner and
proceed to the left of this buoy will be disqualified. The approximate position of
this buoy is shown on the next page. A launch with a marshal will be positioned
near the buoy to remind crews. The picture below shows the approximate line (in
green) that crews should take approaching this buoy. There are a row of yellow
buoys (indicated on the picture by a yellow dashed line), that crews need to keep
to the left of.
Position of
large buoy
The Finish
1. The finish line will be approximately 300m after passing the rowing club.
2. Upon crossing the finish line (signalled by a bell from the Finish timers), crews
should continue paddling along the docks and spin just before reaching the end.
They should then proceed back towards the rowing club, keeping as close to the
southern bank as possible, where they will be advised by Race Marshals of a slot
to land their boats.
Boats On/Off Area.
Boats On/Off Area.
Boathouse (including race
control, registration and first
Trailer Park.