UNIFORM Please ensure that the correct uniform is worn at all times. Winter Royal blue cardigan/V-neck ‘knitted-style’ pullover Grey or white shirt worn with a school tie Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore Grey socks (boys), grey/white socks or grey tights (girls) Summer Royal blue cardigan/V-neck ‘knitted-style’ pullover Royal blue & white ‘Gingham’ style checked short sleeved dress and white socks; or: White polo shirt Grey trousers/skirt/tailored school shorts Grey socks (boys) or grey/white socks (girls) Winter uniform must be worn from the first Monday of October until the Easter/Spring holiday at the end of the Spring Term. This applies to all children from Year 1 to Year 6. Children in Reception classes should wear Winter uniform from the day they start school. Summer uniform must be worn from the beginning of the Summer Term (after the Easter/Spring break) until the Friday preceding the first Monday in October. Please do not mix and match items from the Winter/Summer uniform lists. NB: In the event of extreme weather conditions the school shall extend the dates above appropriately and shall inform parents accordingly. Shoes Sensible ‘school-type’ black shoes. Trainers, boots or ‘fashion’ shoes are not allowed. School ties Ties are available from the school. Elasticated versions shall be sold to parents of Reception children only. Year 1 pupils may wear an elasticated tie but should be taught and encouraged to use a proper tie. All children from Year 2 should wear a proper non-elasticated tie. Coats Children should wear a sensible school-type coat, appropriate for the weather conditions. This should be worn over the school cardigan or pullover. Coats should not have large logos or slogans on them. Sweatshirts/hooded sweat tops are not allowed. A royal blue school blazer is optional. Hats The school sells a range of hats. These are optional but highly recommended. If your child does not have a school hat, s/he may wear a suitable plain hat. Fashion hats and those with slogans are not allowed. Jewellery Jewellery is not allowed. This is due to health and safety concerns and to enable all children to take a full part in all areas of the curriculum. Small studs and small sleeper earrings only are acceptable to be worn in school for all year groups (including Nursery). However all earrings will need to be taken out or taped up by individual pupils for PE or any other activity. Pupils from Year 2 upwards may wear a simple wristwatch if they choose to do so. Children are responsible for their own watches and may need to remove them for certain activities. Hair In the interests of health and safety, long hair must be tied back. Hair should finish above the collar line or be tied back. All ribbons, clips and hair accessories should be in school colours – royal blue, grey/silver or white. Hair ornaments or fashion styles are not allowed. PE Kit: black plimsolls, plain navy/royal blue or black shorts, plain white round neck or polo T-shirt. PE kit should be kept in a drawstring PE/gym bag. Tracksuits: For outside PE activities in extreme weather, children may wear a plain non-hooded tracksuit in black, navy or grey. PE kit should not have slogans or logos on them and should be kept in your child’s PE bag. Tracksuits are highly recommended for Year 5 and 6 pupils. NB: PE kits should be kept in school and taken home for washing each half term. We intend the uniform to be practical and sensible for school wear. Fashion clothes or styles should be avoided. It is impossible to predict changes of fashion for example, boots or open-toed shoes and we rely on parents to co-operate with us in discouraging impractical styles in clothing, footwear, hairstyle and decoration. All clothing and footwear should be clearly marked with the child's own name. Lost Property This is collected in the School Office area. Please check if you are missing any items of clothing. We automatically return any named items to the appropriate child having all clothing named really does help us to keep lost property to a minimum. Any unnamed / unclaimed property at the end of each term will be disposed of. Updated and reviewed version October 2014 Our Lady of Lourdes School Governing Body