UPPER JAMES RIVER ROUNDTABLE/MOUNTAIN WATERS RC&D MINUTES JULY 18, 2008 Lexington - Holiday Inn Express Present Tammy Stephenson, Kent Ford, Ellen Ford, Jim Echols, Paul Bugas, Nesha Mizel, Caroline Bott, Jean Clark, Patte Wood, Ward Robens, Don Drake, Carol Craft, Gerry Jackson, Jay Gilliam, Sara Jordan, Margaret Spencer. Ms. Stephenson called the meeting to order. Minutes of April 11, 2008 Upon a motion by Mr. Gilliam, seconded by Mr. Robens, minutes of the April 11, 2008 meeting were approved as presented by unanimous vote of the board. RC&D - Consider Official Name There was much discussion about the official name of the RC&D. Everyone present commented about the pros and cons of keeping "Mountain Waters RC&D" and "Upper James [River] RC&D." Mr. Robens made a motion, seconded by Mr. Gilliam to amend the name to the "Upper James River RC&D." After additional discussion, Mr. Robens and Mr. Gilliam agreed to amend their motions to change the name to the "Upper James RC&D." The Board agreed by majority vote. Ms. Stephenson said the only official filing to date is the Articles of Incorporation with the State Corporation Commission. She researched the issue and found that if only the name changes; there is an application and a $25 fee, which she will handle. RC&D Bylaws Ms. Stephenson reminded the Board that the Bylaws had been sent to all members via email. Other than making the name change, they should be final. She asked that anyone with questions or comments give them to her via email. Mr. Echols had a couple of questions at the meeting, which were resolved. RC&D Nonprofit Status Ms. Stephenson reported that she will meet with the accountant on July 31 in Lexington to complete the IRS application. Localities/Agency Who Have Not Approved Application Ms. Stephenson said she received an email from the Highland County Administrator this week reporting that the Highland County Board of Supervisors had approved the submission of the RC&D application at the July meeting. That leaves only Bath County, which has not considered the application at a meeting yet, and Central Shenandoah PDC, which will most likely approve once all its localities approve. Only Bath County is left in this list of localities. The PDC also represents Highland and Rockbridge Counties and the cities of Lexington and Buena Vista. Ms. Stephenson will meet with the Bath County Administrator and Chairman of the Board soon to discuss the application. Ms. Stephenson distributed a list of RC&D Council members and a list of Advisory Sponsors/Ex-Officio Members. She asked everyone to review and let her know of changes that need to be made on the lists. There was discussion that we should consider adding someone from the Nature Conservancy, the RiverKeeper (David Sligh), and VDOT. COMMITTEE REPORTS Ms. Stephenson told the board that agendas will now be organized for all our focus committees to report. Two of the four committees have chairmen, so two more are needed, as follows. Anyone wishing to serve on the committees should let Ms. Stephenson or the chair know. Environmental Education Committee Ellen Reynolds agreed to chair previously. Ms. Reynolds was unable to attend this meeting, so there was no report. Mr. Robens said he would like to serve on this committee. Land Conservation Committee Genevieve Goss agreed to chair previously. Ms. Goss was unable to attend this meeting, so there was no report. Outdoor Recreation Committee There is no chair at this time. Ms. Mizel and Mr. Gilliam said they would like to serve on the committee, but not chair. Mr. Robens and Ms. Wood agreed to co-chair this committee. Water Resources Committee There is no chair of this committee. Citizen Monitoring Update Mr. Gilliam reported that he had an intern working with him this summer. They are working on an outreach event with farmers to discuss pollution. They will also have training sessions in Botetourt and Rockbridge Counties. Mr. Ford said the Cowpasture River Preservation Association is collecting samples on the upper Cowpasture River and the lower Bullpasture River. The data from their collections can be found in their newsletter online. DCR GRANT STATUS Website Ms. Stephenson reported that work continues on the website, but everyone still needs to review and give feedback. Ms. Craft checked on domains in anticipation of an organizational name change, and Upper James is available. Also, we need content and pictures for the website. Natural Resource Management Workshops Ms. Goss chairs this ad hoc committee, but was unable to attend the meeting. However, she provided the following written report from their July meeting: Chair, Genevieve Goss Members: Jean Clark (meeting 1), George Devlin (unable to attend), Ellen Ford, Ellen Reynolds, Ward Robens Also in attendance: Jay Gilliam After considering several possibilities for workshops, the committee has decided to pursue the following plan: Workshop #1---This workshop is being planned for October 25 at Boxerwood Garden (Lexington). It would incorporate an overview of Low Impact Development and Stormwater Management techniques appropriate for the average citizen; instruction and demonstration of how to build a raingarden; and instruction and construction of a rainbarrel. The workshop would run from 10am-1:30pm and include a lunch and a tour of Boxerwood. We are also considering incorporating environmental education activities for kids. We have the date, place, speakers, rainbarrel supplier, caterer, etc. lined up and should be able to finalize other details soon. Workshop #2---This workshop will be the first to follow a template suggested by Jay Gilliam----an informational presentation aimed at elected officials, local government employees, and individuals who are affected by programs and regulations such as erosion and sediment control, stormwater, nutrient management, cost share. This workshop would present the full complement of programs available and provide education on the latest laws and programs targeting nonpoint source pollution, water supply, etc. Since other MWRC&D workshops targeted Mountain and Natural Bridge SWCDs, the first workshop is planned for Botetourt County this year, targeting Mountain Castles SWCD. Details are still being worked out for this. Publication of Brochure Ms. Craft chairs this committee and reported that they will have a meeting following the RC&D meeting and will probably send a draft out to the group via email in the near future. Water Monitoring Supplies Ms. Stephenson reminded everyone that we have $500 in the grant for water monitoring supplies. She asked that Mr. Ford and Mr. Gilliam work on this so we can make the best use of these funds. RC&D Conference It was reported at the last meeting that Mr. Gilliam attended the Virginia RC&D conference in April. Ms. Goss is slated to attend the Southeast RC&D meeting in Wytheville in September. This particular conference is only held in Virginia every few years. OTHER ISSUES/AGENCY REPORTS Natural Bridge SWCD Appropriation Ms. Stephenson reported that the NBSWCD appropriated $1,000 in the current fiscal year's budget for our RC&D/Roundtable. We mad the official request and the funds have been moved into our account. Mr. Gilliam reported that the same amount has been appropriated for the next fiscal year. It was suggested that the other two SWCD may consider similar appropriations. State Observation Wells Ms. Stephenson reported that DEQ has a Ground Water Characterization office and they are looking for qualifying wells and springs to obtain needed information on ground water on this end of the state, as there is almost no information. She asked that anyone who knows of any potential sites or of someone that may know to let her know. Website Library Ms. Mizel reminded everyone that we talked about a project library and forum on the website that we had discussed previously. She asked that everyone consider this and provide input. Project Development Ms. Craft suggested that the RC&D consider developing projects in anticipation of funding. If this is done, then a lot of the groundwork is complete once funding is identified. This process could be expedited through the forum Ms. Mizel mentioned. Mr. Gilliam mentioned that this would also help the mission of the Foundation for Virginia's Natural Resources, which he chairs. Ms. Stephenson suggested we charge each of the committees with developing projects to present to the Board. Virginia Game and Inland Fisheries Paul Bugas reported that fish kills occurred late in Spring 2008, with most of the problems cropping up in June. The Jackson River, downstream of Covington, and the upper James River, from Iron Gate to Natural Bridge, the Cowpasture River and Craig Creek all experienced fish kills in 2008. The Forest Service and DGIF continue to monitor the nuisance algae Didymosphenia geminata below Gathright Dam. Not much news on Gathright Dam hydropower project. A draft license application will be sent to stakeholders in September. DGIF, DEQ, and W&L University will embark on a study of Hays Creek in Rockbridge County. This is in response to a large streambank renovation project near Rockbridge Baths. Mr. Echols gave a presentation on Order of the Arrow, which will have an event June 2128. He reported that they were expecting about 1100 scouts, but Ms. Downing reported that only 400 had signed up so far. They will be working on new trail construction, trail reconstruction, and campgrounds. There will be a need for volunteers. More information on this will be distributed to the group. The next meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2008. Ms. Stephenson is working with Elisabeth Vogel, our new Craig County representative, to possibly hold the meeting there. As there was no other business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.