SHELBY COUNTY SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION OFFICE OF MATHEMATICS TI-73 Graphing Calculator Loan Contract The District Mathematics Office of the Shelby County Schools agrees to loan the following TI-73 Explorer graphing calculators to School for the 2013-2014 school year. All loaned calculators will be distributed from the Shelby County Schools Warehouse at 1384 Farmville Road, Memphis, TN 38122 on Friday afternoons between 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. All requests must be received by Wednesday in order to pick up calculators on Friday of the same week. If not, calculators can be picked up the following week. Schools wishing to borrow these TI-73 Explorer graphing calculators should return one copy of this contract completed with the Principal’s signature to Margie Bell, SCS District Instructional Advisor, by email (or Margaret Bell in Outlook) or by fax, 901-416-3470. LIMIT: 3 Cases (90 calculators) All of the loaned TI-73 Explorer graphing calculators are to be returned in working order, including four (4) working AAA batteries and all calculator covers, to Margie Bell at the Shelby County Schools Warehouse at 1384 Farmville Road, Memphis, TN 38122 on Thursday, May 15, 2014, between 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. School also agrees to replace all lost or broken calculators with new TI-73 graphing calculators by Friday, June 13, 2014, approximately one (1) month following the end of the loan period. All loaned calculators will be done in groups of 30 calculators per case only. Requested number of calculators: Requested date of pick-up: Signatures below signify your agreement to follow all terms in the contract above. (“Borrower” is the person actually picking up the calculators from the Warehouse.) Borrower’s Signature___________________________________________ Date_______________ Borrower’s Name Printed _______________________________________ Principal’s Signature___________________________________________ Principal’s Name Printed Date_______________ ____________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------For Office Use Only-----------------------------------------------Calculator type: TI-73 Explorer Graphing Calculator # of cases Initials TOTAL # OF Calculators Loaned _______ _______ Case Identifying Numbers (and any Notes): __________________________________________________________ Margie Bell, SCS District Instructional Advisor - Mathematics Date_______________