VIN Motorcycle Codes By law, on road vehicles must have a 17 digit VIN, the tenth digit is the model year. To identify the year you need the "secret code ". Digits 1,2,3 are World, Manufacturer, Identifier 1 = J ( Japan or whatever country the vehicle is made in ) 2 = k ( Kawasaki or Y for Yamaha or S for suzuki etc) 3 = 1 or A ( code for motorcycle ) Digits 4,5,6,7,8 are Vehicle descriptor Section 4 = Vehicle category C=scooter B=business model or commuter N=single cylinder sport/street G=multiple cylinder sport/street F=Family S=Off road V=V-Type engine, street, V2/V4/v6/v8 etc) 5= Engine displacement A=49cc and less B=50-69cc C=70-79cc D=80-89cc E=90-99cc F=100-124cc G=125-149cc H=150-199cc J=200-249cc K=250-399cc M=400-499cc N=500-599cc P=600-699cc R=700-749cc S=750-849cc T=850-999cc U=1000-1099cc V=1100-1199cc W=1200-1299cc Y=1400-1499cc Z=1500 & up 6= Engine Type 1=2 stroke single 2=2 stroke twin 3=2 stroke triple or four 4=4 stroke single 5=4 stroke twin 6=? 7=4 stroke four 7=Design sequence or model version first version uses 1 then second version uses 2 etc... the tenth version would then be identified by the letter A then B etc.. 8=Model version ( base model usually by an A, another letter would be used for special editions or different models of the ame vehicle ) 9=Check digit ( 0-9 or X ) 10= Year Code 80-A 81-B 82-C 83-D 84-E 85-F 86-G 87-H 88-J 89-K 90-L 91-M 92-N 93-P 94-R 95-S 96-T 97-V 98-W 99-X 00-Y 01-1 02-2 03-3 04-4 05-5 06-6 07-7 08-8 09-9 ( Don't know what happens after that ) 11= Factory code ( manufacturer code for what plant it was built in ) 12,13,14,15,16,17= Vehicle Identification Number ( serial number ) So for example a 2003 Kawasaki Ninja 500 would look something like this JKA GM71A X 3 2 123456 JKA= Japan,Kawasaki,Motorcycle GM71A= Multiple cylinder sport/street, 400-499cc, 4stroke four, Version1, Base model X= Check digit 3= 2003 2= Plant #2 123456= Serial number JS1 = Japan Suzuki Motorcycle Engine Serial Numbers Honda's serial numbers are up on the left side, either on the top surfaces (front, side or rear on some shaft driven models), but some models have them stamped on a surface below the crankshaft area in a flat spot, more hidden. Yamaha serial number - located on the top half of the crankcase on a 1/2" x 2" flat surface. Usually near the clutch cover (right side cover). Frame Numbers