SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL FOR: THE EFFECT OF ELEVATED CO2 ON GROWTH AND COMPETITION IN EXPERIMENTAL PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITIES Table of Contents FIGURES 2 FIGURE 1 2 SUMMARY TABLES OF ANALYSIS 3 ANALYSIS OF GROWTH RATE IN PURE CULTURE 3 ANALYSIS 1: EFFECT OF CO2 TREATMENT ON EACH SPECIES ACROSS ASSAYS/CONCENTRATION OF CO2 IN TREATMENT 3 ANALYSIS 2: TAXONOMIC GROUP SPECIFICITY OF CO2 TREATMENT EFFECT ON GROWTH IN DIFFERENT ASSAYS/CO2 CONCENTRATIONS 5 ANALYSIS 3: SPECIES SPECIFICITY OF CO2 TREATMENT EFFECT ON GROWTH IN DIFFERENT ASSAYS/CO2 CONCENTRATIONS 7 ANALYSIS OF COMPETITION COEFFICIENT 9 ANALYSIS 4: EFFECT OF CO2 TREATMENT ON COMPETITION BETWEEN SPECIES FROM DIFFERENT TAXONOMIC GROUPS 9 ANALYSIS 5: EFFECT OF CO2 TREATMENT ON COMPETITION BETWEEN SPECIES FROM DIFFERENT TAXONOMIC GROUPS 16 ANALYSIS 6: EFFECT OF CO2 TREATMENT ON COMPETITION BETWEEN SPECIES FROM DIFFERENT TAXONOMIC GROUPS 17 ANALYSIS 7: COMPETITIVE RESPONSE TO CO2 TREATMENT IN FULL COMMUNITY AS PREDICTED BY COMPETITIVE RESPONSE IN PAIR CULTURE 18 FIGURES Figure 1 Predicting the competitive response to elevated CO2 in the pair competitions from competitive response in pure cultures. Each species is competed separately with four other species. The competitive response of the species is the mean value of the competition coefficient across all four competitions. The regression of competitive response (in pairwise mixture) on growth response (in pure culture) is positive in all assays, and has a R2 = 0.62 (P = 0.06) in the final assay. This suggest the potential of predicting competitive response and changes in community dynamics from physiological knowledge and experiments on individual species. SUMMARY TABLES OF ANALYSIS Analysis of Growth Rate in Pure Culture Analysis 1: Effect of CO2 treatment on each species across assays/concentration of CO2 in treatment Response variable: Growth rate in pure culture Data separation: by species Model: Growth rate~CO2 treatment*Assay/concentration of CO2 in treatment Number of analysis data blocks: 6 Navicula Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.189 1 396.052 0.0000 *** *** *** Assay/[CO2] of treatmet 0.111 5 46.290 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment by Assay/[CO2] interaction 0.020 5 *** *** Residuals 0.011 24 8.271 0.0001 *** Nitzschia Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.113 1 167.230 0.0000 *** *** *** Assay/[CO2] of treatmet 0.045 5 13.197 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment by Assay/[CO2] interaction 0.016 5 *** Residuals 0.016 24 4.738 0.0038 *** Scenedesmus Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.272 1 851.904 0.0000 *** *** *** Assay/[CO2] of treatmet 0.114 5 71.320 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment by Assay/[CO2] interaction 0.015 5 *** *** Residuals 0.008 24 9.463 0.0000 *** Pseudokirchneriella Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.295 1 817.508 0.0000 *** *** *** Assay/[CO2] of treatmet 0.513 5 284.006 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment by Assay/[CO2] interaction 0.014 5 *** *** Residuals 0.009 24 7.914 0.0002 *** Synechococcus Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.221 1 33.262 0.0000 *** *** *** Assay/[CO2] of treatmet 0.576 5 17.366 0.0000 *** CO2 treatment by Assay/[CO2] interaction 0.014 5 Residuals 0.146 22 *** *** 0.413 0.8348 Anabaena Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.067 1 61.761 0.0000 *** *** Assay/[CO2] of treatmet 0.024 5 4.478 0.0050 *** *** CO2 treatment by Assay/[CO2] interaction 0.114 5 21.177 0.0000 *** *** Residuals 0.026 24 *** *** Analysis 2: Taxonomic group specificity of CO2 treatment effect on growth in different assays/CO2 concentrations Response variable: Growth rate in pure culture Averaging by species Data separation: by assay/concentration of CO2 in treatment Model: Growth rate~CO2 treatment * Taxonomic group Number of analysis data blocks: 6 Assay 1 ( treatment at 560 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.043 1 1.934 0.2137 Taxonomic group 0.065 2 1.451 0.3061 CO2 treatment by Taxonomic group interaction 0.001 2 0.031 0.9693 Residuals 0.134 6 Assay 2 ( treatment at 680 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.054 1 20.723 0.0039 *** Taxonomic group 0.044 2 8.402 0.0182 *** CO2 treatment by Taxonomic group interaction 0.002 2 0.376 0.7016 Residuals 0.016 6 *** Assay 3 ( treatment at 800 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.075 1 54.114 0.0003 *** *** Taxonomic group 0.042 2 15.071 0.0046 *** *** CO2 treatment by Taxonomic group interaction 0.003 2 Residuals 0.008 6 *** 1.085 0.3960 Assay 4 ( treatment at 920 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.065 1 34.323 0.0042 *** Taxonomic group 0.051 2 13.457 0.0167 *** CO2 treatment by Taxonomic group interaction 0.002 2 Residuals 0.008 4 *** 0.514 0.6330 Assay 5 ( treatment at 1000 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.111 1 167.467 0.0000 *** *** *** Taxonomic group 0.031 2 *** *** CO2 treatment by Taxonomic group interaction 0.003 2 Residuals 0.004 6 23.655 0.0014 *** 2.409 0.1706 Assay 6 ( treatment at 1000 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.025 1 Taxonomic group 0.201 2 10.418 0.0112 *** 2.578 0.1595 CO2 treatment by Taxonomic group interaction 0.026 2 Residuals 0.058 6 1.355 0.3268 Analysis 3: Species specificity of CO2 treatment effect on growth in different assays/CO2 concentrations Response variable: Growth rate in pure culture Data separation: by assay/concentration of CO2 in treatment Model: Growth rate~CO2 treatment * Species Number of analysis data blocks: 6 Assay 1 ( treatment at 560 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.130 1 71.778 0.0000 *** *** *** Species 0.596 5 65.974 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment by Species interaction 0.005 5 Residuals 0.043 24 0.561 0.7286 Assay 2 ( treatment at 680 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.163 1 194.565 0.0000 *** *** *** Species 0.173 5 41.276 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment by Species interaction 0.012 5 2.955 0.0323 *** Residuals 0.020 24 Assay 3 ( treatment at 800 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.226 1 377.791 0.0000 *** *** *** Species 0.146 5 48.831 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment by Species interaction 0.014 5 4.663 0.0041 *** *** Residuals 0.014 24 Assay 4 ( treatment at 920 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.226 1 220.495 0.0000 *** *** *** Species 0.179 5 *** *** CO2 treatment by Species interaction 0.007 5 Residuals 0.023 22 34.963 0.0000 *** 1.313 0.2949 Assay 5 ( treatment at 1000 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.334 1 108.477 0.0000 *** *** *** Species 0.104 5 6.745 0.0005 *** *** *** CO2 treatment by Species interaction 0.012 5 0.786 0.5701 Residuals 0.074 24 Assay 6 ( treatment at 1000 ppm CO2) Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests CO2 treatment 0.075 1 42.896 0.0000 *** *** *** Species 0.708 5 81.358 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment by Species interaction 0.148 5 16.979 0.0000 *** *** *** Residuals 0.042 24 Analysis of competition coefficient Analysis 4: Effect of CO2 treatment on competition between species from different taxonomic groups Response variable: Competition coefficient of species from group 1 (focal species) Data separation: by assay/concentration of CO2 in treatment and by functional competition (Chlorophytes vs Cyanobacteria, Chlorophytes vs Diatoms and Diatoms vs Cyanobacteria) Model: Competition coefficient~ CO2 treatment * Species from group 1 (Focal species)* Species from group 2 (Competitor species) Number of analysis data blocks: 24 Competitions between Diatoms and Chlorophytes Competitions between Diatom vs Chlorophyte in assay 1 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests Intercept 0.04 1.00 15.608 0.0011 *** *** CO2 treatment 0.00 1.00 Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.03 1.00 11.762 0.0034 *** *** Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.74 1.00 275.702 0.0000 *** *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.000 0.9880 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.359 0.5575 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 2.498 0.1336 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.298 0.5924 Residuals 0.04 16.00 cor. sig. 18 tests *** 0.285 0.6010 *** Competitions between Diatom vs Chlorophyte in assay 2 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. Intercept 0.09 1.00 25.202 0.0002 *** CO2 treatment 0.00 1.00 0.724 0.4082 Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.00 1.00 0.197 0.6635 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.33 1.00 94.469 0.0000 *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.008 0.9299 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.241 0.6308 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 1.993 0.1784 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.333 0.5726 Residuals 0.05 15.00 cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests *** *** *** *** Competitions between Diatom vs Chlorophyte in assay 3 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests Intercept 0.01 1.00 12.727 0.0031 *** *** CO2 treatment 0.09 1.00 134.201 0.0000 *** *** cor. sig. 18 tests *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.01 1.00 8.997 0.0096 *** Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.16 1.00 242.970 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.02 1.00 26.119 0.0002 *** *** *** CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 6.379 0.0242 *** Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 4.978 0.0425 *** CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 5.291 0.0373 *** Residuals 0.01 14.00 Competitions between Diatom vs Chlorophyte in assay 4 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. Intercept 0.00 1.00 CO2 treatment 0.05 1.00 17.979 0.0006 *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.02 1.00 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.17 1.00 68.633 0.0000 *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.01 1.00 2.581 0.1277 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 5.821 0.0282 *** Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.02 1.00 8.223 0.0112 *** CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.019 0.8923 Residuals 0.04 16.00 cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests 0.432 0.5202 *** *** *** *** 7.588 0.0141 *** Competitions between Diatom vs Chlorophyte in assay 5 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests Intercept 0.25 1.00 130.844 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment 0.03 1.00 14.284 0.0020 *** *** *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.01 1.00 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.31 1.00 162.567 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.074 0.7901 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 1.778 0.2037 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 3.873 0.0692 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.873 0.3661 Residuals 0.03 14.00 2.869 0.1124 Competitions between Diatom vs Chlorophyte in assay 6 Sum Sq Intercept 0.10 Df F value Pr(> F) sig. 1.00 23.917 0.0002 *** cor. sig. 6 tests *** cor. sig. 18 tests *** CO2 treatment 0.15 1.00 35.667 0.0000 *** *** *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.00 1.00 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.08 CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.04 1.00 20.741 0.0003 *** *** *** 1.00 10.233 0.0056 *** *** CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.02 1.00 4.535 0.0491 *** Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.016 0.9005 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 2.231 0.1547 Residuals 0.07 16.00 0.002 0.9676 Competitions between Diatoms and Cyanobacteria Competitions between Diatom vs Cyanobacteria in assay 1 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. Intercept 0.05 1.00 6.449 0.0219 *** CO2 treatment 0.00 1.00 0.106 0.7493 Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.02 1.00 2.081 0.1684 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.23 1.00 31.437 0.0000 *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.669 0.4254 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.013 0.9095 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.02 1.00 2.748 0.1168 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.02 1.00 2.939 0.1058 Residuals 0.12 16.00 cor. sig. 6 tests *** cor. sig. 18 tests *** Competitions between Diatom vs Cyanobacteria in assay 2 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. Intercept 0.13 1.00 51.117 0.0000 *** CO2 treatment 0.01 1.00 3.038 0.1032 Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.00 1.00 0.600 0.4516 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.04 1.00 17.504 0.0009 *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.03 1.00 11.538 0.0043 *** Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 2.020 0.1772 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 2.892 0.1111 Residuals 0.04 14.00 cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests *** *** *** *** 0.297 0.5941 *** Competitions between Diatom vs Cyanobacteria in assay 3 Sum Df F Pr(> sig. cor. sig. 6 cor. sig. 18 Sq value F) tests Intercept 0.40 1.00 60.738 0.0000 *** CO2 treatment 0.00 1.00 0.174 0.6818 Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.00 1.00 0.702 0.4146 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.00 1.00 0.203 0.6582 CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.04 1.00 6.299 0.0232 *** CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.525 0.4791 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.295 0.5944 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 1.932 0.1835 Residuals 0.10 16.00 tests *** *** Competitions between Diatom vs Cyanobacteria in assay 4 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. Intercept 0.20 1.00 33.364 0.0000 *** CO2 treatment 0.03 1.00 4.726 0.0451 *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.00 1.00 0.004 0.9491 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.00 1.00 0.104 0.7515 CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.10 1.00 15.975 0.0010 *** CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.026 0.8749 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.490 0.4940 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.071 0.7937 Residuals 0.10 16.00 cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests *** *** *** *** Competitions between Diatom vs Cyanobacteria in assay 5 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests Intercept 0.32 1.00 106.290 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment 0.09 1.00 29.689 0.0001 *** *** *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.00 1.00 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.04 1.00 11.907 0.0033 *** *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.06 1.00 19.928 0.0004 *** *** CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.087 0.7723 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 1.320 0.2674 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.352 0.5614 Residuals 0.05 16.00 0.137 0.7166 Competitions between Diatom vs Cyanobacteria in assay 6 *** Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. Intercept 0.43 1.00 50.711 0.0000 *** CO2 treatment 0.06 1.00 7.653 0.0138 *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.00 1.00 0.034 0.8569 Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.08 1.00 9.007 0.0085 *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.06 1.00 7.018 0.0175 *** CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 1.189 0.2916 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 0.697 0.4161 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 0.837 0.3739 Residuals 0.13 16.00 cor. sig. 6 tests *** cor. sig. 18 tests *** Competitions between Chlorophytes and Cyanobacteria Competitions between Chlorophyte vs Cyanobacteria in assay 1 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests Intercept 0.19 1.00 31.407 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment 0.10 1.00 16.744 0.0009 *** *** *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.42 1.00 68.146 0.0000 *** *** *** Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.65 1.00 104.918 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.09 1.00 13.977 0.0018 *** *** *** Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.02 1.00 3.203 0.0924 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 1.410 0.2524 Residuals 0.10 16.00 0.240 0.6310 Competitions between Chlorophyte vs Cyanobacteria in assay 2 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests Intercept 0.63 1.00 473.268 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment 0.05 1.00 38.297 0.0000 *** *** *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.14 1.00 107.525 0.0000 *** *** *** Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.02 1.00 18.411 0.0010 *** *** *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.857 0.3728 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.120 0.7351 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.03 1.00 20.331 0.0007 *** *** *** CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 Residuals 0.02 12.00 3.114 0.1030 Competitions between Chlorophyte vs Cyanobacteria in assay 3 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. Intercept 0.28 1.00 15.550 0.0012 *** CO2 treatment 0.04 1.00 Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.32 1.00 17.302 0.0007 *** Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.10 1.00 5.375 0.0340 *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.035 0.8530 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.05 1.00 2.536 0.1309 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.03 1.00 1.387 0.2561 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.05 1.00 2.587 0.1273 Residuals 0.29 16.00 cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests *** *** *** *** 1.917 0.1852 Competitions between Chlorophyte vs Cyanobacteria in assay 4 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. Intercept 0.11 1.00 6.049 0.0257 *** CO2 treatment 0.10 1.00 5.540 0.0317 *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.10 1.00 5.971 0.0265 *** Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.10 1.00 6.015 0.0260 *** CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.018 0.8960 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.137 0.7164 Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.082 0.7783 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.134 0.7195 Residuals 0.28 16.00 cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests Competitions between Chlorophyte vs Cyanobacteria in assay 5 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. Intercept 0.71 1.00 276.239 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment 0.09 1.00 36.498 0.0000 *** *** *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.10 1.00 37.852 0.0000 *** *** *** Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.01 1.00 2.695 0.1202 CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.01 1.00 5.528 0.0319 *** CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.02 1.00 7.853 0.0128 *** Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.079 0.7826 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.01 1.00 2.171 0.1600 Residuals 0.04 16.00 Competitions between Chlorophyte vs Cyanobacteria in assay 6 Sum Sq Df F value Pr(> F) sig. cor. sig. 6 tests cor. sig. 18 tests Intercept 0.50 1.00 128.894 0.0000 *** *** *** CO2 treatment 0.27 1.00 70.383 0.0000 *** *** *** Species from first group (Focal Species) 0.05 1.00 11.900 0.0033 *** *** Species from second group (Competitor Species) 0.01 1.00 1.554 0.2305 CO2 treatment and Focal Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.313 0.5833 CO2 treatment and Competitor Species interaction 0.03 1.00 8.831 0.0090 *** Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.368 0.5528 CO2 treatment, Focal and Competitor Species interaction 0.00 1.00 0.000 0.9845 Residuals 0.06 16.00 Analysis 5: Effect of CO2 treatment on competition between species from different taxonomic groups Response variable: Competition coefficient of first species (focal species) Model: Competition coefficient ~ CO2 treatment Chlorophytes Chlorphytes Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) sig. CO2 Treatment 1 0.00 0.00 Residuals 4 0.01 0.00 0.84 0.4118 Diatoms Diatoms Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) sig. CO2 Treatment 1 0.23 0.23 Residuals 4 1.89 0.47 0.49 0.5229 Cyanobactiria Cyanobacteria Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) sig. CO2 Treatment 1 0.01 0.01 Residuals 3 0.00 0.00 14.88 0.0308 *** Analysis 6: Effect of CO2 treatment on competition between species from different taxonomic groups Response variable: Competition coefficient of each species Model: Competition coefficient of 6 species~ CO2 treatment Full community MANOVA Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(> F) CO2 treatment 1 1 22.201 6.00 11.00 0.0000 Residuals 16 Navicula Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) CO2 1 0.006 0.01 Residuals 16 0.656 0.04 0.16 0.6978 Nitzschia Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) CO2 1 0.126 0.13 Residuals 16 0.255 0.02 7.93 0.0124 Scenedesmus Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) CO2 1 0.337 0.34 Residuals 16 0.240 0.02 22.45 0.0002 Pseudokirchneriella Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) CO2 1 0.340 0.34 Residuals 16 0.221 0.01 24.59 0.0001 Synechococcus Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) CO2 1 0.082 0.08 Residuals 16 0.357 0.02 3.67 0.0733 Anabaena Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(> F) CO2 1 0.216 0.22 Residuals 16 0.352 0.02 9.82 0.0064 Analysis 7: Competitive response to CO2 treatment in full community as predicted by competitive response in pair culture Competitive response is the difference between the mean competition coefficient of a given species at elevated CO2 and its mean competition coefficient at ambient CO2 A linear model was fit Competition response in pair competition predicting competition response in full community Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> |t|) Intercept 0.11 0.04 2.84 0.05 Competition response in pair culture 1.03 0.27 3.81 0.02 R squared 1 0.7840 Competition response in pair competition predicting competition response in full community (Removing Nitzschia in competition with Pseudokirchneriella) Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> |t|) Intercept 0.10 0.03 2.87 0.05 Competition response in pair culture 1.10 0.25 4.42 0.01 R squared 1 0.8304 Competition response in pair competition predicting competition response in full community (Removing Nitzschia in competition with Pseudokirchneriella & Synechococcus) Estimate R squared 1 0.9977 Std. Error t value Pr(> |t|) Intercept 0.07 0.01 12.43 0.00 Competition response in pair culture 1.29 0.04 36.02 0.00