
Sophie’s World Notes:
Philosopher’s Project: Absolutely everything about every natural thing
Aristotle, 384-322 BC, Athens
Student at Plato’s Academy for nearly 20 years
Father was a physician
Founder of ‘science’ as a way of thought
On Plato’s ‘World of Ideas’
The highest degree of reality is what we perceive with our senses (direct contradiction to
Plato’s reason)
Nothing exists in consciousness that has not been experienced first by the senses, no
innate ideas
Reason is a tool with which to categorize and classify sensory experiences
‘Plato was trapped in a mythical world picture in which the human imagination was
confused with the real world.’
Form and Substance
All things are made of ‘substance’ (from dust to dust)
The particular characteristics of a thing give its form (precursor to idea of species)
Within substance is the potential to create the various forms
Plato thought the universal essence of things lie in the world of ideas
Aristotle thought the universal essence of things lie in the things themselves
The Final Cause
There is a purpose behind everything in nature
Developed schemes for classifying the various organisms and objects of the world
Credited with creating logic, valid relationships among various concepts
All things
distinctions based upon what things can do
Man is at the top of nature’s hierarchy, being capable of doing all things
God is ‘first mover’ which sets all things into motion
Man can only achieve happiness by using all of his abilities and fulfilling his potential
Three forms of happiness (all of which must be equally balanced)
o Pleasure and enjoyment
o Free and responsible citizen
o Thinker and philosopher
“Golden Mean”, exercise balance in body, mind, and soul to achieve ‘harmony’ with
Three possible methods of decent government (each with a danger)
Aristocracy, rule by a few, can degenerate into oligarchy
Monarchy, rule by one, but dangerous if used for advantage of individual leader
Democracy, rule by all, can fall into a mob rule
Views on Women
Woman is an ‘unfinished man’
Woman is passive ‘substance’, man is active ‘form’ giver
A view that was later upheld by Christianity throughout the Middle Ages