ANTHR 2L: Physical Anthro Lab Prof. Otte Course Syllabus ANTHROPOLOGY 2L: Physical Anthropology Laboratory Fall 2005 Professor: John Otte, M.A. Phone: (209) 575-6500 ext 8207 Office Hours: by appointment only Email: URL: Physical anthropology is the study of human biology within the framework of evolution. Utilizing laboratory methods, we will investigate the biological basis of human life through the study of genetics, inheritance, and the principles of evolution. We will also be concerned with human adaptation and variation. Physical anthropologists also study non-human primates, thus we will become acquainted with the principal living primates and their social behavior, as well as fossil anthropoids and hominoids. We will then critically analyze the data, methods, theories, and debates surrounding the evolution of hominids, with special emphasis on biocultural evolution. By expanding our knowledge of millions of years of evolution, we will develop a deeper appreciation for the nature of humankind. This course is an introductory lower division course comparable to introductory level anthropology courses at 4-year colleges and universities. If you plan to attend a CSU school this course satisfies area B2 (Life Science) or if you are following the IGETC program this course satisfies Area 5B (Biological Sciences). COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the completion of the course, students should be able to: 1. Define the nature, scope, and methods of anthropology. 2. Discuss the areas of emphasis with physical anthropology. 3. Explain and illustrate the scientific methods, evolutionary theory and evolutionary principles including genetics. 4. Describe and evaluate relevant data from geology, including the process of fossilization. 5. Explain methods used in dating the evidence for human evolution. 6. Discuss the functional anatomy of the Order Primate and describe, compare, and contrast traits shared by members of the Order. 7. Appraise the influence of culture on human biological evolution. 8. Identify important hominid fossil discoveries. 9. Compare and contrast the morphology of hominids. 10. Assess hominid cultural evolution. 11. Evaluate various phylogenetic interpretations of hominid biological and cultural evolution. 12. Discuss human variation—past and present. 13. Evaluate new hominid fossil discoveries reported in the mass media. 1 Delta College ANTHR 2L: Physical Anthro Lab Prof. Otte Course Syllabus TEXT: Required text for this course: France, Diane L. 2004 Lab Manual and workbook for Physical Anthropology, 5th edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson. EXAMS AND GRADING: Exams will cover both lab and lecture materials. Over the course of the semester, there will be two (2) laboratory practicums and a Final Exam. Exams may include matching, practical identification, fill- in questions, short answer question, and essays. Point Breakdown Assignments Labs (15 at 10pts each) Practicum 1 Practicum 2 Primate Report Final Exam Total Points Possible Total Points 150 50 50 100 150 500 Scale for determining your final course grade: 450-500 pts = A (excellent) 10% 400-449 = B (good) 20% 350-399 = C (satisfactory) 30% 300-349 = D (less than satisfactory) 40% 299 or less = F (failing) Be Mindful: Students should retain all graded and returned papers until the end of the semester. While I rarely make mistakes, retaining your papers is proof of grades. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Each new section will be introduced with a short lecture and/or demonstration. Remember, this is a lab. As such, you are expected to already have a background in the material. If you have not had a physical anthropology course or are not currently enrolled in one, I suggest you enroll in a lecture course. A majority of the student’s time will be spent on individual and group study as well as comparisons of the laboratory collections. EARLY EXAMS AND MAKE-UP POLICY: Because this is a one night a week class and as a result of limited lab space, no early exams will be given. Make-up exams will only be given at the discretion of the professor. In the event that a make-up is granted, written proof of the excused absence must be provided. ATTENDANCE POLICY: The student is expected to attend all class sessions. However, it is the student’s responsibility to attend class. You are responsible for all materials presented and announcements made in class. It is YOUR responsibility to get lecture notes from your classmates, not mine. Do not ask me for them! Missing class will result in missing important lecture material which will adversely affect your quiz and exam grades. Missing class WILL RESULT IN LOWER TEST SCORES. 2 Delta College ANTHR 2L: Physical Anthro Lab Prof. Otte Course Syllabus WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Withdrawing from the class is your responsibility! The last day to withdrawal from class without a “W” on your transcript is Friday, September 9th 2005 and the last day to withdrawal from class with a “W” on your transcript is Tuesday, November 15th 2005. Failure to withdraw by the above dates will result in an “F” grade on your records. ***Please note that I do not drop students. This is your responsibility!*** ACADEMIC CONDUCT: While engaged in this course you are expected to abide by the rules of academic conduct. For details on acceptable behavior, see your course catalog. Specifically, plagiarism, cheating, or other types of academic misconduct are totally unacceptable! Copying the work of others is a particular problem, and I will be very strict. If I suspect that you are copying material from ANYWHERE, you will receive a ZERO on that assignment until the issue is resolved (some possible resolutions include confirmation of the validity of your source, a rewrite of the assignment, or a permanent zero [which may result in an “F” in the course]). Remember, I have read all of the material you are reading, and can easily check web sites for suspicious writing. These will be dealt with according to the fullest extent of the rules of this institution. CELL PHONES AND PAGERS: Now for my pet peeve. Active cell phones and pagers will not be tolerated during class so please turn them off! If your cell phone or beeper goes off during class, you will be properly chastised. If you leave class to answer a phone call or to make a phone call, do NOT come back. Cell phones may not be on the desk, in your hand or in any way visible while class is in session— including during testing. They are distracting to me and the other students when they ring in the middle of a lecture. In addition, arriving late and talking to friends during class is distracting and rude to other students and me; if you do this, you will be asked to leave. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR GRADES: It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades. If you care about your grades, then YOU keep track of them. Do not ask me for your grades because I will refer you to this chart. Assignment Labs (15×10 pts) Practicum 1 Practicum 2 Primate Report Final Exam Total Total points Possible 150 50 50 100 150 500 Your total points Note: The schedules and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. 3 Delta College ANTHR 2L: Physical Anthro Lab Prof. Otte Course Syllabus COURSE TOPIC OUTLINE: Week Week 1 Lab Topic Introduction Readings 1 Day of Class Week 2 Genetics Week 3 Biological Classification Week 4 Human Osteology Axial Skeleton Human Osteology Appendicular Skeleton Comparative Anatomy Extant Primates and Comparative Morphology Ch1 pages 1-16 Ch 2 pages 47-51 Ch 3 pages 59-76 Ch 3 pages 76-86 Ch 4 pages 89-106 Ch 5 pages 111-120 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Miocene Hominids Week 12 Early Hominids Week 13 The Genus Homo Week 14 3.1 4.1 5.1 Ch 6 pages 125-127 Ch 7 pages 135-140 Ch 8 pages 145-153 Ch 9 pages 159-166 Ch 10 pages 171-180 6.3 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.1 Thanksgiving Holiday/No Class Anthropometry Week 17 Forensic Anthropology 4 Delta College 2.1 Laboratory Practicum #2 Week 16 Finals Week Lab # No Labs Due 1.1-1.3 Laboratory Practicum #1 Primate Behavior Movie Early Primate Evolution Week 15 st Ch 11 pages 185-190 &193-197 Ch 12 pages 209250 Final Exam 11.1 & 11.2 21.1 Date Thursday August 18th Thursday August 25th Thursday September 1st Thursday September 8th Thursday September 15th Thursday September 22nd Thursday September 29th Thursday October 6th Thursday October 13th Thursday October 20th Thursday October 27th Thursday November 3rd Thursday November 10th Thursday November 17th Thursday, November 24th Thursday December 1st Thursday December 8th Thursday December 15th