4-8-03 - TRIO Wolf Creek Charter School

TRIO/Wolf Creek Distance Learning Charter School
Board Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2003
3:00 p.m.
Board members present: Dr. Sherryl Johnson, Jason Kerkow, Brenda Swanson, Tracy Quarnstrom,
Visitors: Carol Harris; Heide Miller, Director of Business Services ISD 2144; Heidi Neff, parent
Chair, Tracy Quarnstrom, called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Chair Quarnstrom called for approval of the agenda. Quarnstrom made motion to approve the
agenda with additions. Kerkow seconded, motion carried.
Johnson moved to approve minutes of March 11, 2003 meeting as revised, Swanson seconded, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to accept Heidi Neff as a parent representative member of the TRIO Wolf Creek Distance
Learning Charter School Board. Swanson seconded, motion carried.
Miller reported on revenue and expenditures. All Title V funds are expended. Miller presented a preliminary
budget for the 2003-04 school year. Approval of the revised budget will be brought before the board at the May
meeting. Swanson made a motion to hold check #1094 for Cheryl Lange until the final annual report that is due
October 2003 is complete. Quarnstrom seconded the motion, motion passed. Swanson made motion to pay hand
payables in amount of $26,906.75 for check number 1089-1093 and 1095-1102 as submitted with check #1094 in
the amount of $7,500 being withheld. Kerkow seconded the motion, motion carried.
Johnson moved to adopt Policy 524, Internet, Computer and Equipment Usage, Kerkow seconded, motion passed.
Policy 509, Enrollment of Nonresident Students was dismissed as it is not needed by the charter schools. Johnson
moved to adopt Policy 530, Immunization Requirements, Quarnstrom seconded, motion passed. Quarnstrom
moved to adopt Policy 608, Instructional Services – Special Education, Johnson seconded, motion passed. Johnson
made motion to adopt Policy 616, School District System Accountability as revised, Swanson seconded, motion
carried. Quarnstrom moved to adopt Policy 503, Student Attendance, as amended, Swanson seconded, motion
carried. There was discussion on the Truancy Policy and it was determined that would be a Procedure.
Swanson composed a Grading/Incomplete Procedure. Discussion was held concerning the most feasible timeline to
implement the procedure. Johnson made a motion to accept the Grading/Incomplete Procedure as a trial procedure,
Kerkow seconded, motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding board members receiving a stipend for attending the meetings. Swanson made a
motion to give board members a stipend of $25 per meeting retroactive to September, 2002 including former board
member Randy Sprecher. Kerkow seconded, motion carried.
Swanson made motion to appoint Quarnstrom as the LEA Representative and Johnson as the Homeless Liaison for
federal Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) grant application. Quarnstrom seconded the motion,
motion carried.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 6, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. in the Charter School conference room.
Johnson moved that meeting be adjourned, Kerkow seconded the motion, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at
4:40 p.m.
Chair, Tracy Quarnstrom