Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay

Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay
Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay
Knowing how to do an A level Sociology Essay/7/12/98/1997/P.Covington
With reference to the present AEB syllabus, there are three main skills being assessed in your essays.
1. Knowledge and Understanding (9 marks)
2. Interpretation and Application (9 marks)
3. Evaluation (9 marks)
What Does This Mean?
What this means is that for writing an essay is that the content (studies, names of researcher, dates, figures, concepts,
although important need to be organised coherently, applied to a variety of social situations and interpreted, and
expressed in a critical fashion. You must be aware of the skills being highlighted in the question in order to use the
appropriate skills in your essays. You should also practice writing essays regularly and develop a technique which
addresses the skills required so that you can actually answer the question set. I hope that this handout should allow
you to achieve this.
As an example, I shall focus on a question, which appeared in the Paper 2 of 1992. The question is as follows.....
Outline and evaluate the reasons why participant observation is frequently used by
interactionist sociologists.
Stage One
Many students are too quick into diving into an answer. They have focused on certain key terms and ‘assumed’
what the essay requires from a quick look at the question. Instead, the question should be read a number of times.
Task One
With the title provided.
 Analyze the question by underlining the key features in the essay title
 Double underline the skills being assessed, e.g., describe and explain
 Identify any terms or concepts contained in the question. These terms will need to be defined, i.e. concepts such
as interactionists. Essay questions will also include terms, which highlight the skills being assessed, knowledge and
understanding. E.g. (outline, explain the view, what do you understand, examine, describe, Interpretation and
application, identify and illustrate, and Evaluation assess, criticise, how useful, how far, evaluate to what extent and
so on.
 In short, I view the skills like this...
Knowledge and Understanding: includes names of researchers, studies, concepts, description of studies.
Interpretation and Application the way you manage to interpret an idea successfully and how you apply
sociological evidence to support ideas.
Evaluation identifying strengths and weaknesses, what does a theory explain, and what does it not explain, as well
as how valid or reliable is a source of evidence.
Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay
Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay
Stage Two Answering the Question
Arguably, there are two approaches
1. The Jury Approach
Reviews all the relevant debates and cites supportive evidence for each of the debates, then provides a verdict at the
end of the essay in the conclusion. This approach is rather like a court case where evidence for and against the case
is delivered and a verdict, at the end is reached.
2. Advocate Approach
Involves starting the essay with a definite point of view. The account should then proceed to support this view
thoroughly whilst including alternative arguments. However, you should attempt to either reject a statement with
reservations, or accept a statement but with reservations. To totally accept or reject statements is not to deliver an
evaluation. What you should do is to put forward your view in a critical and measured manner.
Stage Three: Plan the Answer (Content, Criticisms, diagrams)
Why is planning an answer important.
1. It acts as a memory recall strategy, by planning an essay before you start to write it.
2. Once you have done this, you can then organize your thought logically.
You can do two ways.
1. Linear notes ( the point by point method). This simply involves making a list of relevant points. This
quick and easy to do but does not always encourage you to think and organize points in a logical fashion. A list of
points can be vital in ensuring that you have remembered all the main points. You should also include the strengths
and weaknesses of an ideas or application of theories and ideas.
2. Spider diagrams (diagram of the points) this involves organizing the points in a diagram - points are
put together if they relevant.
Exercise Two
Construct a spider diagram using the following headings, using the jury approach.
The main reasons why/ for and against
Any secondary main points to support your argument/refute your the argument.
Extra points that arise from your evidence as it accrues.
The main points in verdict.
Your Conclusion/verdict
This is only a guideline you can use other headings if you so desire.
Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay
Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay
Stage Four: Writing and Introduction
Introductions are an important element of a successful essay. The introduction should....
 provide the overall structure for the essay
 Should help you address the question asked.
It should include
many of the key points to be made
a definition of terms stated in the essay title.
An indication of the approach of the essay
sets up the debate between the different theories and interpretations
Stage Five
it is time you thought of the way to present the main points that form the answer to the question. The best way to do
this is to put the main points into paragraphs.
Often, the way you express a point shows the skills being used. Tony Lawson for example supports the idea that the
way that the argument is structured which often shows the marker if the points in the essay are being analysed.
In particular, the phrases you will use will provide the examiner with the clues that you are demonstrating the skills
being assessed. There are ways in which you can build up an argument or critique a point in a way that show the
marker which skill you are using. The following points may help you develop ideas and link them together to either
support or criticise a case...
Support Links
Further evidence supports the view that....
In addition... supports the view that....
In support of the view that... (a theorist) also believes that....
Increasing support of the view that.... Is.....
Not only does experimental evidence strengthen the.... theory but case studies have also been used to lend further
Critical Links
Critical links which evaluate the previous point/views/theories/evidence. These will illustrate that you are attempting
to evaluate....
An alternative theory to...view...was developed by...who...stated that.....
A major criticism of the...view is....
A major weakness of the...theory is....
Whereas the...view focuses on...the...view explores....
Analysis may stretch further when examining....
Although the...theory is supported by a variety of evidence, certain evidence contradicts the theory
A different explanation of.... Has been offered by...
A major strength of the...theory is....
Once a paragraph has been introduced, the following points may help you structure the paragraph. A paragraph must
contain the following features.....
 It should be attempting to make one point
 It should begin with an opening sentence, which expresses the main point; the opening sentence might well link
with previous paragraphs.
 Support sentences should follow. These support sentences should include.... An example if applicable. In
addition, a brief mention of further examples could be included to broaden the scope of the main point.
 Finally, the paragraph should end with a concluding sentence. This may well clarify your main point and can
help lead into the next paragraph.
Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay
Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay
Stage Six: Write a Conclusion
Many students have stated that they find this extremely difficult. What should be included? Here are some ideas what
to do and what not to do!
Try Not To
 repeat all the point you have stated
 Do not start a conclusion with ‘Thus we can see’ This is too simplistic. If everyone could see the same thing and
come to the same conclusion there would be no debate at all!
 Do not choose one view or perspective over another for the sake of something to write. You need to be convinced
and you need to justify your decision. Far better to state why you cannot arrive at a decision - this could show
that you really have evaluated the material.
What to include...
It does depend upon the title and on the approach you have adopted. If you have adopted the jury approach, you
must arrive at a considered verdict.
If you have adopted the advocate approach, you will need to reconsider you standpoint, pointing out the
problems about your approach.
You can ask questions about the topic e.g., do you think there is enough evidence to enable you to support any
viewpoint? What research might you wish to know in order to come to a considered viewpoint?
How can you improve your Essay Technique?
 When writing an essay, try going through the stages in this handout
 practice identifying the three assessed skills in essay titles
 Although it may be time consuming, practice designing plans for your essays.
 Be aware of language you use when writing your main points. Use some of the ideas in the handout which link
ideas together to criticise points.
Sociological Review, Volume No 4, November 1994
Questions and Answers, Get skilled Up, Tony Lawson, Social Studies Review, Nov 1986
Knowing how to do an A Level Sociology Essay