Portable Inflatable Protective Enclosure (“PIPE”) You, your family


Portable Inflatable Protective Enclosure


You, your family, neighbor, shopper, platoon, squad or anyone, for that matter, may immediately need a

Portable Inflatable Protective Enclosure (“PIPE”). Each PIPE is the same in concept except for the number of people they protect from airborne poisons including nuclear radiation. The potential of a poison gas attack or radio-active leak are more real today than ever before! A failure or delay to implement existing, inexpensive and effective proactive protection for groups and individuals must not remain an “option” because the consequences and stakes are enormously high! Consider these third-party findings: (1) New

York Times reports that 13,000 deaths in New York City would occur from one anthrax attack along with billions in financial losses. (2) Towers Perris Consulting Group estimates $90 billion in workers compensation losses will be incurred - 3 times greater than the entire $30 billion workers compensation industry reserve. (3) Risk Management Solutions believes an attack in downtown New York City would result in 173,000 casualties and estimates $91 billion in losses from workers compensation as a direct result. (4) Allstate Corporation stated that nuclear, biological [including a pandemic as expressed in the movie “Contagion”] or chemical terrorist attack “could literally destroy the entire capital base of the insurance industry – mirroring, perhaps dwarfing, the disaster of the 2007 “housing bubble”. Even though these events stem from a small or “lone” terrorist effort, the effect is, quite frankly, REAL AND


Quick & Available?

Yes. The new and patented PIPE Life Suit (lower right) is simpler, easier to use & much less expensive than the long existing HazMat Suits. Yet, on a moment’s notice, an untrained user is able to be protected against predictable events. This PIPE (“Life Suit”) dramatically minimizes injuries and possible loss of life. A “Life Suit” is inexpensive, easily accessible, convenient, lightweight, portable, and is a personal

PIPE which inflates around the occupant(s) from a continuous in-flow of safe/clean/breathable CBRN filtered air drawn into the enclosure by a battery powered blower.

What Should

Our Government Do?

First: Obtain and store appropriates sized PIPE’s at key nuclear power plants and other significant facilities.

Second: Train First Responders for rapid deployment of PIPEs. Third: Make PIPEs available to and train the public how to use them. Result: The public becomes knowledgeable, proactive and no longer a victim to industrial accidents or terrorist threats.

In seconds, anyone can step into an PIPE – an inflatable, impermeabeable clear plastic membrane that will inflate to protect at least one individual. The potential victim can easily operate the PIPE just by getting into it, zipping it closed and turning on the battery powered air pump. That’s it! The air pump inflates the PIPE with clean/breatheable air pulled into the enclosed space through a CBRN filter. The continuous supply of clean air keeps the PIPE inflated (positive pressure) and pushes the “used” air outside through the one-way air pressure valves. Once the PIPE is fully inflated, about 15 seconds for a Life Suit, the occupant is able to walk to safety.

The patented, $190.00, “Life Suit” is a clear plastic, easy-to-carry, easy-to-use, inexpensive, light-weight personal protection device, destined to become the first-line of defense for people against a poisonous chemical, biological or radiation leak, spill or attack. Alternatively, a HazMat Suit is priced between $2,000 and $4,500 and, even worse, all the operating equipment must be regulated from the outside! Consider today’s realities: the release of poison chemicals, whether by accident or on-purpose is not predictable but it is becoming more and more likely. Viruses and diseases are passed by the air we breathe, but many viruses

/ poison gases are passed through the air and come in contact with the skin – so, clearly a simple face mask and hand washings will not help. The public needs immediate availability of a safe enclosure for the whole body or the whole family (which they completely control from the inside!).

The United States Department of Homeland Security defines a hazmat suit as “an overall garment worn to protect people from hazardous materials or substances, including chemicals, biological agents, or radioactive materials. Hazmat suits generally have limited breathing air supplies to provide clean, uncontaminated air

for the wearer.” The “Life Suit” does much more; it filters & cleans the unlimited supply of external air from the airborne dangers and supplies it directly to the wearer (4-24 hours). Because the “Life Suit” uses the unlimited supply of air and then filters/cleans the air, there is no limit to the duration of time the wearer can remain in a hostile environment (except to change batteries & filters which can be done by the wearer inside the suit). The “Life Suit” is a “gastight suit” and protects the wearer from basically any outside influence apart from heat and cold.

The concept of the “Life Suit” is simple and straightforward. When a person is in an enclosed space, such as an office, subway, mall, sport stadium, etc., and without warning, poisonous gas, either by accident or on-purpose, begins to leak into their area, what will they do or what can they do? Like a plastic rain coat carried in glove compartment, briefcase, purses, etc., the clear “Life Suit” can be pulled out, opened, and easily put on by stepping inside, and from the inside, zip it closed. Switch on the battery powered air pump to pull air into the “Life Suit” through the CBRN air filter. The “Life Suit” is constructed of a clear flexible

plastic that enables the wearer to observe and be observed while remaining safe from the air-borne danger. The same process is true for any sized PIPE.

Purpose: The purpose of the Life Suit is to create an immediately available safe environment for an individual (and infant or small pet) when alerted to or confronted by a poison gas leak or terrorist gas attack. Therefore, a full body environment wiith air-blower and CBRN filter is the only responsible solution. The inflated Life Suit (prototype shown to the right) helps to illustrate the PIPE’s simple, self-contained, light-weight, ease to of use and mobility concept.

Prevention, preparation and time are the first critical line of a person’s defense against chemical leak or warfare. It is the vulnerability of a trusting citizenry going about their normal daily activities that make them a “rich” target environment when they are the focus of chemical warfare, an accidental leak from stored or transported poisonous chemicals or the random victim of a deadly virus. The “Life Suit” should be the first line of defense for the individual, family, neighbor and friends.

Homeland Security Might Consider: (1) Deploy a rapid response supply of PIPE’s for immediate use when a hzard presents itself to the unsuspecting & vunerable. (2) Store at or near high value targets or vunerable sites, such as Nuclear facilities near fault or shore lines.

A statistic to note: There are 65 nuclear power plants (104 reactors) operating in the United States. After radioactive material escaped from Japan’s Fukushima power plant, everyone within 20 miles of the plant was evacuated. In the United States, there are 19,485,838 people living within 20 miles of a nuclear plant

(“Nuclear Power Plant Protection Zones”).

At this point, we are in the development and final testing stage. If you are interested, please call or e/mail and ask us about PIPE. Thanks!




Boston: 617-639-6794

Washington (DC): 202-664-9445

Dallas: 976-765-3604 jim.grasso@grassoenergy.com

